E3B-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, June 6, 1998 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication Internet Sale Register will be updated every Sat. at 2:23 P.M. SAT NOV 7- 10 30AM Mel's estate, 91 acre limestone farm Stables, 834 Wallace Rd , New w/limeslone house By Pennfield Holland, Lane Co, PA Horse Corp Aaron E Martin, Auct, 717- Sale Mel Hoover Auct 717-354- 733-3511 8397 MON NOV 9-710 Schoeneck Jackson St, New Holland, Lane Rd, Ephrata, Lane Co, PA Real Co Pa Ha V' ‘F 3 " I & s,raw auc ' I S®*® I \ AUCTIONEER'S DIRECTORY J j Call 717-626-1164 to list your auction service.^? NOTICE! 11 Look For Public Sales ’’ Scheduled PastDeadllne V. \V' ' / Oil Second To Last Page l Of Section A j ®John D. Stauffer 1484 Mountain Road, Manheim, PA 17545 Fulltime Courteous Professional Auction Service Since 1976 Real Estate • Farm Equipment • Antiques Personal Property • Livestock Phone 717-665-5099 PrafMßlonal Auon Martin auction service ( I 410 W. Church Rd. (uHmtKH. j Ephrata, PA 17522 (717)733-3511 Real Estate • Farm Equipment i • Antiques • Household Goods >lt doesn't cost to use our Auction Service...lt Pays. CALL TODAY!! "Honesty is a (Priority in my ‘Bid-ness " pHIUPHURsv AUCTIONEER AU-003375-L Call HURST FIRST 20 South Ridge Rd. (717) 336-5443 Reinholds, PA 17569 HORNING [SS(J Farm Agency, Inc. Courteous Real Estate Services Professional Auctioneers State Certified Appraisers Specializing in Farms and - Land . Alvin Homing, Broker 23, Morgaptown, PA ■' (610)286-5183 MON NOV 9 -10 AM 100 W auctioneering lion A & C Dilfenbach Auction, Inc WED NOV 11 -10 AM Wolge muth Auction, 109 N Maple Ave Leola, Lane Co, PA Wolgemuth Hay Sale Dennis Wotgemuth, Auct FRI NOV 13-9 AM 100W_ Jack son St, NOW Holland, Lane Co, Pa Tractors, farm equip & sup plies A&C Ditfenbach Auction Inc FRI NOV 13-12 Noon Middle bura Livestock Auct Sis, Inc Mid dleburg, PA Dairy Sale Clarence Shirk & John Shirk, Owners 717- HT7-PP22 _ FRI NOV 13-IPM 548 Alexan der Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA State graded feeder pig sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc , 1 17-249- 4511 FRI NOV 13-6 PM New Holland Sales Stables, Inc , 101 W Fulton St, New Holland, Lane Co, PA Feeder Cattle Sale. 717-354- NOTICE To assure that your Public Sale appears in the Public Sale Section we must have your advertisement by 5 P.M. Tuesday of each week's publica tion. ROGERS COMMUNITY £L RUCTION INC. J% “WHERE BUYER AND SELLER GET TOGETHER” JIM, KEN, BILL BAER AUCTIONEERS 5640 RALEY ROAD, NEW WATERFORD, OHIO 44445 330-227-3233 DIRECTIONS: 20 miles South of Youngstown, Ohio on St. Rt. 7 to Rogers, Ohio, then West 1 mile to Auction or 8 miles East of Lisbon, Ohio on State Route 154 to Auction. Corner of St. Rt. 154 and Riffle Road. "NOTE NEW DAY FOR EQUIPMENT CONSIGNMENT AUCTION" TUESDAYS Equipment Consignment Auctions Selling farm, commercial, lawn and garden and rental equipent as well as tools, cut lum ber, firewood and misc. items. !! The First Tuesday of Each Mi 7 Auctioneers operating part of the day. A variety of concession stands and hardgoods vendors on the grounds. STARTING TIMES NOTE: New starting time on Lawn and Garden Equipment - 4:00 P.M. Misc. Items - 3:00 P.M. Firewood and Lumber- 5:00 P.M. Equipment - 6:00 P.M. Check In Times Monday before Auction - 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M Tuesday day of Auction - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. tied Day of Auction-Wednesday - 8:00 A.M to 8.00 P.M, WEDNESDAYS Hay and Grain Auctions Selling truck loads of hay, straw, ear corn, etc. By the bale or ton. Every Wednesday at 1:00 P.M. Sharp - Year Round Check In Time Mondays - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 Tuesdays - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 Wednesdays - 8:00 A.M. to sale time FRIDAYS Open Air Market - Eggs, Produce and Poultry Auctions !!! EVERY FRIDAY ALL YEAR AROUND MARKET The largest open air market in the tri-state area! Open 7:30 A.M. to ??? every Friday. Over 4 miles of outside vendors spaces and 300 vendors under roof. Fresh produce, antiques and collectibles, food concessions, meats, cheeses, tools, etc. Both new and used, Market office opens at‘7:3o A.M. AUCTIONS Auctioning farm fresh eggs and produce in individual and wholesale quantities. Misc. household and hardgoods immediately after produce. Nursery and greenhouse items in season. Poultry auction selling chickens, rabbits, goats, fancy birds, etc. every Friday year around Eggs, Produce and Misc. - 5:00 P M Poultry - 6:00 P.M. Auction Check In Times Fridays 7:30 A.M. till Sale Time 4341 FRI NOV 13 & SAT NOV 14- Lebanon Area Fairgrounds, Lebanon, PA Martin's Annual Fall Consignment Auction, carnages, sleighs & antiques Consignments welcome 717-354-6671 Marlin Aucts. Inc SAT NOV 14 - Lebanon Valley Lvst Mkt, 1 mi Eof Fredericks burg, PA along Rt 22 Work, dri ving & ndlng horse sale. Consign welcome, 717-866-5783 Keith Byers & Gerald Hoover. Aucts SAT NOV 14 -10 AM Finger lakes Livstock Exc , 3865 R 1 5&20, Canandaigua, NY Feeder Cattle Sale 716-394-1515 MON NOV 16 -10 AM 100 W Jackson SI, New Holland, Lane Co, Pa Hay, gram & straw auc tion A & C Ditfenbach Auction, Inc MON NOV 16 - 2PM From Rt 272 at Weavers Market, take Rt 897 N towards Remholds, L onto Smokestown Rd to 227 Smoke stown Rd, Lane Co, PA Real estate, 128 acre farm w/stone house “known as the Fichtorn Farm" By Amos B & Nora B Hoover Aaron E Martin Auct Svc TUES NOV 17-548 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle, PA Fed Cat tle Sale Carlisle Livestock Mar kel. Inc. 717-249-4511 TUES NOV 17-7 30PM 548 Alexander Spring Rd , Carlisle, PA Feeder cattle sale Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc, 717-249- 4511 >nth!! tut Time P.M P.M Time: Dairy and Livestock Sales NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC, New Holland, Pa. " Located 12 Miles East of Lancaster, just off Rt. 23 : AIUY SALE WE] INES] LiY. JUNE 1 , 1 J'«i 1 h' r*’ MRC FARM Complete Milking Herd Dispersal Sinclairville, NY Thursday, June 11,1998 • 7:45 pm 52 MILKY HOLSTEINS 52 Sale to be held at the farm located I mile north of Sinclairville, NY on Cty Rt. 133 (Water St.) These are wide ribbed, good uddered milk cows They are housed in a tie stall bam. Keith & Ken have bought the best milk cattle off the real good herd dispersals we have conducted the past two years They do not raise their pwn replacements so it was never important to them to pick up and transfer the registration papers. They do have good eyes for cows and have enjoyed working with them This is a year round calv ing dairy which averages approx 65 lbs in the tank for the year Currently 6 are recently fresh with 12 due within 60 days of sale. SCC counts are in line Breeding is up to date The herd will be rechecked for pregnancy and milk weights recorded jyith m 10 days of sale Owners; Keith Carlson & Ken Morley Phone: 716-962-5801 716-962-8569 Terms: Cash or good check. Out-of-state or checks unknown to sale manager • must be accompanied by bank letter of credit. If you need profitable milk cows, you will be pleasantly surprised with this group. SALE MANAGED BY: „ . .. . Howard J. Hammond Vaccinations are co rd . 20281 Hammond Rd. _ n current C° m Corry, PA 16407 ?!? V Catalogs e Ringside Phono: (814) 684-8040 AU 002467 Fax: (814) 665-2332 7th Annual Public Benefit Auction Saturday, June 13,1998 8:30 AM Light House Rehabilitation Center 3431 Division Hwy., New Holland, PA 17557 on Rt. 322 1.5 miles West of Blue Ball and approximately 6 miles East of Ephrata Watch for Two Big Tents Miniature 3 seat Brewster roof brake wagon (1/8 scale, authentic paint). Approximately 100 beautiful hand made quilts and wall hangings; including Double Wedding Ring, Scrap Alcoholic, Trip Around The World, Floral Cameo, Mariner's Compass, Log Cabin, Friendship Album, Dahlia, Apphqued Country Sweetheart, Peacock, and more. 10 ft. Gazebo; Storage sheds; Lots of large and small crafts made by local craftsmen. Furniture, lawn furniture etc., flowers, shrubs, and plants. Tools of all kinds. These are all quality "new" or "mostly new" items. If you have never been to any of our sales, come and see what you have been missing. Chairs are provided in the big tent. Small crafts and snacks will be on sale Friday evening June 12 from 5-9 p.m. Stands will again open Saturday 8:30 till noon. Food stands open 6 am Saturday for sausage and pancake breakfast and remain open all day. Lots of great food, including Bar-B-Que Chicken, soup, sandwiches, pies, ice cream, fresh baked soft pretzels and donuts. Saturday Auction. Starting will small items 8:30 am. Second Auctioneer starting 9:30 am. This sale is about caring and helping adults with disabili ties. Please be generous with your support. For information and pickups call 717-354-0355 Terms by sale committee. 1 i h' E T 5 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers