A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 26, 1998 Westminster Livestock Auction Hagcrstowu, Md. September 22, 199 S Report wpplied by auction SLAUGHTER COWS: 154 HEAD, 2.00 LOWER. UTILITY 33.00-36.50; HIGH DRESSING 37.00-39.75; CANNERS 29.00-33.00; SHELLY 29.00 DOWN. BULLS: 11 HEAD 2200-2100 LBS.; YG#l 44.00-46.50; YG #2 40.00-44.00 FED STEERS: 19 HEAD, 2.00 HIGH ER. CHOICE 1100-1400 LBS. 60.00- SEL-LOW CHOICE 54.00- HIGH CHOICE PAIR HOL STEIN 1200-1400 LBS. 52.00-55.50; LOW CHOICE HOL. 1000-1200 LBS. 50.00- FED HEIFERS: SELECT 1000-1100 LBS. 40.00-45.00. VEAL CALVES: 138 HEAD. LOW CHOICE 188 LBS. AT 55.00; CULLS 85-110 LBS. 20.00-26.00; 60-85 LBS. 15.00- FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS $lO.OO-15.00 HIGHER; «1 95-120 LBS. 60.00- 90-95 LBS. 40.00-565.00, «2 90-110 LBS. 30.00-45.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «1 80-90 LBS. 105.00-130.00; 1 #2 100 LBS. AT 90.00 BUTCHER HOGS: 16 HEAD. #Uk#2 230-260 29.00,265-285 LBS. 27.00-28.00. SOWS: 8 Head. 400-500 LBS 13.00-15.00, 500-600 LBS. TO 18.00. BOARS: 2 HEAD. 500600 LBS. TO 9.75. STOCK CATTLE: 167 HEAD STEADY. STEERS M * L FRAME 400-600 LBS. 60.00-68.00; 600-800 LBS. 58.00- 800-1000 LBS. 53.00-58.50. \ HEIFERS: M ft L FRAME. 300-500 LBS. 52.00-58.00; 500-700 LBS. 50.00- 7800-900 LBS. 46.00-SS.Oa BULLS: M ft L FRAME. 200-400 LBS. 65.00- 400600 LBS. 58.00-70.00, 600-850 LBS. 5100-61.00. SHEEP: IS HEAD. 33.00-46.0 a LAMBS: 65 HEAD STEADY TO 34.00 HIGHER, HIGH CHOICE 110-135 LBS. 63.0067.00; 90110 LBS. 63.0069.00; 6090 LBS. 66.0076.00, GOOD CHOICE 5060 LBS. 65.0071.00. 1 YEARLING 102 LBS. AT 67.50. GOATS; 40 HEAD. LARGE 65.00100.00, MEDIUM 35.0060.00, SMALL FLESHY 30.0042.00, THIN 15.0030.00 PIGS AND SHOATS: 35 HEAD. BY THE HEAD. 1020 LBS. 5.0015.00, BY THE LB., 7 HEAD 40 LBS. AT 36.00; 100120 LBS. 33.004100. Westminster Hay Sale 84 LOTS. ALFALFA: 2.25-2.60/B. TIMOTHY: 1.40-3.20/B; 17.00 LRG. RD. CLOVER; 1.00-2.00. MIXED: ,90-3.40/B. GRASS; 55.00/T, ,60-2.55/B, 3.00-10.00 Lg Rd. STRAW: 1.20-1.80/B. OATS: 1.75/BUSHEL. Central Carlot Pork Report Dee Moines, LA Wed Sep 23, 1998 USDA NATIONAL CARLOT PORK REPORT Equated to FOB Omaha Basil a> 3:00 P.M. Compared to Tuesday's Cloie; Fresh bone-in loins steady to mostly weak; butts 2.00-5.00 lower; sknd. hams steady to 3.00 higher; sdls. bclliei weak to 4.00 lower; lean trimmings generally steady. Trading slow to mostly moderate, with light to moderate demand and mostly moderate to heavy offerings. Loads PORK CUTS : 119.63 Loads TRIM/PROCESS PORK : 36.0 USDA ESTIMATED PORK CARCASS CUT OUT Based on FOB Omaha carlot port prices and industry yields. Calculations for a 185 lb Pork Carcass 51-52% lean, 0.8(r-0.99“ backfat at last rib Total Today’s Primal Cutout Values Date Loads Carcass Loin Butt Pic Rib Ham Belly 09/23 155.6 49.04 69.4141.95 23.02 79.21 44.57 56.64 Change : -1.50 -3.81 -2.69 -0.51 -2.32 2.09 -3.81 09/22 144.3 50.54 73.22 44.64 23.53 81.53 42.48 60.45 09/21 84.5 51.49 72.40 46.00 22.81 88.87 4216 65.81 09/18 77.8 51.93 75.44 46.32 2220 88.87 40.95 65.81 09/17 78.0 51.01 7260 46.76 20.22 85.97 41.74 65.33 Cur rent Five Day Simple Average - 50.80 7262 45.13 2235 84.89 4238 62.81 NOTE: Value may change without adequ ate lest. A detailed description of the cutout is available upon request FRESH PORK CUTS LDS PRICE RANGE WGHTD AVG. LOINS, BONE IN Primal Cutout Value = 69.41 **ABP Regular 14-18# = 67.41 Lds Price Range Wghtd Avg. 1/4“ Trim 13-19# 4.5 87.00 - 100.00 95.89 1/8“ Tim/lcss 13-19# 4.0 91.00 - 100.00 93.75 1/4“ Bladeless 1/4“ Trim 19-23# 94.00 94.00 C combos 23/Up# 1.0 43.00 43.00 LOINS.CNTRCUT.IO-11 RIB,I/4“TRM Tender-in FLO 8-13# 1.0 142.00 142.00 Tender-out FLO 8-13# BNLS Strap-on 5-9# 1.0 165.00 165.00 BNLS Strap-off 5-9# 2.0 157.00 - 160.00 159.25 WHLE BNLS LOINS 7-11# 119.00 119.00 A BNLS SIRLOIN .75-1# 2 :5 98.00 -102.00 99.20 BONE-IN SIR 15-3.5# BLADE ENDS 2-4# TENDERLOIN 1.25/DN# 013 195.00 195.00 LOIN BACKRIB (BOXED) FRSH/FRZN 1.5/DN# “ 1.75/DN# “ 1.75-2.00# 229.00 229.00 A “ 2 OQ/UP# 210.00 210.00 C LOIN BACK RIB (COMBOS) 1.75/DN# 259.00 259.00 D PICNIC Primal Cutout Value = 23.02 **ABP Smoker Trim RS = Ldi Price Range Wahid Avg. Smkr Trm. RS, combo Smkr Trm, SS. boxed 7.0 36.00 - 4100 37.86 PICNIC CUSHION MEAT Combo 92% Fieih 84.00 84.00 A Boxed 92% Froaen unq BOSTON BUTT Primal Cutout Value = 41.95 **ABP Regular 4-8# = 3133 Ldi Price Range Wghtd Avg. 1/4“ Trim 11.0 51.50 - 58.00 55.86 1/8“ Trim 4.0 53.00 53.00 1/4“ Trim Neck-off 1.5 60.00 60.00 1/8“ Trim Nedc-off 3.066.0066.00 BNLS. Cellar Trim combo'. 9/UP# 2100 22.00 D SPARERIB Primal Cutout Value = 79.21 **ABP 1.5-3.5# = 76.00 Ld» Price Range Wghtd Avg. 3 BAG/3 PCVAC 3,8/DN# 1.0 89.00 89.002 BAG/3 PCVAC 3.8-S.B# 2.0 85.00 85.00 COMBOS 3.8/DN# 83.00 83.00 B COMBOS 3.8-5.S# 73.00 73.00 E SKINNED HAM Primal Cutout Value = 44.57 **ABP Untrm Sel 17-20#= 50.00 •*ABP Untrm Sel 20-26#= 42.06 Ldi Price Range Wghtd Avg. BONE-IN, TRIMMED 17-20# Trim Spec 1 7.0 53.50 - 54.00 53.93 20-23# Trim Spec 1 25.0 46.00 - 49.00 47.20 23-27# Trim Spec 1 10 43.00 43.0017-20# Trim Spec 2 51.50 51.50 C 20-27# Trim Spec 2 42.00 4100 A 27#/up Trim Spec 2 BONELESS MUS CLES 94-96% * 3 Muscle Group * 4 Muscle Group 7.0 11100 - 116.00 113.14 * 5 Muscle Group 10106.50106.50 Inside Outside Knuckle Lite Butt Inner Shank HAM TRIMMINGS (CHEM LEAN) Combo 72% Fresh 24.00 - 25.00 24. 20 B Boxed 72% Frozen Combo 90% Freih Boxed 90% Frozen Outer Slunk Frozen BELLY, SEEDLESS Primal Cut out Value = 56.64 **ABP Untrrod 12-14# = 55.20 **ABP Untnnd 14-16# = 54.81 **ABP Untnnd 16-18# = 58.00 Ldi Price Range Wghtd Avg. SKIN-ON, TRIMMED Freih 1012# 50.00 - 51.50 51.13 D Freih 12-14# 5.0 57.00 - 6150 58.90 Freih 14-16# 21.0 57.00 - 6150 58.10 Freih 16-18# 1.0 62.00 6100 Freih 18-20# 1.0 58.50 58.50 Freih 20-25# SKINLESS, SQUARED Freih 9-11# Freih 11-13# 3.0 60.00 60.00 Froth 13-15# Freih 15-17# SKINLESS, CENTER CUT Freih 8-10# Freih 10-12# Freih 12-14# Freih 14-16# PORK TRIMMINGS/ BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN) **ABP:Onbo 42% Fnh = 10.33 **ABP:Qnbo 72% Fnh = 21.00 **ABP:Cmbo Bnli Pic Pri 23.00 **ABP:Qnbo Jowl Fnh = Ldi Price Range Wghtd Avg. Combo 42% Freih 6.0 11.50 - 13.50 1117 Boxed 42% Frozen Combo 72% Freih 17.0 22.50 - 23.00 22.85 Boxed 72% Frozen 3.0 27.00 - 28.00 27.33 BONELESS PICNIC MEAT Com bo 72% Freih 10 24.50 - 25.00 24.75 Box ed 72% Frozen 10 29.00 - 29.50 29.25 SKINNED JOWLS Combo Freih Boxed Frozen 5.0 18.00 - 19.00 18.50 FAT. VIS UAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo Freih 1.0 9.50 9.50 Boxed Frozen HUM. VISUAL TRACE OF LEAN Combo 12-16% Freih Boxed 12-16% Frozen ** Adjusted Base Price = Weighted aver age price for non-value added product cal culated by subtracting the packer’s value differential from the reported price of value-added product Specifications for all reported cuts available upon request STANDARD ADJUSTMENTS FOR CONVERTING TO VACUUM BASIS Loins (13-23#’s): Butts (4-9#'s): Vacpak : report basis Vacpak: report basis Gas Pak: minus $2.00 Gas Pak: no price differential Paper : minus $5.00 Paper : minus $3.00 Combo ; minus $6.00 Combo : minus $4.00 Spareribs: Adjustments for Trim - Vacpak : report basis Bone-in Center Cut Loins: Polywrap: minus $7.00 False Lean Off : basis Tenderloins: False Lean On minus $5.00 Vacpak : report basis Bone less Center Cut Loins: Polywrap: minus SKXOO 1/4“ Trim: report basis 1/8“ Trim: add $6.00 ABODE after quotes represents days since last actual market test Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no lest or before if they no longer reflect current market conditions. BELLY QUOTES FOR CME CASH SETTLEMENT - BELLY. SKIN-ON, UNTRIMMED LDS WGHTD AVG. Fresh 12-14# 5.0 55.20 Fresh 14-16# 21.0 54.81 Fresh 16-18# 1.0 58.00 PORK CUTS LDS PRICE RANGE WGHTD AVG. LOINS. REGULAR. FRESH 14-18# * 8.5 61.00 - 75.00 67.41 1/4“ Trim 14-18# 4.5 8200 - 95.00 90.89 1/8“ Trim 14-18# 4.0 86.00 - 95.00 88.25 18-22# * 69.00 69.00 C 1/4“ Trim 18-22# 88.00 88.00 C combos 22/Up# 1.0 43.00 43.00 LOIN, BNLS CNTR CUT 5-9# Strap-on 1.0 165.00 165.00 5-9# Strap-off 2.0 157.00 - 160.00 15925 BNLS SIR LOIN .75-1# 2.5 98.00 - 102.00 99.20 TENDERLOIN 1.25/DN# 0.13 195.00 195.00 PICNIC, FRESH Smkr Tim, RS, combo Smkr Tim, SS, boxed 7.0 36.00 - 42.00 37.86 Commodity 4-8 « 4.0 15.00 - 20.00 17JO BOSTON BUTT 4-8 # * 19.5 27.00 - 36.00 32.33 1/4“ Trim 4-8 « 19.5 45.00 - 55.00 50.82 combo ’• 8/UP# 22.00 22.00 D SPARERIB, FRESH I.S-3.S# 1.0 76.00 76.00 3.5-5J# 2.0 67.00 67.00 5.5/UP# SPARERIB, FROZEN 1.5-3.5# 3.5-5 J# 5.5/UP# LOIN BACKRIB (BOX ED) 1.5/DN# “ 1.75/DN# “ 1.75-2.00# 229.00 229.00 A “ 2.00/UP# 210.00 210.00 C LOIN BACKRIB (COMBOS) 1.75/DN# 259.00 259.00 D HAM, SKINNED, SELECTED Fresh 14-17# Fresh 17-20# 7.0 50.0050.00 Fresh 20-26# 51.0 37.00 - 45.00 42.06 HAM, SKINNED. COMMODITY Fresh 14-17# Fresh 17-20# 50.00 50.00 C Fresh 20-26# 41.00 41.00 A Fresh 26-32# Fresh 32/UP# BELLY, SDLS, SKIN ON, FRESH Fresh 10-12# 47.00 47.00 D Fresh 12-14# 5.0 54.00 - 58.00 55.20 Fresh 14-16# 21.0 54.00-58.0054.81 Fresh 16-18# 1.058.00 58.00 Fresh 18-20# 1.0 56.00 56.00 Fresh 20-25# PORK TRIMMINGS/BONELESS PROCESSING PORK (CHEMICAL LEAN): Combo 42% Fresh 6.0 10.00 - 12.00 10.33 Boxed 42% Frozen Combo 72% Fresh 17.0 21.00 21.00 Boxed 72% Frozen 3.0 27.00 • 28.00 27.33 PICNIC CUSHION MEAT Combo 92% Fresh 84.00 84.00 A Boxed 92% Frozen unq BONELESS PICNIC MEAT Combo 72% Fresh 2.0 23.00 23.00 Boxed 72% Frozen 2.0 29.00 - 29J0 29.25 SHANK MEAT Frozen SKINNED JOWLS Combo Fresh Boxed Frozen 5.0 18.00 - 19.00 18.50 Note! (*) Reflects 1/4“ or 1/8“ trimmed product brought beck to a regular com modity basis. ABODE after quotes represents days since last actual maiket test Quotes are dropped after 5 days of no test or before if they no longer reflect current maiket conditions. USDA PORK CARCASS CUTOUT Wed Sep 23, 1998 Estimated gross cutout values of a 17S lb hog carcass bated on USDA cutting yield tests and carlot prices. Wednesday’s carcass grades & prices per cwl: US #1 US #2 US «3 US »4 Change from 48.34 47.15 45.95 44.76 Tuesday’s value: -0.89 -0.87 -0.86 -0.84 Today's calculations for US #2 175 lb pork carcass; % OF FOB CHANGE FROM ITEM WEIGHT CARCASS VAL UE Tuesday Skinned hams 14-20 Lb 21.01% $50.00 0.50 Loins, 1/4“ Trim 14-22 Lb 20.33% $91.00 -ZOO Bellies. Sdls. 12-14 Lb 13.90% $55.50 -ZSO S parentis 3.5Dn Lb 3.03% $74.00 Picnics 8-12 Lb 10.31% $16.00 Butts, 1/4“ Trim mom bum FEA TURING THREE LEVELS OF SERVICE TO SA TISFY THE NEEDS OF ALL DAIRYMEN THE BASIC PROGRAM FEATURES DHIA Hotline 724-625-8971 (Mondays) Multi-farm Group Discussions THE ADVANCED PROGRAM FEATURES Phone Consultations Evaluations of your ARIS Records Customized response forms to indicate your specific areas of interest THE PREMIUM PROGRAM FEATURES On-Farm consultations Farm Seminars to conduct training on individual dairy needs OUR NEWEST FEATURE: An article written by George Cudoc titled Dairymen to Dairymen featured weekly in farm publications PA DHIA Dairy Consulting Services is tailored to work with all on-farm consultants. Field Day Features Dairy Farm KUTZTOWN (Berks Co.) - Roman Stoltzfoos, a dairy farmer in Gap, was impressed by the nutrient management system on New Zealand dairy farms during a visit in early 1997. Stoltzfoos has been imple menting practical components of the New Zealand grazing and nutrient management system that are appropriate for his 200- acre dairy farm. This summer, he added another component to improve the milkhouse waste and barnyard run off manage ment. This system and how it fits in with grazing will be discussed as part of the Field Day which Stoltzfoos is hosting on his farm on Tuesday, Sept. 29. Also fea tured will be a discussion of sep tic system management prac tices to protect water quality, and electrical clean grounding systems. The field day will begin at 10 a.m. and conclude by 3 p.m. at the Stoltzfoos farm locat ed at 1143 Gap Rd. Part of the New Zealand approach to nutrient manage ment on a dairy farm is to man age the cows in a fashion that keeps the amount of manure in the barnyard to a minimum. Stoltzfoos, in his sixth year of grazing, follows this approach by keeping his cows out on pas ture as much as possible. By moving toward seasonal milking with the cows being dry during the winter, he is able to keep cows on pasture through- Customized Dairy Consulting Services From George Cudoc, PA DHIA Consulting Dairyman Web Site: http://www.dhia.psu.edu For more information call PA DHIA at 1-800-DHI-TEST Environmental Practices (»Ms> out the year as long as the ground is fit. The improved barnyard will provide a place to keep the cows clean and protect the pasture when the ground is too soft for cattle to be on the pasture. Stoltzfoos plans to add a milking parlor in the future which will allow him to milk his 95-cow herd in an hour Reducing the time cows spend at the barn for milking will mini mize manure at the barn. Nutrients in the liquids from the barnyard and milkhouse will be collected in the newly installed earthen basin, and used to irri gate the pasture. Stoltzfoos installed the barn yard run off and milkhouse waste system this summer as a participant in the Environmental Quality Initiative (EQI). This farm is one of two EQI demon stration projects. Technical assistance for the project was provided by the Lancaster County Conservation District and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The EQI is a pilot program developed by the Dairy Network Partnership. The EQI program features an EQI mark that can be found on milk products. By purchasing milk labeled with the EQI mark, environmentally minded consumers are able to join dairy farmers who share their concerns for protecting our natural resources. A portion of the purchase price of EQI (Turn to Pag# A 25)
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