The Austrian JAW HARP - finest in the world! Austrian JAW HARP! The Jaw Harp or similar is one of the worlds oldest instruments, and yet is very amusing. You probably had one as a youngster at one time or another. It is a very low cost instrument, yet easy to play! We offer only the finest Jaw Harp in the world - made in AUSTRIA! We have them available in three types or tunings; Soprano, Alto, or Tenor. The Soprano being the smallest and Tenor the largest. We suggest the Alto if you are not sure which one you want. We know you will eventually want ALL THREE! (iAtt 1 iA iicounL $7*95 3 for s2o*oo tot I Mi\ ui match HOHNER BIG RIVER HARP! vN SPE Cor #590/20 BIG RIVER Harp by Hohner! This is an all German made Harmonica; similar in sound to the Marine Band; but at a reduced price! New MODULAR construction for part/s replacement! Our LOWEST PRICED GERMAN MADE HOHNER! Hohner List Price is $15.95. Specify; Key: ’C’ or ’G’ $ I 1 C4B 0698 AHWCO HOHNER'S New Harmonica Carrying . iiigh impi pic, is vacuum formed with a solid aluminum valance, creating maximum protection for your harmonicas, while still retaining lightweight. All hardware is mounted with rivets. The case will hold up to 12; 10-hole harmonicas and one chromatic (up to 16- hole size). Specifications; 12-3/8" x 10-l/2"(less handle) x 2-3/4" Weight: 2 lbs 5 ozs Retail; $39.95 dV Page IT’S EASY TO PLAY THE JAW HARP! - FUN TOO! Just follow these simple directions: Take the Jaw Harp in your left hand (hold the round part of the frame - see Fig. 1). Place the harp against your teeth. Upper and lower lips should rest above and below the frame (see Fig. 2). With the right forefinger, pluck the Jaw Harp tongue so that it vibrates. As you pluck, breathe strongly (as if you’re sighing), and you’ll produce a tone! By varying the shape of your mouth, you. will be able to produce a great many tones! Enjoy and have fun! n pu-iju-'ucz $29.95!
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