Farming, Saturday, February 19, 2000 FARM EQUIPMENT Badger portable manure pump for 10' pit, w/SS liner, $2BOO. Amos Zook, 3438-B Harvest Dr, Gordonville, PA. Manure spreaders. New Idea ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair. Lan caster Co. 717-786-3387 186 Int. Hydro, cab, heat, A/C, AM/FM CD player, completely restored. 350 hrs. on new motor, $20,000 080. 301-790-0450. Bobcat 773, 1600 Hrs, $10,900; Bobcat 7753, 600 hrs, $10,900.717/336-7375. JD 4640, 4480 hrs., AG 8. Turf tires, pwrshft. 90% mowing. Also JD 2840 w/ loader, JDB3O, MF2O w/ 973 hrs., on diesel rebuild, Int 424 gas w/turf tires. Toro gas w/7 gang mower, Kubota 3750 4x4/loader. 301 -384-7146. Crop processor kits for JD 3970, 3960, NH 892, 900. $4466. JD 3950, 3940, NH 782, 790, $4266. JD 5000 8. 6000 series replacement rolls, $933/ea. Horning Mfg. 717-445-9317 JD 404 Dsl, Irrigation Pump w/Berkley Pump & Elec. Primer on Trailer. shed Kept.; shur-Rain 6"x4o' Irrigation Pipe, Positive Latch Hook. E xcellent. 856-935-0348 Loader, Farmhand 22, excel, cond. $3500. Brillion 16' harrow, $4OO. IH 6b plow, $450. 717-862-3253 JD B Tractor, Exc Cond. Garage Kept. $2,500 610-384-8631 IH 5488 2WD, Wts, Duals; Stoltzfus 810 Lime/Fert spreader. Used Once; IH $2500 single Axle Dump, DT466 Auto, All Eq Exc. Serious Inq. Only 724-527-5542 Generator, aux., adapt, to Cat. 1,3 pt hitch. 4500 w, 120 8. 240 v, ex. cond, $3OO. 215/348-1375 eves. Radiators & water pumps, brand new for JD, IH, MF, Ford & Case. MC/Visa 717-530-9459 6pm-9pm IH 1486 motor overhaul 300 hrs, $9,200. 508 auto reset plow , 4 bottom 18 inch, $1,800.717-866-4299. JD 2520 dsl., WFE, VG cond. AC 210, 120 hp, turbo w/duals, VG cond. 609-723-6265 eves. JD 4840, power shift, axle duals, excellent rubber, motor complete over haul, AC changed to new Freon. Dino tested, 200 + HP. 315-258-2879. Engine overhaul its for JD, IH, Case, Allis Chalm ers, Ford, MF, David Brown, Oliver, White, Minneapolis Moline. Also, rebuilt miection pumps 8. miectors, shop manuals available. Call evenings 6pm-9pm 717-530-9459 JCB Backhoe 215 power shift ext. hoe cab 1,100 hrs., $45,000, Hyster 60' Manlift $14,000 Berks 610-488-7155. CIH Magnum 7110, MFWD, 4 rev, new 20.8x38 Firestone radials, wts, v nice, $33,000. Part ing out: IH 800 air planter, JD 1209 haybme. Union Co, 570-523-6135. JD 9500, 1991, 1700 engine hrs, 1100 seperator hrs, JD 643 corn head, 920 flex head, $63,000. 717-734-3139 JD 2040, 4WD, w/240 loader, $9BOO. 717-532-2007 eves & Sat 385 Deutz Allis 4RN no-till corn planter. JD 7000 6RN conventional vacuum corn planter. 610-932-8999 JD 2840, 80hp, exc. paint & rubber, new ceramic clutch & pressure plate, new brake & drum on left, hydraulic problem, $7OOO firm. 570-388-6263 1999 NH LX4BS Skid Load er, 34 Hrs, Paid $17,100 Sell for $14,000. Reason for Selling; New Employ ment Position & No Time to Use. Call After 7:00 PM. York. 717-266-0605 Farmall C, new tires, tubes, many new parts. $1,750 080, Woods Cadet 60 pull type mower $495 080. 610-856-7922. Richardton Dump Wagon, Mdl 700 T w/poly Liner, Good Cond. $9,750; Balzer #lOl6 Bi-Directional De livery Conveyor Box w/ Poly Floor, 3-Beaters $8,250 301 -842-3782 Catch wagon 8X7X16 $900; Hesston PT7 hay bme $1800; Miller Pro 900 rotary rake $2500; NH 634 4x4 round baler, $9OOO. JD 390 flail mower $3OOO. 570/477-5171 Luzerne Co., Brand new TECHNO BALE single row round bale mover, $5500. Deliv ery possible. 219/583-3623 Monticello, IN. 1993 JD 9500 combine, exc cond, w/918 flex head. 1997 JD 7240 11-row corn/soybean planter, like new. 301-662-5563. IH 806 $5,500 080. 7 shank Glenco soil saver, $2,300. JD 13’ rigid plat form $1,100.814-669-4660. 'B5 13' Hutchmaster off set disc, $/# 12-871, 23x' 4”X9" F; 21"xVx11”R blades, $3,200. 908-475-2232 eves. NH 27 whirl feed blower, $350. 12' Schaeffer disc $550. 570-966-9549. Restored & repainted tractors: 1952 Cub Lo-Boy w/lift, lights, starter 8. belly mower. 1954 AAH Pony w/lift, lights, start er, sickle bar mower, cul tivators, plow 8. potato plow. Either one $3500. 610/286-0088. Kubota B 1550 4x4 Load er, 913 Hrs, Exc Cond. $9.500 717-369-4115 □ I ITLINB - Partin Case IH 1660 4WD Combine, IMo Sunday Calls C 8143 358*2886 Mel’s Farm Repair IH 8530 IN-LINE BALER w/THROWER Exc. Cond. NH 311 BALER w/THROWER Good Cond. (717) 768-7729 p— -—c Total Electric Forestall Modular Saw Mill with HMC Debarker, Mobark Chipper, Vertical Edger, Barn Sweeps, Green Chain, Vibrating Conveyors, All Motors, Starters & Disconnects included. Owner retiring. Asking $85,000. 540-721-2150 540-721-2643 0 C Belarus 610, 60hp, diesel, 825 hrs Case 870 diesel w/cab Case 1200 TK 4x4,120hp, 3pt, no PTO, 3,600 hrs Collector Tractors AC, ED4O dsl Dl4 propane GET Schram Ford County (6), 113 hp, 4x4, cab IH 544, 52hp gas, hydro w/ldr IH 624,60 hp, diesel, cab, loader IH 724, 65hp diesel w/cab IMT 542 40hp dsl, 600 hrs MF 1100,95 hp diesel, m p , good cond MF 1130, 120 hp, cab, good Skid Loaders: NH L 555 dsl, L 455 dsl, L 445 dsl MADEY FARMS Bl4-467-8839 1) i / MFWD, Cab, Power Quad, 640 Loader, Jj, j Joystick Control, Triple Remotes, jjj $ 2200 Mrs, Very Nice $35,800 * Roskamp Roller Mill Grinder Mixer, digital scales, fold up auger, ready to use. No Sunday calls. 717-597-5623 JD tractor parts, new, used and rebuilt. New re placement parts for JD, IH, Ford, MF. We ship. Call for catalogue. Nelson Parts, 1-800-730-4020. Need used tractor parts? Call Leaman T ractor Parts. Specializing in IH, including TA's & Clutches. 1-800-233-0743 IH 1066, fender, 18.4x38 tires, nice, 800-521-4336. Farmall 460 gas, tricylce frt, extra wide rear axle w/2R cultivator, good paint, $3,500. 609-561-6822. 1830 Case skid loader. 33hp, new tires, goo< cond, $4000.717-933-9186 1988 Case Int 685 dsl, 60 HP, 2,325 hrs w/3pth, PTO, adj., front axle, re mote outlet, exc condi tion. $10,750 856-769-3183. Thomas 173HL dsl skid Idr, low hrs, $12,500 080. Heavy Equip Loader Parts, Grantville, PA, 1-800-446-0505. AC 4WD, Rubber Tires, Front End Loader, 1 Vi Yd Bucket 6Cyl Eng, Auto Trans, Looks/Runs Good. $4BOO 570-345-4362 FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers, discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade-ins wel comed. NH mowers, re built and guaranteed, en gines, hydraulics, crimper hookups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR, 550 Coo pers Dr., Kirkwood, PA 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. SKID LOADER BUCKETS John Deere “MC” Tractor, Blade, PTO & Belt Pulley *6,500 I I Gerhart Equipment Co. I k 910 Brunnervills Rd„ Lititz, PA 17543 j| | 717-626-8544 c PRESSURE WASHERS & SUPPLIES SALES & SERVICE on hand (3) Satoh 650, IH 185, (3) IH 154, Iseki G 154, EMR 154; (2) Ford 1700 Side Weights for JD 620 or 630 JD 70 Diesel - Running PARTS FOR: Most Tractors, Balers & Haybines, Hay & Combines, Kubota & Cub Cadets NEW & USED EQUIPMENT •'Accepting VISA and Master Card" lair I (War 30 Tr«ctor» In Stock - Sell - Rei IH 806 dual PTO, no 3 pt, runs nice $5,500 Case 1030 WR 3 pt, 1000 PTO, nice $4,700 Farmall H, nice straight, good runner $l,lOO IH 1466 cab, dual PTO, no 3 pt, nice $7,100 MF 1155 w/cab, recent engine work, nice $6,600 IH 460 gas, w/loader, runs nice $3,400 PARTING OUT. Case 930 830 900, 500, LA L DC SC, S, VAC, Case VAC 14 RC IH 656 Hydro 560 650 19 W 9, WD9, M H, F2O JD B Oliver 70 Super 77 diesel MM UTU ACWC.WD Some used tires New & Used Parts & Supplies King's Tractor 1426 Noble Road Kirkwood, PA 17536 IH 2000 interchangeable loader (2) 9N Ford to choose from Ferguson TO2O early model Jacobson MF 65 dsl w/power steering & remote MF 65 Hi Crop w/power steering & remote Ferguson 35 gas, 1900 hrs Ford 2000 ARPS hyd Idr & bucket MF 35 dsl for parts, good eng. Sauder snow plow .. Ford 801 w/hyd Idr & bucket, power steering, no 3 pt MF 135 gas, 1900 hrs IH 350 hi utility IH 350 hi utility, restorable JDMT Myers B'/ 2 ' power angle blade . . New replacement parts for Ford, Ferguson & JD 4lO-374-4087 DEPENDABLE MOTOR CO. East Main St., Honey Brook, PA 610/273-3131 or 610-273-3737 NH 770 Pick-Up Head Toro Ground Master Richie Hog Waterer Commercial Mower NH 782 Harvester Toro 52” Walk- LX 465 Skid Loader Behind Mower NH 315 Baler Case Skid 18350 w/Thrower I GRIJETT WE REBUILD I The Strongest'box Period. 489 WOBBLE BOXES m ® Compact Tractors cuumsmrixithiopnfii AEWHOLLAftP ARE YOUR ROCKS COSTING YOU TOO MUCH? 10% oit \ February 5% Off March y Anything / Purchased 7 or Ordered SAVE: *TIME *VOUR BACK wi ♦EQUIPMENT »MONEY or Professional Rugged Construction, Custom Fit For Many Loader, Applications - Skid Steer, Tractor/Loader, Trac-Hoe and Backhoe, Widths From 82-inch to 12-foot Lancaster Co. and Northumberland Co. Locations Call John Edward Weaver SU-i7B-9t13, US-4M-3M7 SNOWBLOWER CLOSE OUT Model Width LS2S 4 1/2' $1 ,200 SIOOH Single Auger Hydraulic 100" $2,275 DBSH Double Auger Hydraulic 81/2' $2,950 PINE GLEN FARM SERVICE (717) 899-7400 717-529-4066 8 am to 8 30 am $2,000 $2,000/ea. . $2,000 $2,500 $4,500 ..$4,200 $4,500 $4,000 $1,700 $2,000 $2OO $3,400 $5,000 $5,000 $2,000 $6OO $3OO . Call
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