v attV L Acify 55 Gal. Drum mFt! 15W40 * 196 05 Delivered Free SAE3 ° *194.50 50 Mi. Radius XTn Tractor From York, PA ' s£V«»M Hydraulic $199.50 (No drum deposits) Hydraulic (717) 246-9741 • 800-755-OILS (6457) Call Early Morning Or Late Evenings (2) - New JD Urethane Rolls Part #AE50824, fits 1460 Discbine List Price w/Beanngs $3,123 82 Discounted Price $2,600 JD 404 cu. In. engine, 4000 hrs. $1,500 JD 6600-6620 S.H. Parts Part #AH87747 & H 108576, Reverser Feeder House New, Never Used, Clean Gram w/Dust Diverter $3,000 Elevator Cham w/Sprockets mom FiovhoxH List $lB7 16 Sell for $155 New & Used Parts, Good Condition $7500 Part *AH 96388 & H 63578, Used 200 Acres. Tailings 404 D Engine, Elevator Cham & Sprockets 4000 Hrs List $192 60 Sell for $155 Final Drive from 66205 H Part #AH99750, Used 200 Acres Chaffer F|na , Dr | ve , rom List $367 76 Soil for $3OO oqqq§|4 srgrgrßrßfwgrarßrgrgrgrwgi BACKHOES Bradco 609 w/12” and 24” bkt, fits LX665 NH Skid Steer BALERS JD 347 square baler w/ejector, manual dist, hyd angle ID 430 Round baler COMBINES Shelboume Reynolds 20’ stripper head off JD 9000 Series (4) Case 2388 w/1020 25’ Platform, 2WD, 280 hp, 30 5-35 frt, 14 9-24 Rear, AFS w/Yield Monitor, 210 Bu Gram Tank, Field Tracker, Rock Trap- Each $146,800 DISCS JD BWAI2’ transport wheels DRILLS JD 750 no-till, 10’ dolly whl, GSA att, frt lockup FRONT MOUNTS Gravely Promastcr 30 hp, 72” mower, dsl, ‘9l JD F 725 w/54” deck JD F 912 w/new 60” deck, Yanmar gas eng JD F 935 w/72” deck JD F 930 w/60” Deck Kubota F2IOO4WDw/60” deck Ford Cm 272 w/72” deck Howard Price 1260 Turf Blazer, 4WD, 40 hp, 10 1/2’ cut, ROPS canopy HAYBINES NH479 PLANTERS JD 7000 3 pt., 2 row, insecticide, no till coulters 1473 JD 7000 5 row splitter w/ffame coulters 1568 JD 7200 vac, no fcrt., insecti, 150 mon., no till frame coulters, no markers 208725 RAKES JD 640 5 bar rake JD 660,5 Bar IH TRACTOR PARTS ■ Including Crawler & Construction Parts BATES CORPORATION m 4917 14th RD , BOURBON. IN 4h504 PARTS DISMANTLED, CLEANED & BEADY FOR SHIPMENT WE SHIP UPS, TRUCK, BUS Best Prices On Factory Rebuilt TA’s & Clutches NEW REPLACEMENT PARTS CALL THE IH PARTS SPECIALISTS H TOLL FREE 1-800-248-2955 www.batescorp.com JTSS^mEM^LECTRICri^I I | T 3 @ rmf.w n m 11 . *T J . - m m u B B E B E B SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, | SERVICE AND RENTALS | Myerstown, PA jj (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 I S B § B u $1,500 $2,000 $1,250 (1) 40 KW Ford New and Used PTO Generators in Stock | ,\Vii' <S Ll'icil Inui'-fcr Sir//i/)rs' I" Martin’s Tractor Parts " 866 Greenspring Rd Newville, PA 17241 Used Tractors: JD 720 Gas $3,500; JD 4640 PS $15,000; David Brown 1200 $3,500; Oliver 66 WF, $3,000, MM M 5 $2,000; JD 6030 $10,500, AC 220 $B,OOO, JD 530 $4,300 Used Tractor Parts Most Makes and Models Have Large Selection Recent Arrivals: Case DC; JD 4010, JD 2940 4WD, JD 2440, JD 3020;AC Dl4, Oliver Super 555, JD 2020, JD 3010, IH 706, IH 806, Oliver 1855, JD 4010; IH 706, AC 7000; JD 1010,JD 2010, IH 574; Oliver 1655, Oliver 880, JD 2010, JD 4020, IH 260, IH 260, IH 1086, IH 856, IH 1086, IH 706, JD 4020; IH Super M.IHH, IH 1586 Coll (717) 776-7542 or 6057 fWr ( 776-7327 fo* » imsm, for detailed information MON-FRIB-5 SAT 8-12 No Sunday Colls Will Ship UPS ICES, ipid« MjD 21157-3QO§ *w*w;finchmc.corn 410-876-2211 9x5928 $5,495 654440 $8,995 744210 $8,995 $11,500 $1,495 03947 $18,900 483267 030648 420084 596232 11577 $1,295 277359 $2,700 $5,800 $15,000 $1,995 $2,895 1091 -IH Model 7500 Variable Width. In the Furrow 6 Bottom Plow Reducible to 5 Blm With Spring Coulters Power Slide Hitch and Automatic Spring Resets $9,000 Milte Model 598 In the Furrow, Semi Mounted, Automatic Spring Reset Variable Width 6 Btm Plow With Dished Coulters $5,500 /hite Model 598 In The Furrow, Semi Mounted Automatic Spring Reset, Variable Width 5 Btm Plow With Dished Coulters $4,500 ahn Deere Model 8300 Grain Drill 23 x 7 DD Openers and Press Wheels, No Grass Seed or Fertilizer Excellent Condition $2,500 ahn Blue Trailer Nitrogen Applicator With 500 gal Aluminum Tank and John Blue Single Piston Ground Driven Pump S'! >750 -IH Model 1594 Hi-Crop Tractor. Purchased New in 1985, Cab, Air, heat, 4 Speed Power Shift, 18-4-38 Tires, Crop Clearance 27", Very Good Condition $1,500 Call Eckel Farms, Clarks Summit, PA 570-587-1725 H 766, Excellent Condition Year Round Cabs for IH Tractors IHIOB6, Cab & Air, New Rubber & Paint, Showroom Condition 1H1486, Cab & Air, New TA & Clutch, New Rubber & Paint, Showroom Cond... $20,000 Doing All Types of Repairs and Reconditioning IH Tractors Clean off-the-farm, field test tractors Most Reconditioned And Sold With Warranty Positively no out-of-stale Personal checks FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Gravity Wagon $4OO Hesston Pit Agitator ... .$4OO J-Star Manure Pump - 3 Pt $BOO Bush Hog Stalk Chopper $4OO Vicon Pert Spreader $6OO Hardi 200 Gal. 3 PTH Sprayer $1,200 IH 510 Drill w/Press Wheels $1,200 Hay Elevator, 24' $4OO Chisel Plow w/NH 3 Appl $5OO JD 48. Rollover Plow $4OO A O. Smith Harv. Goliath Unloader, New Chains $5,000 8’ Alum. Truck Cap w/Rack $75 JD 16’ Field Cult. w/Drag Tines $BOO Plasti-Plant 2R Sweet Corn Planter $2,500 IH 501 Heavy Disk $1,200 6 Yetter Fertilizer Coulter Attachments . . $5O/ea. 814/353-0537 SKIDSTEERS JD 6675 w/66” const bucket, rear wgt kit JD 6675 w/60” bucket, tooth bar, backhoe mtg plates JD 6675 w/manure bkt, cutting edge JD 7775 w/backhoc mtg plates NH L7Bl w/78” low profile bkt, rear wgts, frt hyd, 2 spd, 50 hp TILLAGE/PLOWS Bnllion 3 shank deep till w/gaugc whls Glencoe 9 shank soil save w/frt straight coulters Rhino 156 Chisel Plow, Pull Type TRACTORS JD 650 MFWD w/60” mower, turf tires JD 1050 2WD, SCV, pwr steering, turf tires, roll bar, no top link JD 4200 MFWD 9/3 collar shift, DSCV, Mid PTO, fixed ROPS (2) JD 855 w/60” deck, MFWD, Turf tires JD 4230 w/cab JD 4440 RG, canopy, enclosure, DSCV, PS, 1978 JD 4640 w/cab, air, dual axle, hyd. assist JD 5200 4WD, 45HP, 40 PTO, DSCV, top shaft sync, turf tires (rear 21 51 frt 9 5-16 excellent cond JD 7400 w/740 loader, 100 hp, 3 sep, MFWD, Turf Tires UTILITY VEHICLES EZ-GO GXTBOO gas, Bhp, runs JD Turf Gators w/bedlmers & hydraulic lift JD AMT 622 w/knobby tires JD AMT 622 w/turf tires Cushman Sprinter, 8 Hp, gas Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, February 19, 2000-C7 Financing Available 717-776-5515 JEFF SHOWAKER FARM EQUIPMENT Gehl AAX9S mixer, good cond, hammers never turned, $3500. JD Killfer, offset disc, v.good cond, 9', $600.610-346-6369 Kinze HR corn/sovbean planter, liquid, 14,500. CIH 1680 combine $28,000. Gehl 970 forage wagon, tandem $5,200. 717-589-7676. JD4450 4 post, 2wd, power shift, 20.8x38, 6800/hrs, 717-597-5623. No Sunday colls. Hay & straw in large round bales, wheat straw 8, alfalfa. Can deliver. 717-432-8587. 511,500 .Starting at $5OO WANTED: Old motorcy cles, minibikes, scooters, ATV's, etc. Private col lector. 610-692-6079. $20,000 NH 1715 4x4 500 Hrs, Exc Cond $9.800 717-369-4115 For Sale; JD 4320 tractor $10,500. JD 1240 plateless planter $450. Cab for 20 series $4OO. (717)436-8598. 565 New Holland Baler, Exc Cond; 8521 Int'l Bale Thrower, Good. Com plete. 856-935-6766 Ford 2110 3cvl gas, 3pth, 5 hydraulics, $2,800. Call after 7pm, 609-393-5947. Vermeer Stump Grinder Model 252 Exc Cond No Reasonable Offer Re fused Lancaster Co 717-786-8293. 4000 Ind. Ford w/section weights & loader, no 3pt or PTO w/reverser. Ist gear out. $2500. 717-534-1253 9' Hesston 1050 discbine, shed kept, ready for the field, very good cond. $4500. 814-766-2614 days, 814-224-4115 eves 025520 025588 02064 025402 818794 158656 52,995 S 2 995 51,195 006648 $7,995 008733 $ll,OOO 125721 $12,995 eaehs 12,995 021523 $16,995 007354 $18,500 15666 R $28,900 220949 $22,995 $62,995 A 19768 $2,100 each $5,795 009145 $2,995 008975 $3,495 $l,OOO $16,900 $14,500 $12,000 $15,900 $12,900
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