Case 1845 C Skid Loader, 1995 model, grey cab. 1700/hrs, auxiliary hydraul ics, weights, lights, new tires, LIKE NEW) $16,800. Case 530 Construction King w/Loader. Runs G o o d I $3,600.(717)369-4115. Case 870 tractor, 3pt, LPTO, 80hp, good condi tion, $3BOO. 717-687-9701 Case IH 7110 MFD; BAUR HARD HOSE Irrigation, 950' All Shed Kept Excel lent! (609)935-0348. Case IH combine 715, 12' cut, excellent condition, $11,500 080. 1-800-243-1435. Case IH diesel tractor, ROPS, roof, nice condition, $6,800. Berks County, (717)933-5285. CHOPPER 680 Nl. Grass & Corn Heads, Lightly Used, $6,900. (610)681-4134. Cockshutt 30, 3pt, ind. PTO, NF, operators man ual, poor original paint, good metal, $975. 717-534-1253 Compose turner, BO', self propelled, 35hp, Lomborg hmi diesel, excellent condi tion, $12,000. (717)789-4433. Dismantling for Parts: Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders. Call for any part you might need. Atkins Tractor Salvage. Union WV 24983. Phone 304-772-3741. Dismantling for parts: Case. NH, Bobcat, IH. Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders. New, used, reconditioned parts for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions. G.D. Equipment, 717/859-3533. FARMALL 460, gas, NF. power steering, fast hitch, good rubber, clean, $2,400. 410-833-9091 Farmall 140 w/cultivator and plow, snow plow and chains, $3,275. Lancaster Co, eves (717)336-1282 Farmall 130 w/6' Woods mower and snow plow, $2,495. Lancaster Co, eves (717)336-1282. Farmall 504 WFE 3pt $3,400. York rake, 8/wheels $550 080. (610)369-1911. Farmall 560 tractor; IH 655 4R planter; 3 bottom plow. 908/995-0304. Farmall C, rebuilt engine, fresh paint, great condition, $2750. Overhaul kit for Super H, $195. 717/336-4621. Farmall F-12, F-14 parts. Farmall A parts. MF 1100 parts. Tractors to restore. (2)-F-12‘s. 717-256-3713 before 9pm Farmall H w/Meyers 7' snow plow, runs great, $1,500. (610)287-7592. Farmall M tractor, good tires, runs good, 12V bat tery, $1750. 717-786-1232 Farmers - Dealers - Your advertising pays for itself when you advertise your equipment in the farm equipment section. 717-394-3047 or 717-626-1164. FORD 3600, diesel w/side sickle, ROPS, good rubber, $6,000. 410-833-9091 FOR SALE: New Holland 1033 stack wagon, 105 bale capacity, good condi tion, $5500. Berks NO Sunday calls 610-926-2908 FOR SALE: Small farm equipment, plows, pack ers discs, harrows, mow ers, crimpers, tedders, rakes, etc. Trade Ins wel comed. NH mowers, rebuilt and guaranteed, engines, hydraulics, crimper hoo kups available. KIRK WOOD REPAIR. 550 Coopers DR, Kirkwood, PA. 17536. 717-529-3299 BAM-B:3OAM. Farmall Super H $2700. Farmall H $2OOO. Both good condition. 410-692-6683 Ford 10' disc, $BOO 610-261-2639 Ford 1510 25hp Diesel, 4x4 w/loader, 850 hrs. NICE CONDITION! $8,900 (717)369-4115. Ford 2600, nice, $5200. Ford 9N w/finishing mower. $2175. MF T 035, standard motor, as is $lOOO. Farmall 140, $2150. 215-598-7546 Ford 3400 tractor, 3pt hitch, live PTO, roll guard & canopy, w/side mount mower, $4700. 717/532-2007 eves & Sat Ford 8240 Power Star SLE MFWD Power Shift. 2400 hrs. W/7413 Loader. SHARP! $38,500. (717)369-4115. Ford major diesel, backhoe loader, $3900. Baler NH w/ out kicker, $350. 215-885-1032 For Sale: John Deere N 0.5. Caster Wheel Sickle Bar Mower. Call (215)723-5355. Gehl 120 grinder mixer. Nl Ingersol Rand 100CFM 218 spreader. Fox blower, compressor. Deutz diesel, All in good condition. $lBOO. 717/336-7375 No 717-644-2443 Sunday Calls. Gehl 1560 silage blower, like new, $l2OO 080. 301-473-5052 Gehl 312 manure spreader, 2'A" years old, real good condition, $6OOO. 717-898-6121 Gehl 4610 Skid Loader, Cab Enclosure, Bucket w/ Tooth Bar. RUNS GOOD) $6,200. (717)369-4115. Gehl 7335 mixer wagon, 2-years old, scales, excel lent condition, $7OOO. 508-636-8696 Gleaner 238 corn head, ex cellent condition, must see to appreciate, asking $l,OOO. (610)562-8451. Gleaner R-62 combine w/LM attachment, Cum miqp diesel. Discount price. Gnjmelli's Inc 717-786-7318 Glencoe Chisel Plow, 9-Tooth, $3,600. Cumber land County (717)766-4907. Grinder/Mixer OMC. 95 Two Gravity Grain Bins. 3/i Tons. Farmaster Bed ding Chopper. Lancaster County. (717)738-3104. HAYBINE NH 479, $BOO. 410-833-9091 HAY RAKE Ml 406, hyd w/dolly wheel, $1,400 410-833-9091 Hassi commercial potato digger, 2R w/loader, PTO, $5OOO 080. 717/632-7605. HERCULES, CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9851. Hesston 4RN corn head, excellent condition, $5OOO. 540/828-0801. Hesston 7155 Forage Harvester w/2 Row Corn Head/Grass Head. $5,000. Chester County. (610)593-6094. Hesston BP2O bale pro cessor, $6,000. Hager stown. (301)73^4692^ HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 IH 1206 from N. Dakota, cab, 3 pt., dual hyd., 540/1000 PTO, duals. TA. 112 hp, VGcond., $7,500. 410-833-9091 IH 1566, CAH, cold AC, 540/1000, 3 pt, hub duals, recent TA, one owner, $9,500. 410-833-9091 IH 1566 w/TA, duals, no cab, tractor mechanically' sound, asking $6500. 717-872-9152 717-392-6854 evenings. Forklift masts. $5OO and J ° ,? R N yeltow com head up 410-335-4700 w/slip clutch, very good condition, $ 1 350. 610/837-6019. IH 350 w/pull type 5' mower, runs well, $2,000. 410-833-9091 IH 686, roll guard, excellent condition, $9200; IH 863 com head, good condition, $4200. 814/358-2217, 814/358-2886. IH 706, diesel, fender, WF, FH. 540/1000, $4,300. 410-833-9091 IH 706 diesel, WF, w/ loader, one owner, (610)588-8140. IH 915 combine corn & soybean special, good condition, $5OOO. 717/922-1526. IH 966 fender tractor, good condition, $6,900. (814)467-8839. Several IH 3pt & fast hitch mowers & Semi-mounts ava !| able. Call Mornings 7:3 0 - 1 0:0 0. (717)949-3769. IH Silo Blower $800; IH 55 Chisel Plow $900; Auger PTO Driven, 41.5’ $1,000; Forage Wagons, Badger Dion. (610)681-4134. Irrigation 12 hydrants 6'x6'x4', Wade Rain; Matheson 6' twist lock fit tings; Krause 18' disc 12’6', $l2OO OBO; JD planter model 71, excellent condition, $l9OO 080. 609/259-2431. . Irrigation System: 6x6 PTO pump, 7*. 6' and 4' pipe, small and large sprinklers. (717)733-4516. JD 1050, 850, 4WD diesel, w/#75 -loaders; JD 1070 2WD w/72" belly mower. All tractors perfect condi tion. Call nights or weekends 610-298-3206 JD 1219 haybine, stub guards, shed kept, good condition, extra parts, $3,200. (717)367-3801. JD 13‘ quick tach grain head, pipe reel, Hiniker floating cutter bar, plastic teeth, excellent condition, first $l4OO. 610/469-0593. JD 14T hay baler in excel lent shape, $2,300. JD A 1946 tractor, excellent shape, $2,500. Large table saw w/Hondamotor, excel lent shape, $3OO. (610)857-5698. JO 1947 M with original JD snowplow, very good con dition, good paint and rub ber. $3200. 717/334-8872. JD 1950 A, excellent condi tion, new rubber, new rings valves, new paint 3 years ago, lots of work done, $3OOO OBO; JD 310 14' disc, very good condition, $2500 OBO; JD 345 3X auto reset plow, very good condition, $l2OO 080. 610/767-3564. JD 1977 4400 combine, new rubber, injection pump & injectors, very good oon dition, $B5OO. 717-966-2650 JD 2020, diesel, 1,100 hrs. w/belly mower, no 3 pt, Live PTO, power steering, $5,750. 410-833-9091 JD 216 Flex Head, Black Reel- $2,000.; JD 5-Bottom Plow 1350-1450, New 1r0n 51,500.; 18’ Hydraulic Fold Off-Set Disc. $3,500.; 18‘ Spring Fold IH Disc- Si. 500.; 12’ Brillion Flail Chopper- $3,500.; Moridge 700/Bushel Batch Dryer 5i,200. Farmingdale-NJ (732)938-4947. JD 2510 D power shift. 814/784-5047. JD 2510 diesel, PS, 3pt fenders, real nice, $B2OO with front blade. 410/374-6493. JD 265 loader w/cab con trols & aux. hyd., w/ mountings for 2955 JD, very good condition. 717/445-6156. JD 2940 diesel w/JD loader, good rubber, used daily, reliable, $12,500. 814-274-9388 FREE pair of 18-4-34 fair tread tiree, w/no breaks. JO 2RW com head, recon ditioned to like new, $BOO. Electric controls for JD harvester, complete. $750. WANT 3RW corn head. (717)354-0632. JD 300 Corn Picker w/343 Corn Head. Nice Shape! All New Parts on Corn Head. York County, East Berlin Area. (814)358-2886- Evenings (Bl4)3sB-2217. JD 300 w/3pt, PTO & Ca nopy, $5250; Farmall 504 utility w/PS & 3pt hitch, $3800; Farmall 340 w/fast hitch. $3400; Ford 861 diesel w/PS & live PTO, $3950. Berks Co. 610/562-4464. JD 3010 row crop diesel tractor, exc running condi tion, looks great, 50hp 3ph front end loader, new post hole digger, forklift, one new 12* bottom plow and more. $7OOO. 610/367-6152. JO #3O potato digger, 2R, $750. (717)789-4433. JO 35 harvester w/grass head, field ready, 1000 RPM. 814-224-5483 JO 380 ruff terrain forklift, diesel, power shuttle, new paint, good condition, $9,500. (717)752-7131. JO 3950 chopper 2RN corn head, Burlington County, NJ. (609)298-4718. JO 3960 Forage Harvester, Electric Controls, Hydro- Tongue, New Feed-Roll/ Bearings. Excellent Paint, Large Capacity for Bumper Crop. 3RN Corn Head. 5V4 1 G.H. CALL QUICK BE FORE IT GOESI Franklin Co. (717)264-3118. JD 3970 Forage Harvester With Heads, Loaded! EX CELLENT! Please Call (301)797-5314. JD 3970 forage harvester, basic unit w/electronic con trols, good condition. 717/354-0182. JD 3970 forage harvester w/2R corn head & grass head, very good condition, $14,000; Knight Reel Au gie 2300 feed wagon w/ scales, very good condi tion, $10,000; Ml 1R corn picker, $BOO. 410/275-1030 evenings. JD 3RN Corn Head for Parts. Call Mornings 7:30-1 0:00AM (717)949-3769. JD 4010, diesel, cab, 80 hp, WF, 2 hyd., duals, aux fuel, very clean Midwest tractor, $7,000. 410-833-9091 JD 4010, diesel w/#4B loader, no 3 pL, $5,300. 410-833-9091 JD 4010, good condition, 80% rubber, WFE, $5800; 17 disc grain drill, Oliver, $350. 717/968-3154. JD 4020, cab, no 3 pt, DH, WFE, very nice condition, 6,000 original hrs., $6,900. 410-833-9091 JD 420 garden tractor w/5‘ belly mower, 1,000 hrs., mint condition, $4,500. 410-833-9091 JO 4230 w/SG, cold air, quad, 4,500 hrs., one owner, $13,500. 410-833-9091 JO 4455 tractor, cab, power shift, ntee, $37,500. (301)733-2195. JO 4555 PQ C/A/H, 3 Out lets, Fast Hitch, Wts, Du als. 5600/hrs, SHARP) $34,500. (717)369-4115. JO 4630, cab, air, 20.8x38R, 5110 hrs, use no oil. $20,000; 2 JO 716 A silage wagon tandem, wheels, $3500/wagon; sil age blower Gehl 99 $llOO. 304/876-6530. JO 4640 MFWD 4WD, ClfiJ H, Dual Outlets. 4400/hrs. NICE CONDITION! $23,500. (717)369-4115. JD 55E8 gas combine, 13' grain head, 234 2row corn head, good tires, cab, $1,500 / O B O . 724-239-5233 JD 5400 tractor 4x4. JD 7700 tractor, cab. 2450 hrs, sharp. (301)733-2195. JD 6600, 1978, tidehill w/3600 hrs., kept inside, 6R com head, IS' grain head. 610-261-2639 JD 6600 Sideheel Com bine, Excellent Condition, 13' Grain, 6R Narrow. Ask ing $lB,OOO. (814)736-9080. JD 6620 Combine, Excel lent Condition, in the Field. NH 256 Roll-a-bar Rake, Excellent Cond. 610-932-8999. JD 7200.-Power Shift, 1650 Hrs. EXCELLENT CONDI TIONI $29,500. (717)369-4115. JD 7210 NEW tractor, cab, 4x4, power quad, $49,800. (301)733-2195. JD 750 drill, 15', grass at tachment, weights, excel lent, $22,500. 717/993-6152. JD 7720 1980, 3533 hrs. Dial-a-matic, w/16' flex head, $23,000; JD 2000 6xlB auto reset plow, $2200. 814/358-2217, 814/358-2886. JO 7720 Combine, 15' Grain, 6R Narrow, Will Sell Seperate. Asking $19,500. w/Heads $25,000. (814)736-9080. JD 7775 Skid loader, 1994 model, 50hp, NICE CON DITION! $12,900. w/Kent Hammer- $16,700. WILL SEPERATE. (717)369-4115. JD 630) 3 cyl., diesel, one owner, low hrs, excellent, $4,800. 410-833-9091 JD 8350 drill, 18 run, dou ble disc, new condition, $2,000. After 7;3opm, (610)258-9818. JD 920 Platform w/New Style 2-Pieoe Poly Dividers & Poly Skids. For/Aft Extra Nice! Used on Approx. 130 Acres. ALSO; Kinzie 440 Grain Cart. (410)778-4951. JD A, slant dash 55#512943, new paint, new starter, rebuilt mag neto, new manifold pipe & muffler, must sell. 610-756-4211 JO late style 2RN Corn Head. Call Mornings 7:30-10:00 AM JD plows, 44H 2b, pull type, $l5O. 415, 2b, 3pt, $295. MSB 1451 N 2-way for model M. $450.125,3b, 3 pull high clearance, $395. 2-cylinder loader, $550. 717-249-2591 after spm LOADER TRACTOR IH 2400, gas w/2050 loader, $4,200. 410-833-9091 Loader, 4x4, articulate. Walden 40hp, good, $6,800. (814)467-8839. MANURE SPREADER, small international harves ter, ground driven, EXCEL LENT CONDITION) Per fect for small farm. $9OO. (610)384-6343. MANURE SPREADER KASTEN single beater, slop gate, excellent, $1,250. 410-833-9091 Manure Spreaders, New Idea ground drive. Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair. Lan caster Co. 717/786-3387. Kubota 84200 15hp diesel tractor, 4WO, 800 hrs, w/ Kubota loader I Bush Hog mower, excellent condi tion. $7450. 215/536-3321. Kuhn rake $1,500. Franklin Co, (717)597-7295. LARGEST SELECTION OF Nl UNI—EQUIPMENT & NEW/USED PARTS IN USAI Call 1-800-326-5356. Large complete irrigation system, 6-,5’,4',3,-2’ pipe. (3) Marlow pumps, all fit tings & sprinklers, excellent shape. 717-828-2105 Learn how to save your farm from inheritance costs and reduce tax liability. Earn extra income during off-season helping others learn how you did it Call Aleta at 610/404-2476 evenings. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8, 1998-C5 Little Giant 38' elevator, PTO, good condition, $1000; IH 80 pull-type combine, PTO, excellent, $1250; IH 82 pull type, PTO combine, $950. 610/683-3561. LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 158, $2,500. 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD 158, like new w/NEW 7’ bucket, no valves. $3,250. 410-833-9091 LOADER TRACTOR FORD 6600, RC w/Ford 772 loader, one owner, good shape, $8,500. 410-833-9091 STOLTZFUS TRACTOR SERVICE Rebuilding engines, transmissions, PTO’s, Tune-ups. 1715 Beaver Valley Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579 717-786-0256 Amos Stoltzfus “l5 Years Experience” H H m Start, New Engine,3 Point Tractor Is h M Restored $6,500 814-674-8119 h JD Rotary Hoe Model *l4, JD Sickel Bar Mower Model #5, Nl Sickle Bar Mower, Old Wagon Run ning Gear, One Set Matched 18.4x34 Tires, $5OO FOR ALU (724)539-1044. John Deere 1219 haybine, new rolls, new bearings, hydaulic swing, a like new macine for one third the pricel $5850 814-938-2946 John Deere MT plows, cul tivators, 2nd owner, origi nal manual, very good con dition, $2500. 814/667-3844 Huntingdon.
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