824-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 3, 1998 Case 18358 skid loader, good cond 717-445-5734 Lane Co. Caretree 30" tree spade, #5Ol skid loader, mount, good cond . $4500 177- 872-1800 Lane. Co No 310 Nl 1 row com pick er. very good cond , JD No 9, 3 pt sickle bar mower 410-756-6729 Carroll Co 1940 Farmall A w/cults , plow, sickle bar mower & snowplow, $l5OO 080 908-859-3543 Warren Co, NJ Sheep trimming shears, hand squeeze type, good cond., $lO 610-868-8238 Northampton Co Backhoe attachment, 3 pt. 8-1/2 reach, 2 buckets, like new, $3500 610-261-1015 Northampton Co. 4’x4’xs’ bales of hay, 5- 7 50x20 truck tires, & bud wheels, $150: Air Slide fifth wheel. $BO. 3.73 14 bolt Chevy truck rear, $lOO, deliv avail. 610-589-2449 Berks Co 20 offset disc, $2OO 080 Isaac S King, 124 Magnolia Drive, Holtwood, PA 17532 717-284-3193 Lane. Co. 3 Maytag wringer washers, 1 works, Maytag dryer, 14 ft. Tnhull boat w/55 hp motor & trailer 717-292-1597 York Co Brady com chopper w/Sum mit Hill flails, 65 hp $4900, Wisconsin eng, field ready Abram Stoltzfus, 130 Locust St 1/2 mi E Talmaqe Combine parts, Oliver 525, 535, 545, MM 4296, 13' flex & Rigid heads, fits all mod els. BO retired 302-284- 4783 Kent Co 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier, AC, Auto, PB, PS, blk w/blue inter, 82k miles, msp good till 7/99, $2BOO 717-653-4009 Lane co Subscription Service • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $29.50 per year or $57.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas * $39.50 per year, $77.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided; write in your new address below. Changes will be made as close to requested date as possible. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your 1 Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to I LANCASTER FARMING I P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1998 PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA, WV □ $29.50 -1 YEAR □ $57.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name _ Address RD # City Zip +4 Nl 323 1 row com picker, services & ready to pick corn, fair to good cond., $BOO 717-738-1274 Lane Co Bagged small gram Rye seed, $5 25/bu 717-738- 3925 Lane Co Remington #l4l .35 ca, Mdl 6, 270 ca. pumps; Sav age 1899 mdl B takedown, exc cond, $475 neg 610- 692-5871 Chester Co AKC Pomeranian pups, small housed raised males, $3OO, females, $325, Chi huahua & poodle mixed male & females, $175 717- 733-9204 Lane. Co 12 ton feed bin, good cond , $4OOO Elvm M Martin, 581 Snapper Dr, Ephrata, PA 17522 Lane. Co 1985 6 9 Ford/lnt'l diesel eng , & 3 sp auto, low miles on factory shortblock, can hear run, $l5OO 080. 609- 881-0069 Glouc Co NJ DS basement stove w/skirt mg, 1 yr old, good cond. 717-768-0792 Lane. Co MAILBOX MARKFT WANTED 3000 gal. or larger Mueller bulk milk tank, OH model or newer; index rail for 6x parlor 410-374-3464 Car roll Co., Md Livestock trailer, light weight, 20 or 33 ft length, good cond , fifth wheel style. 610-935-4945 Chester Co. Farmall Cubs, running or not, used equipment for Cub tractors. Dennis, 1- 888-496-9120 Dau Co Minneapolis Moline crawler or any other small crawler, Minneapolis Moline tractors. 717-225-1045 York Co Top link for 3 pt hitch, from Ford 600, 700, 800, or 900 series farm tractor, in good toexc. ong cond 610-799- 2536 Lehiqh Co Box # State County Non-Refundable Looking for someone to start my garden seeds, I have flat cups, soil, about 50 total next spring. 717- 445-6904 Lane. Co. Cyl. head for JD 4020, casting no. R 46090 301- 371-6141 Frederick Co, Md. Old wooden kitchen cabi nets, old refrigerator and stove 610-777-3120 Berks Co. Loader w/trlp bucket to fit 3020 JD wide front end 717-356-7666 after 7 30 Microfilm viewer, 35 mm as used in law, medical offices and public libraries & schools, table top model. 610-670-9544 Berks Co. Cream separator in work ing order, hand operated, any kind. 717-665-5998 Lane. Co. Good, used 500 gal. milk tank. Moses K. Renno, RD 2, Box 942, Mifflmtown, PA 17059-9678 Farmall 705 or similar parts tractor w/good 3 ph, PTO and WFE 717-834-3369 Perry Co. Old Myers pump jack, Ig. & sml. gears #2441 needed. Call or write: Ed Craig, Box 121, Newton, Hamilton, PA 17075 or 814-542-4807, eves. Mifflin Co Side dresser for MH 44, intake manifold for Farmall M, used 13.6x38 tires After 8 pm. 732-431-2499 Monm Co Deer hunting privileges in middle to eastern part of PA, responsible safety minded hunter. Jason. 717- 949-2468 Leb. Co. Power steerin< Oliver 550 tractor, must be in working cond . number on pump is 568631 724- 397-2193 Ind. Co Case garden tractor, attachments, good metal, engine running, also ROPS for Int 284 717-235-4330 York Co OTHER STATES □ $39.50 - 1 YEAR □ $77.00 - 2 YEARS □ RENEWAL 69 convertible Camara; 67 convertible Mustang, any cond., cash paid; 60s VW Bug, 215-357-2737 Bucks Co Someone w/stonepicker to custom pick stones or stone picker for rent 751 Kutztown Rd.. Myerstown, PA 17067. 717-933-5642 Leb. Co. Cockshutt farm equipment, Cockshutt 50, Coop E 5 Cockshutt 570 in any cond 804-286-3352 Scottsdale, Va Pictorial cigar box labels, sample labels, tobacco scrap books. Write, Cigar Box Labels, 264 Ford Hill Rd , Wnghtsville, PA 17368 717-252-2023 York Co Mahoning Outdoor Furnaces Cut Heating Costs With An jL9r si Pji m . Outdoor Furnace <m m c Standard Model Burns Coal, u Wood or Wood By-Products 717-532-5820 MULTI-FUEL MODEL BURNS COAL, GAS, OIL OR WOOD Will Adapt to any Existing Heat System Accessories & installation Available 18 Perkins Sales & Service aS I* *jf • Diesel Air Compressors • Diesel Hydraulic Units For Tunnel Ventilation • 7-160 HP Open Power Units • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air . Motor or 12V Clutch • Ice Boxes '^pbSkSi* • ?rr Heavy Duty in $ uuues / , STOCK \ • Diesel Rebuilding LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd. & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! Plims(! NO PHONE CALLS • Plc.isf PRINT LEGIBLY Check One For Sale [=□ Notice CD Wanted □ 18 County Phone No, No Phone Calls Please! Knife blades for Mott flail mower. Ed Sr, 732-873- 8640 eves., NJ MFSIO diesel combine eng., 510 diesel combine for sale; Cockshutt, 570 Super 80 Gehl, 99 blower. 610-944-6081 Berks Co. Litter carrier trailer rollers; also hanging chicken feed ers, in good shape. Fisher, 7228 Peters Rd., New Hol land, PA 17557 Lane Co. pig operation, new gesta tion building. 410-857-5448 Carroll Co. AD FORM Attach Your >r Farming Ma Here Sale Reports FISHER SALE A Public Sale of real estate and antiques was held September 26 by John and Tamara Fish er, Fisher’s Trout Hat chery, 3 miles east of Lehigh ton on Rt. 209. There were 270 regis tered bidders at the sale. The 62 acres with a 2'/a-story Victorian house, garage, outbuild ings and a 1 acre lake with stream was sold for $400,000. Other prices were: bookcases $1575 & $l6OO, desk $l6OO. juke box $650, Grand- FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION FRIDAY, OCT. 9, 1998 9:00 AM LOCATED AT A&C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC., 100 W. JACKSON ST.. NEW HOLLAND. PA TRACTORS: NH LX6605 Skid Steer Loader: Ford CM 222 w/Mower (New); DC Case w/3Pt & Hyd, Farmall H; JD 2550; JD 2630 w/loader, MC 15-30; IH W 6; AC Dl9 On Steel, AC B w/Woods Mower; And Many Others Not FARM EQUIPMENT: (New) 1&2 Seat Mennomte Car nages; NH 630 Round Baler; Nl 325 & 323 Corn Pickers; NH 898 Harvesters; NH 890 Harvester; NH 354 Grinder Mixer, JD 4xl6' Plow; Nl 279 Cutditioner; IH 550 Manure Spreader; Nl 844 N Com Head, IH 600 Blower; IH 56 Blower; Little Giant 36' Elevator; JD 12' Packer; Bnllion 12' Cultimulcher; Bradley 722 Field Chopper; Roskamp Roller Mill; JD 54 Spreader; IH Com Picker, NH 411 Dis cbme; Krause 12' Disc Chisel NH 278 Baler; Nl 3816 Manure Spreader; NH 311 Baler; Gehl Forage Wagon, Papec Forage Wagon; Parker Bin Wagon; And Many Mor^temy|olMentionecL^^^_^^^_^^^^^ I THERE WILL BE AN ABSOLUTE SALE ROW OF' 1 EQUIPMENT SOLD AT APPROX. 1:00 PM | New B’, 10’, 12’, 14' Hay Racks New 3 Pt. Equip & Hudson Trailers for Sale Daily ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. SOME EQUIPMENT SOLD DAILY. RECEIVING DAYS - MONDAY THRU THURSDAY, OCT. 5 THRU 8 - 7:00 AM TO 5:00 PM NO SMALL ITEMS RECEIVED ON FRIDAY., SALE ORDER 9:00 AM-SALE STARTS 9:30 AM - LARGE EQUIPMENT 12 NOON - FARM TRACTORS 12:30 PM - LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT APPROX. 1:00 PM - ABSOLUTE ROW OF EQUIP. , A&C DIFFENBACH AUCTION INC. 100 W. Jackson St., P.O. Box 186 New Holland, PA 17557 Ph0ne:(717)355-7253 Fax (717) 355-9547 Alan Diffenbach Auct • AU2258-L FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORMT Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one” free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include 'area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week’s issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. ** The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reject any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements. ** father’s clock $2750, picture $2lOO, cup board $775, coffee grinder $54. bed & foot warmer $75, butter churn $l4O, Planters Peanut jar $2lO, decor ated crocks $4OO & $225, bottle $7lO, pres sure gauge $255, Wag ner pottery dog $750, banjo $7OO, deed box $450, skid loader $lO,OOO, sideboard $725, dresser $375, bed $320, floor safe $3OO and slot machine $4OO. Robert and Dean Ar ner were the auction eers. Mall To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phone Calls Please!
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