hohner SINGLE REED NAME MODEL 02/20 AMERICAN ACE KEYS AVAILABLE FOR ABOVE (2) or (3) Keys available for (2) above A,B,Bb,C,D,E,Eb,F,G Key available for (3) above A,B,Bb,C,Db(C#),D,E,Eb,F,F#(Gb),G,Ab(G#) YOUR TREMOLO TUNED HARMONICAS “pmcE^ 23.72 2209/28 ECHO ICTBI !c eci TUNED HARMON] 105/40 AUTO VALVE )MATIC HARMONICAS CHR 250/32 CHROMETTA 8 ALL PRICES SHOWN INCLUDE THE 25% DISCOUNT OFF THE REGULAR HOHNER SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICES. 10/01/98 C4B 0696 AHWCO The Worlds Leader in Harmonicas! 11l harmonicas in sto ALL PRICES SHOWN BELOW INCLUI THE REGULAR HOHNER SUCGESTI !ARMONICAS Dl |?gU KEYS PRICE! C,G C,G A,Bb,C,D,E,F,G 49.29 |R IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT IK F >E THE 25% DISCOUNT OFF 0 RETAIL PRICES. YOUR HARMONICA INSTRUCTION discount PRICE! 9.71 PP-102 COMPLETE HARMONICA/CASSETTE INSTRUC TION PACKAGE-BLISTER PACK 5.21 GLH-300 COMPLETE HARMONICA INSTRUCTION BOOK, CASSETTE, Great Little Harp P-3 PITCH PIPE. Shaped like a harmonica, true 23.96 intonation pitch pipe sound full chromatic octave. Range: C - C BE SURE AND SPECIFY KEY(S) ON THE HARMONI CAS ORDERED. MOUTH ORGANS ARE NOT RE TURNABLE FOR EXCHANGE OR CREDIT. SINGLE REED (Dmtonu ) flu roods of diatom* haimonu is m tuned to produce the natui d notes of the sc ik without shaip' oi flab Each h tit his i blow uid di iw ncd Most of tin s. hm iiiomtas h.ite it n h wiih the lout middle holt s pn \ a eomple te* note octave TREMOLO TUNED liemolo Intnmimus have double holes t i< h containing two n ids tumd to the same note* on* t in» d slightly h li?h< l the it th* o' he r Hot h I» •ds ut ci f he t I low m di u w huh ere itts t beautiful ’ihri'ins/ m fumoln edfetl OCTAVE TUNED Dd m tune el h umnnu is in sinulit to Uomolos in i(-*( d ! ivoul Ihe diif» u nee is th it <ae h douhh hide*, instead ot having ittds tuned to the same note his one iced nioctive , M >ait from the o,hen Jhi resulting -.nond’s si mage i uid molt full hodud lull (’ohm it model' hive foui n< us m each double hole i pin nl blew nul hi iw n• as CHROMATIC Prov id« eomple u 1 2 non octives uh it! nitp ind fl it 1 - !*ii ssmtj the -hde on the ule itllv InimniH i ip ns elu-t-'ieeel tot hupstlit !he(hn un il n k ii i (»i 'hio SPECIAL! The Austrian JAW HARP YOUR DISCOUNT PRICE! YOUR DISCOUN' PRICE! 41.05 Andy H Weaver I /snce\ 16891 Farmington Road o >»5» ,v West Farmington OH 44491 * = - (440) 548-2981 - FAX: 1-440-648-2231 51 TOLL FREE ORDER LINES: “ 1-800-882-8799 or 1-888-A WEAVER Page 21 TYPES OF HARMONICAS FINEST IN THE WORLD! We have them available in three types or tunings; Soprano, Alto, or Tenor. (Complete description on page 21) (i)ux $Z.95 lor $20.00 Mix 01 match 14.96
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