LATE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION SATURDAY AFTERNOON LEWRENZA BYRD has discontinued his grain operation and will sell the following equipment at Public Auction on: Saturday, April IS, 2000 Beginning at 3:00 PM US Rt. 50 & Woodyard Rd. - Willards, MD (EQUIPMENT MOVED FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE TO PETE RICHARDSON AUCTION SALES - ALSO SELLING LIKE NEW GARDEN ITEMS FROM AN ESTATE) SMALL ITEMS AT 3:00 PM FOLLOWED BY THE EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED John Deere 8820 Turbo Combine, 4WD, new concave, new chopper, shed kept, only 3013 hrs w/220 gram table, John Deere 643 6 row oil bath corn head; John Deere 750 drill no till, mint cond, planted only 1200 to 1400 acres, pull type, front dolly, Chandler 16’ PTO spreader, like new, 1975 GMC 6500 w/57,000 miles, 5x2 trans, 427, air brakes, 16' metal floor body, exc cond, 1966 Chevrolet 6 cyl 265, Case IH 475. 16’ disc; KMC 10' chisel plow, Brillion 16’ crows foot packer, Brillion 6 rowS tine cultivator, JD 4x16 plow & 6x16 plows ESTATE ITEMS - Like new Chipper Shredder, Log Splitter; Troy Built Rotary Tiller, Troy Built Cycle Bar Cutter, Grader Blade; Older Bush Hog CONSIGNMENT ITEMS - Ford 555 B Backhoe, 4WD exfen dahoe, total rebuild engine & transmission, injector pump, bushings (work done by Selbyville Ford), new paint, 1989 Freighfliner, 400 cat, 10 sp, 1989 Volvo, 425 Cat. 13 sp, 1981 Chev Van w/Reefer, 1986 Int’l SI 600 w/18’ Dump, 1992 GMC Starcraft Conversion Van, 95,000 miles, MD INSPECTED, fully loaded, all leather TOOLS & MISC - 3 Air Compressors, Wheel Balancer, Band Saw; Parts Washer; Pressure Washer, Craftsman Tool Boxes, Lg Quantity of Shop Supplies, Tire Changer, Nuts, Bolts & Etc. OPEN FOR CONSIGNMENTS - ALL CARS, TRUCKS & TRACTORS NEED TO START, HAVE GOOD BATTERIES AND PLENTY OF GAS ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS - SATURDAY, APRIL 8 FROM 8.00 AM TO 400 PM ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY FROM 8 00 AM TO 4 00 PM AND ON SATURDAY, DAY OF SALE, UP T 0 12 00 NOON THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO ADDITIONS AND DELETIONS HAULING AVAILABLE TERMS - Cash or Good Check Day of Sale Titles will be held for 10 business days unless paid for by cash or cashier’s check There will be a $l5 00 entry fee for anything with a title There will be a $25 00 Buyer Premium on Titled Items pete ft— , AUCTION RICHARDSON V SALFS PO. Box 51, Willards, MD 21*75 410-546-2425 LARGE MACHINERY & ANTIQUE AUCTION BEEN IN ONLY 3 FAMILIES, SINCE 1810 SATURDAY, APRIL 15 - 9:30 AM LOCATED SUSQUEHANNA CO., AUBURN TWP. ON RT. 267 BETWEEN MESHOPPEN AND LAWTON, PA ACROSS FROM JERSEY HILL CHURCH FARM MACHINERY: TRACTORS: Int. 656 w/comfort cab, hydro, new motor, 3 pt. hitch, 4 hydraulic Super H w/battery under seat, new windbreaker. HAY EQUIPMENT: NH Mod. 271 baler w/thrower, JD 24 baler w/thrower, MF #l2 baler w/thrower, NH 256 Rolabar hayrake, JD rake, NH Mod. 459 9’ haybine, Farmhand wheel rake, 16’ Groves hay wagon - wooden racks, 2 NI 9’ cut condi tioners, 36’ hay & grain elevator 2/220 motor. FOLIAGE: NH Super 7-17 chopper - com head, NH Mod. 770 chopper - 2 heads - grass/com, Int. 120 self unleading wagon - tandem axle, flotation tires - 20,000# - like new, Gehl self unloading wagon - both covered, NI running gear, Grove chopper wagon, JF & INT. 4 row com planters w/fertilizers, NH 26’ blower, Allis Chalmers table blower. TILLAGE: Int. Mod. 710 16” 3 bottom plow w/automatic reset, Int. 9’ transport disc. JD lime sower - on rubber, Allis Chalmers all crop Mod. 66 combine 5’ cut, bagger w/tractor motor, JD Moline Mod. Fll hole grain drill - sten ciled, iron wheels - like new, NI Mod. 213 manure spreader, ARPS 8’ 3 pt. hitch heavy duty back blade, large roller, spike tooth harrow, Walsh 200 gal. sprayer/pump, 2 wheel trailer, cultipacker, Arctic 292 Snowmobile, 2 pt. hitch post hole digger, concrete mixer, 200 gal. gas tank, McCulloch 2 man chain saw, alum. 40’ ext. ladder, chicken nest - 10, Western saddle, 3 - 13’ gates, vacuum dumping station. IH & DeLaval milker. Surge milkers. Universal milker pump, Girton 600 gal. bulk tank w/ compressor, new Mod. 501 elec, water heater, cow petitions, 36” bam fan, 15-34 mud & snow chains. ANTIQUES; Oak dropfront desk w/leaded glass door. Conn, style cherry 1/2 column chest - 4 dr., Princess dresser - Serpentine front w/bev. mirror, Birdseye maple Serpentine 2/4 dr. dresser - bev. mirror, 2 pine tea tables, walnut square marble top table, 6# oak drop-leaf table - long leaves, 1 dr. cherry stand, mahogany DL table, spool bed, square pine tables, 4 oak T back chairs, Franklin 7 dr. oak sewing machine, 2/4 dr. oak serpentine dresser & matching washstand, spool cabinet, single maple bed, pine drop-leaf table, pine wooden chest, drying rack, ironware, canning jars, St. Louis Worlds Fair glass hatchet 1803-1904, Serv. 12 blue Willow, Winchester 32 special Mod. 94, 2 pc. LR set Hardwick gas stove, Westinghouse wash er/dryer, hide a bed, maple chairs. Sentry safe. Pot belly stove. ** 2 Seated Buggy - WWC Co. ** Pony cart/hamess, wooden wheelbarrow, walk behind cultivator, scoop, copper boiler, bean scales, x-cut saws, primitive tools, iron wheels, harness parts, milk cans, sleds, scythes, wooden stanchions, beam drill, quantity small primitives. INSPECTIONS: 12:00-2:00 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 14TH SALE ORDER: 9:30 AM Antiques/Small Tools: 12:30PM Machinery ** This is a large auction. Everything has been kept inside!! One not to miss with many surpris es!!** TERMS: CASH/VISA/MC/PA Checks LUNCH SHAMROCK AUCTION SERVICE AIM 16 AUCTIONEERS; Jerry Burke & Assoc. LOUISE * Ph0ne:(570)833-5913 Fax: (570)833-2186 * WHITE Members; PA/NAA/CAI/NYSAA PUBLIC AUCTION wL Sat., April 15,2000 ai9;o«am Located 20 miles west of Pottsville, 5 miles north of JHiH Hearns and 1 mile south of Pitman in the Mahantongo Valley, Schuylkill Co, PA From 1-81 exit 34 take Route 25 west to square in Begins (Route 125) Turn North on Route 125 and proceed approx 5 miles to crossroad at Jack's Spot Cafd Turn east and 1 mile to auction site TRACTOR, FARM and ORCHARD ITEMS Ford 3400 Industrial Tractor w/Loader & Forks, Hesston 220 Articulating Lawn Mower; Friend Air Blast Sprayer wAVisconsm & Willys Engines, 3 Pt 18" Post Hole Digger, 3 Pt PTOA, r Compressor, Woods 3 Pt 7’ Offset Rotary Mower, Orchard Tree Hoe 3 Pt Scoop, Truck & Tractor Chains, Diadem Wood Chipper w/12 HP Engine, Homelite, McCulloch & Remington Chain Saws, MF Lawn Sweeper, Durand Apple Grader w/(like new) Tew Washer; Alum Air Pruners, Apple Picking Bags, Wooden Orchard Ladder. (2) Pc 10’ Alum Conveyors Apple Boxes, Platform Scale, Lg Canvas Awnings, Rolls Clear Plastic, Lg Canvases (new). Supreme Lime Drill w/Wooden Wheels SHOP EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Shelton Metal Lathe w/Approx 36" Travel & 12” Swing, Lincoln Weld-N-Power on Trailer, Century AC/DC Electric Welder, Welding Rods, Propane Cutting Outfit, Atlas & Bico Power Hacksaws, Bico Drill Press, Powerpart High Pressure Washer, Niagara 4000 Watt Alternator, Milwaukee 3000 Watt Alternator w/Wisconsin Engine, Wood B-1200 Space Heater, 12 Ton Shop Press 2 Ton Floor Jack, Cement Mixer, Anvil, Hydra-Drill Portable Well Drilling Outfit; Air Drill, Chisel, & Sander, Taps & Dies, Many Craftsman Tools mcl Bench Grinder, Pipe Threading Outfit, Circular Saw, Orbital Sander, Lg Drill Index, 1/2 Combination Square, Torx Set, Dial Indicator, 5/16” to 6” Telescoping Gauge Set, Micrometers & Calipers, Wet Sharp Machine, Sandblaster, etc, Skil 3/8” Hammer Drill, Porter Cable Router/Planer Combination, Skil Cordless Screwdriver & Drill, Dremel Tool, Wall Type Drill Press. Bench Vises, Hyd Jacks, 1 Ton Cham Hoist, Battery Charger, Lg Pop Rivet Gun, Pipe Vises, Bar & C-Clamps; Auto Ramps. Wrenches. Carpenter & Mechanics Tools, New Herman Miller Nail Apron; Drawing Knife. Airless Paint Sprayer, Lawn & Garden Tools, Wheelbarrow, B&S 8 HP Engine, 4 Cyl Wisconsin Engine, Nails & Hardware Items, Roof Coating, Copper Lightning Rod Cable, Portable Military Radios, Asst Lumber, Scrap Iron, Other Items WINDMILL - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS - COLLECTIBLES Metal Windmill w/30’ Steel Tower, White Metal Detector, American 14’ Shuffle Board Table, Singer Commercial Model Sewing Machine, Scars 50 Gal Water Tank, 80 Gal Elec Water Heater (new), Kenmore Kerosene Heater, Sears Wood Burner, Utility Shelves, SIS Elec. Warming Table; (2) Commercial Deep Fryers, Six Burner Gas Stove, Trash Compactor, Recording Thermometer & Barometer, Meat Grinder, Complete Set National Geographic (1950-1990), Wooden Boxes, Balance Scales, Child’s Sleigh, Huckster Scale, Straw Knife, Bam Lanterns, Empire Chest of Drawers, Other Items TERMS: Cash or PA Check with Picture ID. nCIDCDT AUCTIONEER AU1599-L UCIPEH | KLING6PSTOWH,PA (570)425-2256 E-Mail; AVICE E. MORGAN, Owner Murry Auction Emporium 23 N. Water St. / Lititz, PA 17543 717-626-2636 Monday April 10 - NO AUCTION Monday, April 17 - Antique Auction @ 8:30 AM Monday April 24 - General Auction Consignments Being Accepted For May 8 Antique Auction “TftcCVUf s4ctctcOH&, -AU-648-L- Professioml Auctioneer, Appraiser and Advisor Our Services Are Not a Sideline (717) 626-2636 Fax (717) 627-6757 MIDDLEBURG LIVESTOCK AUCTION RR #3, PO BOX 185 Middleburg, PA 17842 (570)837-2222 (570)837-2512 SPRING CONSIGNMENT MACHINERY SALE Thurs. April 20, 2000 @ 9:00 AM Already Consigned: JD 7000 4-Row Com Planter, NH 256 Hay Rake, 1989 SE-5 Mazda Pickup - 4 Wheel Drive, 25 Gestation Crates, 7 Farrowing Crates, 3 Barrel Feeders, Wire & Plastic Flooring No "NO SALE" Commission On Large Machinery To Consign Call 837-2222 by April 10 Clarence Shirk Auctioneer Lie. #AU002750 SUPER CLEAN - LATE MODEL, LOW HOURS AUCTION SALE Pursuant to property authority the undersigned Personal Representative for the Estate of Billy T.J.Tull will offer for sale at Public Auction the following described equipment on; Saturday, April 29, 2000 Beginning at 10:00 A.M. Blueberry Rd„ Whaleyville, MD (Maryland Eastern Shore) INSPECTION A REMOVAL fNO SUNDAY INSPECTION OR REMOVAL) - Saturday, April 22, Thursday, April 27 and Friday, April 28-from 8 00 am to 4 00 pm Tractors. Trucks & Combine will remain in shed except for Inspection Days DIRECTIONS - Whaleyville, MD is 18 miles East of Salisbury, MD and 17 miles West of Ocean City, MD. From Salisbury, take US RT 50 East 18 miles, turn left on RT 610, qo approx 2 miles Turn left on Donaway Rd go to end, turn left on Blueberry Rd Farm is on right From Dover. DE. take Rt 113 South to Selbyville, DE, cross MD-DE line, Turn Right on Rt 610, go approx 4 miles Turn Right on Donaway Rd to Blueberry Rd ~rom Norfolk & Points South, take US RT 113 to Pocomoke City, MD to RT 113 North 50 West to RT 610, take RT 610 to Donaway Rd to to Berlin, MD Take US RT i. Blueberry Rd EVERY PIECE IN THIS SALE HAS BEEN SHED KEPT AND IS VERY CLEAN TRACTORS- COMBINES A BACKHOE - Case International 8950, MFD, 225 HP Only 342 5 hrs . 4 remote. 20 8R42 factory duals, 1997, 5N84176, John Deere 7800, Cab, Air 110 HP, Power Quad, 1995, Only 799 hrs.. 18 4R38, 3 remote, Like New, SN 7016, John Deere 3055. cab, air, 92 HP, only 1679 hrs. 16 speed, 18 4x38, 2 remote, SN 750162, 1992, John Deere 9500 Combine, 4WD, only 1619 eng, hrs.. H IC hrs. w/918 Flex Head, 1991, SN 641241, JfihrLDp' poly snouts, SN 655577, Ford 555 Loader Backi bucket, open w/ROPS, SN 667342, AC WD 45 for Parts, bad eng , some sheet metal TRUCKS - 1990 Ford L-8000 Twin screw, 46,000 GVW, 8 8 Liter Ford D 5, Fuller 10 Speed, 123,781 miles w/21’ Meadows dbl cylinder dump (2 yrs old), removable alu minum standards w/plywood grain rails & removable manure rails, MD INSPECTED; 1975 Ford F-700 w/360 V-8, 50,000 actual miles, 5x2 trans , Meadows 16’ Metal Floor Dump, dbl cyl hoist, 24,000 GVW, 9 00 x 20 PS, MD INSPECTED; 1972 GMC 5500, 350, 4X2 w/ Chandler 16’ all hydraulic spreader w/cover, body like new, spreads wet lime & manure IMPLEMENTS - John Deere 1750 Conservation Maximerae Plus Vacumeter Planter. 6-row narrow, liquid fert, large seed hoppers, 3 yrs old, planted approx 1200 acres; John Deere 1518 E 15' Rotary Cutter, separate lift control, air tires, Case IH 3900 Disc, 24’, 80 blade w/boards, exc cond, Chandler 22’ Pull Type Spreader, PTO drive chain, hydro drive spinner, will spread wet lime or manure, New Holland MQ Tandem Spreader, Unverferth 6 shank Zone Builder ripper w/coulters, Msed Uses than 100 acres, like new: John Blue 500 gat stainless steel Sprayer w/hydro adj, hydro press wheel drive, 34’ booms & foam markers, Hardee Hydraulic slide ditch bank mower, John Blue 1000 gal stainless steel tank on tandem trailer, WiPdPQwet PJO Generator. 50KW, dual stage, 1 yr old, Ferguson 21’ shank hydro fold Chisel Plow, 3 pt, like new: Calloway & White 3 axle trailer w/metal floor, 16’ deck, 4’ tail, TaylQf-Way 6 row S tine cultivator w/rollmg spike fenders, 1000 gal S/S Nurse Tank, 1250 Gal S/S Nurse Tank, Ferguson trencher F 7 FG, Oliver Horse drawn 1 bottom plow, stencil on wood new cond, Clark 300 gal sprayer. ONLY SMALL ITEMS TO BE OFFERED - Several like new 48" fans. Jack Stands, Bicep Tank, Pickup Fuel Tank, Wire, Hydro Press, Transfer Pumps, Ford Battery Charger, Small Engine Hoist, Good Extra Parts, Knife for Nitrogen Rig, Ford 460 Block HAULERS LIST AVAILABLE TERMS - Cash or Good Check Day of Sale We work with Telmark, Farm Credit or your Bank. Fax letters of approval to 410-835-8613 by 6 00 pm Friday, April 28 PETE a—— j MICTION RICHARDSON V KALES P.O. Box 51, Willards, MD V_y 410-546-2425 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, April S, 2000-843 Backhi THURS APR 20 -10 AM Com plete (arm machinery dispersal Vaughn & Kathy Harkness. Columbia Cross Roads, Pa Bradford Co ShavlorAucts THURS APR 20 - 10 30AM Loren R Smith Farm Auction Dairy, Barn Equip, Machinery Produce, Painted Post (Steuben Co) NY Pirrung Auctioneers, Inc THURS APR 20 - 2PM Real estate, household good.s col lectibles & tools East Petersburg 6253 N Lemon St, East Peters burg, Pa By Pauline Dyer Horst Aucts THURS APR 20 -3PM 34+ acre Lane Co Farm Farm equip, tools at 3704 Amosite Road Bambndge, Pa For Marlin & Emma Lou Brosey Shaffner Auc tionCo THURS APR 20 - 4PM Real Estate 181 N Farmersville Rd ,m Ephrata By John H Newswanger Kline, Kreider & Good, aucts THURS APR 20 - 6 30PM Real Estate Schaefferslown, Pa leb Co By Vernon O & Laveme M Noll Aaron E Martin aucts _ FRI APR 21 - 8 30AM Farm Machinery & Tractors, guns and gun safe, autos, boats, motorcy cle Estate of the late Dr James Witt Lyle Reed, auct FRI APR 21 - 9AM Coins, cur rency & Roseville art pottery 202 Grandview Drive, Manheim, Pa Conestoga Auction Co FRI APR 21 - 9AM Household goods, antiques riding mower Martin guitar w/case 927 N Rail road Ave New Holland By Mary E High Robert E, Jeffrey R & Michael L Martin, aucts >w oil bath corn head, 7’ bucket w/dirt 14 hrs
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