Entertainment Scheduled For The Keystone International Livestock Exposition 1998 has been designated as 'Year of the Horse”, so horse exhibitors will receive special attention as part of the effort to increase public awareness of the horse industry and the high cal iber of horse shows held annual ly at KILE. Once again, part of the draft horse-hitch show is a qualifying event in the North American Six-Horse Hitch Classic Series and many of the country’s top rated hitches will work to earn points for the national event. The Keystone International Livestock Exposition is in its 42nd year at Harrisburg The Exposition is recognized nation ally as a showcase for the nation’s top beef cattle, swine, sheep and horses It will be held at the Farm Show Complex m Harrisburg on September 30 - October 5. On Saturday, October 3rd, the Farm Show Arena will come alive with the sound of thunder ing hooves. The Heavy Hitch Classic will begin at 7 00 p.m in the Large Arena of the Farm Show Complex. An admission fee of $5.00 per person will be charged at the gate. Hitches come from six states and represent five major draft horse breeds. Youth Contests Featured at KILE The 21st Annual Keystone Stockmen’s Contest, a youth activity in the program of the KILE Show, is scheduled for Monday, October 5, 1998. The contest is open to all 4-H and FFA members. Each county or chapter is invited to enter one or more teams of three or four members. These members will also compete as individuals Registration begins at 8:00 a m. and the contest concludes at 4:30 p.m. This allows a group to participate in the contest, view the livestock and horse shows in progress and return home the same day Prizes are awarded for the winners. The high scoring team wins $lOO.OO as well as ribbons fhe individual high score wins 575 00, with prizes going to the ;op 30 participants. All others At the 1998 Show, we are attempting to give people a rea son to stay. One of “America’s top performing acts”, Animals of Distinction, will be performing three shows daily These world famous animal performers are drawing record crowds from coast to coast. They not only entertain but also educate against animal abuse and neglect Heavy Hitch Classic Set for KILE In 1997, over 200 six-horse hitchers were entered in the 45 qualifying shows across the United States and Canada. The Keystone International Live stock Exhibition is again a qual ifying show for the eries final. Prize money will be awarded at the KILE Show. The North American Six- Horse Hitch Classic Series is the ultimate driving event in the will receive participation rib bons. The five highest placing contestants in the over-all indi vidual scores are interviewed by a committee of three officials The interview consists of ques tions on management, health, showing and current events con cerning the livestock industry The winner of this award will receive $250 00 and a perma nent trophy. The Fifth Annual Keystone Arabian Horse Judging Contest will also be held Prizes for this show are provided by the Inter national Arabian Horse Associa tion This contest will be held on Monday, October sth beginning at 8:00 a.m For more information on the contest, contact Charles Itle, Manager of the KILE Show He can be reached at 717-787-2905 The two strolling acts, booked primarily for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, will amble around the Farm Show Complex putting on their show. For too many years, the only reason people had to attend the KILE Show was to look at the animals and one quick trip through the barns and they went home The first strolling act is musi cal The Sadie Green Sales, two talented performers, play music on wash tubs, saws and crockery jugs They are sure to both amuse and entertain “Huggles”, the clown will not only perform a short magic show on stage but will also move around the build ing His antics make him a real favorite with the small children Why not plan to come and enjoy yourself at the 1998 Key stone International Livestock Exposition. heavy horse world. The Key stone International Livestock Exposition has been chosen as one of 45 recognized Qualifying Shows on the Classic Series Show circuit Each year all across America, six-horse hitch es perform at' state fairs and agricultural exhibitions to accu mulate points for their region and beyond competing at Quali fying Shows spread across Exposition Set For 1998 (Continued from Page A3B) Arabian, Morgan, Palomino, Pin to, Pcrcheron, Saddlebred and the Quarter Horse, go against each other in an evening of fun and mastery. The animals will be cho sen by the respective breed associ ations. In order to compete, the horses must be owned by a Pen nsylvania resident. Also included will be Draft Horse Hitch Classes. There will be a $5.00 charge for the evening performance. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 KID'S DAY A busy day begins with the Draft Horse Halter Youth Classes at 8:00 a.m. The Intercol legiate and Junior Livestock Judg ing Contest also is held at 8:00 a.m. Judging begins at 8:00 a.m. for the National Merino Sheep Show. A special attraction at 12:00 noon is the Keystone Lead Line, an attractive combination, as sheep and shepherd are dressed in their finest. Also at 12:00 noon, Lebanon Valley Farmers/Fulton Bank is sponsoring the Agri-Kid Olympics. Farm-related competi tive events will be held from Children at 3:00 with the Kids Pedal Power Pull sponsored by Evergreen Tractor. At 12:00 noon Canada and the United States The competition builds to a cli max at the end of the year when the high-point hitches are invit ed to compete in the final com petition, the Classic Series. The winner of the Classic Series All Breed Trophy is considered by many to be the best six-horse hitch in the world The stated goals for the Clas sic Series are “to inciease the number of draft hitches on the show circuit” and to “increase public awareness of the sport of driving heavies, hereby expand ing development of the draft breed industry.” The four major draft horse breeds that compete in the Clas sic Series are Belgians, dip*' 'k Percherons, Clydesdales, and Shires. Hitches are judged on conformation, manners, the proper fit and cleanliness of the harness, the appropriateness of wagon, and the hitch’s way of going. The stride of a draft horse at the walk should be long, one that covers ground, with plenty of snap The trot should be styl the Paso Fino Horse Show is fea tured. Also, at noon, the Angus Cattle Show begins, the Yearling Bred Ewe Sale begins at 3:00 p.m. On Saturday evening, at 6:30, the Feeder Calf Sale will be held. The Heavy Hitch Classic show begins at 7:00 p.m. The breeds featured are Belgian, Clydesdale/Shire and Pcrcheron with their 6-Horse Hitch Compctidon. An admission fee of $5.00 will be charged for this Show. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 FAMILY DAY At 8:00 a.m. a family sunrise church service will be held. Junior beef breeding cattle and sheep judging begins af 8:00 a.m. At 12:00 noon is the Jr. Steer judging and then at 12:30 p.m. is the Live Hog Evaluadon Contest. At 9:00 a.m. is die Duroc barrows followed by Crossbred barrows. At 1:30 p.m. the Junior barrows are followed by Truck load of 6 Market Hogs. At 2:00 p.m. is the Limousin Medal of Excellence Show. A busy day at the Expo continues with lambs, sheep, and hog judging through out the rest of the day. MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 As the Keystone International ish, giving the distinct impres sion of power and energy. The sport of driving draft horses is continuing to grow and find favor with audiences across the continent. The Classic Senes competition offers incentives for exhibitors and encourages breeders of quality hitch horses The stylish driving horses seen in the ring today are the result of countless hours of preparation and care that culmi nate in the brilliant perfor mances you will witness during this Classic Series Qualifying Show Competition The real winner of the Classic Six-Horse Hitch Series is the spectator Over 400 draft horses will be on display and it is expected that over twenty six horse hitches will be in competi tion for the Classic at the Key stone The Keystone International Livestock Exposition will be held September 30- October 5 at the Farm Show Complex in Har risburg, PA Why not plan to spend some time in the country at the Keystone Show Livestock Exposition enters its last day, there is still a very busy schedule. The Arabian Horse Show will begin at 8:00 a.m. Also, at 8:00 a.m., the Tunis, Oxford and Cheviot Breeding Sheep will be held. 8:00 a.m., a busy time slot, continues with Shorthorn breeding cattle and at 9:00 a.m. is Open Barrows On-foot. The Key stone Stockman’s Contest begins at 9:30 a.m. Simmcntal Breeding Cattle are shown at 12:00. The Keystone Stockman’s Contest Awards Program is scheduled for 2:30 p.m. For more information please contact Beverly Gruber at the address listed below: Penasylva nia Livestock Association, Bever ly Gruber, Exec. Secretary, PO Box 5, New Tripoli, Pa. 18066, Phone; (610) 767-5026. ,39
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