Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 05, 2000, Image 88

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    incMter Fanning, Saturday, February S, 2000
IH 600 blower, nice, $lBOO.
IH 595 spreader, new
webs, good cond. $lBOO
obo. 717-626-0034
Loader, Farmhand 22,
excel, cond. $3500. Brillion
16' harrow, $4OO. IH 6b
plow, $450.717-862-3253
JD FBB drill 15 disk, #72
Gehl flail chopper, IH 56
blower, wrapped bale
grabber, wheat straw.
Cumb. Co. 717-258-5512.
All grain heads & corn
heads drastically re
duced! Buy now & save
big $. Zeisloft Eq.
IH 574 diesel w/quick tach
Idr, $7,500. 245 Kubota
4WD w/ldr $7,500.
2-150 White, clean, new
rear rubber, CAH, 2 re
motes, dual shaft, field
ready, duals available,
$9300 080. Will deal.
Lucknow 285 TMR mixer
w/J-Star scales, mounted
on 'B4 1700 IH truck, both
good cond, $12,000.
IH Hydro 84, w/ldr., w/
72" b Rissler 150 mixr.
nice, NH4B9 good,
Radiators & water
pumps, brand new for JD,
IH, MF, Ford & Case.
MC/Visa 717-530-9459
Brand new WF for JD
3020, 4020, $1495/ea.
Brand new Schwartz WF
for H Case & JD. $BBO/
ea. Leid Farm Equip.
717-530-9459 AAC, Visa ac
Ferguson 30, VG cond,
3pth, $3,200. AC C, exc
cond, VG rear rubber,
$2,700. 717-235-1285,
Engine overhaul Its for
JD, IH, Case, Allis Chalm
ers, Ford, AAF, David
Brown, Oliver, White,
Minneapolis Moline. Also,
rebuilt injection pumps &
injectors, shop manuals
available. Call evenings
6pm-9pm 717-530-9459
IH 706 D, NF, 2pt, good
rubber, good condition,
$4500 080. 717/768-8118.
JD Shell Fenders for 1520
8. 1530 $125/Ea. 6-9 PM
Eves Only. MC & Visa
Accepted. 717-530-9459
JD 75-4430 CHA, PS,
20.8x38 tires, posture
seat, recent eng overhaul
& paint, immaculate,
$16,800. After 7pm,
1993 Case IH 5250, 112 hp, deluxe cab,
2 remotes, 18 4x38 tires, 2WD, 785 hrs, like new
Call after 8 pm, 814-275-2947
PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM: Thurs. 7 AM to 5 PM
CIH Magnum 7110, IH 1486, cab, air, heat, dig-
MFWD, 4 rev, new ital tach, have used past
20.8x38 Firestone radlals, 3 months, runs good,
wts, v nice, $33,000. Part- looks good, full set
ing out: IH 800 air planter, weights, only $13,500.
JD 1209 haybine. Union 800/919-3322 Zefeloft Eq,
Co, 570-523-6135. Bloomsburg, PA.
Catch wagon $900; Hes
ston PT7 haybine $1800;
Miller Pro 900 rotary
rake $2500; NH 634 4x4
round baler, only baled
125 bales, $9OOO. 570/
477-5171 Luzerne Co.,
NH model 352 grinder
mixer, $4OOO. Model 523
forage blower, asking
JD 9500, 1991, 1700 engine
hrs, 1100 seperator hrs,
JD 643 com head, 920 flex
head, $63,000.
JD 6030 cab & air, 3800
hr., a-hitch, 20.8 - 38 duals.
Price $14,500, Call
97 NH LX665, 380 hrs,
WANT: 80-120 hp tractor
w/creeper gears. After
6pm, 215-538-3702.
metal. Highest price paid.
717-284-2800 Lancaster
OAAC 95 Grinder Mixer
$775; Oliver Plow 3pth 3-4
Bottom Hyd Reset $400;
JD Offset Disc, 7' $200; Ol
iver 540 No-Till Planter
Corn/Bean $395
Kubota tractor wanted;
L2BSO, L 3300 or L 3410
1 OR 2 row sweet com
orpumpkln planters w/
JDMax-emerge units.
Gehl #5O grinder mixer,
reconditioned by Mel
Crum Farm Equipment
Services. 301 -898-7856.
Sawmill, $3,795. Free in
formation. Norwood
Sawmills, 90 Curtwright
Dr #3, Amherst, NY
42' Wic manure pump,
multi-purpose, fair condi
tion, $3OOO. Flotation tires
for manure trucks & ma
nure spreaders.
3 pt PTO 55 Gal. Hardi
L 853 Air Mist Sprayer,
Used 2 Seasons. $2BOO.
JD 8200 grain drill,
21x7DD grass seed &
press wheels. $2BOO. Pine
Grove, PA 717-354-3208
Ford 3000 gas, excellent,
$6995; MH 50, excellent,
$4400; Farmall H w/
loader, $1850; NH 327
spreader; 8' pasture
drag, like new, $350.
JD 4630 power shift re
built & PTO, R 34 freon,
duals, 145 hp, good shape,
IH 1066 turbo, 20x38 tires,
3217 hrs, exc $12,000. IH
656 w/2000 Idr. 2287 hrs,
exc $8,500. IH 884 w/
torque amp, dual PTO,
new eng etc, exc, 2708
hrs, $15,000. Super H re
built eng, exc, $2,000. CIH
offset disc harrow, 12',
exc, $4,500. IH model 40
flail mower $750. Int
model 560 plow, 6btm,
16”, exc, $2,500. Plus
many farm items. Owner
ret. Negotiable. Balto. Co,
Bet 6am & 12 noon,
Knight 410 Tandem
Spreader w/3-Beaters,
Exc Cond. Call Mornings
1988 Case Int 685 dsl, 60
HP, 2,325 hrs w/3pth,
PTO, adj., front axle, re
mote outlet, exc condi
tion. $10,750 856-769-3183.
Hyd. cylinders 3'-25', 100
to choose from, mostly
new, $5O-$250.
JD 420 crawler w/toader.
fair cond, $3,500. No Sun
day calls, 610-944-7817.
Case IH 5130 cab,
MFD, 1000 hours,
loader power shift
Case IH 1394,
loader, turbo diesel,
1700 hrs.
315/688-2610 or
Roskamp Roller Mill
Grinder Mixer, digital
scales, fold up auger,
ready to use. No Sunday
calls. 717-597-5623
JD tractor parts, new,
used and rebuilt. New re
placement parts for JD,
IH, Ford, MF. We ship. Call
for catalogue. Nelson
Parts, 1-800-730-4020.
120' James way feeder,
very good condition,
$3000; JD 2280 windrow
er, very good engine,
Need used tractor parts?
Call Leaman T ractor
Parts. Specializing in IH,
including TA's & Clutches.
JD 6675 skid loader, cab
end. $11,500; Better Bilt
2100 gal. vac spreader
$2000; JD 4508 loader w/
93 hoe $8500; NH 277 baler
w/thrower $1400; 20'
steel hay wagon $l2OO.
Rebuilding engines, transmissions,
PTO’s, Tune-ups.
1715 Beaver Valley Pike,
Strasburg, PA 17579
Amos Stoltzfus
“l5 Years Experience”
Gehl TMR mixer, model
7285, syo, good shape,
Kinze com planter units,
new, will fit JD planters.
Units have Insecticide &
corn boxes. 814-793-3731
NH 2450 hayblne, 14', 242
hrs, like new, $31500.
Grammar seats for JD,
MF, IH, Ford, $llO/ea.
Top links for JD 2 cyl.,
$234/ea. Flat top fenders
for JD tractor, $lB9/ea.
Flat top fender for IH
tractor, $265/ea. Mount
ing for bracket for JD
fenders, $69/ea. LEID
& MC Accepted 6-9 PM
Eves Only 717-530-9459
6V92T w/PTO rebuilt
$6700; 3-53 F/F w/housing
$600; 4045 JD 170 hrs F/F
$4000; 4039 JD 1627 hrs
F/F w/housing $3900;
Ford 4 cyl. power unit
ask for Ed 7am-spm.
• Liquid Vacuum Tank Spreaders
• Truck Mounts Available aSk
• Hoses • Valves • Accessories
• Sales & Service on Vacuum
Pumps Distnbutor for Wally
Pumps. We Also Carry Wally 750 HR
Moro Pumps.
194 South Groffdale Road, LEOLA, PA 17540
(717) 656-3249