844-Lancaster Finning, Saturday, April 8, 2000 FRI APR 21 - 9AM Tractor Truck, Backhoe, Bumper Cars, Building Material Diversified Liq uidators, 310 S Broad St, Hel lam, PA Woloemutti Aucts FRI APR 21 - TPM Blue Ribbon Show Pig Sale Cambria Co Fair grounds Keith Bard family Portage Harry H Bachman auct FRI APR 21, SAT APR 22 - 9 30AM Estate of Charles E Ham Antiques, Collectibles Household Woodworking Tools. Lawn Tractors. Real Estate Old Stale Rd Klmgerstown, PA Mark J Jones Auct SAT APR 22 - SAM Estate of Ruth I Slutonan 40 miles N of Harrisburg Lykens, Pa Lee D Dockey, Dockey-Romberger, Deppen aucts SAT APR 22-8 30AM Coke and other collectibles, mowers, furni ture From Rt 83 exit 12 turn E on Susquehanna Trail and go 3/4 PUBLIC AUCTION Machinery Dispersal Williams Dairy, Inc., Aldie, Virginia, Loudoun County Saturday, April 15, 2000 At 9:30 A.M. DIRECTIONS: From Leesburg, Virginia, go South on Route 15 - 13 miles to Gilbert s Corner. Go Fast on Route 50 for approxi mately 1 mile to Watson Road. Turn left. Auction is approximately I. miles on left. Look for signs. TRACTORS: 709 N.I. Uni System with 843 N 3-row picking H.D. 737 picking unit, #6200 chopper, 6221 feeder house and 10’ direct cut IT® SS HD; 986 Int - with cab > weights and duals; Farmall 806 cab N.F. and weights; Farmall 806 W.F.D.; Farmall 656 with 2000 loader; Farmall M; Farmall 300 fast hitch and T.A.; Massey Ferguson #7ll gas bobcat; 300 Farmall Utility. TRUCKS; 1984 Chevrolet C7O with 16’ grain body and dump -1970 1600 Int. with 16’ cattle body enclosed; Honda 4 trax. TILLAGE AND PLANTING EQUIPMENT; 10’ Miller offset disc; J.D. #714 mulch tiller 12’; J.D. #lOlO field cultivator 18’; J.D. #950 cultimulcher; J.D. #7OOO corn planter hyd.markers well kept; J. #B3OO grain drill; Befco 209 3-pt. seeder. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: Woods #315 batwing bush hog; 326 N.H. baler with kicker; Pequea 8’ hay tedder, four 18’ hay wagons; 30’ hay elevator; N.H. #352 mixer grinder; #535 J.D. round baler; PTO portable generator with air compressor unit 15 K.W; 75W portable generator with trailer, 3-pt. round bale unroller; Shaver post driver; Danueser 3-pt. log splitter; 16’ aluminum grain elevator; Little Giant transfer elevator, Fast hitch scraper, 25,000 KW PTO generator; 14’ electric elevator silage; Fast hitch 4-row cultivator; Three J.D. 716 A silage wagons; Three Flat wagons; Int. #56 silage blower; Calf cart; Fast hitch sickle bar mower; 32’ Hay elevators 1 little giant; Two Jamesway silo unloaders 14’; Two Silomatic silo unloaders 24; 35’ Silage elevators; Feeding system 100 auto bunk feeders; 100’ of 9” blower pipe; Two blower sileage. MANURE EQUIPMENT: N.I. #3632 manure spreader, N.H. #327 manure spreader; Calument #l2 ftpp. liquid manure pump; Stationary liquid manure pump; Two Calumet 3200 gal. liquid manure spreaders - excellent shape. CATTLE AND MISCELLANEOUS; Big Valley head chute- Apache 50-bushel calf creep; 4-section poly, feed bunks; Wooden gates for calf pens; 475 gallon poly tank; 200 gallon water trough; Corner hay racks; Corner feed tubs; Six Solar fence chargers; Three HOv fence chargers; Portable HD chute; Two 8-stall calf creeps; Twelve round bale feeders; Lots of pipe gates 8’ to 16’ long; Wooden feed trough; Four 10’ poly feed bunks; Vigortone mineral feeders; Two Ritchie waterers; Fence post 1/2 round; Steel post and miscellaneous. ’ SHOP EQUIPMENT: Two Green machine weed eaters; Floor jacks; Electric welder; Portable welder; Grease guns; Top links; Two 16x28 tractor chains; Bale spear for manure bucket; miscella neous shop tools; and many miscellaneous items too numerous to mention. ALCIIONEERS damf^ 0 ° TILLETTSw AUCTION BARN Virginia Auction Licenses 141 and 680 (703) 729-0936 and (540) 668-6179 TERMS OF SALE - CASH OR CHECK WITH I.D. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. FOOD SERVED BY THE LADIES AUXILIARY FOR THE ALDIE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. Auctioneers’ Note: Williams Dairy has been in operation for over 75 years and all machinery has been shed-kept and well maintained. mile to sale onr ight For Bob Smith Nevm B Rentzel, Zachery R Gross, aucts SAT APR 22 - 8 30AM For the Luther H Lehr Estate Tractors, trucks, antiques & collectibles, tools, misc 730 Sinking Springs Lane, York, Pa Ethel M Lehr, owner Rick Foreman Ralph Brenneman aucts SAT APR 22 - 8 30AM - Horse 10AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wal lace Rd , New Holland, PA Mel Hoover, Auctioneer SAT APR 22 - 9AM Antiques, household goods, fine mahg chest, ice box, iron & tinware, old tools prr items At Al Starr Fire men s Building, Village of Willow St, Lane Co , Pa By Mr & Mrs William R Colmery Howard E Shaub, Inc, auct SAT APR 22- 9AM Real estate tools, woodworking equip, lum ber, personal property Oak St Schaefferstown, Pa By Leroy R & Edna M Shaak Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts SAT APR 22 - 9AM Real estate. construction equip, building mate- WILLIAMS DAIRY, INC. Aldie, Virginia rials, tools East side Ml'Pleas aanl Rd , S Londonderry Twp, Palmyra Pa Klemfelter's Auction Service SAT APR 22 - 9AM Farm Equip ment & Antiques At 181 Maple Flower Rd , Glenmoore Terms By John C Smith, Jr Horning Farm Agency, Inc SAT APR 22 9AM Real estate household goods, antiques, JD riding mower & 1994 Olds Off Rt 30 in Greenfield Exit, property on corler lot at 602 Enfield Dr E Lampeter Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Raymond E & Lydia H Denlmger Robert E, Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, aucts SAT APR 22 - 9AM Real estate, woodland, antiques, household goods 1581 Ml Wilson Rd, Leb S Londonderry Twp, By Nora M Youlz, Harry Bachman, auct SAT APR 22 - 9AM Farm & Gar den Equip, Tools, Antiques, HH Goods at 2520 Black River Rd , Bethlehem, PA Helen H Dickin son, Owner Ralph W Zettlemoy er, Auct SAT APR 22 - 9AM Real estate, antiques, furniture, glassware & household goods At 811 Newport Ave, Gap Lane Co p» il Jr of Josephine Souders Barr Davis aucts SAT APR 22 -9AM Carpenter & mechanical tools, antiques & col lectibles, household goods At R- Own Dairy Biuldmg 1 mile E of Matamoras, Pa David Deibler, Ed Shoop, aucts SAT APR 22 9 30AM Cora Williams Estate, Leßaysville, Pa 93 yr old lady w/country home full of primitives, Oak, cherry furni ture, Carlton & Archie Williams exc Shamrock Auct Service SAT APR 22 -10 AM Antique & Collectible Auction l[-83 to Exit 13 follow 382 N 3 1/2 miles to blinking light turn left go 1 1/2 mi to auction By Gary L Sweilzer Auction Co SAT APR 22 -10 AM Hunting & Fishing License Auction Jersey town Community Center along Rt 254 Howard Fuehrer owner George S Kapp, Jr, Ben C Kapp, aucts SAT APR 22 -10 AM, Vehicles, construction machinery & support SAT APR 22 - IPM 12 Belgian Yor j A . ve ' Draft Hor es, geldings & Mares Wilmington, De Nationwide Auc- Held at Mercer 4-H Park, Rt 19 N lion Systems 0 ( Mercer, Pa Sheman Allen, 10AM Farm auct Er ' of Kevmar SAT APR 22 - ■£** K ® yma l SAT APR 22 - 2PM Margaret and NW of Union Bridge in Carroll Genteel, Reedsville, Pa 2 Bed- Co, Md Duane and Susan Rod- room home, antiques, colelctibtes key, owners Denny Remsburg, & persona) property Massinger & ft uct Courtney, aucts PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, APRIL 22 10 AM Newark Valley, NY 50 Tractors 25 Construction 40 Antique Tractors Consignments. Watch Next Week’s Paper For Big Picture Ad. GOODRICH AUCTION SERVICE, INC. Rt. 38 & 388 iSalv Newark Valley, NY 13811 fIHU (607) 642-3293 P I Fax (607) 642-3295 PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 15, 2000 9:30 a.m. From Middleburg, PA, N. on Rt. 104 3 miles, turn W on Middle Rd., 1 mile to sale site, Centre Twp,, Snyder Co. REAL ESTATE Spacious ranch home having eat-in kitchen, liv ing room, 4 bedrooms, full bath & laundry room. Full basement w/half bath, oil h.w. heat, 200 amp service. Breezeway w/attached 2 car garage. Detached 2 car garage w/workshop area on 2nd floor. Situated on approx. 1 acre. Inspection Ph. 837-3348 or 966-0315. Terms: 10% down, Balance Due Within 45 Days. Lead Base Paint Testing May Be Done 10 Days Prior to The Auction At The Potential Buyers Expense. Real Estate Offered At 12 Noon. ANTIQUES - COLLECTIBLES Oak Wardrobe, Comes Apart w/1 Drawer Base; Oak Veneer Buffet; 1940’s Buffet; Plank Bottom Chairs and Rocker; Nursing Rocker; 3 Dropleaf Tables; Lane Cedar Chest; Cedar Wardrobes; Clothes Tree, Redware Crock w/Handle, Some Chips; Violin w/Case; Halls Nest of Bowls; Fire King Jadite Mixing Bowl; Mixing Bowls; Depression Glass; 10 Peanut Butter Glasses; Gramteware White w/Red Trim and BlueAVhite and Gray; Egg Scales and Basket; Milk Can; Wash Boiler; Hanson Scale; Chrome Tea Kettle; Green Canning Jars, Some Dated; Kerosene Lamps; Meat Hooks; Wooden Adv. Boxes; Tray - The Middleburg Bakery, G.D. Peters Prop; Pt. Milk Bottles Embossed (3) Citizens Milk Co. Lewisburg - 3 Clarence A Erdley Miffhnburg (2) Wehr’s Dairy Mifflinburg; Half Pt. and Qts. Painted Fishers Dairy Kreamer Middleburg; Pt. Glen Lock Sunbury; Sprinkling Cans; Hens on The Nest; Milk Glass Water Set; Berry Carriers; C I. Fry Pans; Treadle Sewing Machine; Lantern; Etc.; Sears Upright Freezer; Household; GE I Door Ref.; Whirlpool Auto. Washer; GE Dryer; Fngidaire 16.6 Ref. Freezer; 9 Pc. Wooden Dinette Set; 4 Pc. Modern Bedroom Suite; Singer Elec. Sewing Machine; 4 Pc. Patio Set; Wooden Folding Chairs, New Perfection 3 Burner Kerosene Stove w/Oven; Perfection 4 Burner Kerosene Stove; Ovens For On Top Of Stoves; Single And Double Mattresses, Wooden Wardrobe; Metal Base Cabinets; Birch Hutch; Microwave Stand; Veg. Dryer; Canner, Etc ; J.D. 110 Riding Lawn Tractor w/Newer Mower Deck, Old Gas Walk Behind Sickle Bar Mower by Jan Products; Push Cultivators; 2 Section Harrow, 2 Wheel Lawn Trailer; Wheelbarrow. Car Ramps; Law n/Garden Fools, Pennant Rotary Mower. Misc Lumber, 2 Ton Floor Jack; Half and Bushel Baskets; Homelite Weedeatei; Pruners: Grease Gun; Gas Cans; Etc TERMS: Cash or PA Check Lunch ww w auctionads com wwvv auction-locator.com Owners: Paul A. Kuhns, Joseph A. Kuhns, Dorothy E. Conrad, Ruth A. Phillips Attorney: Charles J. Ax - MARK J. JONES, AUCTIONEER 181 Phone (570) 28&O052 • Lie. #AU 1595-L ' Pi. Jeff Dunkelberger • Lie. #AU 3043-L SAT APR 22- 11AM Roland X Marlin, Gram Farm and Trucks Auction Wallace (Steuben Co) NY Roland (Marty) Martin Pirru mq Aucts SAT APR 22 -11 AM Real estate, 1 bldg lot,9ac on Winter hill Rd Centre Twp Berks Co 1 Bid lot 3 22 ac on Jungle Rd Upper Bern Twp, Berks Co By David A Greth, Horning Farm Agency, Inc 610-286-5183 SAT APR 22 - 3PM Limousin mHesnhi««.T,-c.~i Cattle Auction Friends Stock- Auct F d yard, Accident, Md Joe Friend, auct MON APR 24 - 4PM Antiques. "ousSs S coXc?, q b^' Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryvtlle, Rreneman'j? cSlfnSf ° Pa Harry H Bachman, auct Sechnsl Aucts MON APR 24 - IPM 91 5 Acre Anrtim 9 4 0^2°nt M 99 , ' ll | S & Limestone Farm Clay/Ephrata es,o W n p a C L &ird L £ Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Amos M ra Bard ' L B Mllls ' & Laura B Hursh Aaron Martin, - ULls auct MON. APR 24 • 6PM Real MON APR 24 - 2 30PM Rein- hi™ te ß«»2?TJ2? 'i 2?‘Jv! C 'n' holds Fire Co Banquet Hall, Rt S By 897 Remholds, Antiques and per- Manbeck Harr V Bachman, sonal property Ellen Walk Estate === PUBLIC AUCTION & SAX, APR. 14 & 15 @ 9:00 AM Loc 1130 Lancaster Pike, Dnimore, Lancaster Co, PA (Dir Take Rlc 272 S 13 miles S of Lancaster (I mile S from Rte 272 & 372 intersec ) (LOCATED AT THE JOCKEY LOT BLDG.I FURN. & DISPLAY CASES: Tall Armoire, Oak dresser, comer cab, rd ped tbl, washstnd Sc pitcher Sc bowl stand Desks, droplf tbl, cradle clothes trees, quilt rack, baker’s tbl, rope bed, nnsc rkrs & chrs, etc COLLECTS. & ANTIQUES: WOOD, wash mach, butter churn w/stand, stompcr, roll pm, baskets, mantel, shelf Sc wall clocks, Hess & Wmross trucks. IRON, skillets, bacon press, ice tongs, food gr, door slops, BRASS & COPPER. TIN, candle mold, signs, cookie cut ters, lanterns, pictures. MISC. JEWELRY. GLASS & CHINA. MISCti BOOKS. LINENS. BOTTLES Sc JARS. RECORDS. CHRIST. & HOLIDAY DECORS. LAWN MOWERS: MTD 5 H P push w/bagger YARDMAN push, wood ladder, misc hand tools, bikes, lawn oms FOOD SERVED NICE 2 day Auction LOTS OF ITEMS 1 ! Auction by BARRY & DONNA TANGERT PROBST FAMILY AUCTION ERIC R. PROBST, AucL AU-001856-L, 464-3700 PUBLIC SALE OF NEW AND USED LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Saturday, April 15, 2000 At 9:00 A.M. Sharp Location: 1700 Ritner Hwy. (Rt. 11), approx. 3 mi. north of Shippensburg, Cumberland Co., PA. NEW LUMBER: 14 pc. 2"xlo"x2o', 26 pc. 2"xl0”xl8', 13 pc. 2"xlo"xl6', 11 pc. 2"x8"xl8', 56 pc. 2"xB"xl6’, 8 pc. 2"xB"xl2’, 64 pc. 2"x6”x2o', 199 pc. 2"x6"xlB', 113 pc. 2"x6"xl6', 81 pc. 2"x6"xl4', 54 pc. 2"x6"xl2', 48 pc. 2"x4"x2o'. 103 pc. 2"x4"xlB', 1800 pc. 2”x4"xl6', 772 pc. 2"x4”xl4', 771 pc. 2"x4"xl2', 91 pc. 2"x4"xlo', 215 pc. 2"x4"xB', new nails, 500 lbs. siding screws. r ' ' USED ROOF TRUSSES: 81 44 trusses, 4/12 pitch; 40-20' trusses. USED LUMBER: 600 pc. 2"x4"xl6', 300 pc. 2"x4"xl2'; 300 pc. 2"x4"xB’, 400 pc. 2"x6"xB', 150 pc. 2”x6"xl4' tongue and groove, 100 pc. 2"xB"xl4' tongue and groove, 280 pc. 2"xB"xl4' treated, 60 pc. 2"xlo"xl4', 75 pc. 2"xlo"xl6', 60 pc. 4"x6"xlo' posts, 60 pc. 4"x6"xlB’ posts, 200 pc. 4"x4"xB' treated posts, 250 pc. 4'xl2'xs/8” insulation. SPECIAL NOTE: 320 pc. 2"xB"xl4' OLD white oak, 2"xB"xl6' poplar, white pine barn siding, old bam beams, 100 14' telephone poles, 100 10' tele phone poles. ROOFING AND SIDING: 250 pc. 24' roofing, very good condition, 200 pc. 12' red roofing; 75 pc. 22’ white painted steel, 8 pc. 7'xB' barn doors w/roll track, new trim, soffit, fascia, corners, etc. FANS AND FEED BINS: 14 48" fans w/motors, exc. cond., 25 36" stainless steel fans, 2 12T feed bins, 1 26T feed bin, good cond. EQUIPMENT AND MISC.: 85 KW single phase generator w/IH L.P. gas engine w/automat ic transfer switch, electric pallet jack, JD high pressure washer, 3 water heaters, 4 pressure tanks, 150 3/4 - 1-1/2 HP motors, 2 200 amp service pan els, 2 150 amp service panels, 3 phase electric service panels, 2 industrial air compressors w/80 gal. tanks and 3 HP motors, 2 2 HP hydraulic pumps, Modine gas heater, dfy type 480 V trans former, 200 amp 3 phase service panels, dimmer switches, 2 electronic scales; 300 lb. electronic platform scales, 30 4'xB'xs/16” ne\V woven wire, 2 DeLaval #76 milker pumps, 3 office desks, lots of service wire, copper wire, electrical boxes, 600 pc. 1-1/2"x2"xlo' angle iron, 2 40' flatbed tandem axle trailers, no titles POULTRY BUTCHERING EQUIPMENT: Chicken pluckeis, stainless steel bowls and tables, 12 30"x50" stainless sieel caits w/swivcl wheels. NOTE: This is only a partial listing. More lumber and equipment will be added Positively no con signments accepted. Terms by; LAWRENCE R. MARTIN 1700 Ritner Hwy., Shippensburg, PA Ph. 717-530-8443 Auctioneers: Lamar Z. Sensenig 532-9160 Lie. #AU-001803-L Andrew Martin 532-5382 Not responsible for Accidents Food Stand Reserved. ;h(
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