&**>VSSSSP**3S S= \Sk\ FARMHAND' A. Monday-Friday 7:30-5 700 EAST LINDEN STREET QFOTMrr _ “ W Saturday 7:30-12 JIC™. PA Kj & NEW GEHL Gehl Finance Offers: 9.9% Financing for 48 mos. AND/OR Cash Rebates OR Waiver of Finance Charges & Payments till Jan. 1,2001 OR 0% for 12 mos. OR 3.5% for 24 mos. OR 4.5% for 36 mos. OR 5.5% for 48 mos. OR 6.9% for 60 mos. Certain restrictions may apply. Gehl Company reserves the right to interpret, modify or cancel these programs at any time without prior notice. newGbHL 170 MIX-ALL Gehl Finance Offers: Waiver Till Jan. 1,2001 or Cash Discounts up to $1,300 or 0% for 12 months, 2.9% for 24 Months, 4.9% for 36 months, 5.9% for 48 months Certain restrictions may apply. Gehl Company reserves the right to interpret, modify or cancel these programs at any time without prior notice. Lebanon Valley Implement Co., Inc. 700 E. Linden Street, Richland, PA 17087 717-866-7518 New to the Navigator series of HARDI sprayers, the 550 features: • HARDI self-priming diaphragm pump with low maintenance. Teamed with HARDI motorized valves and HARDI-MATIC mechanical rate controller it offers constant pressure and a high degree of accuracy. Available with a variety of centrifugal pumps, Manual fold booms up to 50' wide or the renowned Eagle Hydraulic fold with patented self stabilizing suspension up to 66’ wide. Large 2.5 gallon sump fed from all sides by a sloped bottom, ensures good emptying qualities. Available Axle Systems Featuring 3 separate 60" to 88” adjustable axle systems. • New Patent Pending - tandem coil spring axle with shock dampened independent wheel suspension (11L-15 tires and 26” clearance) • High clearance axle with 11.2-38 tires • Navigator M Series, 550 Gal. • NL 210,210 Gal, 3 pt. Hitch w/33 Ft. Boom • Commander Series CM 750 Lebanon Valley Implement Co., Inc. 700 E. Linden Street, Richland, PA 17087 717-866-7518 In Stock: <HARPI> 4635 SKID LOADER • Deutz Oil-Cooled Diesel Engine •44 HP • 10.00x16.5 Tires • 68 in. Bucket In Stock Beady For Immediate Delivery Total hydraulic control Self-contained hydraulic system. Electronic scales for precise ration weighing. PRE-SEASON DISCOUNT GOOD TILL MARCH 10, 2000 • Single axle with 12.4-24 tires j THIS"WEEK’S SPECIAL "j ■ USED ' I 184 I SKID L | Model Year 19i j 1700 lb. SAE Lift C, ! 56 HP Diesel I 3000 Engine Hoi | 78” Bucket | Sale Price i $ 14,900 NEW & USED E' ■ New Gehl 4835 SXT, 57 HP Diesel, 72” Bucket ■ New Gehl 4635 SX, 44 HP Diesel, 68” Bucket | Used Gehl 4610, 44 HP Diesel, 70” Bucket ■ Used Gehl 4625, 43 HP Diesel, 65” Bucket J Used Gehl 3510, 27 HP Gas, 72” Bucket . I Used Case 1845 C, 56 HP Diesel, 78" Bucket I TILLAGE EQUIPMENT New Glencoe 7200 7 & 9 Tooth Soil Saver Chisel Plows New Glencoe 7400 9 Tooth Soil Saver Chisel Plow New Glencoe 4450 7 Tooth Coulter Chisel New Glencoe Disc Harrow 11’ 6” Wide New RJ Packer 19 Ft. Wing Fold New Amco 12 Ft. Disc Harrow . Used 11 Tooth Wilßeck Soil Saver . Used 9’ Pull Type Harrow Used Mohawk 3 Pt 8 Tooth Chisel Plow MISCEL] | New High Capacity Hammer Mill, Grinds All Types Of Gram - (Available For Sale or Rental AtewGehl 170 Grinder Mixer . ... . | AtewGehl 1162 Disc Mower .. ■ Used UFT 10’ No-Till Drill, w/Grass Seeder, Avail. For Rental * WewFarmHand Rotary Cutters | AtewFarmHand 15 Ft. Wing Mower . . . ■ New Farm Hand Loaders J New Farmco Cattle Feeders, Many Sizes I AtewTuflme 3-pomt Hitch Scraper Blades 7 ft & 8 ft w/Mechamcal ■ Side Shift, Angle and Tilt (other sizes available) $625-$9OO * NewGehi 8335 Mixer Feeder Wagon Call | Used Rissler 190 Stationary Mixer $6,500 I Used Luck-Now 220 Mixer Feeder $7,500 j Used Little Giant 34’ Bale Elevator $995 I Used Grasshopper 721 3 Cyl. Liquid Cooled Mower $5,850 | MF 43 Gram Drill 137” Spacing S9OOJ UwcMtef Farming, Saturday, February 26, 2QOO-C29 'MENT IN STOCK iKID LOADERS ;ous . $7,500 $10,200 . $5,800 $14,900 Call Call Call Call $7,400 Call $4,000 . $295 $9OO IPMENT Call $11,850 Call Call Call ... Call Call Call Call Call
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