■DIO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, July 18, 1998 REPLACEMENT SILO DOORS Many Kinds Marietta Fickes Madison Terre Hill Lancaster Silo Doors Made To Order Bring Pattern Of Old Door SAMUEL S. ZOOK [“] 534 Willow Rd. ■? I" Lancaster, PA 17601 . 11 I CENTRELINE Dependable farm equipment since 1945 faUll AUGER/MIXER FEED WAGONS Also: /%*> • Hay Stutters / j , - - t • Bale Wrappers ADAM’S SUPPLY P.O. Box 821, Brownstown, PA 17508 717-656-6508 I — • LANCASTER CONCRETE STAVE SILOS MANUFACTURING and ERECTING CONCRETE STAVE SILOS FOR 30 YEARS USED SILOS (1) 20 x 60 < * I #• * i : ‘ ; tj 1 i FOR SILOS CALL JllllJ 71 74&m4m:m 2442 Creek Hill Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Silo Door Hardware Malleable Cast Butterfly Hinges Latches Steps Ladders Pipes - Distributors - Roofs - Doors <6 All General Repair 200 Mt. Rock Rd Newville, PA 17241 r ice) 711-77 fr leave meu«| DETWEILER SILOS New Concrete Stave Silos New and Used Extensions All Types Silo Repair Teardown and Rebuild Silo Relining VAN DALE MAGNUM II Ring leader AMI Other Equipment 717-263-3521 • New Idea 5209 Haybine 9’ Cut. $4,000. • WIC Bale Chopper. PTO. Like New. $BOO. Hay Rack $165 18 Head • Round Bales > Lancaster Silo Co., Inc. 2008 Horseshoe Rd • Lancaster PA (717) 299-3721 661 Luruusur BRAND FEEDING SYSTEM EQUIPMENT 12" & 14' Available SILO REPAIR WORK Shotcrete For Strength Now is the Time To Get Ready For Haylage • Fill Pipe • Distributors • Chutes • Roof CROWN A SILOS M 72 Mt, Pleasant Rd. Paradise, PA 17562 717-687-8013 # te/fi da with all the Advantages of Dependable, efficient, Low Profile Direct Drive Design^ The Direct XPress family includes' • DXF 1400 - Single or Divided Lot 14” - Wide Belt Feeder 180’ Maximum Length • DXC 1400 - 14” - Wide Belt Conveyor 180’ Maximum Length • DXC 1800 - 18” Wide Belt Conveyor 180’ Maximum Length • DXC 2400 - 24” Wide Belt Conveyor 124’ Maximum Length We Carry The Full Line of Jamesway Products! USED EQUIPMENT • Used Rissler 45 Mixing Cart w/beam scale $2,400 • Used Patz 16 ft Unloader $B5O • Used Patz Ring Drive Unloader $3,200 • 16’x60'Lancaster Silo $3,500 RUFF-TUFF Poly Silo Liners Give your old silo a new life ! Improve forage quality and silo life The original silo liner, white 4 mil laminated poly material IWfWarw AARON GROFF & SON 103 Clearview Drive Ephrata, PA 17522 (717) 354-4631 (800) 468-4909 ee 'ers H BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES 10x8 steel garage door. (410)734-7070. 14x13 Fiberglass Over head Door, Used, Nice Cond. $475. 717-626-9050. 18th Century carriage house, FREE to good home, excellent lumber. Must dismantle. 609-298-6130 *3 pine boards, 1"x12“x10-15’, $2.25/each. Must take 25 or more. 717/764-8337. 60' 3-stage metal exten sion ladder, $3OO 080 717/626-1278. Antique building materials, beams, wide pine boards, flooring, doors, etc. 717/249-2304 Antique heart-pine resawn flooring-kiln dried, T&G, custom widths qnd lengths; wide boards available. Also, resawn antique oak and chestnut flooring and salvaged original pine flooring. 717-374-7122, fax 717-374-2368. Antique wide plank floor ing, hand hewn beams, full line restoration material and services. Barn frame and bam home conversion. 25 years experience. Call (888)261-4284. BARN FLOORING: new, kiln dried, T4G Y-pine 2xB's for floors and stalls, also plain 2xB's 2x6's 2x4's. Noah Shirk Sawmill, 717/354-0192. Bank Barn Timber, 70'x90’approx. All material FREE with demolition and clean- up. Will provide dumpsters for refuse. Delaware County, (610)558-5945. Barns, Factories, Ware houses, Log Cabins WANTED for Salvage. We buy building. Fully insured since 1983. Call 717-993-9037 B grade glassboard and fastening accessories Glenh Beidler, Freeburg, Snyder Co., PA, (717)539-8993. KIRBY CECO CORLE... Steel buildings and components. Retrofit steel re-rooting. Com merce, Industry. Ag Supply or supply erect Standard or custom Com plete or addition Certified permit drawings. Building YOUR business is OUR business. A.S. HOOVER, INC. 3125 Manor Rd , Coatesville, PA 19320 610-942-2591 1-800-942-2591 Voice Mail or Fax White Cedar Log Home Build yourselfl Call for log prices. 717/354-3105. Chain Link Fence, new slightly imperfect, heavy 9-gauge galvanized 3' 90*/ft; 3/»‘ $1 /ft, 4' $1.20/ft; 5' $1.50/ft; 6' $1,60/ft; T $l.BO/(t; 8' $2.00/ft. Vinyl coated also available. (717)822-7820 7-Bam or after Spm, leave message. DOVETAIL LOG HOUSES with roof trusses, floor beams. 23X31', 18X28' 717-435-2468. Flooring, 4-12* wide plank, T&G, timbers, Cypress de cking, siding, fence boards See our display ad 610/565-6038. FOR SALE: Yellow Pine Floor Boards 1-3/4"x11-1/2"x16'+/- approx. 48‘; Other 1-3/4*xll-1/2* misc lengths $1.25 per board ft Ceiling beams 3*xB*x2o’+/- approx IS'. Call 717-933-8239 Free House 24’X28' frame House needs to be moved or torn down. Free 080 located in Clay Township 717-336-6556. Hardwood Flooring T&G % Rustic While Oak All s'/< Wide. Special $2 per S.F. Have 4400 S.F. Take All or Part. (410)875-1321 Westminster, MO. Ikegai numerically con trolled lathe, plus tooling, good condition, 080 610-987-6880 Masonry work: brick, block, stone, concrete. New & re paired. 25 years experi ence. Small jobs wel comed. Contact Richard Jones, Delta, PA, 717-456-7523. METAL BUILDINGS ZEE PERLINES B“x3*. 10"x3', Various Lenghts. $1,75/LF, Also Self-Drill Screws, Roofing 4 Siding A.B. Mar tin 1-800-373-3703/ 717-445-6885. Metal roofing and siding, 25 year warranty, low costs, quick delivery, (717)622-3461. Mobile homes for sals Choice of 20. Located in Maryland. Different sizes suitable to live in or for stor age. Cheap 410/745-5940. New galvanized pipe spe cial. 11/.I 1 /. *. $.85/per foot, 1-1/4’, $.70/per foot. I’. $.55/per foot 3/4’, $.40/per foot. 1/2’, $.30/per foot 717-656-9876
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