822-Lanctstsr Fanning, Saturday, April 25, 1998 mailbox mabkei F R SALE g) Service age, reg. Hoi. bulls with good pedigrees, $650. MH Stidfole, Moveytown, PA. 717-899-6893 Mifflin Co McCormick W-4 restored, $2BOO JD-M, good cond., $2500. 1968 Cadillac Coupe Deville, 59K miles, exc. cond, $6OOO. 610- 588-7545 Northhamp. Co Vicon 1211 round baler, very good condition Also, John Deere, three point hitch, four 16" bottoms plow. 814-754-4106 Som erset Co JO 346 baler with 30 kicker, good condition, $4250 080 717-359-9597 Adams Co Swans white mute, 7yr old, pair unrelated. Call any time 717-463-2770 or 717-463-2474 Juniata Co Syr old Standardised pony, 52“ ndes and drives, $750 John Fisher, 10071 Otter bem Church Rd, Newburg, PA 17240 Franklin Co 13' Perfecta harrow with roller baskets, used less than 50 ac, please call after 730 pm 717-624-4162 Adams Co Bft enclosed shelved trailer $lOO Water wheel planter $9OO Wheels $5O. Plastic mulch lifter $BOO Treated tomato stakes 153 717- 539-2272 Snyder Co Mule, buckskin app, jack, 4yrs, 58“, rides, $lOOO 080 410-374-2598 Car roll Co, MD SCa i/& Manufacturer of Farm Sprayers Sprayer Parts and Repair • Pressure Washers • Hydraulic Hoses • Black Walnut Cracker 858 Pumping Station Road Answering Service Kirkwood PA 17536 7f7-529-6553 Since 1982 Power Systems GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Diesel 415 PETERS ROAD Specializing In MID RANGE • HEAVY DUTY e DIESEL ENGINES POWER UNITS PTO's PUMP DRIVES CLUTCH REDUCTIONS SALES - SERVICE LARGE INVENTORY OF NEW & USED PARTS & ENGINES Used, Rebuilt And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines INCREASE LIFE AND EFFICIENCY ON EQUIPMENT WITH wsa/i “THE FIRST IN SYNTHETICS” MOTOR OILS AND LUBRICANTS INDUSTRIAL - AGRICULTURAL - COMMERCIAL • COMPRESSOR • HYDRAULIC • GEAR • TRANSMISSION • GREASE • 2 CYCLE • BAR & CHAIN • CLEANERS • FULL FLOW, BY PASS & AIR FILTERS • FUEL ADDITIVES For More Information Write to Address Above or Call (717) 354-4801 Service Leyland 262, cab, heater, 660 allied loader, 14-ply rears, 10-ply front tires, pto, hyd pump, $4200. 717- 865-3025 Lebanon Co Used tobacco lath. 717- 738-0260 Lancaster Co 4+ acres, wooded lot, perked and probed, hill top view, approx 500 foot frontage on Harmony grove Rd 717-292-2614 York Co JD 1209 haybme, ex condi tion, $lBOO. Steel floor for 20' harvester silo, good condition, $4OO 717-776- 5208 Cumb. Co. 15' Buster Bar with mount ing brackets, $l5O. Cap for full size Chevy pickup, excellent, $lOO 717-382- 4173 York Co AKC German Shepherd pups, black and silver, $l5O Parents on farm, shots and wormed Leave message 717-442-9847 Lancaster Co Pleasure saddle, 15.5” seat, bridle, breast collar, pads, ladies chaps, new. 717-599-5972 Eves. 717- 565-7186 Days Dauphin Co NH3IS baler w/thrower, exc condition. $3900 2 18 4x34 tractor tires, 40% tread, $65. Delaval #74 vac pump, motor. 717-935- 5282 Mifflin Co 1200 bushel round corn crib, good condition, make offer John Kauffman. 204- A Bell Rd, Chnstiana, PA 17509 Lane. Co Adapter for IH 2 point to 3 point hitch. Good condi tion, $l5O 717-527-4861 Juniata Co \CUX ISU2U TRUCK JD 60 power steering, 3pt good rubber, new paint, show tractor, excellent tin, $5600. 717-653-4725 Lancaster Co One black Angus steer, 700,75 c. 4 Angus heifers, 450.75 C. 1225 Cub Cadet with bagger, $1125. 610- 286-5422 Berks Co 1210 Case diesel tractor, good 'condition, $6BOO. 717-922-4274 Union Co 140 Farmall tractor, 6'-L306 Woods finish mower, $3750; Ridgid “200" tipod pipe machine, $185; chick en picker, $l5O. 215-249- 3698 Bucks Co Millermatic vintage welder, 1 -phase, almost new, $l5OO. Also, Thermal Dynamics Econo-Pak-50 air plasma cutter, 1-phase, 220 v, $1650 717-442- 0223 Lancaster Co Reg baby doll sheep, 2yr old, 2 female, 1 black male, proven breeder, 4 baby lambs. 717-445-5631 Lancaster Co AC 4-row no-till planter, with monitor, fertilizer, insecticide Glenco manu al wing fold field cultivator, with rear harrow. 717-872- 6282 Lancaster Co 489 Haybme real good New Idea 4-bar hay rake, Sittner cattle oiler. 717- 259-0448 York Co Woods L 59 belly mower, good condition, fits Farmali Cub and As, $4OO 080 717-367-2461 Lane Co. International WD9 tractor, new paint valve job, new bearings, $2500. interna tional 6-ton tandem axle trailer, 18ft ramps, $2OOO 717-362-8367 Dauph. Co 6600 Hesston SP haybme, 12' cut, cab. air, gas, field ready, $5BOO. Several 4 wheelers also 717-362- 9850 Dauphin Co 41 Annlick Farm Supply, Inc. Tml 210 Milford Street • Port Royal, PA 17082 *1 \W. 1 (800) 933-4131 or (717) 527-4131 Offering A Complete Line of Animal Feeds Custom Blending of Dairy & Hog Feeds - Programs Designed to Fit Your Specific Needs 2-row Oliver com picker, pull type, $2OO. 1-set Oliv er cultivators, $75. 2 Oliver drills, steel wheels, $75 each. 410-758-3860 Queen Anne's Co. MD John Deere tractor, PTO, tire pump, new never used, in original box, $550. 717- 244-0362 York Co John Deere 15 gallon lawn sprayer, with spray boom and hand gun, new condi tion, $225. 717-581-9329 Lancaster Co JD 3300 combine, 10ft head just overhauled, excellent condition, $4500. Farmmaster feed mixer, 185, needs work, $350. 717-573-4441 Fulton Co JD 999 2-row corn planter, good fertilizer boxes, nice JD 60 tractor, 1953, nice tractor, overhauled. 717- 432-3991 York Co. Colored Angora goat, buck, solid black, 3yrs, super fleece, fine curly, lustrous Bond knitting machine, with extensions, new. 215-257- 1673 Bucks Co Gehl 65 Ford grinder. Bean air blast sprayer Soybean roaster 717-788-4833 Luzerne Co 1957 International Cub tractor, loose, not running, as is, best offer 610-692- 5871 Chester Co 7 black Angus heifers, 700 to 900 lb 57Clb Call after spm. 717-252-3872 York Co AC field cultivator, with lev eling harrow, 3pt hitch. Call evenings 717-665-7074 Lancaster Co New Holland 791 spreader, A 1 condition, new web. 717-272-9783 Leban. Co Saddlebred horse, 6 with shap, $l2OO. Ben King, 228 Gibbles Hill Rd., Quar rwille. PA 17566 Farrowing crate for sale, with waterer and feeder, $4O. 717-532-5810 Franklin Co Wet line for walking floor trailer or dump, best offer. 610-286-2062 Berks Co 20 #1 Holstein, bull calves, 100-110 lbs, will delivery direct from dairy farm. 717- 445-9857 Lane. Co New western saddle, new Seigeried saddle, halters, spredder chains, wheels, tires, slant lid feed chest, Schaefer 20" fan. 717-865- 5424 Lebanon Co Antique roll top desk, com pletely refinished, $lOOO. 717-365-3030 Dauphin Co 1982 Ford F 350 AM/FM radio, 12ft steel flat bed, good, 3900; JD #8350 grain drill, D.D. dish, good. 717-776-5870 Cumb. Co AQHA sorrell stallion or gelding, 2yrs, green broke, lounges, clips, easy breed er, $2500. Reg. Nubian buck, kid, $75 717-361- 9030 Lancaster Co Stainless steel hog feeder, Bx 7 overhead doors, 135. 30x78 36x78 wood doors. Ben Beiler, 1665 Noble Rd, Kirkwood, Pa. Lane. Co 1989 Grand Wagoneer, $6500 1979 Ford F 250, 4WD, $BOO 2yr Quad polypay ram,slso, polypay ewe lambs, $125. 973- 786-5508 Sussex Co, NJ 830 Case good cond, pow er steering, good paint, $4500 080. 13,000 BTU, commercial air cond, $l5O. 717-626-4017 Lan caster Co AC 1960 HD6G bulldozer excellent UC, needs engine work, headgasket? Trucking available at extra cost. $2200 080. 717- 672-3862 North'd Co Alpine/pygmy kids, born 2/26, de-horned, tri-color, bucks/wethers, beatiful alpine markings, love peo ple, great petsl' $55. 717- 569-5570 Lane. Co Two tractor tires, 13-6-28, 30% tread. 717-292-3214 York Co Dynavent bedding chop per, $7OO. Ml 2-row 324 corn picker, 12-row bed, $9OO. IH 400 com planter parts. 610-683-3428 Berks Co 12' John Deere AW disc, $750; Six new 22" disc blades for JO disc, $BO. 908-496-9243 Warren Co, NJ Backhoe attachment off Ford tractor, w/power take off pump. 83 Ranger, 4x4, V 6, fiberglass cap, many new parts. 717-445-6841 Lancaster Co 67x34 combine tires with good IH and AC nms. One tire excellent. Three as is $7OO. 717-352-0026 Franklin Co Morgan colt, dark chestnut, 2yrs, well built, upheaded. Ervin Hoover, 328 W.Maple Grove Rd, Denver, Pa. 17517. Imi. W. of Bow mansville. 76"x40" double house win dow, 30'x82" interior pre hung door. Both in good condition. Make offer. 717- 336-4494 Lane Co Kenmore Washer, Dryer, kitchen table w/roller swivel tilt chairs, airstream travell trailer, steel fence posts. 717-362-3356 Dauph. Co Ford BN, very good original condition, with two bot plow and 3pt rear blade, $3750. 610-285-4317 Lehigh Co Int. harvester baler #37, flatbed wagon, 8-ton, "865’ NH haybme. #469 9' 3pt hitch hay rake. No Sun days. 717-539-8365 Sny der Co 88 Fl5O 4x4, 302, black, cap, 109 K miles, very nice, no rust, $5500 sspd Call after spm. 717-356-2822 Columbia Co New Idea manure spread er, ground drive, single axle 410-751-5578 Car roll Co, MD Team 4/syr old Belgian mares, 15 2 hands, fully broke to machinery, traffic safe for carriage, child safe, $2400 610-384- 4386 Chester Co STOP Feeding Expensive Feed to Pest Birds Avitrol treated gram baits successfully remove pest birds from leedlots and farm buildings HESS AGRI MARKETING 218 Rockpomt Rd, Manetta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 EPA Approved A^ltrol • Giant cold air & helium balloons • Sales and rentals • Custom banners Sky Signs Balloons 610-933*6952 Parting out 410 510 550 ‘ 750 MF combines 18.4x26 and 23.1x26 tires and wheels. 717-328-5414 Franklin Co Hereford, Holstein cow due 10/3/98 Third calf bred Slmmental $5OO. Two shorthorn Simmental steers 14mo, grain fed 650. 717-834-3401 Perry Co John Deere 2010 tractor with loader, $5500. 540- 828-6509 Augusta. VA Lathe monarch 10EE hardinge Hly vert mill large wood shaper 200 cutters 2- ton electric hoist, more 301-384-5376 MD JDM tractor, nice, 200 g 3pt Myers sprayer, 12-row boom, double piston pump. Mckissic gram trailer with unloading auger. 610-593- 5674 Chester Co Bobcat trencher Tll6, 48' elect start, 6’ wide, good cond, $2BOO. Backhoe Ford 5558 cab, new engine, $16,000. 610-358- 0725 Del. Co Massey Ferguson 1045 4WD with loader, 900 h, turf tires, 1987, $13,500. Yamaha golf cart, gas, $l6OO. Call Rich 717- 726-7545 Clinton Co International 540 4xl6' semi-mount plow, with depth wheel, $7OO 080 717-786-3867 Lane Co Oliver 543 4-row com planter, 9x7 white fiber glass door. 717-249-1728 Cumb. Co Troy bilt sickle bar mower, $495. 8N Ford, fair condi tion, new clutch, $2195 610-488-6705 Berks Co Or ■ side dre' fr jne-row side dresser, fer tilizer fit SuperAor 140 Far mall, good condition. 717* 927-6570 York Co Kawasaki H 2 3cyl, 2* stroke, 750 cc, 1 396 Chevi block heads 5 327.5 i 2835. 610-756-00 M Berks Co ' Qutlily Product! Mb BSSSfss* tuoo®' fl 1 sss* •740 ~v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers