Sale Reports STURGILL SALE A Century 225-amp welder with a tank and cart sold for $BOO, at a sale of power and hand tools on Saturday, Sept. 26, at Ashville Road, Oxford for Ora and Eu gene Sturgill. Other items sold in cluded: Craftsman jointer $l7O, Craftsman band saw $9O, Crafts man sander $9O, Crafts man table saw $lOO, Craftsman drill press $llO, Craftsman radial arm saw $7O, Dewalt radial arm saw $9O, truck cap $7O, two-bot tom plow $l3O, JET shaper $lOO, Starrett transit $240, Black Hawk Porta Power set $2BO, air nail gun $32.50, crosscut saw $B5, Homelite chainsaw $4O and Redder gun heater $6O. There were 131 registered bidders at the sale, which was con ducted by RoyB C. Probst Family Auction Service of Willow Street CONSIGNMENT SALE A multi-consignment antique auction was held Wednesday at the Gouglenville Fire Co. banquet hall in Read ing. The top-selling lot was a total of 93 ornate hatpins $7243.50, 72-pc. blue Royal Lace Depression dinner set $3540, red painted dry sink w/smoke decora tion $2750, ornate oak side-by-side $2475. set of six Staffordshire brown hare plates $2112, three-pc. oak bedroom suite $1485, folk art chest $1265, oak buffet $1155, Vic torian parlor sofa and chain $BBO, Victorian dresser, $825, miniature redware pitcher $825, Mason & Hamlin piano $770, oak Sellere kitch en cabinet $650, blue decorated pitcher $605, oak ctiina closet $577.50, Victorian hair wreath $561, oak side board $522.50, me lodeon $495, oak side board $495, oak icebox $495, one-door ward robe $467.50 and Vic toria! hall rack $467.50. Also sold were: con cert roller organ $440, William Taft elephant $440, oak kitchen ca binet $412.50, Empire marble-top chest $385, silver resist pitcher $341, Washington vase transfer pitcher $330, five pressed-back oak chairs $330, 1-cent scales $3OB, Victorian mirror $3OB. oak chest of drawers w/mirror $302.50, 3-pc. silver lustre table set $297, Reading amber bitters bottle $275, smoke de corated blanket chest $250, mirror hat rack $253, flying geese ap pliqued quilts $242 toO $302.50, oak library desk $297, mahogany claw and ball table $264, grain decorated bookshelf $247.50, painted drum (broken) $242, bronzed-style clothes tree $242, oak cased Victrola $242, Gaudy Dutch single rose cup and saucer w/ damage $220, castor set $214.50, ball and claw footed table $209, Hummel figurines $209 to $132, pr. of deep walnut frames $1989, Hoosier cabinet top $l9B, and wrought iron bird cage and stand $l9B. Among the other items sold were: 2-=pc. Victorian bedroom suite $192.50, Victorian smoking stand lamp $lB7, mahogany library table $lB7, arrowheads $lB7, pitcher $l7O, Gaudy Dutch saucer $l9B, oak pedestal $176, salesman’s sample Victorian lady portrrait fan covers $176, oak washstand $165, advertisement buttons $165, vanity w/ trifold mirror $165, a frog mug $165, cat ad vertisement plate $165, blanket chest $l5O, jel ly cupboard $154, brown creamer $154, export plates $l2l to $154, green heart kero sene finger lamp $143, set of 16 green Depres sion sherbets $143, 6-pc. Depression din ette set $143, mahogany princess dressers $143, Victorian faintign couch $143, blanket chest SI37vSO, sailor boy lithograph linen cloth $132, one-drawer stand $132, gent’s cabin transfer plate $132, Victorian bureau $132, Marseilles spread $l2l, pair of oak rockers $l2l, William Rank theorem of a Teddy bear $l2l, oak wash stand $l2l, Victorian armchair $l2l, and gin gerbread Clock $l2l. Pennypackcr-An drews Auction Center Inc. Shillington, con ducted the auction. The auctioneers were Cathy M. Pennypacker-An drews, Reading, and Luke R. Witman, Man heim ZECH ESTATE & GOTWALT ESTATE SALE A public auction was held Tuesday at the Springetts Fire Hall, York, for the estate of Susan Zech, the estate of Helen Gotwalt and others. There were 225 registered bidders. Highlights included: 4- dragon settee and rocker set $525, small slant-front schoolmas ter’s desk $3OO, 2-pc. Dutch cupboard $6OO, RCA color console TV $2lO, oak flat-top desk $lBO, hall rack $525. blanket chest $2OO, 5- bedroom suite $250, cedar chest $BO, potty chair $65, Mary Gregory pitcher and glasses $6OO, small blue platter $825, blue plate $l3O, miniature kero sene lamp $l6O. Eng lish blue plate $135, Gaudy Dutch plates $65 and $B5 each, coffee grinder $B5 and 2 pic ture farmes $BO. Also sold were: brass buckets $5O and $6O, silverware chest $95, misc. lot of cigar labels $2O, two mugs $l7O, ladle $B5, blue plate $l3O, football player mug $l2O, two antique stand $l5O and $l6O, cameo pin $75, charm bracelet $lBO, Republi can ribbon $62.50, “Vote for Women” fig urine $240,18K filigree aquamarine ring $230, amethyst ring $l6O, diamond ring $1650, lady’s 14K white gold 3-diamond ring $l5OO, lady’s platinum 5-dia mond row ring $3350, and lady’s 18K white gold tanzanite ring $1650. The sale was conducted by Jacob A. Gilbert and Brian L. Gilbert of Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers, Wrightsville. SNADER SALE A frame ranch-style house w/frame barn sold for $67,000 at pub lic auction of real estate and household goods held for Daniel and El mira Snader, 988 W. Main St, New Holland. Willis Shirk, Terre Hill, was the buyer. There wre 205 regis tered bidders. Also sold were: two chests of crawers $175 and $OO, washstand $l5O, two brass beds $370, marbletop table $230, upright piano $2OO, agate teakettle $47.50, table lamp $65. five berry cups $llO, Shirley Temple glass $42.50, strawberry cookie jar $6O, Aunt Je mima cookie jar $95, George Washington picture $9O. three-foot ed Carnival bowl $BO, Carnival dish $B5, Ger man creamer and sugar $BO, and holly dish $B4. The auctioneers were Jeffrey R. Martin, New Holland, and Randall L. Ranck, Lancaster. The sale will resume at 1 p.m. Monday, Oct 5. GRUBE SALE A Public Sale of fine antiques, primitives, lamps, household goods and modem tools was held Saturday at Horst Auction Center. Eph rata for Paul Grube, Lancaster, and others. The sale was conducted by Horst Auctioneers and drew 36S registered bidders. Items sold included: walnut one-drawer cup board $3500, softwood Dutch cupboard $2450, walnut Welsh cupboard $2400, comer cupboard $lB5O, paint-decorated apothecary cabinet $lBOO, walnut chest of drawers $l2OO, walnut slant-top desk $ll5O, mahogany dressing mirror $l2OO, round oak extension table w/ claw feet $lO5O, plain round oak extension ta ble $650,6-legged wal- nut drop leaf table $4OO, drop-front desk $425, two painted on dr. cupboards $5OO and $B5O, Victorian walnut table $475, settee $3OO. tapered-leg table $250, (Mental type tug $525, four painted decorated chairs $230, marble top table $250, jelly cup board $450, dresser w/ mirror $4OO, walnut whatnot shelf $350, 8 HP chipper/shredder $290, Lionel train en gine $475. Lehman toy blimp $lO5O, mechani cal dancing man $675, Lenox china service fix’ 12 $650, Haviland chi na service $450, Fiesta water set $205, six art glass lamp shades $950, Limoge ice cream set $450, hanging light $350 and paisley shawl $260. BRETHREN DISASTER RELIEF SALE More than $400,000 was raised during the 22nd annual Brethren Disaster Relief Auction, held Friday and Satur day at the Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Leb anon. The two-day sale of donated items with all proceeds going toward helping victims of floods, fires and other disasters around the world, drew an estimat ed crowd of 9,000. Categories of items on the block included five heifers $71,000, other livestock $lB,OOO, Share-a-Meal tickets $7449 and farmer’s market-ityle food $8623. Specific items sold included: Abner Zook 3-D painting $6700, H. Minnich walnut tallcase clock $6700, spring wagon $l2OO, Sam Martin toy wooden crane and truck $lB5O, Reber wagon $1350, Kirby Keller walnut ex ecutive desk $2450, Root hybrid maple nee $1375, 1990 Ford van converted into a camper $ll,lOO, mobile home in Sebring, Fla. $6lOO, 12 Apostles musical clock $2lOO, trolley toy $6OO, Myer oak exten sion table $2750, comer cupboard $l,OOO, No. 20 John Deere pedal tractor $l7OO, Farmall pedal tractor $675, Longaberger basket $250 and Paul Brubaker oil painting $lOOO. Quilts sold included: Mariner’s Compass $2200, Country Vine yard $l5OO, Country Love Applique $l9OO, Mourning Dove Appli que $lOOO, Applique Strawberry and Grape $l5OO, Pieced Log Ca bin $l4OO, pieced Lone Star $1250, pieced Lat Fall $lOOO and applique Album Basket $lOOO. Some 15 area auc tioneers volunteered their time for the sale. More than s6' million has been raised since the annual sale began in 1976, according to spokesman Jay M. Wit man, Manheim. BROWN ESTATE SALE Antiques, household goods and carpenter’s tools were sold Thurs day at a public auction held for the Robert M. Brown estate, Oxford. There were 101 registered bidders. Items sold included: old kitchen cabinet w/ flour bin $2lO, pine corner cupboard w/ glass doors $7OO, mar ble-top dresser $2OO, plank-bottom half spindle settee $3lO, quilts $2OO and $2lO, Wallace Nutting prints $6O and $B2, two Ma jolica plates w/Etruscan maple leaves $2OO, brown decorated crock $75, blue decorated crock $B5, 10-inch Delta table saw $2lO, 16-inch Delta band saw $240, 6-inch Craftsman jointer $l5O, Craftsman jigsaw $7O, blacksmith anvil $75. draw knife $BO, and molding plane $BO. The sale was am ducted by Kreider, Kline & Good Auction eers, New Providence. SHOLMARTIN SALE Automotive tools, parts and equipment, an tiques and a truck were sold Saturday at a pub lic auction held for Ol lie M. Sholmartin, 55 Lincoln Ave., Rein holds. There were 220 registered bidders. The sale was conducted by Art Pannebecker Auc tion Service, Reinholds. Highlights included a metal lathe $1 ISO, 1974 Chevy Cheyenne V-8 pickup truck $950, tire changer $750. Snap-or scope kit $525, brake tester $370, wheel bal ancer $3OO, Frosty Root Beer sign $290, Gulf sign $l6O, puller $llO, six old inspection stick ers $l2O, air jack $2OO, transmission jack $lOO, generator $450, Stanley plane $lO5, hoist $l3O, motor manuals $75, wooden storage cabinet $230 and old minature toy racing car $lBO. ROHRER SALE A 30-acre limestone farm w/two-story, four bedroom house and a bank barn sold for $320,000 Tuesday at a public real estate auc tion held for Jeffrey S. and Tracy A. Rohrer, 33 Limcrock Road, Lititz. Eli S. Stoltzfus Jr., Bird-in-Hand, was the buyer. The sale was con ducted by Kline, Kreid er, & Good Auction eers, Stevens. RITZ SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held Septem ber 26 by Ethel Ritz, 13962 Blymire Hollow Rd., North Hopewell Twp., York Co., Pa. The 13-acre farmette with an old stone & log house, a bar and a com barn (rough shape) brought $72,600. Kenneth Keeny was the auctioneer. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 3, 1998-625 KAPNER ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of personal property was held September 26 for the estate of Earl R. Kapner, 6 miles east of Trout Run, Pa. The teal estate con sisted of a 30-acre farm ette with a bi-level S-room house with a 1 car garage and a 2-story hip roof bam which was sold for $255,000. Other prices were; ’95 Dodge pickup $l5OO, Case 870 tractor $3500, A.C. CA tractor $1475, Ford 800 utility tractor $2200, air com pressor $325, Lincoln welder $lB5, hydraulic press $lB5, tire changer $lB5, crocks up to $65 each, Fransiscan dish set $3OO, modem comer cupboard $275, bed room suite $7OO, May tag washer and dryer $230 each, Maytag 16.5 refrigerator $325, and Jacobson lawn mower $950. Fraley Auction Co. conducted the sale. REAL ESTATE AUCTION 900 NORTH 9TH ST. READING, PA MON., OCT. 26 @ 1:00 P.M. Corner bar & grille in the heart ot the outlets, Moss St. area Bar seating, dining seating, real estate, liquor license & equipment. Call for terms & information 1-888-933-8264 FERNWOOD AUCTION CO. AY43L ANNUAL FALL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FRI. OCT. 9 @ 5:00 PM SAT., OCT. 10,1998 @ 9AM MILLER'S AUCTION CENTER BETHEL, PA (EXIT 3 OFF 1-78) Things we are looking to sell; cars, trucks, farm equipment, lawn and garden, lumber, contractor's equipment, straw, hay, com, shrubs, tools, generators, furniture, household items, antiques, out door items Receiving days will be October 7, 8,9 (Wed., Thurs., Fri.) from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Call to consign now so your items can be advertised in newspaper (717) 933-5736. JP Auctioneer: Ift Dwight D. Miller AU002414-L ”\rI E Bethel, PA 19507 (717) 933-5736 Metal Fabrication Equipment MARSULEX ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES 300 & 301 North Fourth Street Lebanon, Pennsylvania Tuesday, October 13 at 11:00 am 1981 HEATH CNC Plasma Cutter • PACIFIC 200 Ton Press Former • PACIFIC 12 x 1/2 Hvdraulic Power Shear • Bertsch 8’ x H Rolls • ROUNDO 14 x 5/8 Rolls • SHAW 10 Ton Box Crane • ACCO Vac-u lifts • CHICAGO Press Brake • Welding Positioners (24,000 200 lb cap) WORTHINGTON. GULLCO, TELEDYNE READCO, RANDSOME, ARONSON • Trucks GMC Diesel >ard Tractor, GMC Stake Bod\ Truck • Forklifts ALUS CHALMERS, TAYLOR. CLARK • Approx 28 Hat Bed Trailci • plasma cutters • punches • iron workers • phte \ ra\ machine • assorted rolls • assorted press dies • (13) assorted welders • wire feeders • mar\cl cutoff saws • ind much more 1 Terms of sale 10% buvers premium Inspection Mondav, October 12 from 10 on AVI to 4 00 PM For more information, < onract Auctioneer Refer to Faxback #4588 MICHAEL FOX INTERNATIONAL 800 722 3334 • 410653 4000 • FAX 410653 4069 e mail info@michaelfox com • www michaetfox com FOLLWEILER SALE A Public Sale of per sonal property was held September 26 by Samuel Follweiler, 7703 Dresher Rd.. Kempton, Lehigh Co., Pa. Some prices included: Int. 1942 K 3 stakebody t ruck $2400, Farmall Super C tractor $l6OO, wrought iron rooster flow lamp $9BO, butcher kettles $75 each, early wardrobe $675, red cupboard $375, oak washstand $6O, top of Dutch cup board $250 and lumber $55 a stack. David P. Leob was the auctioneer. Buying! Diamonds, gold, estate jewelry Coins, antique jewelry of all types Parkhill Jewelry 5 West Main St. Ephrata, PA 17522 * 717-733-8800 *
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