C4-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, August 8, 1998 Holloway, Douglas Top Bred And Owned Limousin Show ENGLEWOOD, Colo. - Limousin’s growing National Limousin Bred and Owned Show highlighted July 15 in Springfield, 111. as exhibitors led out heifers and bulls in front of judge Alan Petzold of Canute, Okla. In what has become a popu lar event at the National Show and Congress and a showcase of youth breeding programs, the Bred and Owned Limousin Show encourages members of the North American Limousin Junior Association to become involved in producing their own cattle as well as showing them. As a reflection of their commit ment and breeding programs and supported by the Breeder’s Cup Committee, exhibitors of the grand and reserve champion females and the grand champion bull are awarded pregnant recipients carrying some of the PHONE. 717*626*1164 or 717-394*3047 PAX 717-733-6056 icon.. Tun., Wed . Frl 8 AM to 5 PM: Thure 7 AM to 5 PM FARM EQUIPMENT 1469 NH Self-propelled I?- 59 »P n 730 J 958 haybine I" flooded" Kml B clil »ofpri« 4 'M IMS *□!»». 4588 ° B °- *»*• 71 7/362-8776. s^^^SE 1939 Farmall F-20 NF, ex- 1944 Farmall H, good run- dynoid. 8* Westerndorf oellent condition, good rub- ning condition, new rubber, I?™ 0 *- 23-1x34 tires at her. new radiator. $2,500. $9OO. After 6pm. $ll,OOO. Call (717)985-1680. (717)369-5960. (610)796-2268. Lancaster Farming 1 E Mam St Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS- Mon , Tues , Wed & Fn Sam to 5 p.m Thurs 7am to 5 p.m OFFICE HOURS Mon thru Fn Sam to 5 p m The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week’s publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section D Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week s publication la-Conslruclion Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11 -Swine 12- Breeding 13- Eq & Supplies 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23 Help Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- i 27- Pets 28- Lost • 29- 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate breed’s top genetics. In the female show, Jonathan Holloway of Chattanooga, Okla., took Division 111 cow/calf pair and grand champion honors with CHR Liza May 2 lIP, a 5/23/96 daughter of DFLC Triple Play, and her 4/7/98 heifer calf sired by KRMC High Joker. Mike Anderson of Garner, lowa had the Division II champion and reserve grand champion female with GMAL Sydney 760 G, a 4/16/97 daughter of SLVL Stout. In the bull show, Lisa Douglas of Miami, Okla., led out the Division II and grand cham pion bull with LISD Blitz 60G, a 1/28/97 son of COLE First Down. Daniel Gasperson of Mountain Grove, Mo., had the Division II reserve champion and reserve grand champion bull with Honey’s Red Rocket 201 G, a 5/29/97 son of Wulfs Rambler. BUY.Stll.inADt OB WENT THBOUCiH THE We Now Accept Visa CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK \ LANCASTER FARMING A f PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE- Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets Name Addres: City Zip Please publish my, starting with the # I enclose, □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Card # Exp. Date: Box Replies; Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. 36 37 38 39 40 ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■' word^ PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY State Phone{ ) word ad times issue. Classify under (Be sure to include all numbers) Signatun 1980 JD 8820 Combine, Dial-a-Matic Header Con trol. Good Condition- Si 9,500. 643 Com Head. Extra Nice. $9,500. Cum berland County. (717)423-6996- Evonings-(717)352-3417. 1981 IH 1460 Combine, 2990 Hours, Good Shape, Cumberland County. (717)766-4907. 1981 JD 8640, only 3760 hrs., excellent. 1991 JD 4955, 2166 hrs., excellent 717-872-4393 717-871-9177 1982 Tree Farmer log skid der; ring chains; 1979 JD 450 C dozer; 1970 Mack dump. 717/988-3431. 1984 IH 1480 Combine, Electro-Hyd Controls. 4WD Grain Loss Monitor, Very Good Condition- 5000/hrs. $22,500.; 863 Com Head. Good Condition- $4,500. Comberland County. (717)423-6996. Evenings (7l7)3s2-3417. 1992 GMC 7000, 427, 5+2 single axle tractor, 58,000 miles, excellent condition, $7500. 1960 JD 730 gas, 5000 hrs, very good condi tion. $4600. 610/593-6043 after 6pm. 1996 TAG—A—LONG FLAT TRAILER: 20’. $3,000. (301)475-8641. 20x50 stave silo w/ Jamesway unloader in good condition. Make offer. (540)672-7479. (2) 1997 H-K 9xlB thrower wagons on E-Z trail, 890 W, 8 ton running gears, flota tion tires, new in 1997, stored inside, $2450 each. 814-938-2946 (2) 500 series Myers self unloading wagons. 12-ton E-Z trail gear, 12L tires, high & low speed, good condition, $3500/ea. 301-739-5946 NO Sunday calls. (2) Badger 14' wagons w/ roof, excellent condition, (410)775-7519. VISA PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER (2) Myers chuck wagons, 18'. Case IH bale shredder model 8610. IH chopper, 881 2R. All equipment ex cellent, some like new. 610-948-1347 after 6pm 2 roller sorting tables. Blueberry cleaning ma chine. Axle for 2-wheel wa gon. 609/561-5279 leave message. (2) tomato dump carts, Ri chardson & GT, very good condition. (717)653-9662 (717)653-1575. 2 Wise, baler engines, 18hp; show harness, orna ments. Susquehanna Val ley Repair, RD 1, Box 310, Watsontown, PA 17777, Northumberland. 300 IH Utility w/2pt Hitch, drawbar, rear blade, Good Condition. York County. (717)932-0960. 325 Nl 2RN picker. 8 roll bed, late style, nice, $3,250. (717)768-7729. 3pth rear scraper blade, Bush Hog model 6008, brand new. (410)343-2062. (4) 10.00x20 truck tires and rims, (2) 18.4x38 tires, (2) 14.9x24 tires. (410)775-7519. 4400 JD combine, diesel w/good rubber, $2000.125 JD silage wagon, 3-beater, tandem wheels. Silage blower NH 28 high throw. Grain drill, IH model MF, 13 disc rope trip. 609-397-0029 4506 Duetz, 1 Owner, $3,500/obo. Good Condi tion. (717)354-0159. 450 NH T sickle bar mower, 3pt hitch, good condition, $BOO. 410/658-5226 after Bpm. 48’ potato washer (610)286-9510. SOhp IMT 4WD, new in 1988, w/Great Bend loader, $8,500. 1360 JD discbine impeller, like new, $7,500. After 6pm, (717)692-2675. & Master Card P" CLASSmEIT ad^riising" rates * 490 per word per week -1 or 2 times \ 440 per word per week -3 or more times ll word minimum £ Words 1 Time 2 Times 3 Times P up to 11 5.39 10.78 14.52 \ i 12 5.88 11.76 15.84 j A 13 6.37 12.74 17.16 j 6 14 6.86 13.72 18.48 f ) 15 7.35 14.70 19.80 j \ 16 7.84 15.68 21.12 A K 17 8.33 16.66 22.44 } r 18 8.82 17.64 23.76 \ f 19 9.31 18.62 25.08 K t 20 9.80 19.60 26.40 J 50 MX Gehl mixer/grinder. old but working condition. Ml 325 2R corn picker w/329 super shelter. Far mall 400 w/2ME mounted 2R com picker. Steel grav ity box without running gear. NH 404 hay crusher. <6071693-2752. 708 Ml Uni tractor, 767 Super chopper, 768 W/N 3R head. 6' pickup head; 99 Gehl high throw blower; used Oswald 180 tow-type mixer by J Star; 4300 gal. Houle manure tanker demo model. 301/790-3698. 770 NH Forage Harvester Base Unit, Fair Conditional 7)597-9559. No Sunday Calls, Please. 8580 Case IH Big Baler. (610)255-5211. 930 Case Tractor, $1,500. Needs Work; Bullion Grass Seeder- $1,200; Brillion Culimulcher- $1,500. (609)267-5605. 955 12A $1500; Fox SP chopper, $1000; Dodge 300 crew cab flatbed, $lOOO. 610/644-9586 9-5 weekdays. AC 7050, IS6hp, ROPS, $6,500. (814)467-8839. AC All combine, flexhead, straw chopper, 3RN rebuilt comhead, 3RN parts head. All for $4,900. JO 3X rol lover plow. (717)899-5668. AC All Crop 66 combine for field or parts, make offer. Call evenings 610/847-5391. AC B w/5‘ belly mower, $1,850. (717)896-3441. AC 021, 127 hp. NO 3 pt Or PTO, one owner from North Dakota, nice, $3,400. 410-833-9091 AC WD4S WF w/loader, $2,495. Lancaster Co, eves, (717)336-1282. Agco Allis 9630, demo, tractor, FWD. Grumelli's Inc. 717-786-7318 DEADLINES: SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 4:00 P.M. SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Allis Chalmers, Model C, WF w/dutivatora, $2,800. JO 12' WD disk hydraulic $750. Hardie boom sprayer, 60* span $550. NJ. (908)782-3391. Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to 40% on new replacement parts for JD and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (600)730-4020. BATWING MOWER WOODS 3240, 20', new w/ warranty, $13,500 410-833-9091 BATWINQ MOWER WOODS HD 315, field ready, $3,500 410-833-9091 Baker hand water pump, like now. (717)854-1753. BELTING; We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sunday calls. Belarus 825 tractor, Bshp, 4WD, w/Allied loader, Ca tegory 11, 3pth, only 265 hrs., 4-years old, other ex tras, $lB,OOO Let’s deall 301-895-3187 Bobcat 7438, 1200 hrs, very good condition, $B9OO. 717/336-7375 No Sunday Calls. BROOM TRACTOR IH 444 w/rebuilt engine, new rub ber, 3 pL & power steering, $4,800. Will Separate. 410-833-9091 Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. Calumet 3750 Gal. Liquid Manure Spreader. Very Good Conditonl 717-898-7689. Case 1835 Skid Loader Diesel, Big Bucket, Good Tires, Claean & Original Call Mornings 7:30-10:00AM. 717-949-3769.
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