A36-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 DENVER (Lancaster Co.) Champions of the Denver Fair went on the auction block recently, fetching some great prices for 4-H*ers. The grand champion market hog exhibited by Sarah Boyd was pur chased by Kurt Good of Hatfield Quality Meats for $1.85 a pound for a total of $5OO. The reserve, exhibited by Kyle Fleener, was sold to Blue Ball National Bank for $2 a pound for a total of $530. The grand champion market lamb was exhibited by Sarah Boyd. The reserve was shown by Ryan Donough. At the breed portion of the sheep show, the grand champion ewe went to Gabriel Bowman with her Columbia. Reserve champion went to the Southdown shown by Jen Zimmerman. In the ram con test, grand champion was a Homed Dorset shown by Jen Zimmerman. Reserve was the Corriedale shown by Travis Redmond. Grand champion market steer shown by Kyle Fleener weighed 1,230 pounds and sold to Fulton Bank for $l,OlO. The reserve shown by Jimmy Zimmerman at 1,280 pounds sold to Homing’s Farm Agency for $725. In the baby beef show, grand champion was shown by Matt Manbeck, Womelsdorf. Reserve was shown by Kyle Zerbc, Womelsdorf. The reserve champion lamb was shown by Ryan Donough. BUY, SELL, TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE CLASSIFIED ADS IN Lancaster Farming PHONE 717-626-1164 Denver Posts Results Of Livest k Sh The grand champion market lamb at Denver Fair was exhibited by Sarah Boyd. Photo by Pnston Whltcraft Grand champion market steer at Denver shown by Kyle Fleener, right, weighed 14230 pounds and sold to Fulton Bank for $l,OlO. In photo from left are Jared Rottmund, Ful ton Bank ag loan officer; Mike Flrestlne, Fulton Bank vice president of agriculture; and Fleener. Photo by Pnston Whltcraft --0 ... *et steer shown by Jimmy Zimmerman, center, at 1,280 pounds sold to Horning’s Farm Agency for $725. From left, Merle Eberly, Zimmerman, and Sharon Eberly. Photo by Pnston Whltcnft In the ram contest, grand champion was a Horned Dorset shown by Jen Zimmerman, right. Reserve was the Corrle dale shown by Travis Redmond, left. In center is Miss Den ver Fair Amanda Sue Enslnger. Photo by Pnaton Whltcraft Denver Fair reserve champion market hog, exhibited by Kyle Fleener, right, was sold to Blue Ball National Bank, rep resented by Ken Overly, vice president of ag sales and ser vice, for $2 a pound for a total of $530. Photo by Preston Whltcraft g ‘pi jg y Sarah Boyd, left, was purchased by Kurt Good of Hatfield Quality Meats for $1.85 a pound for a total of $5OO. Photo by Preston Whltcraft At the breed portion of the sheep show, the g rand champ ion ewe went to Gabriel Bowman, right, with her Columbia. Reserve champion went to the Southdown shown by Jen Zimmerman, left. Miss Denver Fair Amanda Sue Enslnger is In the center. Photo by Pnston Whttentt shown by Kyle Zerbe, 5®™ e n r Vtomelsdori. ra«, m 8d "J, Den ; ver Fair contestant Betsy Lee presents the trophy. Photo by Pnston Whltcnft S.J
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