Ridge Administration Leads First Pennsylvania Trade Mission To South Africa HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) Gov. Tom Ridge has announc ed that Pennsylvania is conducting its first-ever trade mission to Afri ca’s “biggest emerging market” the Republic of South Africa. The eight-day trade mission was scheduled to depart today to South Africa and return Sept. 19. The trip is to be led by four of Gov. Ridge’s Cabinet secretaries, and involve 25 Pennsylvania employers, research institutions and associations. “As Pennsylvania becomes a leader in the new global economy, we must expand our presence in emerging markets like South Afri ca,” Gov. Ridge said. “Our goal is simple: to increase our exports and create jobs in evety region of Pennsylvania.” South Africa is one of the F.O. 4 October Price $18.22 ALEXANDRIA, Va. Acting Market Administrator David Z. Walker recently announced for October 1998 a Class I price of $18.22 per hundredweight and a Class II price of $15.29 per hund redweight. The October Class I price in cludes the 20-cent assessment for fluid milk promotion and con sumer education. The Class I price and the Class II price are up 22 cents from September and are $2.92 higher when compared to year earlier levels. Mr. Walker announced a Class 111 milk price of $15.11 per hundredweight for August 1998 and a Class 111-A price of $16.64 per hundredweight for the month. © Sp*nt«r*d By^ Henry Schein, Inc. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th © EXHIBITS RECEIVED Open Dally 11:00 A.M. Full Midway Open Dally 4:00 P.M. (E«c«ptS»l.-11:00 A.M.) M I OPEN TUESDAY 6;30-10:00P.M. 1 WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY 11:00 A.M.-10:00 P.M. SATURDAY 9:00 A.M.-8:00 P.M. OPEN TUESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY 6:00P.M. WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M. SATURDAY I:OOJ>.M. Shows Dally By Alfie Cockatoo and His Comedy Macaws world’s top 10 “Big Emerging Markets,” according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. In 1997, Pennsylvania’s exports to South Africa exceeded $lOB million, more than any other Afri- can nation. Pennsylvania’s exports jumped 11.4 percent in 1997 to nearly $lB billion, according to the Massa chusetts Institute for Social and Economic Research. Under Gov. Ridge’s direction, Pennsylvania has retooled its ex port programs, including a number of first-in-the-nation initiatives and international trade missions to Canada, Asia, Chile and Argen tina, Poland, Brazil, Israel, and Ire land. Representing Pennsylvania in South Africa will be state Depart ment of Community and Eco- The Class 111 price was up 29 cents from the previous month, while the Class m-A price in creased $l. The October 1998 Class I and Class II prices and the August 1998 Class 111 price are based on the August 1998 basic formula milk price of $14.99 per hundred weight at a 3.5 percent butterfat content. The August 1998 butterfat price was $2.5154 per pound, up 21.52 cents from July. The USDA reported that the equivalent Grade A butter price for August was $2.0830 per pound on the mercantile exchange and the Central States nonfat dry milk price was $1.0463 per pound. m 3 - 8 pm t EXHIBITS I t RIDES j Swine Show 6:00 PM Baked Goods Auction 6:30 PM Miss Denver Fair Coronation 7:00 P.M, Super Peanut Scramble 8:30 P.M. Sponsored by Reinholds VFW n®D§lML^^ 9:30 pm (Raindates: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday)' WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th IN THE DENVER MEMORIAL PARK For more info. Call Denver Fair Office (717)336-4072 BINGO AVAILABLE EACH EVENING and ALL DAY SAT. SPECIAL SENIOR CITIZEN BINGO TUBS. • FRI. 2 ■ 4:30 PM nomic Development Secretary Sam McCullough; Department of Environmental Protection Secre taty Jim Seif; Department of Labor and Industry Secretary Johnny Butler; and Department of Agri culture Secretary Sam Hayes. “My Cabinet and administration are committed to international trade and to the new jobs and opportunities for Pennsylvanians that go with it,” said Gov. Ridge. “We are committed to increasing Pennsylvania’s two-way trade for one reason exports mean jobs for Pennsylvanians.” In conjunction with the mission, the state, four companies and the Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission are to jointly promote Pennsylvania products at Electra Mining Africa ’9B the most in-depth mining, industrial and electrical trade show in the world. More than 35,000 visitors from 49 countries are expected to at tend. Machinery and equipment are South Africa’s No. 1 import The rest of the delegation will seek to capitalize on South Afri ca’s status as Africa’s leading mar ket with matchmaker meetings co ordinated through Team Pennsyl vania’s Export Network. Since die lifting of sanctions in 1994, South Africa has become the most advanced, broadly based and productive economy in Africa with a gross domestic product nearly four times that of Egypt, its closest competitor on the continent. “South Africa’s favorable eco nomic policies, increased privati zation of key sectors and a strong THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 Sheep Show • 4 pm Lancaster Youth For Christ Tug of War 6 pm [VJTL Family Night Ride Special Ride all the rides for one low price 6 ‘ l0 P m Concert - 7 pm Featuring Steven Courtney Donut Eating Contest 8 pm WAWA Sub Eating Contest 6:30 pm Concert 7 pm Featuring The Mudflaps international focus have stimulat ed enormous growth and demand in markets for overseas products, services and strategic partner ships,” said Gov. Ridge. “When we matched our Com monwealth’s strengths to South Africa’s needs, we found that this country not only is a logical and important market for Pennsylvania to tap, but a country that can bene fit from Pennsylvania’s experi ence.” Pennsylvania’s top exports to South Africa are: industrial and commercial machinciy and com puter equipment; chemicals and al lied products; electronic and other Lebanon County Holstein Sale Draws Overflow Crowd NORTH CORNWALL (Leba non Co.) An overflow crowd and 92 registered bidders set the tone for the recent Lebanon Coun ty Holstein Club annual sale, held at the county fairgrounds and Expo Center. Auctioneer was Harry H. Bach man of Annville. Dale Hoover of Lebanon read pedigrees, while Scott Nolt of Lebanon served as sale chairman. The sale averaged $1,675 on 56 lots, with 15 head selling at $2,000 or better, and one, a fresh Astro naut daughter consigned by Michael Kunkle of Jonestown, sold to Scott and Karen Nolt of Lebanon for a sale high of $2,900. The second top selling animal was a fresh Aerostat daughter con signed by Trout Springs Holsteins Sponsored by Beef Show ■ 6 pm Animal Auction Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 12, 1998-A39 electrical equipment and compon ents; measuring, analyzing and controlling instruments; miscel laneous manufacturing industries; fabricated metals products; trans portadon equipment; primary met al industries; transportation equip ment; lumber and wood products; and food products. Cabinet officials are to meet with their Soudi African govern ment counterparts to cultivate two way trade; to use Pennsylvania technologies and policies to help South Africa expand and modern ize its infrastructure for economic and workforce development; and to culdvate long-term strategic partnerships in economic develop ment and community enhance ment. of Lancaster, that sold to Daryl Weaver of Womelsdorf for $2,425. Third-highest selling animal was an Emory bred heifer con signed by David and Linda Him melberger of Jonestown, that sold for $2,400 to E. Laveme Martin of Lebanon. Fourth highest selling lot was a Bellwood-bred heifer consigned by Tom and Cathy Bicksler of Bemville that sold to Daniel Albright of Landisburg for $2,200. Catagorical sale averages include: one service-age bull, $950; four yearling heifers, $ 1,368 each; one calf at $525; 19 bred heifers at $1,573 each; 10 fresh cows at $1,910; 19 fresh heifers at $1,832; and two dry cows at $1,487 each. Pet Show - 9 am Sponsored by The Personal Touch Pedal Power Pull -10 am Baby Parade - Noon Matinee Ride Special ■ 1-5 pm Sponsored by (iufflai Ride all the rides for one low price Discount Tickets for the Matinee Ride Special Available at Any Ephrata National Bank Location Celebrity Cheesesteak Eating Contest -1:30 pm (q) Sponsored by Dißlasi’s Sandwich Shop Q Smelly Sneaker Contest ■ 3 pm Talent Show - 4-10 pm Sponsored by *h> Blue Ridge Cable I i t h \ <> t « .. i ( s 0 ©
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