A26-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 22, 2000 Junior All-Breeds Convention STATE COLLEGE (Centre New topics include rumen devel- Convention. Please indicate if Co )-The sth Annual Junior All- °P men t and semen evaluation, you would like a Convention T- Breeds Convention will be held Food-Pizza on Friday, conti- shirt when you send in your reg in State College on February 11- nen tal breakfast on Saturday istration 13, 2000. All interested junior a i on g with lunch and a banquet members of breed associations a t the Days Inn. Sunday will are invited to participate. The include brunch and a safe ride following activities are among home the highlights planned: DJ Dance-Meet other junior Mixers-Develop your brain- members and show your moves, teaser skills, you never know Mock Sale-Money will fly as when you may need them. members have a chance to bid Fun and Educational 0 n all six breeds. Workshops-Juniors will be Tours-Jumors and parents divided into different age groups can visit the Penn State Deer and will receive hands-on learn- Pens and other attractions, mg. Workshop topics include The ticket reservath Reproductive Physiology, a les son in animal nutrition, adver tismg/promotion, and more! Holstein Junior Convention STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co )-The Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Association 2000 Convention is fast approaching. The Southcentral District has put together an outstanding pro gram beginning on Friday evening, February 4,2000. There will be commercial exhibitors, along with a well-stocked dairy bar available all weekend Junior members bringing their folding displays and pho tographs for contest will have them on display in the dairy bar area Saturday, February 5, will be a full day of competition, educa tion, and fun. Competition will include the Dairy Bowl and Speech Contests. They are planning for a lot of fun at the Carlisle Sports Emporium with shuttle running from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 Jersey Shore Livestock Market, lac. Auction Every Thursday At 4:00 pjm. Jersey Shore, Pa. Report Supplied By Auc tion Thursday, Jan. 20, 2000 RETURN TO FARM CALF; 70.00-302.00. GOOD VEAL: 40.00-69.00. COMMON VEAL 10.00-39.00. CHOICE STEERS 67.00-72.00. SELECT STEERS 63.00-66.00. COMMON STEERS 57.00-62.00. COMMERCIAL COWS 37.00-43.50. CANNERS-CUTTERS 32.00-36.00. SHELLS: 25.00-31.00. CHOICE HEIFERS 67.00-71.25. SELECT HEIFERS 63.00-66.00. COMMON HEIFERS 43.00-62.00. GOOD FEEDERS 70.00-52.00. COMMON FEEDERS 45.00-69.00. BULLS: 45.00. iTo] (j FARM s RECORD \ BOOKS |° $ 5.95 § 717-872-1976 or mail: § 101 Tomahawk Drive §> Conestoga, PA 17516 i° & i 2R Tickets will be $4O per person and includes all activities planned during the '.me. is Januai The cost is $l5 00, which includes LaserTron, arcade tokens, Grand Pnx, Kart Ride, Batting cages, or mini-golf The Dairy Bowl finals will be held at 4:00 p m. The winner will represent Pennsylvania in National Competition this June in Ohio. Sunday, February 6, will con clude the Convention with the awards breakfast and program. Many juniors wilf be recognized for their achievements and par ticipation in junior activities during the past year. Why Pasture Mat? The Rewards Pasture Mat is tightly stuffed with . Better Cow Health rubber and sewn every 4" to prevent , Reduced Leg Injury shifting , R ec j ucec j Swollen Hocks Proven most durable top cover. , More Lactation Per Cow - More Least abrasive top cover on the Milk m & rl<e t • Reduced Bedding Costs Fits any stall . p aS f Ure Mats Often Pay For Proven performance. Themselves Within 6 Months. For details and installation with over 6 years experience, call: Petersheim’s Cow Mattresses 117 Christiana Pike (Route 372), Christiana, PA 17509 610-593-2242 U.S. Pat. No. 5653195 C»Oass|c [||| l|| 2 Multi-Story Home, Shop, I IU I Barn, Domestic Water, Pool Greenhouse, Etc. / ELIMINATE HEATING BILLS / KENNETH V. STAUFFER R.R. #1 Box 307, Mt. Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 PHONE (717) 539-4606 FAX (717) 539-4703 1-888-539-4606 Please Call For Free Information! For rooms, call Day’s Inn. Penn State (1-800-258-3297). and indicate that you are with the PA Junior All-Breeds Convention. The room rate is $69 for one to 4 people in a room If you are unable to reserve a room when you call the hotel, please call Dale Olver at 814 863-3914. If you have any questions, or comments, pleasi call Erica Davis at 814-862-556 or the Penn State Dairy Scienc Club at 814-863-3914. PasbureMat The Golden Standard In Cow Comfort Ask For Merrill or Sam The Clarion Hotel includes a large indoor swimming pool, sauna, and game room. The Clarion Hotel is located near Carlisle on Route 11, 1 mile north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Exist 16 or 1/4 mile north of 1-81 Exit 17. All Pennsylvania Junior Holstein Club members and enthusiasts are invited to join the South-Central District for “Grazin in the Hay in Y2K.” Contact Bridgette Bortner at (717) 792-3647 for more infor mation. PI NN.SH.VANIA A1,1,-I1RI.LI)S JUNIOR CONVI NIION Address Phone Day arriving (circle one) Friday night (2/12) or Saturday, morning (2/11) Names and ages of other pci sons attending with you Adult eh ipeione (il available) Registration fee MO per poison (includes I udav night pizza Siluiday continental brcaklast lunch and dinner, md Sunday brunch) \ MO each = enclosed Number of persons Make checks payable to PA Junior All Breeds Convention at sloeach = I shuts Circle size S M I XL lOTAL KNCLOSI Send ticket order forms to Penn State Dairy Science Club Attention: Junior All Breeds Convention 324 Henning Building University Park, PA 16802 Registration deadline: January 25,2000 For hotel room reservations, call Day's Inn at 1-800-258-3297 and mention that you arc with the PA Junior All-Breeds Convention. Room rate is $69 for 1-4 persons in room. If you cannot reserve a room, please call Dale Giver at 814-863-3914. Conduct agreement: I agree to follow all convention rules These include 1 Absolutely no drugs or alcohol will be used or consumed 2 All juniors must be in their rooms by 11 30 p m Friday and midnight Saturday 3 All juniors agree to follow directions given by convention chaperones 4 Any juniors damaging hotel property will be charged for damages and sent home 5 Juniors will not leave convention facilities without permission from a chaperone 6 Violators of these rules will be sent home at parent's expense and barred from further participation in the PA Junior All Breeds Convention Parent signature Lmcrgcncy phone number Junior Signaturc(s) INCREDIBLE LOW PRICES!! SUPER TOUGH STEEL BUILDINGS Factory Direct 800/825-5059 Agricultural • Commercial • Residential REMS I RAT lON FORM enclosed Av.iHnblc models 25 x 32 (2 left) 45 x9O (1 left) 30 x 44 {3 loft) 50 x 100 (2 left) 40 x 62 ( \ left) 55 x 150 (2 left) Ci»ll fui other si/os
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