BSO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 24, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. TUES NOV 24 - 9AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Quilt, craft, & buggies A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc TUES NOV 24 - 7 15PM West minster Lvst Auct, Hagerstown, MD Feeder Cattle Sale, 410-848- 9320 WED NOV 25 - 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co PA Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction 717-656-2947 WED NOV 25 - 9AM .00 W Jackson St, New Holland, cane Co Pa Quilts craft auciton ASC Diffenbach Auction Inc WED NOV 25 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave , Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemulh Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth Auct FRI NOV 27 - SAM 1375 Done gal Spring Rd , Mt Joy, Pa Antiques collectibles milk bot tles glassware, furniture S tools For Cassel S Jean Mumma Auct Raymond Miller Jim Hershey FRI NOV 27 -10 AM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St New Holland Lane Co PA Beef Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI NOV 27 IPM 548 Alexan der Spring Rd Carlisle PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market Inc 717-249 4511 FRI NOV 27 - 4PM 1 46 Country Property Nickel Mines Area From Rt 896 at Georgetown take Mine Road N go 1 mile to proper ty on left Bart Twp Lane Co Pa By Moses S & Barbara E Stoltz (us Aaron E_ Martin Aucls FRI NOV 27 6PM New Holland Sales Stables Inc 101 W Fulton SI New Holland Lane Co PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717-354- 4341 SAT NGV 28 - 3300 Kissel Hill Rd Lititz lane Co PA Trac- NOTICE To assure that your I Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week's publica tion FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUES.EVE Oct. 27 Approx. 7:15 PM WESTMINSTER LIVESTOCK AUCTION 410-848-9820 HAY SALE Every Tues. at 11:00 AM FEEDER SALE Wed.,Oct 28,1998 7:30 P.M. Four States Livestock HAGERSTOWN, MD Exit 29 off 1-70 301-733-8120 tors, farm equip, Hh goods By Burkholder Bros Aaron E Martin Auct Svc SAT NOV 28 - 8 30AM - Tack SAT DEC 5- 10 30AM Mel’s 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Stables, 834 Wallace Rd , New Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- Owners 717-837-2222 8397 MON NOV 30 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A&C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc MON NOV 30 - 9AM 73 Acre M/L Limestone Farm From Rt 272 at Ephrata take Schoeneck Rd to Ist crossroad, turn left at Ephrata Mennomte School onto Stevens Rd go 1/2 mile to farm on right Ephrata Twp, Lane Co, Pa By Merle S & Cheryl M Kurtz Aaron E Martin a uct DECEMBER TUES DEC 1 - 548 Alexander Spnng Rd , Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market. Inc, 717-249-4511 TUBS DEC 1 - Rogers Comm Auct 20 mi S of Youngstown, OH on St Rt 7 to Rogers, OH 1 mi W on SR 154 to auction Equipment Consign Auct, lawn & garden, firewood, lumber & more Rogers Community Auction Inc 330- 227-3236 WED DEC 2 - 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co PA Lum ber & Building Materials Sale Wolgemuth Auction 717-656- 2947 WED DEC 2- 10AM Wolgemuth Auction 109 N Maple Ave Leola Lane Co PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED DEC 2 - 6 30PM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland Lane \ AUCTIONEER’S DIRECTORY j NOTICE***; V - Y4„'V,' n: Lookfor . * Scheduled Past 5 On To LastTafg[M’' ViJ OfS&tlon A \,4j Pr*(*u tonal Martin auction service 410 W. Church Rd. Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques * Household Goods It doesn't cost to use our Auction Pays CALL TODAY!! Miwnm IB * * REALTOR HORNING Farm Agency, Inc. Courteous Real Estate Services Professional Auctioneers State Certified Appraisers Specializing in Farms and Land Alvin Homing, Broker Route 23, Morgantown, PA (610)286-5183 Dairy and Livestock Sales Co, Pa Wmross, Hess, farm & toys A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI DEC 4-7 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale 717-354-4341 FRI DEC 4 - 7PM Fmgerlakes Livstock Exc, 3865 Rt 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 MON DEC 7 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Diftenbach Auction, Inc TUES DEC 8 - 7PM Fauquier Lvst Exch , Inc , Marshall, VA Graded Feeder Cattle Sales, calf & yearling Grey H Puckett, Jr, Manager, 540-364-1566 WED DEC 9 -9 AM Draft Horses, Farm EQuip, Household Goods From Millersburg Take 209 N to 25 E to St David Dr, rutn right to sale on left By Melvin E & Sara Ann Lap Mel Hoover, auct WED DEC 9-10 AM Wolgemulh Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI DEC 11 - Mules, Dairy Cat tle, Farm Machinery Sale by Emanuel & Rebecca Lapp 3924- B Ridge Rd Gordonville PA Harry H Bachman Auct FRI DEC 11-9 AM 100 W Jack son St New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Tractors farm equip, & sup plies A&C Dilfenbach Auction Inc FRI DEC 11-12 Noon Middle burg Livestock Auct Sis Inc Mid dleburg PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk Owners 717- 837-2222 SAT DEC 12 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkt, 1 mi E of Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & riding horse sale Consign welcome 717-866-5783 Keith Bvers & Gerald Hoover, Aucls AUCTIONEERING Jackson *3l, New “Ss^e'TSbs^ fton 71 ?sgU{r 5ck Market ' Sormo Rd EC Cariiste s Cat- Alexander Vrmg Rd°.'Carlisle! 7SSS — 1 4511 Short Notice Herd Dispersal Farmer retiring after 46 yrs in the dairy business Ken Crum Honesdale, Pa. Selling 42 Hd. cows 6 Springing Heifers 10 Fresh in last 2 months - balance in various stages of lactation 50 lb. milk in tank 3.8% Butterfat Oct. 27,1998 At 12:30 PM in the Dairy Ring Don’t Miss This Sale Middleburg Livestock Auction Middleburg, PA New Holland Sales Stables DAIRY COWS & HEIFERS SELL The Show/Sale Has Attracted People From All Over The East- New Holland Sale Stables Sold Many Cattle Through This Sale That Went On To Great Herds and Shows and Done Well-- This Year We Plan to Have Another Great Set of Dairy Cattle To Show and Sell— Please Plan To Join Us Oct. 28,1998 At 9:00 AM For The Show- Ail Show Cattle Must Be Sold, So You Have A Great Opportunity We Have Eight Classes To Show Ribbons, Trophies, and Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded! Our Judge For 1998 James Burdette, Mechanicsburg, PA For Details Call Our Sales Stables Office... Sale Managed By New Holland Sales Stables, Inc. 12 Miles East of Lancaster just off Rt. 23, New Holland, Pa. Barn 717-354-4341 Fax 717-355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 Norman & David Kolb, Mgrs. 61L nnual Dairy Show & Sale WED. OCTOBER 28 9:00 AM Show 11:00 AM Sale Springing Heifers 12:00 Noon Grand Champion Sells Plus The Other Show Cows & Heifers To Go Home With Toi J. & M. LEONARD FARM DAIRY DISPERSAL Friday, October 30,1998 At 9:30 A.M. - Bainbridge, NY Located at 1833 County Road 39, 3 miles northeast of Bainbridge, 2 miles southwest of Rt. 8 and Sidney, 1 mile west of Rt. 88 Exit 9. Having sold our farm will sell: 425 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 225 Cows in Milk, 62 Bred Heifers, Balance Open Heifers and Calves. Herd Average: 19,500. Nearly 100% A-I sired, calfhood vaccinated for brucel losis, plus the 9-way vaccination program. This herd has had good dairy husbandry with regular vet checks. These are big strong freestall cattle with good feet and legs, and in an excellent state of herd health. Cows are bred for soundness and production, many with records to 30,000 IOOOf IOOOp and more; many cows and dams over 100,000 lifetime. Cows sired by Rambo, Bruno, Delight, Peti, Belfast, Dictator, Leader, Tong, Script, Glenen, Miami, Meadowlark, Ares, Journey, Inka, Mountain, Cyrus, Skywalker, Marker, Jess, Massive, Coco, Bonus, Vanquish, Sebastian, Burt, Lad, Bellwood, Ivan, Rail, Melwood, Tycoon, Silverado, Valvano, Summit, Ethan, Nick, and many more. Service Sires include Morris, David, Vegas, Hill, Daniel, Devon, Capri, Mobi, Amigo, Danan, Boagy, Matthew, Nautilus, Marco, Stealth, Emperor, Jethro and more. Also offered here is a well-raised, truly outstand ing group of young cattle. Well-known bred heifers, quality yearlings and calves Sires and service sires represented include Nick, Formulel. Indy, Score, Declare, Emory. Granite. Remarkable, Andrew, Peti, Silver, Brinks, Bunker, Sultan, Aspen, Dawson, Cherry, Giles. Sutton. Belt, Merv. Saffron, Fashion, Mel, Dr Pepper, Wilfred, Levite, Touch, Franco. All cattle will be checked by a veterinarian for pregnancy and will have shipping fever mnocula tions. Terms: Cash oi good check dav of sale with ID, nothing to be removed until settled for. Out of State buyers must bring a Bank Letter of Credit made out to William Kent, Inc. J. & M, LEONARD, Owners Phone 607-563-2295 kentinc @ -g=-KRWT£7 \UCTIONHERS M, RE . BROKERS STAFFORD, NY PH. Cows—
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