824-Lanca*ter Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 generator $4OOO, J.D. DAnAvfe 8300 grain drill $l7OO, try? Zimmerman pipe eleva * tor $9OO, feeder wagon SHEA SALE Co., Pa. There were 232 $6OO, 8 1/2 ft. snow A Public Auction of registered. blower $lBOO, farm equipment was Some prices were: Taylorway chisel plow held April Iby Patrick Zimmerman cattle $5OO, White 4-B plow Shea, off Rt. 78 on chute $825,2 round bale $4OO, N.H. 640 round Mountain Rd. at feeders $l7O, water baler $7500, N.H. 326 Shartlesville m Berks trough $l4O, 50 KW hay baler $5250, public Apction SATURDAY APRIL 22, 2000 9:00 A.M. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE and WOODLAND ANTIQUES HOUSEHOLD GOODS Location: 1581 Mt Wilson Road, Lebanon, S Londonderry Twp , Lebanon County, Pa from Rt 322 East of Fontana - south on Rt 241 to Colebrook - pass Twin Kiss and Acorn Mfg. to Ist house on right TRACT I: 72' x 152' lot with a large 2 1/2 story brick house Ist floor has a kitchen, dining room, living room w/fireplace, out kitchen wl/2 bath. 2nd floor has 5 bedrooms and full bath Attic storage area w/2 rooms. Concrete floor basement Oil hot water heat 3 car garage attached to rear of house. Mew replacement windows and storm windows. Shingle roof Front and side porches Many other unlisted amenities Very spacious house w/lots of floor space TRACT 2: 19 acres of woodland and open fields with 170' road frontage and bordering along State Game Lands and former railroad tracks This property is across the alley from tract 1 Real estate to be offered at 11 -00 Terms to be 10% down payment auction day with the balance due at settlement within 45 days Legal information by Attorney Jeffrey A Reiter 717-533-8889. Inspection by calling Robert 610- 927-0575 or Marie 7 17-367-2999 Real estate information available by con tacting auctioneer or at the house inspection H Full listing of personal property in later issues Auction by WT V- 3 NORMA M.YOUTZ 2051 HORSESHOE PIKE ANNVILLE. PA 17003 8850 0 17) 867 1809 9TH ANNUAL SPRING EXTRAVAGANZA AUCTION TRACTORS - EQUIP. SAT, APRIL 15th - 9:00 AM Held Alleg. Co. Fairground, Angelica, NY We have moved the following tractors, equipment, and consignments onto the Allegany Co. fairgrounds in Angelica, NY. Turn off Main St. onto fairgrounds, or off Interstate 86, Angelica Ext. Watch for R.G. MASON AUCTION arrows. TRACTORS * Farmall 806 w/loader, Long 460 diesel w/loader low hrs. w/wheel weights, Farmall 200, 300 & 400, WD 45 w/loader, Ford 7710 4x4 w/loader, Ohver 77 diesel, ACDI2; Zetor 8011 w/cab, Leyland 255 w/loader, MH 101 Jr. w/3 pt; Ford Major; AC B w/loader sharp; 8&9 N; Oliver 55, MH 22 w/3 pt nice; IH 240, WD 45, Farmall 230 w/loader; MF 35 nice, Farmall H; AC MC w/new rubber, 1957 IH Cub w/fast hitch (land & snow plow, cultivators w/pea fuller), AC B; more to be consigned EQUIP. * 1973 Chevy C 65 w/16’ silage body low miles; 1978 Chevy C6O w/14' silage body, Papec SU wagon w/NH tandem gear & floats; NI 325 2 row cornpicker. Ford 670 chopper w/two heads & new knives; Ford 16’ disc; NH 354 grinder mixer. Gravity wagons; Bellsaw saw mill on steel; 185 Sullair compressor; Tire chains; 2 section AC drags nice new; Fourstar ted der-rake, NH 256 rake; Winpower PTO generator; Ford 7410 front loader; McCormick 10 GD Spreader; Stainless hog feeders; HD gang mowers; AC 3 bottom plows; IH 35 hyd rake; Kicker racks w/runner gear; 3 pt. 4 bottom plow. Baler; Tractor tire feeder bunk; Elevator; 2 row corn planter; 3 pt. items (Bush Hog, stone rake, finish mowers, rototillers, spreaders, box blades, back blades, cement mixer, boom disc, super pan, 8’ Landpride back blade, NH 157 tedder); JD spreader GD; Troybilt rototiller; and more. DOZER * Komatsu D2l AG diesel w/rubber tracks, nice HOUGHTON COLLEGE * 1985 Dodge window van; 88 Dodge 15 pass Van; ‘77 Dodge power wagon w/box fan; 77 Dodge w/box fan; 77 Dodge Power wagon PU; Kato engineering 20KW generator; Lg. Diesel air com pressor on trailer. LUMBER * Pine (2x4xB, 10,12); Black Walnut and other assorted lumber. MOTORCYCLE & ATV & SNOWMOBILE * 1996 Honda Rebel w/2400 miles mint; 1982 Honda Aspencade GL 1100; 99 Polaris 440; Kawasaki 500 Mule, Yamaha golf carts; 98 Yamaha 80. TRAILERS * Semi storage; Utility; 72-24’ Argosy camping. NURSERY STOCK * Blue Spruce; Birches; Assorted evergreen shrubs; Assorted spruces. TOOLS & EQUIP.* 1997 Power scaffold nice new; 500 fence posts; Amish buildings; Cement mixer; Power tools; Transit; Drill press; Nails; Alum. Car ramps; Picnic tables; and more. TRUCK & CARS * 98 Jeep Cherokee Sport 42K; 99 Ford Ranger ISK; 95 CMC PU 4x4; 95 Geo Tracker 4x4 4IK; 91 Dodge PU 4x4; 88 Ford F 250 w 460 motor; 89 Astro; 89 Jeep PU, 94 Plymouth mini van; ‘95 Ford Escort Wagon 45K; 86 Olds Cutlass 45K; 91 Ford PU; 94 Ford FISO PU 66K; 87 Chrysler Fifth Ave ;78 Ford FIOO nice; 93 Chevy Cavalier loaded. LAWN & GARDEN * JD (400, 260, 225, 111); Cub Cadets; Troy Bills; Yardman, Wheel Horse, Craftsman, Over 20 to be offered Ninth annual event with something for everyone More to be consigned. Subject to Mason consignment rules and delivery Consignments a;cepted Wed , Thurs , Fn , from 9 to 5 PM Call for info and flyer 716-567-8844 or 721-8844 TERMS* CASH OR GOOD CHECK W/PROPER ID, FILLMORE, N.Y. lauctioi 567-8844 Farmland bale wrapper $5400, N.H. 258 hay rake $l4OO, N.H. 492 haybine $6500, 3 Hefty bale wagons $l4OO, $1450 & $1475, wagon for round bales $llOO, gravity bin wagon $1550, Badger chuck wagon $lOOO, Int. 856 tractor $6250 and feed bin $1750. Also sold were: Int. 1066 tractor $7250, N.H. 565 skid loader $9500, Case 580 back hoe $3350, Farmall 460 G tractor $2OOO, Farmall C tractor (needs work) $575, Rissler TMR mixer $6400, conveyors for mixer $7OO & $650, Patz barn cleaner $l5OO, DeLaval 800 gal. milk tank $lOOO, 125 baleage $29 & $3O per bale, 1000 bales straw $1.35 per bale and 1000 bales hay $1.75 per bale. Ken Leiby was the auctioneer. ACKER SALE A Public Sale of machinery and cows was held March 29 by Leon and Roberta Acker, 3 miles northeast of Jasper, New York along 5 Comers Rd. There were 200 regis tered bidders at the sale. The 85 home-raised cows and heifers aver aged $9OO. The open heifers sold up to $960 and the bred heifers sold up to $l2lO. The top cows were three at $1450, one at $l4OO and one at $1375. Other prices were: Int. 1066 tractor $B3OO, M.F. 65 tractor $3400, Case 970 tractor $3lOO, 2 Badger wagons $4500 each, Brillion seeder $2200, N.H. 489 hay bine $2600, J.D. 336 baler $2300 and H & S hay wagons $1750 & $2lOO. Fraley Auction Co. managed the sale. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, April 15, 2000 At 10:00 A.M. FARM MACHINERY Located 1/2 mile off Sharpsburg Pike at 18122 Keedysville Road, Keedysville, MD. Take 1-70 to Route 65 South approximately 7 miles to Keedysville Road on left, sale will be about 1/2 mile on right. Watch for signs. FARM RELATED ITEMS MF 35 gas tractor with Kelly loader also manure and materials bucket; MF 65 Diesel-Matic trac tor; JD 2 row com planter with fertilizer boxes; MF 160 manure spreader; scoring out plow; Ferguson 2 row cultivators; MF T sickle bar mower; 3 pt. 6’ scraper blade; bale fork; lay off plow; two MF 32 sickle bar mowers; JD KBS disc; Oliver 3 bottom plow; flatbed wagon; 24’ Multi-Power elevator with motor; mantle saw with PTO; push plow; mower scythe; Danuser hydraulic wood splitter; Statesman 5 HP roto tiller; JD 111 riding mower good condition; bench grinder; electric fencer; bag wagon; troughs; chicken feeders; Codoruis 1 hole com sheller with box; wood wedges; jacks; vise; wheel barrow; steel wheels; dehomers; forks; shovels; 1/2” Milwaukee drill; drill bits; grease guns; miscellaneous hand tools; hand saws; pipe wrenches; battery charger; milk cans; homemade brooms; concrete donkey and cart lawn planter. MEAT PROCESSING ITEMS Globe meat slicer; 110 meat grinder; Hobart model 5212 meat saw, exc. cond.; meat hooks; meat boards; Signature Deluxe 23 chest freezer. Many other useful items. TERMS: Cash or check, nothing removed until settled for, not responsible for accidents. ROY EVERSOLE 18122 Keedysville Road, Keedysville, MD Auctioneer: C. Floyd Davis Clerks: Drury and Drury LUNCH RIGHTS RESERVED Albert Zick Farm Dispersal Factoryville, Wyoming Co., PA Fri., Apr. 14th @ 10:00 AM At the farm on PA. Rte. 11 just north of the Rte. 6 & 11 split - 5 miles south of Nicholson; 8 miles east of Tunkhannock. 115 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE: 48 milk cows and close bred heifers, good uddered, large group of fresh cattle in a good flow of milk; over 4% BFT at creamery, 3.2 protein. 50 head of open heifers and started calves; 15 started bulls. Cattle 30 day blood and T.B. tested for interstate, neces sary cattle pregnancy examined - Shipping Fever Shots Cattle will go home and work for you. BARN EQUIPMENT: 2” S.S. pipeline over 500’ pipe, 5 units Surge; Surge control groups; Surge Alamo Vacuum Pump; Sunset 850 gallon bulk tank Ser. #37MC492 with 2 side by side compres sors with modern refrigerant; 2 feed carts; fans; bedding chopper. FARM EQUIPMENT Farmall 1206 diesel with cab, 20.8 - 38” rubber, weights, dual remotes, turning 160 hp; Farmall 856 diesel; NH 892 for age harv., elec. Controls, long tongue, NH pick up head, NH 2 row corn, NH direct cut heads; Badger S.U. wagon 3 btr. & roof, tandem, nice; NH 816 forage wagon 3 btr. & roof, tandem, nice; Fox blower; NH 28 Whirla Feed Blower; NH 311 baler w/thrower, excellent; NH 270 baler; NH 1495 S.P. haybine Ford powered; NH 495 hay bine, Deutz 9’ discbine; JD 851 hay rake; NH 355 grinder mixer; NH 323 one row picker; NI mount ed 2 row picker; IH 5 btm. Spring reset plow; MF forage harvester w/pickup head; NH 679 manure spreader tandem w/new chain & sprockets. TRUCKS: 1977 CMC General Brigadier, long nose, sleeper, 445 Detroit, 13 spd., 210,000 miles, 1977 Chevy C-65, 366 V 8 20 spd. W/16’ alum. Dump, 10 wheeler; 1970 C 50 Chevy 16’ alum, body, no dump, motor in parts; SPECIAL: 1929 FEDERAL TRUCK original Stegmaier truck partially restored, runs, oak body restored; tandem axle trailer; 21 ft. Concorde self contained travel trailer. AUCTIONEER NOTE: Albert is discontinuing the dairy operation, which prompts this auction, to go into modular home sales. Come join us Friday April 14th. TERMS: CASH OR GOOD CHECK LUNCH AVAILABLE ALBERT ZICK; owner 570-945-5334 HOWARD W. VISSCHER AU959-L SALES MANAGER AND AUCTIONEER NICHOLS, NY 607-699-7250 Owner
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