Boar goat, male, 1/2 per cent 6 mo., Llama male, reg 6 mos. old, brown w/whrte on face. 717-993-2919 York Co 600 gal Mllkeeper tank in good cond., $l2OO. Daniel B Stoltzfus, 102 Lower Valley ' Rd., Christiana, PA 17509 Lane. Co. 1940 Farm M. new paint, new rear tires, nice front end loader #33, double acting 6- volt, runs strong, $2400 610- 749-0279 Bucks Co Excellent Rates 111 on Farm Owners 11 ByM| Insurance Solomon "Mike" Becker President 854 Bellaire Road . v M t y i > q /\ IV I O Elizabethtown, PA 17022 I KAIMbPKU (717) 367-2462 INSURANCE, INC, 14aM35 . 3706 Call us. It could be we have it. Visit Our Web Site: INTERCOURSE, PA MIDDLETOWN, DE McAUSTERVILLE, PA 800 7320017 800 341-4028 800 4330679 C)l99d CASE CORPORATION mm Am _ Visit us on the Internet .it http www caserorp com M _ mMm Case IH is a trademark of Case Corporation mWM Dump truck, 10 wheeler, ’67 Int., gas motor, exc. cond., $3500. 610-459- 2613 Del. Co. 1977 IH log truck, tri-axle, 110 Prentice 318 DD, 13 spd., 44 rears, PS, low mi., 908-362-9521, after 6 pm NJ Backhoe l/H 3820 4x4, EROPS canopy, torque converter, Ig unit 19+ ft. reach, have manuals, books, $7BOO 080 610- 488-7064 Berks Co Kubota or JD front tractor tire size 7x16, 6 ply Ag trend, 75%, $4O. 610-367-9897 Berks Co. m ta ( Uptime ( Parts Support • 10 trucks dedicated to parts service • Daily UPS and overnight delivery to the farm • Daily pickup at the Philadelphia Parts Depot • Computerized Parts Book for all major suppliers • Computerized Inventory Management Systems which rapidly restock parts as they are sold • Experienced Traveling Parts Sales Personnel Stand-By Emergency Parts Support 24 Hours A Day We ship parts via FEDEX, UPS, PPSH, Bus, Air Freight, Etc. Quality paint colts. Toblanos and overos by Supreme champion and out of TB and QH mares. 315-697-5317 Madison Co. 6500 watt generator, 10 hp B&S electee start eng , 110v -220v trailer, mounted, $560, 3 60,000 btu Shenandoah heaters, $ll5 717-336-7885 Lane. Co. 8 hp Simplicity snow blower, elec start, 5 spds. forward, 2 reverse, used several hours, like new, $675 717-273- 3982 Lebanon Co. 1991 Ford 6610 series, 2 dual remotes, dual power, 3 pt, ROPS, canopy, 698 ong. hours, perfect ong. cond. 717-469-0356 Leb. Co. 2 mini-donkey Jacks; sweet, friendly, grey yearlings, $5500 ea. or BO 609-693- 8367 Ocean Co Reg Holstein heifers, bred Al, 1 due Nov. 20,1 due Dec 7 Rye, combine run. 717- 483-6082 Mifflin Co Ford 2000 offset, over hauled, exc. paint, tires, Shermon trans, $5200; Orbn chordwood saw 525, 501 mower $425 540-433- 1198 Rockingham Co. Pygmy billy goat, black, gray, brown, nice size, friendly, 4 m. old, healthy. Eves., 717- 336-2748 Lane Co. From our herd, feeder steers, all sizes and weights, see in pasture and select your choices, good quality hay 717-345-4489 Lane Co 1969 Chevy p/u, low miles, PS, mags, many new parts, good solid truck to restore, $2BOO 080 717-292-2198 York Co. Llamas, gelding, 1 white, 1 brown & white, very friendly, $350 ea., or both for $6OO. 610-944-0427 Berks Co. JDgram drill, 18 disk 717- 354-8232 Lane. Co. 600 bales, 3rd cutting, Alf grass hay, 2 50 bale, 700 bale mulch hay mulch BO 717-758-2136 North’d Co Apache slide in p/u camper, has sink, stove, refrigerator & heater, sleeps 4, good cond., kept inside. $4OO 080 717- 653-4285 Lane Co. Old fashioned Jerse' and Orange Jewel sweet pota toes, keeps well, $8 per 1/2 bu. 717-653-1615 Lane. Co AM four wheeled elec, scoot er for handicapped 215-249- 3767 Bucks Co. 1970 Int 2110 single axle, gas dump truck, 10 ft bed, pintle hitch tires, good 33,000 GVW runs good, 3,000.717- 927-6967 York Co Chrysler power unit, 6 cyl, flat head, $75,8 ft. fiberglass cap fits mid 1980 thru 1994 Ford $5O 717-766-2222 York Co 1961 Int. B-275 diesel $4700; OC-3 loader, com pletely restored $4995; Ford 741 almost finished $5500, Oliver HG $1375 (973)942- 7106 Passaic Co. Better Bilt, 1600 gal. liquid manure tanker w/chisels & vacuum pump, $l6OO, pick up ladder rack, heavy $5O 717-776-3108 Cumb Co 5-1/2 acre farmette, 3 apt, house, bam & 2 story broiler house w/possible 10 to 15% return on investment. 717- 361-0175 Lane. Co Snow plow, JD42, fits 100, 210, etc. tractor w/chains & weights, good cond , $175 610-874-3909 Del. Co. Free 3-1/2 yr. old Boykin Spaniel, female, wavy chocolate colored coat, friendly, has papers, to good home. 717-7! Lane. Co. 6 bred dorset ewes, 1 ram, good starter flock, $725 firm 610-469-6334 Chester Co. South Bend 9” metal lathe, exc. cond., Seigler oil stove, small exc cond C K. King, 5131 Amish Rd , Lane. Co. _ Your Mailbox Market listing wilt also appear on our Lancaster Farming Internet Web Site. This web page is updated every Saturday evening. Check Us Out at Email address AKC Rottweiler pups, home raised, $325 717-738-0717 Lane Co JD 630 steel wheels, KBA2B disc Oliver 2 bottom plow, leather hand tools and nvoter new bioplastic harness 717- 445-9158 Lane Co. Bobwhite quail & chukars, flight conditioned, Bobwhite quail $2 50 ea., Chukars $3.50 ea, call for $ list 717- 687-5143 Lane. Co Two solar openers for garden frames, greenhouses, never used, paid $BO, self $25 ea K L 69 Long Lane, Kirk wood, PA Lane Co IH 5500 chisel plow. 9 tooth, 3 pt., gauge wheels, good cond $l2OO 717-786-9161 Lane Co. Male Pomeranian pups Amos S King, 962-B Georgetown Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 Pomeranian, male, 4 mos old, very cute, $l3O, DS machine, coal stove, good shape, $3OO. 1753 Noble Rd.. Kirkwood, 17536 .. .. Herdsman Holstein, 165 1976 Dodge 4x4, VB, rebuilt, COWSi milking parlor, excel auto, western snow plow, tow , ent houslng * £ nd beneflts £2^ & n- win ? 1 ' low mlles ’ must breed and love cows, $3BOO, Toro 5-section gang great boss tOO , 717 . 653 : mowers, $275. 610-631- 2314 Lane Co 1890 Montg Co. .u . *** 30-owner members for JD 300 backhoe w/18 &24 p err y county hunting club, ? 880 ?’ Caterpiller large tract of mountain land l o,nin 9 State Forsest, $7900 610-469-9445 sg Boo e a 717-532-4882 Chester Co. Cumb. Co Ford diesel p/u, 5 spd„ 3/4 Large hornets nest for dis ton alu. tool-box, bed linen play, accessible and in air, exc cond , $5,850, 93 g ood Lane Co. only Dodge Caravan, 87K miles, 717-464-4801 Lane Co dk. grn. $5900 410-348- . : . 5383 Kent Co Coke and , Pe P s .'’ , etc ■ -—-—; machine and cooler from Horse cart, 2 wheel rubber the 50s in any con d. Buy, tre training cart, hyd. brakes, se ||, restore 717-533-7345 never used, lights, long Dau Co shafts, $575 717-733-1285 „ . '.V— -i anr Co Cab for Int. 260 A backhoe 717-244-4282 York Co Shenandoah gas brooder, , Val roaster nipple, Zimmer- ~ J^!l? rain 5^ yer man 36” Cool Air 48” fans, 717-786-3748 Lane Co. — shutters, fogger pump, Gram bin & corn crib 717- Chore Time feeder. 717-653- 758-2929 Northumberland 7366 Lane. Co. Co. Case 1840 diesel Cummins Equipment hoist, 3 pth, skid loader 975 hrs, $9900, tractor mounted; 3 pt Jubilee Ford tractor & 640 mounted boom mower tractor, 340 Ford skid-steer, 717-665-9369 Lane. Co $3700, Case 1816, $3700 Car tral | er 700 GV w dual 717-354-9144 Lane. Co ax | e Myers snow plow MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Corner cabinet, decorated redware pottery, will pay high prices 215-945-5093 Bucks Co Ford 5000 stabilizer bars for 3 pth. 717-459-7134 Dau Co Kitchen cookstove, gas & working combination w/warmmg ovens, must work 908-996-2512 Hun terdon Co. NJ Small poultry plucker to remove feathers After 7 pm, 717-333-4258 Luz Co. Good M & W Dyno, older unit OK After 6 pm, 717- 235-2286 York Co Used small egg washer, 10-15 doz , in good cond 215-679-4623 Berks Co Frick thrash machine, JD gram binder in good cond SHM H Yoder, 7012 East BackMtn Rd Reedsville PA Rear tenders for 1961 Cub Cadet garden tractor, rea sonable cond , & price After 2 pm, 814-623-8013 Bedford Co Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24* 1998-825 Good kitchen cabinets & 300 amp starting unit, pre surplus building materials fer Goodall, good used 270 Meadows Rd , 13 6x38 tire, good used Newville, PA 17241 11 2x38 tires 717-245- Established riding program 2962 Cumb Co desires 6 stalls, ring, 2 - 1200 bushel wire corn fenced pastures within 8 cribs, good cond , $2OO ea miles of Lancaster City 717-899-6777 Mifflin Co Excellent credit rating 717- 560-0223 Lane Co. JD Porr from 2-c diesel tractor, prefer not Hand powered grain running in poor cond , win- mi ||/ gr inder 610-286-9198 ter project 717-933-5096, Che ster Co Randy Berks Co Butter churn that fits May tag washer, state price & cond’n S. Byler, HCRI, Box 103, Rebersburg, PA 16872 Centre Co 6 9 Int diesel eng , whole or parts, need not run 301- 746-8788 Garrett Co Old diecast pedal tractors, can be broken; old toys 717-966-1555 Montour Co Quarter horse, Thorough bred cross, suitable or trail riding by teenage girl 410- 429-4509 Balto. Co frame for 83 GMC tk or 90 Dodge Tk. 610-367-5888 or 215-679-5637 Berks Co Aracana Pullets, green egg layers, small quantity 610- 845-8220 Berks Co Overhead door, 7-1/2 ft high, 12 ft wide, light weight to leave light through, lightweight tubing, 16 ft gate, like new 717- 738-7298 Lane Co Belly mower, new cond , for Int Cub 185 lowboy, JD 40-V tractor, For sale, Int 5' sicklebar mower 717- 324-2821 Tioga Co Finish mower, 5 ft in good to excellent condition, pre fer Woods, will consider others, 3 pt will pick up 410-357-4466 Balt Co Sale Reports BENFER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held October 17 by George Benfer, 210 West Market St., Beavertown, Pa. Heifers to feed, all feed pro vided 717-949-3659 I Lebanon Co Overhead garage door, 12', 14’ or 16’ wide, prefer steel or vinyl, double barrel, wood stove Paul Hoover, 246 Kurtz Rd , Ephrata, PA 17522 Lane Co Sickle bar mower for wheel horse tractor 814-623- 7810 Bedford Co Year round crib to fit JD 3020 tractor. 814-634-8094 Somerset Co Good used cab for 283 MF tractor, priced reasonably 301-334-4934 Garrett Co 20 ft wide green house frame/chicken-feeder tub ing, also water treatment PH tank, air-ride seat sus pension 717-354-5697 Lane Co 8x38” steel wheels; also Maytag wringer wash machines, good cond Daniel Smucker, 424 A Peter Rd , Gordonville, PA 17529-9608 Would like to contact breeder of AKC Toy Poo dles Please call, 717-682- 3791 if no answer, leave mssg on machine Schuyl Co Wooden barn for tearing down Parkesburg, PA 302-239-5684, DE Tractor magnet repair, most makes, fast service Gil, Hillsmger, 1538 Buck horn Rd , Sykesville, Md 21784 7410-795-3734 Car roll Co JD 440 track loader, 5 spd , transmn, or transmn parts Eves , 304-263-8704 Berkeley Co Need Satoh Beaver PTO adaptor unit (converts 25mm snaft to 1-3/8-6 standard), parts or parts tractor 717-549-2705 Tio ga Co Front end unloading unit for a forage box, prefer chain cross conveyor No Sunday calls, 717-444-3466 Perry Co Hot Wheels cars, & store dis plays, 1/64 scale Don Dewitt, 2814 Urbana Pike, Ijamsville, MD 21754 Fred Co Mobile home type trailer tires 7x14 5 size 717-993- 9090 York Co 4-H family needs a pig scale 717-448-2429 Wayne Co The 3-bedroom 2-story house on a large town lot brought $28,000. Wagner’s Auction Service conducted the sale.
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