A4O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 # # Sponsors Assist in Production of Kile The Keystone International Livestock Exposition is in its 42nd year at Harrisburg The Exposition is recognized nation ally as a showcase for the nation’s top beef cattle, swine, sheep, and horses It will be held at the Farm Show Complex m Harrisburg on September 30 - October 5 To date, fifty-two major spon sors have committed funds to support the Keystone Interna tional Livestock Exposition A sponsorship program was put together a few years ago to assist in funding the show as well as to promote the show With the revamped KILE pro gram, many opportunities exist for agricultural companies and mdivduals to get involved University of Pennsylvania, Ed Woods, Washington, served as the wool judge in the 1997 show. Over 92 fleeces were entered. They are display ed up at the front of the sheep and the quality was excellent. Challenge of the Breeds The Friday, October 2nd evening arena program at the 1998 Keystone International Livestock Exposition, will be the “Challenge of the Breeds” This show pits nine internationally recognized horse breeds, the Appaloosa, Arabian, the Paint, Half-Arabian, Morgan, Palomi no, Pinto, Quarter Horse, Percheron, and Saddlebred, against each other m an evening of fun and mastery These ani mals have been chosen by their respective breed associations In order to compete, the horse must be owned by a Pennsylvania res ident The event is sponsored in part by the University of Penn sylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine, New Bolton Center The six events m which each horse can be entered include A Pleasure Driving - Horses are asked to perform both ways at a walk and trot B English Pleasure - In Eng lish tack, horses will perforin both directions at a walk, trot and canter C Hunter Hack - In addition to performing on the rail, the horse will be asked to take two jumps D Western Pleasure - In western gear, the horse will tool of Veterinary Medicine. New Bolton Center is si mg the “Challenge of the Breeds” show on Friday evening in the large arena. This event will pit nine internationally rec ognized horse breeds' Appaloosa, Arabian, Half-Arabi an, Percheron, Paint, Quarter Horse, Morgan, Palomino and Pinto against each other in an evening of fun and mastery A total of twelve horse chosen by their respective breed associa tions will be entered in the com petition. The “Keystone Sover eign Champion” will then receive $l,OOO. Sponsoring the Kiddie Pedal Pull is Ever at M e'rstown. PA Grumbine, owner, reports that he chose the Kiddie’s Pedal Pull walk, jog, and lope in both direc tions E Western Riding - The horse performs a prescribed course which demonstrates the performance of a well-mannered ranch horse F Barrel Racing - A timed event in the clover-leaf pattern is performed by the horse The horses will be judged at each of these events on a point system by a qualified judge The winning horse will receive the distinction of being the Keystone Sovereign Champion and will receive an award of $l,OOO The Reserve Champion will be awarded $5OO. Placmgs will be paid through eighth place. This marks the ninth time that a “Challenge of the Breeds” event has been held in Pennsyl vania. The Draft Horse teams will also perform in competitive classes during the evening Over twenty different teams are expected to be in competition. The show will begin at 7 00 p m on Friday evening, October 2, at the PA Farm Show Arena, Harrisburg, PA and the admis sion fee for the show is $5 00 Why not plan to come and enjoy the 1998 Keystone Inten tional Livestock Exposition 9 to sponsor because of the close tie-in with the equipment busi ness. The Pedal Pull will be held on Saturday, October 3, at 3.00 PM. The event is open to chil dren between the ages of 3 and 8. lonsor- Kessler Meats has chosen to sponsor our daily “Kessler’s Barnyard”, as it is called, where kids of all ages can touch and pet barnyard animals Kessler’s Meats is located in Lemoyne, PA Lebanon Valiev Farmers/Ful- ton Bank is s Kid Olympics Farm-related competitive events will be held for children including wheelbar row races, hay toss, sack races, hog-calhlng, and laughing con tests Kids will even learn how to auctioneer. Pennsylvania Livestock Asso- ciation is si stone Stockman’s Contest. It will be held on Monday, October sth and is open to any 4-H or FFA member in the United States and Canada Last year, 502 youth participated in this contest Sponsorships at KILE are available in six monetary denominations from $5O 00 to $l,OOO 00 + Sponsors receive show pins, ring announcements, plaques, display ads, pictures and banners depending on the level of participation The Show is very indebted to its Diamond Sponsors. Pen nwoods Equine Products, Center Hall, PA, Leroy Gray, Fair banks, IA and the PA Percheron Association, Boalsburg, PA, are all major sponsors in the 6- Horse Hitch classes. Fieldstone Meadows Horse Farm, Dallas town, PA, is a major sponsor in PA DRAFT HORSE 81 UNIVERSITY OF MULE ASSOCIATION PENNSYLVANIA _ _ .. , SCHOOL OF “■ 1 063 VETERINARY MEDICINE 1 7545 NEW BOLTON CENTER Sec. Shirley Ray KENNETT SQUARE, PA 19348 RD 3, Box 139 ~6.56 A 6l 5774 610-444-5800 PENNWOODS EQUINE PRODUCTS, INC. Always a big winner with Horses and Horse Owners. Fiom weanling Unough malm ity, a special blending of vitamins, minerals, ammo acids, and electrolytes foiinitialed to bring out your horse’s full potential. Join die winning team with Pcnnwoods Supreme. Pennwoods Equine Products, Inc. P.O. Box 385 Centre Hall, PA 16828 l-800-255-3066 PA PERCHERON ASSN . President: Rhonda Cole GRAY P.O. Box 511 Centre Hall, PA 16828 814-364-9917 Secretary Monica Martin 1307 BAXTER AVENUE sprimi ZJHa 1 6875 FAIRBANK, IA 50629 814-422-0321 Futurity Betty Gilliland O 4 ft COC OCH O Secretary 1351 Linden Hall Road y~000"fc0 I O Boalsburg, PA 16827 814-466-6191 the Aeri- lonsonn the Ke’ lonsornii the Paso Fino champion classes and the PA Draft Horse & Mule Association sponsors various mare & stallion classes. A list of the sponsors and their hometown follows: BRONZE ($5O-$99); DAVE & LINDA HOSTERMAN, Belle fonte, PA; DEIBLER MACHIN ING, Pleasang Gap, PA; DEN NIS CUPP MEMORIAL FUND, Bronson, MI, DONAMERR FARMS LTD, Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada; DREAM AWAY FARM, Mt Pleasant Mills, PA, DUNWALKE FARM, Far Hills, NJ, FEATHERS FARM CLYDESDALES, LLC, Casanova, VA, G&E HAFLINGERS, Manheim, PA, GERALD & GEORGIANNA GRIFFITH, Burgettstown, PA, KEITH BARD, Portage, PA; LAKESHORE FARM, Elmore, OH, LOCUST RIDGE FARM, Annville, PA; MAP FARM, Womelsdorf, PA. MONTADALE SHEEP BREEDERS ASSN, Plainfield, IN, SUNRISE ENTERPRISES CALVES, Shippensville, PA and VERNON HAZLETT FAMILY, State College, PA SILVER ($lOO-$199), APPALACHIAN PASO FINO HORSE CLUB, INC , Somerset, PA, BEAR’S MEADOW FARM, Tabernacle, NJ, HARRY H BACHMAN. AUCTIONEER, Annville, PA, MEADOW BROOK HORSE FARM, Layton, NJ, QUINTE SHIRE FARM, Plainfield,Ontario, Canada, ROVENOLT STABLES, Tur botville, PA; WHISPERING WINDS FARM, Bellefonte, PA, WILL LENT HORSESHOE CO , Shelby, MI; CLYDESDALE BREEDERS OF THE US, Pecatonica, IL, LEBANON VAL LEY FARMERS BANK, Lebanon, Pa.; MEADOWVALE SHIRES, Watsontown, PA and WINDERMERE FARM, Spring Mills, PA GOLD ($2OO-$299); BRYLYN STABLES, Dillsburg, PA HILLVIEW ACRES, Tur botsville, PA; HOLLYSHIRE, Hanover, VA; LEBANON VAL LEY FARMERS BANK Lebanon, PA, MEMORY OF JAMES P. GALLAGHER, Boals burg, PA and ORVINE ALLEY DORSET, Palmyra, PA PLATINUM ($3OO-$499) AMERICAN SHIRE HORSE ASSOCIATION, New Castle CO, COLE TRANSPORTA TION, Spring Mills, PA, DIA MONDS IN THE ROUGH FARM, Northampton, PA WIND WARD FARMS, Man heim, PA; WALKER’S FARM SERVICE, Somerset, PA, YORK CO PORK PRODUCERS, Delta, PA and EVERGREEN TRACTOR CO, INC, Myer stown, PA RUBY lssoo-$999), HAT FIELD QUALITY MEATS, Hat field, PA, KESSLER’S INC, Lemoyne, PA, SPRING VIEW FARM, Bellefonte, PA and AG PROGRESS DAYS, State Col lege, PA DIAMOND ($ 1,000 + ) FIELDSTONE MEADOWS HORSE FARM, Dallastown, PA, PA PERCHERON ASSN Boah burg, PA, PA DRAFT HORSE & MULE ASSN, Manheim, PA, LEROY GRAY, Fairbank, lA, PENNWOODS EQUINE PROD UCTS, Centre Hall, PA and UNIVERSITY OF CLUB PENNSYVLANIA, SCHOOL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE NEW BOLTON CENTER, Ken nett Square, PA FIELDSTONE MEADOWS HORSE FARM RD 3, BOX 395 DALLASTOWN, PA 17313 717-428-1617
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