WKKioGBQUIPMENT IJCfI AND SUPPLIES I POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. I £ E | SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, | | SERVICE AND RENTALS I g g [| Myerstown, PA jl | (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 I m S b c (1) 40 KW Ford New PTO Generators in Stock I c n G IG-EUSE I b EiaHtt’i jj New & Uwti Transfer Switches j ■■ POULTRY ICI AND SUPPUES Rhode Island Red tayers, 19 weeks old, $4.25/ea. 717-692-5283 Incubator/hatcher Sport ing 1270 w/clear acrylic doors, exc cond, $3OO. 2 emu wooden huts 98"x98". Well constructed, good condition, $75. 570-673-8533. Ringneck Pheasants for sale. Field ready. 215-536-7145. Pullets 18 Wks Old. Red, 1 or 100. Paul Shirl. Lane Co. Pa. 717-445-6423. For Sale: Silkies big and some small sllkie. Lane. Co. 717-738-1759. 1000 brown egg-laying hens, laying 4 months. Must sell due to farm ac cident. $3.50/each. 570/333-5405. Used (4) 300' lines of Chore Time pan feeders. (8) 300' lines of Val nipple waterers. Both good cond. (2) 18 ton feed bins. 717-892-2099 PH FEED ■ Hfl AND SEED Bolage, Alfalfa & mixed, 3rd & 4th cuttings. All tested. Delivery included. 610-298-2870 Wheat Straw, Round 8< Square Bales 814-234-9622. 50LB square bales Timo thy 8. timothy/alfalfa 8c alfalfa, $lBO/ton. Guaran teed quality. 705/652-8692 eve, fax 705/652-6414. Alfalfa baleage. Centre Co. 150 bales, shredded for easy feeding, forage tested, 24 + % protein, 160+ RFV. 814/422-8111 Round Bales of Wheat 8c Straw 1, 2 8. 3 Cutting Al falfa 8c Grass Hay. 717-432-8587. Alfalfa round bales, kept inside, dry shell corn. 610/589-9433. 2nd cutting gross hoy, good for horses, 3x3, $165/ton. 610-273-2990 Bom Mixed & Gross Hoy. Ist & Latter Cuttings. Delivery Available. 717-653-9408. Bam dry wheat straw, $9O/ton. Delivery aval able. 717-534-1253 4x4 Sudax, tested. Union Co. 570/523-1459. 4X4 baleage, 4th cut, Slo King treated, real nice. Union Co. Delvery aval able. 570/523-9466. High qualty alfalfa ba leage, large squares, in noculated, Michigan, 20 + pro, 810-798-8349. Wrapped round bales of Sorgum Sedan grass, $2B/bde. Want: shelled corn w/cob about 25% high moisture. Good quali ty haylage & silage. 570-837-0411 CORN SILAGE FOR SALE Berks County. 610-779-3284. Wanted: Full grown Ban tams, any type, no deal ers. 570/435-5113. Pheasants, Quail, Mal lards. Raised in play pens. 717-445-8318 Fancy, Heavy Roosters WANTED YEAR-ROUND. 717-484-4549 Baby chicks: fast growing broiler chicks, high pro duction layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer's Chicks, Quaker town, PA, 215-536-3155. CHUKAR CHICKS 72(5 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa 15825 (814)849-3430 2nd crop Agbag alfalfa haylage, $5O/lon. 717/865-3602. Round bale silage 4th and sth cutting, 1200 lb. 717-789-3244. 170 Ton Corn Silage $27/ Ton 717-653-4324. Rolled Corn silage, hay, straw. Delivery available. 610-932-8999 Straw for sale, 3'x3'xB'. Lancaster Co, 717-626-8257. Dairy quality alfalfa 3x3xB bales, tested, will deliver. 701-496-3173. Corn Silage For Sale; Delivery Available 610-987-6348 Hay for Sale; Round Bales, Large Square Bales 8c Wrapped Bales of Hay lege. 570-662-2756. 80 Tons Corn Silage $25/ Ton 717-382-4173. Excellent 2nd & 3rd Cut ting Alfalfa, Sm. Squares. $175/Toa Can Be Deliv ered. 717-382-4173. Paper Bedding From Re cycled Wall Board. Very Absorbative. Delivery Bulk w/Large Grain Truck. $75 Plus Delivery. 717-426-1990. High moisture com, corn sHoge and rylage.F.M. Browns' Sons Berks Co, 610-582-4591. Good com silage & hay lage In AG bags. Deliv ered In sHo. Garbers. Lan caster Co. 717-464-2894 Good Clean Wheat Straw, baled dried, stored Inside, $B5 at the bam, or we will deliver at cost. Good clean wheat straw baled dry, stored on wood pallets w/super tarp cover, $6O at the farm, or we will deliver at cost. 717-866-5825 eve nings 717-228-8372 days Open Pollenated Seed Corn, Exc Silage. 410-452-5657 Dan Delp WANTED; Good Quality Shelled or Ear Com, No Roundup or BT Corn. Will Pay Bonus. 717-866-2091. Straw, long rye, good color, $3/b a I e . 609-859-3554-Day/ 609-859-9392-Evenings Eastern PA farmer/ trucker has flatbed semi In central Kansas 1 or 2 times/month. Bringing back small square 8< mid- size alfalfa to PA. Will di vide loads. 610/469-0593 Iv.msg. Organic Balage- High RFV. Certified & deliv ered. 301-983-2167. WESTERN ALFALFA, 2nd & 3rd cutting, small square bales, excellent dairy or horse hay, for age analysis available. 410-527-0304 sth Cutting Alfalfa Hay lage, 65% moisture, $6O/ ton. Delivery available. 877-881-0444 Western alfalfa: high tested for dairy and horses. Grass hay. 4x4xB bales, 3x3xB bales & small squares. 1-800-874-2814. Hay dealer looking for suppliers of timothy, or chard grass, and/or mixes. Delivered to northern VA. Large loads of small square bales. 540-364-1824. NORTHERN PREMIUM DAIRY ALFALFA 3x3xB large squares covered, tested and quality guar anteed grown on our farm. Randy and Sherri Heiser, Ruso.ND 701-626-7641. Sweet corn silage avail able, Wye Mills, MD. Con tact Jay Friel 410-827-8811 4x5 round bales of barley straw, $2O/each. 302/398-8754. Round 4x5 bales of Barley straw, $2O/ea. 302-398-8754 Clean Wheat Straw for sale, scales at the barn. Millersville area, Lancas ter Co. 717-872-7801 Ontario hay, big square bales, 18.5% protein, first cut 80% alfalfa, $l4O/ton, 63 bales per load. Reg Small 519/323-2191. Wrapped round bales. Dry hay local 8c western, large 8c small square, round. Alfalfa 8c Timothy 8. mixed. 717-258-5224 We deliver. Western Alfalfa: Tested, delivery available. $5O-$ 100 per ton. Grass hay also available, 3x4 square bales stored inside or covered. 800-786-9794. Western Alfalfa, 3x4 sq.bales, tested, delivery available. $5O-$llO. Grass hay also available, stored inside or covered. 1-800-786-9794 Dairy quality baleage 3'x3'x7' squares grown in western Wise. 608/625-4191. alfalfa hay lualit' DaiP for sale. We deliver, Irg sq bales. John Woods Alfalfa Hay Co. 1-800-572-7274. Western Alfalfa organic or others, large or smaH 610-273-2990 Sam Quality soybean hay ba leage. Tested, reasonably priced. Can deliver. 814-448-9765. Rye; cleaned, bagged, bulk; field run. Pos. del. Clyde Kreider, Lane. 717-898-8927. Dairy Quality Alfalfa. Tested, stored Inside. Can deliver. 1-800-257-4299. Dairy Quality Alfalfa, Mid-Sized & Small Square Bales Avail 160-1- RFV. Call Toll Free 1-888-255-9344. Tap quality Indkna & Neb. 19%+p & 200% + RFV Alfalfa! Also dry cow hay- 4x4xB bales. Unload ing & delivery included. Grlnstead Hay Farms, Sheridan, Indiana, 888-758-4151. Western alfalfa, small square bales, high RFV, high protein, delivered. 308/324-4022. Hay & Straw for sale. 610-255-521 1 1-800-869-6880 For Sale: Wheat straw, bright & clean, 331 b bales, at the farm, Manchester, York Co. 717/266-2828. CORN SILAGE, HAY LAGE, TMR. Delivery available w/trucks equipped to unload in blower or AG bag. Dale Good 717-949-2371 Alfalfa, Timothy mixed Ist cutting, 3'x3'x6' square bales. Stored in side. 304-263-4572. Buying damaged grain, 717-426-2905. Straw for Sale: Stump Acres 717-792-3216. York County. Sweet corn silage, $l5/ ton, mixed w/corn silage, $23/ton. Delivery avail able. 717-898-8927 Clyde Kreider. Alfalfa hay: dairy and horse quality, big squares or small squares. We de liver anywhere. Rock Creek Ranch, Cleveland, OK, 91 8-358-2541, 918-640-0486 mobil, Dwain Carnes. WANT: damaged or moldy corn and barley, hauling available. 800-433-6236. WANT TO BUY: Moldy Grain, Feed or Bi-Prod ucts. 410-526-6892. LIVESTOCK BEDDING: Clean sawdust up to 70 cu.yd. $4.25/per cu.yd., plus delivery. GIFT LUM BER CO., INC. Douglas sville, PA 610-689-9483 7:3oam-4pm. HAY AND STRAW for horses and dairy. We de liver. I I. HAY, INC. 1-800-622-9902. WANTED: damaged or moldy corn, grain or soy beans. 717-733-4516. MUSHROOM SOIL for sale. Delivery available or pickup 610-939-9193. Hay suppliers, Timothy, Alfalfa, Mixed, 700 bale loads delivered. Ellyson's Inc 330-223-1594 Kansas Alfalfa Top quality hay 717-530-1601 717-530-3612 HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa & Mixed Hay Big Square Bales 3’x3’x7’ 610/944-5741 Berks Co. Idaho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kaye 800-223-7163 Nutrition c/ Livestock Pre-mixes Blender & Dist. • Feed Ingredients " Check with us for your salt needs Bags, bricks or blocks nWe now have Kelp Meal * ’ i Hy-Ration Dog Food « (717) 354-5741 V - a, h j r DRY WOOD SHAVINGS Bulk Loads, 10-25-100 Yds. Available. Serving Central, Eastern & NJ Areas. Also Available. Wood Chips, Bark Mulch & Mushroom Soil NOLL GRAIN (717) 665-9463 (717) 664-7533 Fax m Ronald S. Keener Grain H Buying and Selling Ear and H Shelled Corn and Soybeans $ h 60’ Trailer Scales h M Elizabethtown, Pa. ij \\ 717-367-6309 Home m 717-653-5254 Elevator M ttz:izriiiazixiziiiiniininxiJX)M WANTED New or Old | Round or Square 1 Bales of Hay Call Evenings 610.593.7317 WANTED Mulch Hay and Straw 610-869-2078 John H. Lloyd MULCH HAY WANTED Large Square & Round Bales Picked up at yopr farm (610)444-1651 LSI LSI WANTED Mushroom hay, round or square bales Please call Gary: 570-698-5238 SWEETER. SOFTER. GREENER ftLFfilFft Produced in Idaho & Cut with the New “Super Conditioner” Ida-Best Hay Farms 1-800-558-2378 Alfalfa Seed $9B/Bag • Tested for germination and purity • Field tested in this area 6 years • Innoculated • Can be used on certified farms •Will Ship UPS Homestead Nutrition (717) 354-4398 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, December 11, 1999-D23 CORN SYRUP KRI ( IOSP 1,290 CALORIES PER LB. $50.00 per 55 gallon drum (plus tnukinjj from St cmitus, N.,1.) Wilcnta Feed 201/863-3035 MULCH HAY WANTED Ontelaunee Farms Inc Call (610) 929-5753 for current price GOOD CANADIAN HAY & STRAW Ist, 2nd & 3rd cut mixed hay 32x34x8’ square bales Silo Guard applied Inside & no ram. Take advantage of our low Canadian dollar Sunny Brae Farms c/o Lloyd Rankin (613) 476*2813 ALFALFA FOR SALE Sappa Valley Alfalfa Farm Rich Phillips RT 1, Box 30 Beaver City, NE 68926 (877 J-277-2429 High quality Nebraska grown Alfalfa We are the producers so buy direct from the producer Call for price quote Delivery into any area LIVESTOCK BEDDING ]j • Strips of Paper ji • Absorbs & holds fluid better than j,| straw or newspaper 1 1 • Free Delivery - Lancaster County i-l • Approx 1,100 1b bales j| • Call for Price • 1 'i i Daniel Ness \i 1 (877)647-1863 f] | Call Toll Free, Leave Message \\ High Maples Farm Balage For Sale • 3x3x6 Square Bales • 2 nd , 3 rd , & 4 ,h Cuttings • Forage Analysis Available • Delivery includes a skid steer loader with a squeeze • Bales will not be punctured Call 410-275-9147 before 6:45 AM and evenings Please leave a message other times. v WESTERN HAY 4th Various types of alfalfa dairy hay j4Eb Grass hay for horses & dry cows Large & small bales available 4th Large inventory in stock Will Deliver J & L EQUIPMENT s. 814-893-5763 Ask for Jerry
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers