Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT Ford 7600 dual power, w/rolt guard & canopy, 80% tires, good paint, $7BOO obo. 814-634-8808 '7llO wheeler Mack, 4500 gal. tank spreader, good working cond, $16,500. 607-687-2339 Galvanized pool, B'6" across, 24” high, $45. Out door furnace, central boS er, catsslc model C 11758, $3000.717-354-3091 Hesston Haybine 1120, Like New; Westfield Grain auger, 46' PTO, Heavy Duty Portable Head, Locks, Paul's Portable Livestock Scale, Nl 3615 Manure Spreader 717-5324423 Int. 856 dsl, $6900; Int. 990 7' haybine, $1450; Int. 10-tooth pull type chisel, $1500; 13' cultipacker, $1250.610-562-4464. JD 750 no-til drill, 10', grass seed, dolly wheel, exc. cond, $14,500. 717-369-4115. FORKS: 80 pairs of forks, all sizes. SlOO/UP per pair. 410-335-4700 Ford BN, 9N, 2N tractors, hoods, grills, side panels, radiators, cyl heads, bat tery boxes & much more! 717-530-9459 6pm-9pm JD 2355, 60hp, 1100 hrs, $12,000. 6' HD Bush Hog mower, $5OO. 410-823-2640 Hesston 530 round baler, hyd tie, gathering wheels, v.mce cond, $4750. No Sunday calls 717-369-5219 IH 1066, red cab, 18.4x38 tires, 2 PTO, 2700 hrs, price $10,000.00. Call 856-769-4025. 9' Kelly Ryan centerline delux bagger, did 5 bags, loaded, $1 8,500. www.northeastequip, 570-222-9090. 666 Int'l, New Paint, New Clutch, New TA. Good Cond 717-485-5250 Case Int'l 685 dsl, 60 HP, 3pt PTO, remote outlet, exc condition. $10,950 856-769-3183. JD 234 com head, 2x38" off 45 combine, like new, offer. 301-898-7426. FARMCO 18' Steel Sided Thrower Wagon, 8 Ton Gear, Like New. 717-235-1766 JD 40 gal. lawn & tree sprayer, like new condi tion, $350.717/581-9329. NH 676 Tandem Manure Spreader $1000; Oliver 16" 4-Bottom Semi- Mount Plow $600; White 10' Transport Disc $600; Kuhn Drag-Type Rotory 9' Rake $1200; Indiana County 814-749-8489 MF 2705, 1980, 4 post, runs & works very good, $6950. Leola, PA. 717-656-2947 Hesston 1130 mower con ditioner, shed kept, exc cond w/warranty 7:30-10:30AM 717-949-3769 JD 2020 gas tractor, good cond, 5700 hrs, good rub ber. 610-856-7654 Dismantling for Parts; Hundreds of farm trac tors new and old several JD 2 cylinders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Badger manure pump on steel wheels w/2 hyd cyl inders, good cond. for 8' or 10' pits, $lBOO. Set of steel tractor wheels w/ springs. 717-949-2723 JD 7000 cornplanters from midwest, 4-6 row, $2,900 to $6,500. New and used liquid fertilizers, in secticide, markers, hitches. Tires $2O. Soy bean cups $l5. Sensors $lO. Sensor tubes $l5. Pequea Planter, PA, 8:00-8:30am, 717-442-4406. Formal H, M, MTA, 300, 350, 400, 450 fenders $llO ea 717-530-9459 6-9 PM. (2)H 1086 Tractors, cab, air, good rubber. Both clean llinois tractors lust arrived. Zeisloft Eq., 800-919-3322. STOLTZFIIS TRACTOR SERVICE Rebuilding engines, transmissions, PTO’s, Tune-ups. 1715 Beaver Valley Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579 717-786-0250 Amos Stoltzfus “l5 Years Experience’’ 336 JD Baler, Good Condition $3,000 315 NH Baler, Excellent Condition.... s3,soo 7’ 3pt. Hitch Scaper Blade $2OO 14’Flatbed $lOO 717-776-7806 • Case IH 5100 Grain Drill 18x7” Double Disk Openers w/Press wheels, Ex. Cond. • 2 Gehl 100 Grinder Mixers • 1155 MF Tractor 2960 Hrs., Good Cond. No Sunday Calls (717) 933-9129 *******M**M*****MM*****M*M**************** * Alum Dump Trailer, 26’Parker, New Hoit& Sups Work . $5,000 * Jj Seed Mixer, Brower Whirlwind, 450 lb Capacity $1,500 jj £ Hale Irrigation Pump, PTO Drive, 6" on Trailer . $1,200 £ * GVM Stainless Steel Spreader, 6 Ton, 2 Axle, 5 « Excellent Condition S 7 Gang Reel Mowers, Brower PTO Drive, Hydraulic Lift J Chisel Plow, 10’ Shank, Nice & Heavy.. 215* 598*7155 WEAVER'S MAGNETO REPAIR Rewinding, Parts & Service Coils for JD Pony Motors, Many Rebuilt Magnetos In Stock for Exchange or Outright. 8415 Planktown N. Rd. Shiloh, OH 44878 419/896-2827 Buy - Sell - Repair I Orer 30 Tractor* In Stockl MF s’, 3 pt rotory mower $4OO JD R, runs good, decent sheet metal $4,500 JD 4010 dsl, WF, runs v good $4,600 IH 806 dual PTO, no 3 pi, runs nice $5,500 IH 1466 cab, dual PTO, no 3 pt, nice $7,100 IH 660 diesel, runs good, decent sheet metal $2,800 PARTING OUT; Case 930, 830, 900 500, LA L, DC SC S, VAC, Case VAC 14, RC, IH 656 Hydro, 560,650,19, W 9, WD9, M H, F2O, JD B Oliver 70, MM UTU MM GT AC WC. WD AC 190XT Some used tires New & Used Parts & Supplies King's Tractor 1426 Noble Road Kirkwood, PA 17536 630 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR 3 Pt. Hitch w/Roll-a-Matic Front - $5,300 ★★★ 717-438-3354 ★★★ 1967 JD 450 track loader, new engine, UC very good cond., SI 3,500. David 410/840-8818. Case IH 955 6R com plant er w/eartv riser monitor & fertllzer auger, planted less than 500 acres, shed kept, ready to go. 570/788-6518 7-Bam, 570/455-6361 after spm, ask for BID. £ $4,000 $2,500 $l,BOO 717-529-4066 8 am to 8.30 am RED RIDGE WOOD PRODUCTS Buyers year round of large acreage red, white, spruce pine, and all hardwoods stumpage. Paying top prices year round. 570/889-3087 office 570/889-3463 home JD 7200 Planter 12 RN No-til Liq. Fert, Insecticide New Disc & Coulters. Very Good Cond. Field Ready. Well Maintained. (717-328-2336) Power Quad Trans., Deluxe Cab 717/354-3929 S" "S - 1992 Ford F 350 Dually dsl, ext. cab, 5-spd, towing package - Hardi 300 gal. crop sprayer, 32’ boom - NH 848 round baler, auto wrap - Int. 350 Utility tractor - NH 3pt bale carrier - 600 gal. Milk Keeper bulk milk tank - 1-1/2” Universal pipeline complete w/4 units Juniata Co. 717/734-3670 I Dry Pert., Monitor, Nice $7,900 j £ Lester Horning 717-738-1677 J? Case 970 85hp, dsl, cab Case 870 diesel w/cab Ford County (6), 113 hp, 4x4, cab IH 544, 52hp gas, hydro w/ldr IH 624,60 hp, diesel, cab, loader IH 474 dsl, hydro w/ldr IMT 542 40hp dsl, 600 hrs MF 1100, 95hp diesel, m.p., good cond MF 65, dsl, WF Same, 4x4, 34 hp, turf tires Cockshutt 1855, cab, ft wts, 3400 hrs Farmhand Tub Grinder, PTO, tandem axle Skid Loaders: NH L 555 dsl, L 455 dsl., L 445 dsl. Coming In: IH 1486, Case 2590,2390 MADKV FARMS 814-467-8839 John Deere 630, nf, ps, 3 Pt., Almost New Rear Tires, New Intake, Roll-a-matic, Runs Good, Straight Tin, Serial #6302793 $5,700.00 717*656*6621 SKID LOADER BUCKETS on hand Universal mount. Also to fit Case, NH, or Custom made for you Any size Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd, Lancaster, Pa (717) 290-3721 ■
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