D22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 11, 1999 h Load of M Mutes M m H U ust Arriv ed M From Virginia^ h ALL MULE SALE ►< m February 2, 2000 m m 9:3oam 250 headn M M H Jonas S. King H 122 Krantz Mill Road M M New Providence M M PA 17560 M Vi 717-786-7990 K IAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi Used Aluminum Trailers in Stock 1992 Sundowner Aluminum 4 Horse Slant Load Gooseneck 1988 Star-Ro 23’x6' ’x7 (4) Horse - New Eby - Trailers In Stock Model Year 2000 3-Horse Slant Load w/Dressing Room Loaded 4 Horse Eby Aluminum Combo Gooseneck Horse Trailer New Eby 4 Horse Head to Head Loaded With Extras (1) 2-Horse Straignt Load Gooseneck CALL MIKE AT 800-292-4752 Rubber m.. Mats 4x6, 3/4” thick ‘ & IZT2|y Tnot used belting material) IHtKw™ Speda^^, 5/per mat; r*f Calf for quantity price & pickup See us at New Holland Sales Stables Every Monday 717-334-7282 Black Hills Horse Equipment BG DRAFT HUB Jk Special Mule Sales Sat., February 5 and Fri., March 3,2000 New Holland Sales Barn Will be hitching 20 mule team morning of each sale. If you’re looking for mules, the special mule will be there for you l Consignments Welcome Please get them in top shape now Get them wormed and their teeth fixed We have a demand for good draft mules and also for older mules to be pack mules at hunting clubs PAUL SMUCKER (717) 299-3721 GRRD€ & DRAFT PONV SRLC In conjunction with PA Draft Horse Sale Februory 16, 2000 -6 pm Sale previews 6 pm on 2/15/00 Horrisburg Form Show Complex Consignment deadline 12/15/99 For more info contact Alvin Reiler 717-768-3106 Cphricim Stoltzfus 717-656-0513 Clmer King 717-768-7183 Cut stall clean-out time by 50% with a Millcreek Compact Spreader. “The spreading efficiency sure outweighs the price. This is a wonderful machine. I couldn’t be more pleased.” Say "Good-Bye" to back-breaking manure handling and cut stall clean-out time in half Hook an affordable Millcreek Compact Spreader to your 10 hp garden tractor, take it right to the stall for easy loading No more wheelbarrow Millcreek Spreaders last and last Since spreaders are our specialty, we put more ' • Mpj/ijntii Ti 'ChL-'T ' I l ' L~Ji if /J 4 if/j i' i? Ms! tpJj o i?7J n iTj‘ll cfLi sTT'a sift &>Mi j$ iplS p/s>Lls sTJg s>7 .hi WANTED _Uj jH*r»u It*****'' L' hi HY-TECH Mushroom i West Grove, PA 19390 Llamas | For Sale [610)868-0186 1 SRI. SINKS - Brock Tcxif. example our 20-year guaranteed floor will never rust or rot Positive chain drive provides excellent spreading action And tough steel construction holds up to rugged farm use Seven sizes, for 1 -horse barns to 50-horse stables PTO and ground drive models available ICJ Jii8 > J^^'j t /_ I'D kV j- _l LU l{j s KELSO MULES - Buy-Sell-Trade " Pairs a Singles for Sale. Broke i Green Broke If You Need 1 Mule Or 10 Mules... Give Us A Call Satisfaction guaranteed SPECIAL MENTION 2 Loads Arriving in Lancaster Co Ist week of January For information contact Johnny Kelso 270-435-4X29 1-877-247-4479 Farrier John Sander Horseshoeing and trimming Will Go Farm To Farm 1084 Elwood St. Narvon, PA 17555 717-351-0822 J MEL S STABLE § WORK HORSE, MULE & DRIVING HORSE SALE HORSES HITCHED AT 8 30 A M SHARP SALE HELD AT 834 WALLACE RD, NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS FROM RT 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMER AVE GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RD TURN LEFT ON HILL RD PROCEED 1 2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT FROM RT 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD, 2 5 MILES TO HILL RD RIGHT ON HILL RD TO SALE ON LEFT MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE- HOME - 717-354-8397 v w BARN - 717-354-6431 * AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL not RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS SKs; FOOD ON PREMISES runes'* nAnjttAiu Schatffterttown, PA (717) 74»M4» Authorized dealer lor MONARCH, MORITZ, AND PA. INTERNATIONAL Horse, livestock, utility, flatted, equipment trailer! 2617 Stumptown Rd Dept. LF I z CO s s ■■SHEEP AND GOATS Dorset starter flock, 3 ewes w/4 ewe lambs at side + 1 yrling ewe $1,300 (610)647-2545. ill sas cent. 410/969-9324. Australian bloodlines. Bing Crest Farm, 717-272-6023. Boer Bucks Fullblood Ex cellent Quality $350 Trade for Hay? 301-249-3749 Registered Polled Dorset fall born Ram lambs and R rT small numbers of quality mi White vaccinated & N v b nt« wormed feeder pigs. De lambing. Nix Besser available. Palmer's Farm, Narvon. Lancaster County. Porkers, 717-354-5640 814-697-7708. 6 Alpine Doelings, Bred, Due Feb-April Excellent Bloodlines. $275 & Up. 610-869-2449. Boer Goats, Reg., Pure bred Bucks & Does. & Reg. Percentage Does. 703-260-0021- Days. 703-378-5809- Eves. 100 head of bred com mercial ewes, 8 head of commercial ewe lambs. Good sound ewes. 716-684-7211. WANT dairy goats for fall & winter milk. Write; M.D. Peachey, R#2, Box 1205, Miff Imtown, PA, 17059-9691. Reg. 2-horned Jacob spring rams, ready to breed. 610/944-0541. Full blood Boer buck, son of Hercules, $6OO. 301 '447-2809. 3/4 8< 50% Boer billys for sale. 814-674-8121. Karakul ram lambs, multi-colored. 717/721-9439. !?J3 Full-blooded Boar Goats (717)485-5372 (717)485-3181 (717) 485-5579 fax BIIKRUIATSO'CVN NKT 5 J-t! -TJL i-p'jHi 'LI! j- Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-856-4431 |BH POULTRY mLM and SUPPLIES ■M———————l^MM P Coimtiy Power Washing P Increase the efficiency of your farm w/hlgh pressure cleaniii£ disinfecting and paint stripping. We clean all types 'of buildings and equipment: Agriculture, residential and commercial. ■' Breeder Houses * Turkey Houses * Hog Barns * Dairy Barns * Milking Parlors * Veal Barns Call to check our prices. Your satisfaction is our goal!! f-| (717) 762-8406 A HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Barns _ • Layer Houses • Sow Units ‘ • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses .** 1 . We Spray Fdr Alf Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call- BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED ilB SWINE Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson ' 931-364-7050! BERKSHIRE? toduttry* Meat Quality Uadi i Boan & Blits For Sate innerst’s Berkshires Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd. Red Lion, PA 17356 717-246-1738 Will Deliver * Duroc * Yorkshire * Spotted * Chester * Landrace * Hampshire * Pietrain * Bred Gilts & Boars lor sale Bred gilts are bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also, Club Pigs for sale. PRV & Bruc. validated herds. f Calvin Lazarus & Suns 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 j I 5 Ton Feed Tank j"] R Flex Auger System w/Motor [T jj Double 45 & 6 Srrredley 11 R Feeders Farrowing Crates }-i p Creep Feeders (Kane) Penning )| (j Call Dave for details p 1 1 Leave message - (-j N we II return your call< fj | 717-235-6966 BENNECOFF'S HOGS Boars & Gilts, Service Age, Hamps, Polands, Berks Durocs & Yorks. 610-285-6582. Yorkshire & Duroc boars and gilts. Jim Parlett, 88 Parlett Rd., Airville, PA, 17302,717-862-3610. BOARS FOR SALE 17 head, Scanned for bf, le Vaccinated, Large White, Landrace, Hamp, Duroc. Raised on boar developer feed. From certified herd, blood tested monthly 570-345-8035 or 8070 Also, bred gilts, open gilts & feeder pigs j ARNOLD HOG FARMS BRED GILTS Taking Orders Pure Yorkshire or Landrace. Also Hampshire & Duroc Crosses BOARS Average on (24) Boars scanned Sept 10th 259 lbs, 59 Actual BF, 5 61 LE Call lor more information. Open Gilts, Roaster Pigs & Small Lots of Feeder Pigs. Takin w r _rs F r re "Gilts T e elivere T CT . rk . r uc_rs Fiel -y, Fe' . 1-, 2 s B E ra a B B Li. E a B a ra ra E ra E E E E si E E E 0 E Call For Delivery Dates to New England Area Crossbred • Landrace Yorkshire Leon L. Arnold 717-273-5880
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