incMter Fanning, Saturday, February S, 2000 CtLai &UY SELLrrfVADE FARM EQUIPMENT IH 600 blower, nice, $lBOO. IH 595 spreader, new webs, good cond. $lBOO obo. 717-626-0034 Loader, Farmhand 22, excel, cond. $3500. Brillion 16' harrow, $4OO. IH 6b plow, $450.717-862-3253 JD FBB drill 15 disk, #72 Gehl flail chopper, IH 56 blower, wrapped bale grabber, wheat straw. Cumb. Co. 717-258-5512. All grain heads & corn heads drastically re duced! Buy now & save big $. Zeisloft Eq. 800/919-3322. IH 574 diesel w/quick tach Idr, $7,500. 245 Kubota 4WD w/ldr $7,500. 610-777-4272. 2-150 White, clean, new rear rubber, CAH, 2 re motes, dual shaft, field ready, duals available, $9300 080. Will deal. 717/365-3704. Lucknow 285 TMR mixer w/J-Star scales, mounted on 'B4 1700 IH truck, both good cond, $12,000. 703-594-2709 IH Hydro 84, w/ldr., w/ 72" b Rissler 150 mixr. nice, NH4B9 good, 301-739-5258. Radiators & water pumps, brand new for JD, IH, MF, Ford & Case. MC/Visa 717-530-9459 6pm-9pm Brand new WF for JD 3020, 4020, $1495/ea. Brand new Schwartz WF for H Case & JD. $BBO/ ea. Leid Farm Equip. 717-530-9459 AAC, Visa ac cepted. Ferguson 30, VG cond, 3pth, $3,200. AC C, exc cond, VG rear rubber, $2,700. 717-235-1285, 717-795-8685. Engine overhaul Its for JD, IH, Case, Allis Chalm ers, Ford, AAF, David Brown, Oliver, White, Minneapolis Moline. Also, rebuilt injection pumps & injectors, shop manuals available. Call evenings 6pm-9pm 717-530-9459 IH 706 D, NF, 2pt, good rubber, good condition, $4500 080. 717/768-8118. JD Shell Fenders for 1520 8. 1530 $125/Ea. 6-9 PM Eves Only. MC & Visa Accepted. 717-530-9459 JD 75-4430 CHA, PS, 20.8x38 tires, posture seat, recent eng overhaul & paint, immaculate, $16,800. After 7pm, 540-722-9641. 1993 Case IH 5250, 112 hp, deluxe cab, 2 remotes, 18 4x38 tires, 2WD, 785 hrs, like new $38,500 Call after 8 pm, 814-275-2947 PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM: Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM CIH Magnum 7110, IH 1486, cab, air, heat, dig- MFWD, 4 rev, new ital tach, have used past 20.8x38 Firestone radlals, 3 months, runs good, wts, v nice, $33,000. Part- looks good, full set ing out: IH 800 air planter, weights, only $13,500. JD 1209 haybine. Union 800/919-3322 Zefeloft Eq, Co, 570-523-6135. Bloomsburg, PA. Catch wagon $900; Hes ston PT7 haybine $1800; Miller Pro 900 rotary rake $2500; NH 634 4x4 round baler, only baled 125 bales, $9OOO. 570/ 477-5171 Luzerne Co., NH model 352 grinder mixer, $4OOO. Model 523 forage blower, asking $300.908/995-2765. JD 9500, 1991, 1700 engine hrs, 1100 seperator hrs, JD 643 com head, 920 flex head, $63,000. 717-734-3139 JD 6030 cab & air, 3800 hr., a-hitch, 20.8 - 38 duals. Price $14,500, Call 856-455-3462. 97 NH LX665, 380 hrs, $14,250.717/336-7375. WANT: 80-120 hp tractor w/creeper gears. After 6pm, 215-538-3702. WANTED TO BUY: Scrap metal. Highest price paid. 717-284-2800 Lancaster Co. OAAC 95 Grinder Mixer $775; Oliver Plow 3pth 3-4 Bottom Hyd Reset $400; JD Offset Disc, 7' $200; Ol iver 540 No-Till Planter Corn/Bean $395 717-653-8016 Kubota tractor wanted; L2BSO, L 3300 or L 3410 GST/HST.4IO/429-4509. 1 OR 2 row sweet com orpumpkln planters w/ JDMax-emerge units. Pequea 717-442-4406. Planter, Gehl #5O grinder mixer, reconditioned by Mel Crum Farm Equipment Services. 301 -898-7856. Sawmill, $3,795. Free in formation. Norwood Sawmills, 90 Curtwright Dr #3, Amherst, NY 14221.800-661-7746. 42' Wic manure pump, multi-purpose, fair condi tion, $3OOO. Flotation tires for manure trucks & ma nure spreaders. 717/866-7822. 3 pt PTO 55 Gal. Hardi L 853 Air Mist Sprayer, Used 2 Seasons. $2BOO. (570)649-6189 JD 8200 grain drill, 21x7DD grass seed & press wheels. $2BOO. Pine Grove, PA 717-354-3208 Ford 3000 gas, excellent, $6995; MH 50, excellent, $4400; Farmall H w/ loader, $1850; NH 327 spreader; 8' pasture drag, like new, $350. 610/562-4464. JD 4630 power shift re built & PTO, R 34 freon, duals, 145 hp, good shape, $18,500.717-273-3823. IH 1066 turbo, 20x38 tires, 3217 hrs, exc $12,000. IH 656 w/2000 Idr. 2287 hrs, exc $8,500. IH 884 w/ torque amp, dual PTO, new eng etc, exc, 2708 hrs, $15,000. Super H re built eng, exc, $2,000. CIH offset disc harrow, 12', exc, $4,500. IH model 40 flail mower $750. Int model 560 plow, 6btm, 16”, exc, $2,500. Plus many farm items. Owner ret. Negotiable. Balto. Co, Bet 6am & 12 noon, 410-335-7136. Knight 410 Tandem Spreader w/3-Beaters, Exc Cond. Call Mornings 717-949-3769 1988 Case Int 685 dsl, 60 HP, 2,325 hrs w/3pth, PTO, adj., front axle, re mote outlet, exc condi tion. $10,750 856-769-3183. Hyd. cylinders 3'-25', 100 to choose from, mostly new, $5O-$250. 717/792-2751. JD 420 crawler w/toader. fair cond, $3,500. No Sun day calls, 610-944-7817. Case IH 5130 cab, MFD, 1000 hours, loader power shift Case IH 1394, MFD, FIOP'S, loader, turbo diesel, 1700 hrs. 315/688-2610 or 717/892-3888 Roskamp Roller Mill Grinder Mixer, digital scales, fold up auger, ready to use. No Sunday calls. 717-597-5623 JD tractor parts, new, used and rebuilt. New re placement parts for JD, IH, Ford, MF. We ship. Call for catalogue. Nelson Parts, 1-800-730-4020. 120' James way feeder, very good condition, $3000; JD 2280 windrow er, very good engine, $5000.814/692-8134 evenings. Need used tractor parts? Call Leaman T ractor Parts. Specializing in IH, including TA's & Clutches. 1-800-233-0743 JD 6675 skid loader, cab end. $11,500; Better Bilt 2100 gal. vac spreader $2000; JD 4508 loader w/ 93 hoe $8500; NH 277 baler w/thrower $1400; 20' steel hay wagon $l2OO. 717/733-0575. STOLTZFIIS TRACTOR SERVICE Rebuilding engines, transmissions, PTO’s, Tune-ups. 1715 Beaver Valley Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579 717-786-0256 Amos Stoltzfus “l5 Years Experience” Gehl TMR mixer, model 7285, syo, good shape, $4,500.570-265-8280. Kinze com planter units, new, will fit JD planters. Units have Insecticide & corn boxes. 814-793-3731 NH 2450 hayblne, 14', 242 hrs, like new, $31500. 410-775-7211 Grammar seats for JD, MF, IH, Ford, $llO/ea. Top links for JD 2 cyl., $234/ea. Flat top fenders for JD tractor, $lB9/ea. Flat top fender for IH tractor, $265/ea. Mount ing for bracket for JD fenders, $69/ea. LEID FARM EQUIPMENT .Visa & MC Accepted 6-9 PM Eves Only 717-530-9459 6V92T w/PTO rebuilt $6700; 3-53 F/F w/housing $600; 4045 JD 170 hrs F/F $4000; 4039 JD 1627 hrs F/F w/housing $3900; Ford 4 cyl. power unit $250.717/249-3227 ask for Ed 7am-spm. ■ .KJfc, SLURRY RUGGY • Liquid Vacuum Tank Spreaders • Truck Mounts Available aSk • Hoses • Valves • Accessories • Sales & Service on Vacuum Pumps Distnbutor for Wally Pumps. We Also Carry Wally 750 HR Moro Pumps. SLURRY BUGGY EQUIPMENT 194 South Groffdale Road, LEOLA, PA 17540 (717) 656-3249
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