A34-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998 Records Broken (Continued from Page At) animals goes directly to the 4-H scholatship fund Kendra Moore's 120- pound grand champion lamb was pur chased by Citizens and Northern Bank tor $2. The 108-pound re serve grand champion lamb topped the sale, however, as it com manded $3 per pound Eileen El liott sold the lamb to the First National Bank of Canton As the lamb sale drew to a close, those 13 lambs drew an averagr price of $2 20 per pound The lambs that were donated back to be resold generated over $ 1500 tor the 4-H scholarship fund Market hog prices ranged from a low of $1 20 to a high of $3 30 per pound with the average price ringing in at $1 81 Annie O'Connor's 216-pound grand champion hog was sold to County Recovery Service for S 2 75 per pound She was fol lowed by the reserve graand cham pion market hog which sold to Gaidenei Trucking tor $2 05 per pound Joshua Ford raised the 194-pound reserve grand cham pion William's Oil closed the bid ding lor Amanda Vanßlarcom's 248 pound hog at S 2 20 per pound, making that the highest selling hog of the sale Impaired Egg Shell Quality During Hot Weather Carol V. (Jay Professor of Poultry Science and Cell Biology I ggshells o( laying hens be- Lome noticeably moie fragile dur ing hot weather The mam reason lor this problem is that a main component ot the eggshell, car bonate. is lost during the increased rate ot breathing ol hens stressed bv heat The problem is even worse when both heat and high humidity occut simultaneously From a chemical point ot view eggshells are quite simple They are about 98*4 calcium carbonate, the same material from which limestone and most seashells tire made Calcium carbonate is sim ply positively charged calcium Extension Director TOWANDA (Bradford Co.) Jacob Guffey, Bradford County extension director, has retired from Penn State Cooperative Ex tension after 40 years of service. A native of Elizabeth, Alle gheny County, Guffey is an expert on dairy fanning and operations. He has been deeply involved in such areas as udder health, somat ic cell testing, dairy nutrition, stray voltage, and milking man agement. He developed countywide pro grams in mastitis control and nu trition and initiated the pilot proj- ect for a statewide somatic cell testing program. In 1984, he was named extension director for Double Aught Lumber broke all rec ords when they purchased milk from the Supreme Champion at the Troy Fair Milk Auction. Posing for the picture are Bradford County Dairy Princess Talitha Coolbaugh, Ron Cope of Double Aught Lumber and Heather Yurkanin th h The reserve grand champion steer was shown by Jade Wood. ions and negatively charged car bonate ions, which readily com bine when mixed together In hen' this mixing occurs at the surface ot the egg when the egg is m the portion ot the oviduct called the shell gland Calcium is de rived from food and bone whereas carbonate comes directly from the breakdown of sugars to their natu ral endproducl, carbon dioxide (CO2) Mos,t CO2 reaches the shell gland by the blood stream and is readily converted to carbon ate Birds lack sweat glands and when they become too hot, their only means ot cooling down is to pant This excessive breathing re- Bradford County, where he super vised all cooperative extension programs. Guffey has extensive interna tional experience. He worked in Swaziland as a consultant to that country’s extension service in 1990. In 1994, he traveled to Szepietowo, Poland to teach and adapt Penn State programs for Polish extension specialists. He also worked with the Citizens Net work for Foreign Affairs to estab lish a viable dairy industry in the Hincesti region of Moldova in 1998. Guffey earned a bachelor’s de gree in dairy science in 1955 and a master’s degree in dairy manage- suits in a more rapid loss ol CO2 than usual Because more CO2 is bieathed out. there is less in the blood stream and consequently less CO2 is delivered to the shell gland The effects on eggshell quality arc immediate Highly productive hens tend to lay early in the day That means that most ot the eggshell forms during the night, over approxi matel> an 8-hour period Based on what is known about hen physiology, reducing heat stress specifically during the shell form ing hours is likely to result in the gieatest improvement in shell quality, provided that there is ade quate calcium intake Good ventilation in chicken houses will help carry away ex cess body heat ot the hens. Re cently, I learned from Penn State Agricultural Engineer, Eileen Wheeler, that she has measured a 7-10% improvement in ventila tion of poultry houses by simply knocking the dust oft the shutters m the ventilation system Mak ing shutter surfaces clean and smooth would further enhance the effect Retires ment in 1957, both from Penn State. He also has continued post graduate studies and taken courses at Penn State, Cornell University, and Mansfield University of Penn sylvania. Guffey joined Penn State Co operative Extension as an assistant county agricultural agent in 1958. He was promoted to associate ex tension agent in 1963, reached the rank of extension agent in 1975, and became senior extension agent in 1982. Guffey lives in Towanda with his wife, Marilyn. The couple as two sons, Kenneth and David, and a daughter, Leah. They also have five grandchildren. Stephen Laudermilch holds his grand champion steer as the auction begins. Columbia Cross Roads Equipment pur chased the 1296-pound champion for $.70 per pound. Tt " Eileen Elliott showed the reserve champion lamb. Annie O'Connor exhibited the grand champion market hog at the Troy Fair. The reserve champion hog was shown by Joshua Ford. * •/ fc
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