Sale Reports BOMGARDNER SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery was held March 28 by Leroy and Evelyn Bomgardner, 1000 Bomgardner Lane, south of Annville, Lebanon Co., Pa. Some prices includ ed: J.D. 2630 tractor w/loader $10,900, J.D. 2750 tractor $13,600, J.D. 7000 com planter $4lOO, Int. 33 skid loader $2950, J.D. 336 Public .Taction Location: Schubert Road, Bethel Township, Berks County, Pa. From 178 Bethel exit-north on Rt, 501 - right onto Schubert Rd. - go through the intersection to property on left. Real estate being a .7 acre lot with improvements. Quonset style house w/main floor having a spacious livlng/dining room, Kitchen, bedroom, full bath w/laundry. 2nd level loft has 2 bedrooms and storage room. Other par ticulars to include a partial basement, propane hot air furnace, on lot septic system, drilled well, enclosed front porch, natural floors and woodwork. Adjacent to home is 2 story barn last used as a retail store with cattle stalls and pens. Hay storage area. 12'x24' utility shed. 10% down payment auction day with balance due at settlement within 45 days. Inspection by calling 717-859-4693. Legal information by Attorney MEAL ALBERT 717-299-071 1 Auction by HARRY H JE& JOSEPH and ANNETTE iTtACHiMAN ~ MEYER JMMllWilliwjjwraaM 717*859*4693 2051 HORSESHOE PIKE CJCjf „ ANNVILLE. PA 17003-8850 (717) 867-1809 Lyle E. Reed, Auctioneer PA License #AU-000-746-L PUBLIC AUCTION Public Sale of the Estate of the late Dr. James Witt Location from PA Turnpike Exit 13, Fort Littleton - take Rt. 522 North Approx. 6 Miles. Good Friday. April 21 J:D. R w.f. Diesel; J.D. AR new rubber; J.D. 40 Crawler; Ford 8 N; N.H. 33 w/Loader J.D. 60 w/2 row mounted corn picker; J.D. 3020 gas n.f.; Int. 424 Diesel w/2000 Loader; M.F. 1085 (needs repair); M.F. 1085 for parts; J.D. 70 w.f. for parts; M.F. 135 m.f.; Oliver Super 55 w.f. w/Brush Hog; Frick Thrashing Machine; Doctor Buggy; Gas Engine Wood Saw on Steel Wheels; Glass Top Gas Pump; M.F. 410 Self-Propelled Combine; night Tandem Axle Manure Spreader: ground Driven Manure Spreader; 4 Horse Stock Trailer; 7-Shank Chisel Plow; Metal Feed Wagons 12’, 18’, 24’; Bin Wagons; Transport Disc; N.H. 352 Grinder Mixer; 2 Wheel Grain Cart; A.C. Pull-type Combine 5’ Cut; N.H. 850 Round Baler (needs gear box); 6 T. Wagon Running Gears; J.D. & N.H. Flail Chopper; Transport Cultimulcher; 3 & 4 Bottom Plows, 3 Pt.; Small 3 pt. Disc; Pull-Type Lime Spreader; Wheel Rake; 1180 Letz Mill; Milk-keeper 250 Gal. Bulk Tank (self-contained); Horse Drawn Cultivator; Dump Rake; Steel Wheel Subsoiler; 486 M.F. 4-Row Corn Planter; Surge Electro Brain Pipeline Washer; Small Grain Elevators; 2- Wheel Trailer; Wooden Wheel Wagon; Bob Sled; Calf Hutches; Heavy Duty Hoist; Wench; Sun Ripe Soda Machine; Large Delco Batter Sign; Platform Scales; Wooden Feed Boxes; Surge Milkers; Windmill; Hand con Sheller; Wall Drill Press; High Pressure Washer; Gas Tank; Bxlo Dog Kennels; Cobblers-Type Bench; Barn Beam Drill; Steel and Wooden Wheels; Crocks and Wooden Tubs; Kalamazoo Cook Stove w/Warming Oven; Parlor-type Stove; Milk & Cream Cans; Truck Mounted 12 V. Seeder; Grain Cradle; Endless Belt; Wooden Feed Boxes; Approx. 3 Wagon Loads of Old Tools and Farm Related Items. Mod. 14 35 Rem Pump; 32 Win. Oct. Brl, Lever Auction; Mod. 219 30-30 Savage; 22 Rem. Pump; 410 Single Shop H.R.; Mod. 220 A Savage 30-30; Mod. 1893 Win. 12 Ga. Pump; Mod. 103-6 Ranger o/u 20 Ga.; Mod. 25N Marlin 22 Bolt Action; Mod. 311 Sevens 410 Dbl. Barrel; Mod. 24 Win. 16 Ga. Dbl. Barrel; Stevens 16 Ga. Dbl. Barrel; H&R 12 Ga. Single Shot; Richards Dbl. Barrel w/hammers; SKV Semi-Auto Shot Gun; Mod. 12 Rem. 22; Mod. 10 Rem. Shot Gun; H&A 32-20 Lever Action; 300 Savage Lever Action; 25 Rem. Pump; 21 Gun national Security Gun Safe; Cannon Ball; Muzzle Loader 1984 Chrysler Leßaron Convertible 2 Dr. Shed Kept; 1962 Lincoln 4 Dr.,Shed Kept; 1975 Thunderbird 2 Dr. Shed Kept; 1967 Mustang Auto. Restored Shed Kept; 1948 Chrysler Convertible, partially restored. Shed Kept; 1947 Willys w/pto; 1979 Ford F 250 4x4 Full Bed; 1987 Chevy Blazer Full Size; Numerous Other Vehicles; 2 Slide-In Campers; Bayline Capri 17 1/2’ Day Cruiser, 85 HP Force Motor. Mooring Cover, w/Escort Railer; 12 Out-Board Motors; Alum. 12’Boat; 15’Canoe; Yamaha Motor Cycle; Above Ground Oval Swimming Pool (never used); Many other items. SALE ORDER: Small Items; Guns; Machinery; Care & Boats I.D. Required for Bidders Number Lunch Reserved Not Responsible for Accidents. baler $2650, J.D. 115 disc harrow $2OOO and N.I. 2-row com picker $3600. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. MAUERSALE A Public Sale of license plates and cata logs was held March 25 at the Ridge Fire Co., between Phoenixville, Pa and Rt. 100. Some prices were: 1906 Pa. License plates COUNTRY REAL ESTATE 2000 Time Doc's Show Tractors $450 & $470, 1907 Pa. license plate $290, Pa tractor license plate $270, Caddy Fleetwood book circa 1940 catalog $525, 1935 Packard color catalog $825 and 1917 tractor license plate $lOO. Ted Maurer conduct ed the sale. CONSIGNMENT SALE A Large Machinery Sale was held April 1,7 miles south of Somerset along Rts. 281 in MONDAY APRIL 17, 2000 6:oo P.M. :30 A.M. Mrs. Judy Witt (Owner) (814) 259-3477 Somerset Co., Pa. The sale was from 4 estates and 700 pieces of equip ment were sold with 807 registered bidders pre sent. Some prices were: J.D. 4020 tractor & loader $11,700, A.C. 6080 tractor with 4- wheel drive $17,000,3 J & L wagons $2BOO each, J.D. 2950 tractor & loader $15,200, A.C. 6080 tractor $9600, 2 Badger forage wagons $5900 each, J.D. 7200 4- wheel com planter $6900 and J.D. 345 round baler $9lOO. Stephenson’s Auction 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 Spring Antiques & Decorative Arts Auction Friday, April 14th, 2000 5 PM Philadelphia & Surrounding Counties Estates & Private Homes including Contents from home of Lyman & Mary Clark of Newtown Township, Bucks Co., PA Period furniture including cherry mid 19th C. cupboard, Ohio Shaker comer cupboard, pr. Regency Phila. armchairs, cherry mid 19th C. drop-leaf tables, Windsor chairs, large amount of Victorian furniture, rolltop desks C. 1900, set of 4 Nakshima chairs, Gilbert Rohde designed Art Deco bedroom set, approx. 10 Oriental rugs, large amount of Royal Doulton & Royal Copenhagen, English transferware, Staffordshire, inkwell col lection (approx. 200 pcs.), English & American silver, paintings by listed artists mcl. New Hope, PA school & much more! Estate Jewelry Auction in our annex gallery, also Scottish agate dresser box collection, silver dress ,er pcs, Scottish sewing boxes & much more! Inspection - Thursday, April 13th 3 PM to 6 PM & Friday April 14th, 3 PM to 5 PM 10% buyer’s premium (215) 322-6182 AHf-000130 public Auction OF ❖ VALUABLE CHESTER CO., REAL ESTATE ❖ 48 ACRES +/- WITH DWELLING ZONED COMMERCIAL & AGRICULTURAL WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL ❖ TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2000 7:00 PM 0 Located At: 5426 W Lincoln Hwy, Parkesburg, W Sadsbury Twp., Chester Co , PA From Tr 30 & Rt 10 Intersection, Take Rt 30 (Lincoln Hwy) West approx 2 miles to property on letf ❖ REAL ESTATE ❖ Real Estate consists of 48 acres +/- of land with an 1,800 sq ft. two story masonry dwelling The dwelling contains 4 bed rooms, living room, dining room, family room, kitchen, and a full bath. There is attic storage and a full basement with an outside entrance There is oil hot air heat, 200 amp electric service and a propane hot water heater There is a 15’x30' cov ered porch to the rear and a 10’x30’ covered front porch There is approximately 800’ of frontage along Lincoln Highway, that is zoned C-l, Neighborhood Commercial and the balance of the land is zoned Agricultural, which permits single family dwellings on I acre lots located on non-prime agricultural sites Approx. 10 acres of land is tillable, and the balance is wooded and land adjacent to the dwelling. There is a small stream on the property. ❖ OPEN FOR INSPECTION ❖ THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 2000 4-6 PM: SUNDAY, APRIL 30,2000 2-4 PM ❖ CALL AUCTIONEERS FOR COMPLETE BROCHURE OR PRIVATE SHOWING ❖ AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This property is seriously for sale and deserves your attention. Many Commercial uses possible with other subdivision possibilities. Don't miss it' PAYMENT TERMS: 10% Down Payment Day of Auction, Balance by June 23, 2000 Buyer pays all Realty Transfer Taxes Auction Conducted for: Gail O. Reiter, Eatate Charles Reiter, Executor Dan Herr, Attorney Auction Conducted by: Announcements day of auction take precedence over previous advertising. ■fc A Stephen J. Barr HAKK AU-002422-L MJames S. Davis Jr. AU-002421-L UnSr IN Ga P- PA 17527 (71 7) 442-9221 Luce Auctioneers conducted the sale. CONSIGNMENT SALE A Public Farm Consignment Sale was held April 1 at the Stermer Farm, 125 Bermudian Ch. Rd., Wash. Twp., York Co., Pa., East Berlin. Some prices received were; J.D. 7 ft. haybine $3lOO, J.D. 9 ft. haybine $3300, Tailgator forklift $lO,OOO, pedal tractors $260 to $525, wooden pulleys $3B ea., 22 ft. fold-up disc $2900 and Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-823 Farmall A tractor $l6OO. Stermer’s Auction Service conducted the sale. WAGNER SALE A Spring Promise Sale and Ju-Vindale Holstein Invitational Sale was held April 1 by Vincent and Juliet Wagner, 641 South Ramona Rd., Myerstown, Pa. The top Holstein cows sold for $4400 and $3OOO with the average of the 58 head herd bringing $l4OO. Holstein bred heifers sold for $2750 & $2450. Holstein heifers were $1950 & $lBOO with a Brown Swiss heifer sell ing for $lBOO. Hany H. Bachman was the auctioneer. & 29th Annual Sale Public Auction 0f... 2504 HEAD of LIVESTOCKS 250 Located 5 miles North of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania and 5 miles South of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania on Route 11. Friday Evening, April 14,2000 at 6:30 pm. 175SHEAD of OPEN HOLSTEIN HEIFERSSI7S Heifers range from four months of age to breed ing age, with all being calfhood vaccinated. Some Red & White, Lineback, and Brown Swiss Heifers 75+HEAD of BRED HEIFERS^7S Bred heifers consist of Holstein, Red & White Holstein, Jersey, Jersey-Cross, Lineback, and Aryshire. Heifers will be fresh from sale through summer and fall. This is a fine group of young cattle out of good breeding, all dehorned and wormed. All heifers are eligible for interstate shipment. TERMS: Cash or approved check - Not respon sible for accidents. JOHN C. DIEHL & SONS Phone 717-532-6353 717-263-0361 Auctioneer: Robert C. Mullendore AU 000644 L Boonsboro, Md. Phone: 301-582-0546 Clerk: C. L. Metz Cattle Sold In Tent - Lunch Stand l octh(0)H PUBLIC AUCTION Real Estate Location -136 E. Church Street (Reamstown) Stevens, PA MON., APRIL 17th @ 6:00 PM Real Estate - 3 Bedrooms ( I st Floor Master Bedroom), ) Bath, Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen w/pantry, Enclosed Porch, Rear Deck, Side Porch w/Root, Full Daylite Basement w/Washer/Dryer Hook-ups & I Car Detached Garage Directions - From exit 21 on PA turnpike, lake Rl 272 South to Church Street (at the light) turn Left go approx 1 mile to property on left Personal Property To Be Sold @ The Fivepomtville Fire Co FRI., APRIL 14th @ 5:00 PM Directions - Rt. 897 - 4 miles South of Rt. 272 * Furniture * Collectibles * Tools * * Coins * Appliances * HH Goods* Terms: Real Estate - 10% Down Day of Sale, Balance 60 Days Personal Property - Cash or PA Approved Check April I & 8 Sale For: Violet S. Glass Estate Ronald F Glass - Executor Gary Krafft - Attorney Theodore Wolfe AU-003648-L Food served by Fivepomtville Ladies Auxiliary For additional information CALL (717) 733-0687 or Toll Free 1 (888) 325-8721 GOSHORN SALE A Public Sale of farm machinery was held April 1 by Brooks G. and Evelyn J. Goshom, HCR 1, Blairs Mills, Pa. Some items sold were: Ford 5610 D. trac tor $15,500, White 2-85 D tractor $9300, Farmall H tractor $2OOO, N.H. 848 round baler $4900, H.H. 275 baler $2500, N.H. 28 blower $lBOO, White 348 3-B plow $lOOO, N.H. 489 haybines $5lOO & $2250, N.H. #8 self-unloading wagon $2200, White 543 com planter $4200, N.H. 520 manure spreader $2300, Oliver 10 ft. disc $1750, N.H. 256 rake $2300 and Bnooion 11 ft. cultipacker $l4OO. Bryan D. Imes was the auctioneer. Saturday 1-3 PM, March 25,
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