B2S-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 $1125, Wedgwood Ma jolica compote $330, British Majolica frog (lid only) $3lO, large cheese dish w/rope de sign $2OOO and Sun flower water pitcher $330. Sale Reports ALLISON SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held October 17 by Frank Allison, Walnuttown Rd., Rusumbmanor Twp., Berks Co., Pa. There were 316 bidders attending the sale. Some prices in cluded: Steiner 4-wheel drive mower $4600, 19S0 Cadillac 4-door $4600, 16-ft. Pequea trailer $l4OO, 1983 Chev. Van $2400, wooden sled $3OO, V% HP air compressor $l6O, wreath maker $2lO, buck saw $45, small express wagons $125 each, Christmas tree driller $350, small shed (Victorian house) $lO5O, Christmas tree balers $230 to $250, picnic tables $25 to $250, pile of Christmas tree holders $675, toil top desk $675, modem oak bedroom suite $1175, modern oak breakfast set $475, modem oak entertain ment cabinet $350, child’s table $125, new wicker sets $175 to $250, old spinning wheel $330, small Cur io cabinet $l9O, living room suite $525 and as sorted cement planters $45 to $75 each. Kenneth P. Leiby was the auctioneer with Jason K. Leiby App. SAVICH SALE A Public Auction of household goods was held October 17 by Nicholas Savich, 333 Medford Lakes Taber nacle Rd., New Jersey. Some prices were: automobile repair books $45, oak mantel $250, bedroom suite $475, claw-foot table $55, 8 gauge shotgun $llO, mahogany game table $315, dining room suite $750, Ford Tempo car $2050 (1991), 1958 Dodge power wagon $B5O, Japanese sword $l5O, collector plates $250, 2 statues $l2O, small Karas tan rug $BO and other rugs $l5O and $l6O. Allen’s Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. MANWILLER ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of Winross trucks was held October 16 for the estate of Robert Man willer, at the Leesport Farmer’s Market Ban quet Hall of Rt. 61, Leesport, Pa. Some prices were: Branch Mottors $250, Jones Motors $l5O, Parrish Steel Mill $lOO, Cartech $l5O, Swan Oil $5OO, akwscht $4O to $l4O, Calgon $75, Tex aco #1 bank $875, Tex aco #2 bank $4OO, Tex aco #3 $2OO, Texaco #4 $9O, Texaco #5 $95, firsst Hess truck (green) $95, Hess racer $75, 1978 Hess $125 and 1970 Hess $435. The 150 Winross trucks averaged $35. Leiby Auctioneer Service managed the sale. ANDREWS SALE A Public Auction of a 50-year private collec tion was held October 17 by Paul R. Andrews, 13 West Penn Grant Road, Willow Street, Pa. Some prices in cluded: Dutch cup boards $1250 & $5OO, oak china closet $430, oak wardrobe $445, woodbox $270, spin ning wheel $165, butter chum $175, fat lamp $ 150, grey agate coffee pot $230, blue agate coffeepot $lB5, blue decorated Cowden crock $l9O, cast-iron dinner bell $l5O, coffee grinder $240, Rohrer whiskey bottle $l3O, um with pansy pattern $175, Carnival North wood fruit bowl $250 and copper ladle $lO5. Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers conducted the sale. NOBLE ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of tractors and handguns was held October 17 for the estate of Dick No ble, at Juniata Markeets, one mile north of Port Royal, Pa. Some prices were: Farmall Super A tractor $2OOO, Farmall Cub & plow $2lOO, Farmall A & blade $l4OO, Int 300 tractor $1675, 1986 Chevrolet pickup truck $5500, Colt 38 cal. single action (in box) $470, 125th Anniver sary 45 cal. Colt Medal lion (in case) 4700, 54 cal. handgun $220, Smith & Wesson .22 cal. double action gun $240, Winchester mod el 410 $425, Winches ter .44 cal. $1350, Winchester model 1886 45-70 $1550, Win. model 92 38 cal. $llOO, Win. model 186 45-70 cal. $llOO and Win. model 70-243 gun $950. Long’s Auctio Ser vice conducted the sale. YODER SALE A Two-Day Public Auction of Roselawn Farm contents was held by Robert Yoder at 1176 Rt. 422 West, Douglasville, Pa. on October 14 and on October 17 at the Ridge Fire Co., along Rt. 23 between Phoenixville, Pa. and Rt. 100. Some prices were: J.D. 850 tractor with mower $6OOO, 1956 MG-ZA sedan $2700, Associated & miss en gine on truck $625, built-in 3-pc. wine cup board $1525, and the following Majolica col lection: large shell & seaweed plate $560, Sunflower syrup pitcher $330, parrot pitcher $2lO, cauliflower tea pot $240, napkin plate $3OO, sardine box w/lid Ted Maurer managed the sale. MUEHLING SALE Household goods were sold Saturday at a public auction held for Arline S. Muehling, 1690 Stone Mill Raod. There were 160 registered bidders. Highlights included: Fiesta pitcher set $BO, 12 dinner plates $6O, marble-top table $l7O, secretary desk $250, 1988 Renault Medal lion wagon $2BOO, pine chest $2OO and china closet $l5O. Bechtold Auction eers, Lancaster, con ducted the sale. HENLY SALE A Public Auction of real estate, antiques, personal property and tools was held Saturday for Robert henly, 335 Yeagley Road, Myers town. Sold for $135,000 to Samuel Lantz ofMyers town were nine acres of land and a ranch-type dwelling with brick and aluminum siding at tached two-car garage, frame bam, implement shed and other outbuild ings. Also sold were a wal nut bed $5OO, six half spindle chairs $260, two blanket chests $l9O and $l5O, oak dresser $l7O, oak bed $175, small oak table $llO, dinner bell $l5O, wood en bench $7O, taboret $65, light table $5O, blue band bowl $45, pair of baby shoes $BO and Wheel Horse mow er $5OO. The sale was con ducted by Art Panne becker Auction Service of Reinholds. It drew 220 registered bidders. DEMEY SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held October 12 by Sam and Ethel Demey, 1306 Longview Dr., Harris burg. Dauphin Co., Pa. Some prices received were: Longaberger bas ket $l9O, Hummel figurines $2OO & $l5O, 1992 Chev. 310 4x4 pickup truck $10,900, White snowblower $857, White riding mower $675, Troy roro tiller $675, small slant front desk $l7O, walk in cooler $7OO, Hot point refrigerator $lBO, cedar wardrobe $l4O and modern grandfa ther’s clock by John Kniss of Bird-in-Hand, Pa. $9OO. Harry H. Bachman was the auctioneer. T.B. LUMBER SALE A Public Auction of building materials was held October 17 by T.B. Lumber, east of Mil lerstown on Route 17. Some items sold were: % ” plywood $ll, vinyl replacement win dows $2O to $7O, vinyl siding S3S, steel en trance doors $75 to $125, shingles $4 to $7 per bundle and fiber glass bathtubs $lOO to $l5O. Hassinger & Court ney were the auction eers. MYER & MARTIN SALE An inlaid sideboard brought $lBOO Wednes day at a public auction of antiques, household goods, collectibles and tools held for Vera G. Myer, Alice E. Martin and others at Horst Auction Center, Eph rata. There were 448 registered bidders. Other highlights in cluded: mahogany high boy $l7OO, oak side-by side desk $650, oak sideboard $525, Empire flip-top card table $275, mahogany tier table $l6O, mahogany low boy $320, La-Z-Boy re cliner-sofa $260, Vic torian-style arm chair $l2O, cedar chesst $l5O, princess desk and chair $l7O, Stickley open hutch $350, Wa terfall blanket chest $l2O, mahogany dining room suite $5OO, 3-pc. bedroom suite $l7O, blanket chest $l6O, cot tage washstand $l6O, pine blanket chest $2OO, oak drop leaf table w/ boards $l5O, walnut drop leaf table $375, oak high chest $175, Empire chest of drawers $l7O, vanity stool $ll5 and cane-back bench $230. Also, Victorian arm chair $2OO, R.S. Prussia berry set $3OO, Oriental runner $875, rug $l5O, wheelchair $l2O, meat slicer $250, glass jar butter churn $l3O, tablecloth set $3OO, Christmas ornaments $2lO, table linens $165 and $l6O, mahogany mirror $375, set of Spode china $l6O, four master salts $525, large salt $275, Oriental KJL PUBLIC AUCTION Wednesday, October 28,1998 • 9 AM Coins: 9 AM - Real Estate: 1 PM 28 Echo Valley Lane, Neffsville, PA, Manheim Township, PA Dir From Lane, on Rt. 501 N, just before Neffsville at Amoco & Neffsville Laundry, turn right on Echo Valley Lane, sale on right. Real Estate consists of 2 story block & stucco dwelling w/carport, separate block storage shed. Situated on nice lot w/20 ft. right away drive ~ Nice Quiet Location ~ Approximately 70 Lots of Coins, Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles, China & Glassware, Linens & Bedding, Toys, Lawn Chief Riding Mower w/30” Cut, Tools No Out-of-State Checks Not responsible for Accidents Terms 10% down, balance on or before December 15, 1998 EMILY EICHELBERGER Attorney J Elvm Kraybill Gibble, Kraybill & Hess MILLER & SIEGRIST AUCTIONEERS (717)687-6857 AU-1723L room rug $925, red Oriental room rug $6OO, McCoy cookie jar house $llO, Binninger whiskey bottle $225, Royal Winton gravy boat $l2O, pump trough $l5O, trough $l9O. sprayer $l4O, iron bookends $175, Fenton cup and saucer $l4O, lap desk $l3O, redware crock $l4O, and Sheaf fer fountain pen $llO. The sale was con ducted by Horst Auc tioneers, Ephrata. SMITH SALE A 1977 19-foot fiber glass Marquis boat with 85 HP Johnson out board motor on a trailer brought $l6OO Thurs day at a public auction held for Mrs. John O. Smith (Beaver Body Shop). 909 E. Chestnut St. There were 188 registered bidders. Also sold woe: pair of brass shaft bells $450, Carnival glass dragon bowl $BO, four Shawnee com bowls $36, Hamilton watch case $34, No. 6 crock $37.50, traveling bar set $3l, gray agate coland er $3O, Lux Pendulette clock in box $3O, metal parrot bottle opener $29, German Walt Dis ney Mickey Mouse alarm clock $27.50, tin Dupont paint sign $4O, Hires root beer cooler $2l, Black & Decker planer $5O, Black & Decker cut saw $5O, John Deere 295-amp welder $5O, % -inch drill press $25 and Mitchell fishing reel $17.50. The sale was con ducted by the Roy C. Probst Family Auction Service, Willow Street RAMSEY SALE Antique, military and collectible firearms, edged weapons and U.S and foreign military collectibles were sold Saturday, Oct 10 at a public auction of the collection of the late Dr. Lincoln F. Ramsey Jr. Held at Horst Auc- Sale For: tion Center, Ephrata, the sale drew 285 regis tered bidders. Highlights included: two U.S. model 1861 muskets $675 and $650, 1863 J.T. Hodge U.S. musket $lOOO, Whitney 1861 musket $450, Spencer saddle carbine $1,500, Winchester 1892 .38-40 rifle $475, Winchester 1895.30-06 rifle $1075, Winchester M-l carbine $420, two Walther P3B pistols $525 and $230, Man hattan Firearms Navy revolver $450, Brown ing 9mm pistol $475, Mauser 1896 “broom handle” pistol $625, early flintlock pistol $2lO, Colt New Service .44-40 revolver $625, Remington Rand semi automatic pistol $3OO, Remington-Elliot four shot Derringer $525, two Luger POB pistols $575 and $5OO and Springfiels 1873 .45-70 AUCTION SAT., NOV. 14,1998 at 9:30 AM LOCATED AT 66 FUHRMAN DRIVE, HALIFAX, PA APPROXIMATELY 1/4 MILE NORTH OF HALIFAX, PA ON ROUTE 225 TO FUHRMAN DRIVE. WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS, REAL ESTATE 1:00 PM 4 17 Acres Farmette With 127 Feet Along Route 225 A Two-Story 8-Room And 2 Baths Frame Dwelling FIRST FLOOR - 2 Kitchens, Dining Room. Living Room And Other Room SECOND FLOOR - 1 Bedrooms, One With Walk In Cedar Chest And Two Bathiooms (Dwelling Laid Out For Possibility Of Two Apartments) New Roof And Storm Windows Installed In 1996 Healed By Wood/Coal Hot Air Furnace (1996) And L P Gas Logs’ Electric Hot Water 200 Amp Electric Service Welf Water And Own Septic System Also, A 4-Slall (Stable) Two Story Barn (Built In 1996) With Running Water And Electric Service, A Large Chicken House And Storage Building Corn Crib And Other Out Buildings A Spring Water Fed Pond On Properly Fuhrman Drive Is A Private Drive* Properly Has Permit For Own Drive If Desired Off Route 225 Be Sure To Inspect - For Inspection Call 896-8958 TERMS - 10% Down The Day Of Sale And Balance In 10 Days And Other Conditions The Day Of Sale AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: A Secluded And Ideal Location Fpr Horses And Cattle And Other Possibilities Not Far From Anything Also, Will Be Selling Farm Machinery And Accessories, Vehicles, Horse And Dog Collectibles Glassware And Other Items Full Listing Will Follow AUCTIONEERS DAVID DEIBLER 896-8530 AUOOI2I3L EDWIN SHOOP 896-8305 AUOOOA42L 37 Sycamore Ave., Halifax, PA Public Auction Surplus School Supplies North Salem Elementary School (Take West Canal Road 1 mile from square in Dover to North Salem Road and turn right. Watch for Signs). **Fri., Oct. 30,1998 9:00 AM** A B. Dick Model 1700 Duplicating Station, A.B. Dick S/2Q4 Duplicator, Model 217 Duplicator, A.B. Dick 156 Platemaker w/Supplies, A.B. Dick 166 Master Conversion Unit w/Supplies, A.B. Dick 675 M Platemaker & Conversion Unit (Parts Missing), NuArc Fliptop Platemaker (Carbon Ate), File Cabinets, lO' Projection Screen, 29 Copies of Homes; Today & Tomorrow (2nd Edition), 20 Copies of the Home Its Furnishings & Equipment (2nd Edition), 3 Kenmorc Semi-Auto Sewing Machines in Cabinets, Singer Touch & Sew Sewing Machine, 2 Whirlpool Tubs, I Shop Polisher - Electric Motor, Podium, 2 Library Caddys, Metal & Wooden Teachers Desk, 2- 5' Wooden Tables, 3 Antique Tables, Plastic Covered Metal Fiame Sola & Chairs, Shelves on Rollers, Kmdeigailcn Wood Kitchen Set, Metal & Library Shelving, 800 Desks & Chairs, 6 Dusk to Dawn Lights, 4' and 8, Fluorescent Lights, 15 Ceiling Fans, 20 Towel Dispensers, Kitchen Items - Pots, Pans & Etc , Plus Many Other Items o( Interest Large Ford Van School Bus Converted To Truck With Large Door In Rear Terms: Cash Or Good Check. Seiler: North Salem Elementary School 5161 North Salem Road, Dover PA AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Rentzel's Auction Service Emigsville, PA 764-6412 PA Lie. #761 musket $525. Also: Springfield 410 double-barrel $4lO, Colt AR-15 $625, En com-America MP-45 semi-automatic rifle $5OO, Rockola M-l rifle $370, Saginaw M-l ri fle $330, Inland M-l rifle $350, Springfield M-l rifle $420, Inland M-l paratrooper rifle $775, Balar 12-gauge double barrel $350, Remington .38-40 pump rifle $4OO, group lot of framed German medals $950, German dress sword $325, two German daggers $4OO and $3OO, two Japanese samurai swords $1325 and $650, Civil War Horstman Philadelphia sword $675, early saber $350, two 1851 calvary swords #375 and $3lO and Bowie-type fight ing knife $lOOO. Horst Auctioneers, Ephrata conducted •’ sale. “ * fle I i ■ OWNERS; Patricia M. & Lloyd C. Kauffman, Jr. Attorney: Allen Shaffer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers