Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week's publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat at 2:23 P.M. SPECIAL QUARTER HORSE & PAINT HORSE SALE X/f JUNE 13, 1998 New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Call Us Now For Last Minute Details 717-354-4341 Phone L. 717-355-0706 Pax M SPECIAL mmL HORSE SALE "JUNE 20, 1998 New Holland Sales Stables Horses Hitched - 8:30 A.M. Tack Sale - 9:00 A.M. Horse Sale - 10:00 A.M. 125 Head Sell (Drivers) Many Fresh Shipped Horses Sell From Our Regular Consigners... Sam Esh, Elam B. Stoltzfus, Christ Z. Stoltzfus, Reuben G. Stoltzfus, Jerome Wanner, Stephen Stoltzfus,. Bennie Stoltzfus Saddlebred, and Standardbred Horses with Size and Color, Be In New Holland Sat.. June 20th , Work Horses. And Mules Will Sell New Holland Sales Stable Barn 717-354-4341 Fax 717-355-0706 Home 717-397-5538 Norman ft David Kolb, Mgra. 61L FREE CHICKEN BARBECUE DINNER TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS STARTING AT 5:00 P.M. Thanks For Making Our Dairy Sale A Success Dennis Martin, Ontario Canada Fancy Load of Canadian Cows ♦Dennis said, “Lot of Fresh 2 and 3 Year Old Cows, 75% Pure-Bred Holstein and Many Fancy Springers” Jim Hostetler 25 Head of Fresh Cows “A Special Load of Cows For A Special Sale” Plus 6 Fancy Guernsey (Just Fresh) SPECIAL MENTION: One Future Excellent Cow Due To Freshen In July Further Info At Ringside or Call Jim Hostetler 717-867-1483 Clar-Leen Farms 20 Head of Pure bred and Grade Cows Plus Many Grade Cows From Our Local Consignors Remember - “Farmers Are The Only Indispensable People On This Planet” For More Information Call: darancc Shirk - Middfebarg livestock Aactfon Sales 717-837-2212 or 7t7-*si-87f3 WED NOV. 18 -10 AM. Wotge muth Auction, 109 N. Maple Ave., Leola, Lane. Co., PA. Wotgemuth Hay Sale. Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED NOV. 18 & THURS. NOV 19 -830 AM 5174 Horst Rd. Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, misc. (WedA farm machin ery & tractors (Thurs) Marion Auction Service. 717-375-4700 FRI NOV. 20 - 9AM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis. Inc, Middleburg, PA. Equipment Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners, 717- 837-2222. FRI NOV 20 - 7PM Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Feeder Sale. Clarence Shin< & John Shirk, Owners, 717-837- ppop S, SAT NOV 21 - 10 30AM Mel's Stables, 834 Wallace Rd., New lolland, Lane Co, PA Horse PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., JUNE 20, 1998 Time - 8:30 AM Located in Perry Co., Toboyne Twp., 5 miles west of Blain near Center Square (Fowler Hollow Rd). From Blain, take road to Manassa approx. 1-mi. Across from the entrance to the Blain Picnic Grds, turn right onto Fowlers Hollow Rd. & go to Center Square. Or take Rt. 274 west from Blain, and just before entering New Germantown, turn left onto Center Square Rd. & go approx. 2 mi. to auction. Signs will be posted. 160TACRE FARM REAL ESTATE (offered 12 noon) Located on T6O acres (approx. 105 wood ed) is a 6-BR log house w/1-car garage, Ig. wrap-around porch on 2-sides, central air, oil-fired furnace/forced hot air heat, early log bank barn, & outbuildings. Special interest items-state stocked trout stream borders property. A 3/4 ac spring fed pond is nestled in the middle of the woodland. Numerous springs run year round. Macadam twp. road runs by the house. Great hunting!! Near state game lands. Quiet surrounds (except for hunting season). Terms: 10% down the day of the auction, the balance due at settle ment. Offered w/reserve. Personal property will be offered on the same day. Fairy Wilson, Owner D. Magee, AA-2387-L AU 2553-L FAHNESjOCK 717-582-8565 A .. c . 717-245-2727 Auction Service Middleburg Livestock 4th Annhresaiy Daily Sale Fri., June 12, 1998 - 7 PM UcfOMSBJ Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 SAT NOV 21 -11 AM. Inter course, Lane Co, PA Quest for Excellence Sale. The Cattle Exchange, 607-746-2226 MON. NOV 23 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion. A & C Dmenbach Auction, TUES NOV 24 - 9AM. 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Quilt, craft, & buggies A&C Dilfenbach Auction Inc. WED. NOV 25 - 109 N Maple Ave., Leola, Lane Co, PA. Farm Equipment Auction Wolgemuth Auction. 717-656-2947 WED NOV 25-9 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane. Co., Pa Quilt & craft auciton A&C Diffenbach Auction Inc. WED NOV 25 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, fill: Leola, Lane Co, PA. Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct. FRI. NOV 27 -10 AM. New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co., PA Beef Sale 717-354- 4341 FRI NOV. 27 -1 PM 548 Alexan der Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249-4511 FRI NOV 27 - 6PM New Hol land Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale 717- 354-4341. SAT NOV 28 -830 AM -Tack. 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst. And Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA ClSrence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners. 717-R37-P9P9 MON. NOV. 30 -10 AM 100 W Jackson Si, New Holland, Lane. Co, Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion A & C Dlrfenbach Auction, Inc AS NEW CASE SKID LOADER-BORCAT tractors-trucks-ma chinery tools. SCAFFOLDING-MASONRY CONTRACTOR EQUIPMENT DISPERSA /. LAWN & GARDEN EQUIPMENT The undersigned, due to health, is discontinuing his business" TIMMERMAN MASONRY" will sell at public auction - located taking Business Rt. 15-5 miles South of Gettysburg, PA or take the SteinwehrAve. exit, off the US Rt. 15 Bypass and go 1-mile North - to sale site - (sale signs posted) - on Sat., June 20,1998 - 9:00 A.M. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE - A very nice lot equipment & items in this auction - Plan To Attend! Not A Long Sale! TERMS - Cash or Checks With Bank Letter of Credit. LUNCH TRUCK Watch June 13th Edition For Full Listing! DAVID TIMMERMAN REDDING AUCTION SERVICE - pa no. rh-78-l GETTYSBURG, PA - PH 717-334-6941 Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Middle Ridge Farms WED., JUNE 10, 1998 1:30 PM Belleville Livestock Market Belleville, PA Selling 70 grade Holsteins from Tioga County consisting of 30 in Ist and 2nd lacta tion, 15 recently fresh, 10 dry or springing and the rest in all stages. This is a good home-raised herd, the result of many years of Al breeding. DHIA records past several years between 18,000 and 20,000. Average in tank 66 lbs. per day, several over 100 lbs. Pregnancy checked and health charts. For more information call: Gene Glick 717-667-2703 or Middle Ridge Farms James or David Hazleton 717-724-4238 MARK CLICK, AUCT. AU-349L Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 6, 1998-E39 DECEMBER TUES. DEC 1 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd., Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, 1nc.717-249-4511 TUES. DEC 1 - Rogers Comm Aucl 20 ml S of Youngstown, OH onSIRt 7, to Rogers, OH, 1 mIW on SR 154 to auction Equipment Consign Auct, lawn & garden, firewood, lumber & more Rogers Community Auction, Inc, 330- 227-3236 WED DEC 2 - 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA. Lum ber & Building Materials Sale Wolgemuth Auction, 717-656- 2947 WED DEC 2-10 AM Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N. Maple Ave. Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED DEC 2-630 PM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co. Pa Winross, Hess, farm & A4C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI DEC 4 - 7PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc, 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale. 717-354-4341 FRI. DEC 4 - 7PM Fingerlakes Llvstock Exc , 3865 Rt 5420, Canandaigua, NY. Feeder Cattle Sale. 716-394-1515 SAT DEC 5 - 10 30AM Mel'S Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 MON DEC 7 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram 4 straw auc tion A 4 C Diffenbach Auction. Inc WED DEC 9- 10AM Wolgemuth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct FRI DEC 11 - 9AM 100 W Jack son St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Tractors, farm equp, 4 sup pltes A4C Diffenbach Auction Inc FRI. DEC 11-12 Noon Middle burg Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Mld dleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirks John Shirk, Owners 717- 837-2222 SAT DEC 12 - Lebanon Valley Lvsl Mkt, 1 mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Rl 22 Work, dri ving 4 riding horse sale Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers 4 Gerald Hoover, Aucts MON DEC 14 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, grain & straw auc tion A S C Dmenbach Auction, Inc TUES DEC 15 - 548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249-4511 TUES DEC 15 ■ TPM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA Christmas Sale, lambs & goats Carlisle Livestock Market, fnc. 717-249-4511 TUES DEC 15 - 7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 717-249 4511 WED DEC 16 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct WED DEC 16 &THURS DEC 17 ■ 8 30AM 5174 Horst Rd . Chambersburg, PA Lawn & gar den, .nisc (Wed), farm machin ery & tractors (Thurs) Marion Auction Service, 717-375-4700 FRI DEC 18-IPM 548 Alexan der Spnng Rd, Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- **sll SAT DFP iq-mnoAM Me'’s Stables, 834 Wallace Rd, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Sale Mel Hoover, Auct 717-354- 8397 MON DEC 21 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Dirfenbach Auction, Inc SAT DEC 26 - 8 30AM - Tack 11AM Horse Sale Middleburg Lvst Auct Sis Inc, Middleburg, PA Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717-837-2222 MON DEC 28 -10 AM 100 W Jackson St, New Holland. Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Ditfenbach Auction, Inc TUES DEC 29 - 548 Alexander Spnng Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar ket. Inc. 717-249-4511 WED DEC 30 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave, Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wolgemuth, Auct
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