r NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES ~ SPECIAL HORSE SALEH Friday, Nov. 6,1998 /' f * Evening Sale 7:00 PM. See Next Week’s Ad For Details! Sale Managed by New Holland Sales Stable, Inc. Bara 717-354-4341 Fax 717-355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 . Norman ft David Kolb, Hgra. 61L A Aberdeen Sales Company, Inc. Certified Livestock Market Complete Auction & Appraisal P.0.80x 250 Churchville, Maryland 21028-0250 SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE 450 HEAD 450 Saturday, Oct. 31,1998 12:00 Noon Sharp Steers Heifers Bulls Sale to be held at the Aberdeen Sales Co., Inc. Livestock market, located on Md. Route 22 in Churchville, Maryland, Harford County. CAttle will be sorted and graded and sold in lots to suite all buyers. Cattle weigh 350 lbs. - 950 lbs. No shipped cattle in this sale and sold on out weights If you have feeders to sell, please give us a call Feeders are in good demand Well will accept cattle 24 hours prior to the sale, they will be fed and watered. Trucking And Order Buying Service Aberdeen Sales Company, Inc. Livestock Market PO. Box 250 Churchville, Maryland 21028 Phone: 410-836-7590 410-734-7596 Restaurant Open Night: 410-734-7105 11:00 A.M. _ Dairy Herd & Farm Machinery Auction Thursday, November 12, 1998 - 11:00 Sharp - Located off Route 81 at Exit 78, Hagerstown MD - Go West on Route 58, Approx. 300 yds. Turn Left on Broadfording Road - 2 miles on Left, Sunnyspot Farm. 65 Mature Milking Animals; 8 Dry Cows; 16 Just Fresh Or Close First Calf Heifers - 8 Heifers Short Bred; 10 Heifers Ready To Breed - 11 Yearling Heifers; 10 Heifers From 3to 7 Months - 10 Started Calves; And All Heifer Calves Born Before Sale DHIA Records - Herd Average at approx. 22,000 - 120,000 SCC for Sept - Cows Averaging Close to 65 lbs in Tank - Several will be Milking Over 100 by Sale Day - More than 1/2 Herd milking m First & Second Lactation - 95% Home-Raised & Sire Identified Herd - All Sired & Bred by ABS Sires - GMS Mated for 12 Yrs. Regular Herd Health Program with everything double vaccinated with 9-Way - Dry Cows all Dry Treated To the best of Neil's knowledge, there has never been a case ot Johnes or Leukosis m his herd 30 Day Blood & TB Test will be done - Everything ready tor Immediate Interstate Shipment By Sale Day. Approx 25 Head will Sell Fresh - Free Stall Trained - Parlor Milked (Tails Docked on Milking Animals Only) MVE 16 Week Semen Tank and Semen Sell 6 Alfa Laval Harmony Milking Claws - 7 Good Fiberglass Calf Hutches - Various Dairy Supplies Auctioneer Note: Good Udders, Great Herd Health Program, Heavy Milking Animals, Well Grown Heifers - Don't Miss This Auction FARM MACHINERY ■ SOLD FIRST ■I.D. 4440 Cab, Air, Quad Range, 6800 hrs. w/1300 hrs. on major engine & transmission over haul, Full wights Nice Clean Tractor. ■I.D. 2020 Diesel, 6200 hrs , has had overhaul, Runs Good. ■I.D. 47 Loader w/Bale Spear, Sold Separately. N.I. 484 Round Baler with Monitor HAGIE High Boy, Self-propelled Spot Sprayer Gehl 322 Scavengei Spreader, Good Shape N.I. 5209 Discbme, Good J.D. #9O, 8 ft. Scraper Blade - M.F. 3 pt. Sycle Bar Mower - (2) J&L Haysaver Bale Feeder - Zimmerman Automatic Head €hute w/Side Openers - Kilbros 200 Bu. Gravity Bin Wagon w/Side Boards - Feed Wagon w/10 Auto. Head Locks - 1050 Ga. Poly Tank, 5 hp. Transfer Pump - (4) J&D 24" Barnstormer Fans (3) Poly Lined Feed Troughs - Approx. 50 Round Bales, net wrapped, stored inside - a carry-around acetylene torch outfit - Koster Silage Moisture Tester - 4x6 Foot Bath - Buddex Battery Pwrd. Calf Dehorner - Home-made Round Bale Wagon - 15 ft. Alum. Grain Elev. - Few Shop Tools - Hot Point Washer & Dryer. Like new. DON'T BE LATE - JUST A FEW SMALL ITEMS I D Required for Bidder’s No., Not Responsible for Accidents gi.iiMinwiiiimiiw .iiiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiirnnn-j Sale Managed By: Li *Offi« U r^l'^7B9^3BB3 Public Auction Register 1 Load Dnvmg Horses for Elam Stottzfus 1 Load Dnvmg Horses for Christ Z. Stoltzfus 1 Load Dnvmg Horses for Jerome Wanner 1 Load Dnvmg Horses for Stephen Stoltzfus 1 Load Dnvmg Horses for Sam Esh, Jr. PLUS MANY MORE HAND PICKED TOP QUALITY HORSES!) DON'T MISS THIS SALEH! IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF A HORSE, COME AND FIND THAT SPECIAL HORSE. 12:00 Noon) (Dairy Cattle N.H. 555 Deluxe Skid Steer, Diesel, Round Bale Forks, Material Bucket, Manure Forks, 1900 hrs , Very Good Cagle 500 gal Sprayer, 45 ft Booms, foam mark ers, hyd. pump, best monitor. Like New Badger BN 315 Vacuum Manure Tank, 1500 gal, Good Shape I.H. 5100 Soybean Special Gram Drill Marten Tandem Axle V Spreader 4-Star Steel 20 ft, 8 wide Gosseneck Cattle Tnr Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. 1 Load Standardbreds From Canada MEL’S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME - 717-354-8397 BARN - 717-354-6431 AUCT. MEL HOOVER AUOO3IIIL NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PREMISES Owners: Neil & Alta Martin 17225 Broadfording Road Hagerstown, MD Phone: 301-797-5123 Dairy and Livestock Sales WED DEC 16 - 9 30AM 612 Mourt Pleasant Rd, Quanyville, PA Mules, farm equip, crops, Hh goods & antiques By Ell K & Sadie B Gllck Mel Hoover, Auct. 717-354-8397 WED DEC 16 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED DEC 16&THURS DEC 17 - 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd , Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, misc (Wed), farm machin ery & tractors (Thurs) Marion Auction Service, 717-375-4700 FRI DEC 18-IPM 548 Alexan der Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale 717-249-4511 SAT DEC 19- 1030 AM Mel’s Herd Bull Time ... Service ready bulls with fertility & muscle, and balanced EPD’s for low birthweight, proven maternal performance, and powerful growth' rtVtv'fe'- The tO P cut of our Spring ‘9B herd bull prospects will also be offered - sons of proven sires, out of our most reh- able and productive brood cows l Salunga Acres Dorothy Metzler - Owner *(717) 898-7271 2230 Spooky Nook Rd • Mt Joy, PA 17552 C J Furlong - manager • (717) 653-8955 Church View Farm Bill & Meade Baldwin - owners • (410) 923-3276 (410) 923-2564- cvenings #2 Churchville Rd • Millersville, MD2IIOB incaster Fanning, Saturday, October 24, 1998-851 Stables, 834 Wallace Rd. New Holland, Lane Co , PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 MON DEC 21 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc SAT DEC 26 - 8 30AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 MON DEC 28 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc TUES DEC 29 - 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar ket. Inc. 717-249-4511 TUES DEC 29 -10 AM 80 Acre tracto of land farm machinery, . AoP®*' 0 !- to v.°^ s °a f ef^ e poWe^.r Vw® 0 " Including: • Cow/Calf Pairs (some 3 irt-1 packages)! • Bred & open heifers ' • Jr Show heifer prospects Shamrock Polled Herefords Jack & Linda Magill (717) 289-4958 • (717) 289-4438 - FAX RR 1 Box 1453 • Hop Bottom, PA 18824 for information, con tact any of these breeders or sale manager: 686 South Colebrook Rd. Man heim, PA By Clayton & Verna Nisslev WitmanAucts WED DEC 30 -10 AM Wolge mulh Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FEBRUARY THURS, FEB 25 - Farm Equiomenl, Tools, HH Goods, by Jay & Virginia Hoover, 223 Enola Rd Newburg, Pa Andrew & Nevm Martin aucts MARCH THURS MAR 25 - Take Rt 472 south of Quarryville, PA 4 mi, turn left to Bartville Rd, to Pumping Station Rd, turn left to Ist farm Farm Machinery Auction By A Dale & P Fay Herr Kreider, Kline & Good. Aucts pn *» %S Comstock Cattle Services Rt 2, Box 403 • Louisa, VA 23093 (540) 967-9577 * (540) 967-1763-FAX
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