JD 290 Corn Planter, Late Model 717-365-3855/ 717-365-3898 9' Hesston 1050 discblne. Shed-kept, ready for the field. Very good condition. 53,500 Day: 814-766-2614 Evening; 814-224-4115. JDIIO w/attachs; AC ‘A* w/a horse trir, 2 axle; IH Super ‘M‘; 2.8 Chev. motor w/T; Case 150 VGC & all run; JD plows, MH pony. 609-927-2912. Tractor motor for sale: Hercules G-3400, 6-cyllnder parts motor. Could be easily completed to make whole. Many good salvageable parts. B/O. Call Todd at 800/468-5524. Gehl mixer wagon 70 buw scales 2 Lamco forage wagons $l,lOO ea., JD 115 Chuck wagon VG 51,400. (856)935-8871. AC 333 no-tH 4RW plate type planter w/monitor, dry fert, insecticide, like new, 410-838-4828. JD 7000 6R com planter, shed kept, good condition, $4500.570/746-3478. H&S rear unloading for age box on JD tandem running gear box, T/j years old $5OOO. 724-397-2053 600 Gal. bean sprayer, 65hp, elect reel on wheels. Call after 7pm 814-643-5129 91 JD combine model 4435, 2500 hrs, good con dition, $lB,OOO. NH #25 blower $750. 724/452-6871. For Sale NH 846 Baler, Fair Shape, $2,500 Tioga Co., 570-724-2575 Ford 9N, good shape, shed kept, new clutch, $2500.814-349-5267 For Sale: 752 Int. tractor w/loader, new paint, runs great, $7000; Tuff Built tractor with front/rear cultivator 16hp engine, $5000.610/488-6315. 210 AC Tractor on Rub ber, Field Ready. 717-768-0507 We Now Accept Visa Lancaster Farming 1 E Main St Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS Mon, Tues, Wed & Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p m Thurs. 7am to 5 p m OFFICE HOURS. Mon. thru Fn Sam to 5 p m The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1 - Farm Equipment 1b - Speciality Farm Eq 2 - Farm Eq Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section D Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each weeks publication ta-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq & Supplies 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32 Miscellaneous 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate Pair large bale hay forks Heavy Duty Worksaver for farm tractor, 1500 b capacity, never used, 5250; NH skid loader bucket, 5' wide, 5200. 410/771-4623, 410/692-0432. Sweet Corn Planter - MaterMacc Vacuum Seeder plants ALL size seeds from raw lettuce to large beans. Stainless steel fertilizer hoppers. Quickly adjustable row spacings. New patented design. Finally, one plant er for all seed! Two Row Planters from 54,695 In Stock! Money Back Guaranteed! Sold by Market Farm Implement 814-443-1931. Case 1845 gas skid Idr, needs some work, $3,400. 717-336-7288. Gehl harvester wide row w/grass & com head, new knives $9OO obo. 610-488-1628 NH 310 baler w/Bke new 70 bale kicker, $2,700. JD 1240 4R plateless Immac ulate, original $l,OOO. Nl 323 1R com picker, good condition $l,OOO. 410-239-9399 Iv message. Mix wagon 285 Kts re built. Van Dale, exc cond, $8,500 080. 717-866-6964. Self-propelled 100" com post turner. 717-692-4704 Super H Farmall tractor w/mounted corn planter & cultivators. 2 bottom plow, pull type. 717-697-1375. Case 18358 skid loader, 2045 orig. hrs, w/aux hyd, very solid 8< clean, excel lent paint. 717/445-9825. NH #258 rake, excellent, $2550; Int #5lOO drill 16x7 w/grass, $2975; JD 8250 drill 13x7 single disc w/ grass, $1175; Int. 7-tooth 3pt chisel, $1250. 610/562-4464. Farmco 18' 8 ton bale wagon w/extension tongue, $1750. Almost new. 724-459-6656 \ MAIL TO: \ { LANCASTER FARMING V P.O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 K NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets Name Address City Zip Please publish my ad starting with the DEADLINES: SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 4:00 P.M. SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION MINIMUM 3 LINES 1 TIME COST $5.91 4 Lines 7.88 5 Lines 9.85 6 Lines 11.82 7 Lines 13.79 8 Lines 15.76 9 Lines 17.73 10 Lines 19.70 Add’t Per Line $1.97 Each Massey Ferguson Plow #74 3-Bottom 14 Inch Covers 8. Coulters 610-562-5432 7085 4WD Duetz Allis, 3700 Hrs, One Owner. 20.8x38 Rears, 4.14 Front, 85% Rubber, Good Cond. 607-243-7039 Ford 1210 compact 4wd, 3 cyl diesel, hydo, 5' belly mower, 830 hrs, 54700. 4' Bush Hog squeeler, excel, cond, $550.3pt dirt scoop, 5125. 5' scraper blade w/ snow feet, 5175. 610-566-2779 Single front wheel for JD tricycle type tractor. 8' transport 6" auger. Adams Co, 717-677-7282. Manifolds for older tra tors; AC. JD, IH, Ford, Forman, Oliver, MF. Muf flers avail for most makes 8< models. 717-530-9459 6pm-9pm Skid loader. Mustang 930 A E series, $12,000 obo 717-899-6612 NH 269 haybine, $2OOO. NH 469 baler, $2OOO. 717-921-2250 Sawmill, portable. Cook 36" bandmiH, 25hp elec, remote, lazer light, auto reset, less than 1000 hrs, $16,000 firm new $34,000. 814-344-8190 814-344-8749 Ag-bagger G6OOO, B', w/ tunnel extension, totally rebuilt, $1 4,999. 610-987-6348. NH 352 Grinder/Mixer, like new, used very little; Inti 1200 Grinder/Mixer w/scale; IHC 986 w/cab & air sharp; 986 w/4-post. No Sunday Calls 717-292-1856 4800 Hesston 4x4xB baler w/3 bale accumulator, ex. cond. If interested we will buy hay & straw back that is made with this baler. 1-800-622-9902 AC 333 no-tIU com plant er, dry fert. Insecticide boxes, 4R, vg cond, $llOO. Ce. Co. 410-658-2022 VISA CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK Phone ( .times issue. Classify under I enclose ADS MUST BE RUN 3 TIMES IN A ROW TO RECEIVE ANY PRICE BREAK IN ORDER TO GET THE CORRECT COST, PLEASE USE ONLY OfJE LETTER PER SPACE WITH A BLANK SPACE BETWEEN EACH WORD Sunflower 6330 22' soil fin isher, only 4 years old. $12,900.1/2 of new. Zeis loft Eq. 800-919-3322. JD Narrow Row precision cropping system. Plant 8. harvest 22" row corn with this JD planter 8< cornhead combination. 301/607-4399. JD 7800 w/canopy, 4WD, power shift, 5600 hrs, $29,900.717-354-6829 Brlllion 14' Culti-Packer w/Transport Wheels; MF Chisel Plow, 8-Tooth, Trailer Type; Int'l 510 Grain Drill, Double Disc, Grass Seed 8< Fert. 610-777-4272 Ag-Chem 3pt Sprayer, PTO, 275 Gal, 30' Boom $2300.410-357-5969 Wlc #45 silage cart, re built, VG condition, $1,500. Oliver #5, 1R picker, $350. Gravity bin wagon $6OO. Ford 4x16” auto reset plow $350. Papec grinder mixer, good cond, $1,000.570-253-6995. NH 70 bale thrower, shaft drive, good cond. 814-472-4198 JD 330 Rnd Baler, Fair Cond $6500; JD 1360 Hay bine, Fair $7500 717-244-8583 1956 JD antique tractor, 3pt hookup, $3OOO. 410/239-3689. IH 3588 2+ 2, 3 remotes, 3pt, 1000 PTO, $B5OO. Clarkstown, PA. 570-546-8784 20.8x38 radial tires 40% tread, $250/Pn 16.9x30 tires $lOO/pr4lo-775-7519 NH 644 round baler w/ bale command computer, exc cond, $14,500 540-662-7196 USED TRACTOR PARTS, also rebuilt clutches and torques. We ship UPS. Hill-T Fam Inc., 4295 Rich mond Palestine Rd, New Madison, OH 45346. 937-548-0718. JD 336 baler, #3O throw er, field ready, $2BOO. 24V starter 8. gen. for JD 4020, low hrs, $lOO. 410-658-2022 , Master Card PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY FAX 717-733-6058 State JD 1240 corn planter for parts, $300.717/485-3695. JD 4455 Tractor, Cab, Power Shift, Nice $35,500 301-733-2195 FORKLIFTS: Direct wholesale liquidation. Must sell. Many makes. Call J.R. 215-937-1146 Electric forklift 3000 lbs, could easily be made for 3pt hookup, best offer. 717/361-9669. 350 Case dozer, diesel, 6-way blade, good shape. Home, PA, leave mes sage, 724-397-1254. NH 1431 dlscbine, 13' cut, used 100 acres, $16,300. 10' Ag Bagger, take over lease payments. 717-653-1956. NH 630 round baler, nice cond, stored inside, $7200 obo. 717-692-4301 3 JD 716 A Forage Wag ons 12 Ply Tires, Good Condition. 717-235-1194 Antiques: JD 730 diesel, restored. JD 730 gas re stored. JD A repainted. JD R original, straight tractor. IH Super A w/ cultivators 8. plow, origi nal. JD 435 standard, re painted. IH 560 Wheat land, original. IH 650 Wheatland, original. 410-820-7513 JD 7800 Tractor, Cab, PQ, Duals, Sharp, $37,500 301-733-2195 JD 337 baler, w/#4O ejec tor, good cond. 717-871-0154 Hay baler, NH self con tained, $300.717-566-6090. Dansuer post hole digger, like new, $BOO. 301-898-7426. 1934 JD "D" not running, but loose. Tractor is on steel. Aking $lBOO. 856-358-0362 Vermeer silage balers, new and used, wheel rakes, tedders, bale slic ers, choppers, trailers, wrappers and film, rock pickers, com pickers and finish cultivators. C W Neiderhis er Sales, 724-423-4076, 800-715-5586. CALL 717-626-1164 TO ADVERTISE YOUR LINE AD OR DISPLAY BOX AD IN OUR PAPER □ Check Enclosed □ Visa (13 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) (Be sure to include all numbers) □ Discover (16 numbers) Card # Exp. Date: Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement Lancaster Farming, Saturday, April 8, 2000-C5 (2) Hay wagons, good shape. 610-856-7654 6 row cleaners off JD 7000 corn planter. 717/786-8588. IH 470 disc, 20’ fold-up, $2,000. IH 370 disc 12' $750. 301-898-7426. 3 large gravity bin boxes, need a little work & paint, $550/all. 610/562-4464. WANTED TO BUY: Scrap metal. Highest price paid. 717-284-2800 Lancaster Co. JD 310 disc harrow w/ hyd. cylinder, new paint, good cond. 717-627-2894 5 Disk-chisels, Glenroe, Sunflower, IH. All sizes of chisel plows, 3PT & pull. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. Tree Spade, Vermeer 4 spade, 20”, 3pt or Idr mount, $1,400 080. 717-741-2180. 2R mechanical trans planter, like new. 400 plastic 5/8 bu baskets, Adams Co, 717-677-7282. JD 1520 gas w/JD 48 loader, 6' rotary mower, $6900.717-534-1253 White 160 tractor, 175 hp, 4WD, duals, 3,000 hrs, exc cond, $32,000. 717-867-4896. Ford 3000 Dsl Tractor; Cub Lo-Boy; Int'l 2444 w/ Idr; NH 315 Baler; JD 4R Cons. Com Planter; Int'l 12' Disc; Other 3pth Eq. Avail, All Stored Inside 8. Field Ready. Best Offers. 410-877-3607 Ml 800 Uni with Gray 839 Husking bed. Save Big! Out of season priced. Zeisloft Eq. 800-919-3322. JD 2630 Hi/Lo Ind. 1000-540 PTO. Adi rear axle, yellow roof, ROPS w/heat house. Working Cond., Needs some atten tion. $5,700 814-766-3687 NH baler model 275; Int. disc 32 blade puli type; JD roll bar rake; Int. 7' hay crimper; 2 electric fence chargers; 16" castrator. 215/257-6787. & Discover Signature 2 TIMES 3 LINES COST $11.82 Add’t Lini @ 3.94 Oliver 770 tractor, Oliver 1750 diesel, both needs work. 2000 gal. tank. 16' Brillion field cultivator. 717-532-2079 Int'l 56 Silo Blower, good cond $5OO 717-423-6758 JD 2R cultivator w/rear tool bar for JD 2010. $5O 717-426-3570 Int'l 756 Dsl, Cab, Less than 200/hrs on Complete Overhaul, New T/A $8,900 570-659-5654 ROPS Canopy for JD 2940 $500; Also, Like New 18.4x34 B.F. Goodrich Tires on JD Rims 814-766-3687 JD 7240 narrow row vac uum planter. 6R corn, HR soybean planter is largely rebuilt w/many new parts, excellent condition. 301/607-4399. Alfalfa haylage, 2nd cut ting; Rolled corn silage, both stored in stave silos. Lane. Co. 610-507-0380. Ford NH 311 baler w/ kicker. Like New w/warr Call Mornings 7:30-10:30 717-949-3769 Case DB 1410, PS, good rubber, needs overhaul, $2,400.717-532-8856. Case IH 600 silo blower, VG cond., $2050. 814/632-3066. Oswalt 230 mixer SS line bottom, poly sides, good cond. Hyd dump grain wagon 14'7'W, 42" grain sides. 717-485-3272 JD Cyclone A high com pression head & block, just reworked & bored, .090 over, $550 080. 570/368-2250. Patz unloaders, 20' RDB2O silo unloader, emptied 1 /2 silo, exc shape, $5,000 080. 20' RD 8820 silo un loader, emptied 2 silos, exc shape, $4,500 080. Call Mercy's Farm Equip ment, 802-326-4143. IH Model 35 hay baler w/ model 10 bale thrower, old but works well, needs tires, $4OO 080. 610/383-5344. OWES RATE 3 TIMES 3 LINES COST $16.56 22.08 15 76 27.60 19.70 33.12 23.64 38.64 27.58 44.16 31.52 49.68 35.46 55.20 39.40 Add’t Line @ 5.52
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