English setters, FDSB reg, male and female adults. Als6, Aust. Parakeet and Cockatiels. Also, bird cages. 717-354-4098 Lancaster Co. Flat trailer, 6x12, 35001 b, hi-speed, axle, $B5O. Pick up truck ladder rack, $125. Wheelhorse 10hp, tractor mower, $5OO. 717-687- 7336 Lancaster Co Cultivator for Graveley walking tracto&s9o.s-9pm 973-875-1597 Sussex Co 30g orchard sprayer, fiber glass tank, 3hp, very good condition, $950 new, $275 Cash. Built by RotoHoe. 908-526-0151 Somerset Co, NJ 50 - 4xlo concrete slats, good condition. 717-938- 2596 York Co Oliver single bottom plow, $2OO, working condition. Emanuel Esh, 386 Lyn wood Rd, BIH, PA 17505. Lancaster Co uamns U.L.P.A. & N.F.I FREE ESTIMA (tr. Owner P.O. Bo; '4-7090 Freeburg,' %^ayings\ and | J ©a/fe<yi * with the Mahoning | | Outdoor Furnace , SAVE: Burn wood, coal, oil, D i I I r r or gas SAFE: The fire, fuel, and connections are outside of your warm, comfortable home CLEAN: All the dust, dirt, fumes, fuel, and smoke are outside i * ® Heats your home and your D hot water | The boiler system adapts to | I any plumbing « ■, # Thermostat controlled I I ahoning | utdoor | J urnace | For more information and the dealer location nearest you call TOLL- FREE | 1-800-692-5200 | Limited number of dealerships | am* 1 Building stone, red sand stone, large quantity, $5O ton. You load & haul. RRI, Box 306, Birdsboro, PA 19506. 610-286-9682 Berks Co Exceptionally beautiful St. Bernard pups, AKC, cham pion line, masks, good con firmation, both parents on premises, great disposi tions. 610-869-2550 Chester Co GMC, Vl2 engine, low miles, runs like new, $7OO. 6.5 KW belt drive generator 110 or 220 V, $3OO. 914- 469-2352 Orange Co. NY Caroni 5‘ finish mower, 3pt hitch, exc. cond, $5OO. Wanted; turf tires and rims, for Ford 1715. 717-776- 6395 Cumb. Co 18 Holstein springing heifers, due In May, A 1 sired. 814-448-2971 Hunt ingdon Co Purebred Shropshire ram, ewe lambs, excellent selection for breeding. Also, 4-H lambs, drenched, vaccinated for overeating. 717-949-3653 Leban. Co u D Essex ,ron t axis, springs, brackets for 2520 tractor in 21* wood spoke wheels, good condition, $l5OO. No rear fenders, same for Sunday calls. 717-922- Pointac with 20’ wheels. 1135 Union Co $l5O lot. 717-292-1307 York Co 3pt IH rotary hoe, $300.3pt ground scoop, $75. Rotary hog feeders, $l5. Sickel bar mower, IH-BN, $5O 717-687-5352 Lane. Co 1976 Wilderness camper, sleeps 6, all utilities work, 18', $l5OO. 717-445-4667 Lancaster Co. Pony, cart and harness on road 10 yrs. Syr old car riage horse, good broke. Also, red pullets. 717-354- 5039 Lancaster Co Sendee for eight China with serving pieces, $25. Also, girls 10spd bike, $25. After 6pm. 717-866-6485 Lebanon Co New Idea 214 triple beater manure spreader, in good condition. 1978 Chev 3/4- ton pickup truck for parts. 610-682-4148 Berks Co IHC 3-bottom trailer plow, Terry 21' 2-axle travel trail slso. Wanted; Allis er, elec/gas refrigerator, Chalmbers, TL3O, rubber oven, stove, water heater, tire loader, parts of whole microwave, awning, good machine. Eves. 908-776- condition, sleeps 6, $1750. 5530 Morris Co, NJ 717-336-3770 Lane. Co 146 Penn St. Washington Boro. Pa. 17682 Ph# (717)684-5050 or 684-3940 94 Chevy, 1/2-ton extend ed cab, loaded, $16,500 OBO; 1855 Oliver, nice tractor, needs crank shaft, $2500 080. 814-847- 2848 Bedford Co NH 770 W hay head, $250. Gooseneck for NH 782, $125. JD tires and rims, 18-4-28, $lOO. 814-766- 3656 Bedford Co International self-loading, earth-mover, 200 diesel, excellent cond, 1949 Ford F 7, 2spd, 1937 Chevy car, good parts. 413-665-3304 MA 1986 Yamaha Radian, great shape, $l3OO. Also, 1990 Chevy Corsica, runs good, needs minor body work. $lOOO. 410-374- 3774 Carroll Co. MD . -7> A •T«sT^' ~?r-!rn tjt: thrift' Stubben Seigfried saddle, German model, fittings, $550. Hartley hung seat, 17', new $5OO. All-pur- Raymond forklifts, order pose, 17" schooling saddle, pickers, swing reach. Used $2OO. 717-259-7721 York in fair cond. new fram fuel Co filters to fit Bacharach -r injector testers. 717-467- hamess, with 3540 schuvtkill Co ilete with col Double lars, complete, 21000 sin gle Cobb pony harness, $llO. Pony mare, 52" ready to foal, $1200! 717- 336-7273 Lancaster Co Beautiful, friendly Lincoln- Cotswald and Tomney cross ewe and ram lambs, black or white, $6O to $75. 717-227-0513 York Co Magic Chef, 1200 W microwave, excellent con dition, 2yrs old, $lOO. Call after spm. 717-336-3986 Lancaster Co Mercedes 300 D excellent condition, auto, air, 194 K, eight wheels, with new tires, always garaged, no rust, $3995. 717-432-2455 York Co World's End area, three landscaped acres, 14x70 mobile home, A/C, roofed porches, bam, garage, bunkhouse, excellent con dition. $48,900. 610-775- 4093 Berks Co Flatbed dump bed for one ton truck with cab protector and siderails, $695. Old dinner bell, $155. 717-225- 1600 York Co Anti-lock automatic brake unit for 1990 Olds Cutliss Supreme, used 400. Win chester Super grade, 30-06 NIB, $585. 610-779-4586 Berks Co 1959 F6OO Ford dump, heavy twin telescope hoist, low milage, lots of rust, mechanically ok, good tires, $250. 717-536-3241 Perry Co Pedal tractors for sael 1H560; IH400; ACI9O; ACDI4; JDLQT; Oliver 880; Case 800; others. 610-593-2319 Chester Co Ford Escort 1986, two door, insp., good running condition. 717-445-6378 Lancaster Co Hesston 4600 baler throw er, 870 Uebler TMR cart, 330 Weavertine feed cart. 717-523-6135 Union Co Gehl diskbine, no 1080, 8' cut, $3OOO. After spm. 717-626-4165 Lane. Co 1987 Wilderness sth wheel RV, loaded, excellent con dition. 301-264-4769 Alle ganv Co.. MD Wi' :k tr ilro gooseneci trailer, 7'B" high, 20ft long, for horse, carriage. Fully enclosed, new metal sides, wood floor, $3200. 717- 428-0118 York Co ************l 95' White Star IV LmnsHr Fanning, Saturday, April 28,1998-821 93 Super T, feller Puncher wtih 30' bar, in excellent condition, 36,000. 717- 345-8426 Allis Chalmers B, runs good, starter, chains, cultivator, disc, original owner, good rub ber. $l4OO Firm. 610-756- 6578 Lehigh Co Natural color ram, extreme ly gentle, used in traveling farm, intact. Five natural colored ewes, great coats, $75 each. 610-845-7522 Mont. Co Motorola cell phone, like new, $75. BDU camo clothing, Mickey Mouse boots, field jackets. 717- 292-2377 York Co Polled Simmental bulls, Simmental red yearling bull, Simmental black bull, Bmo, can register. Call after 3pm. 717-225-5902 York Co Goslings and ducklings for sale. 610-562-4370 Berks Co John Deere 327 baler with 30 ejector, field ready, Ja 54 Badger silage blower, 9 stall calf motel. 717-865- 6836 Lebanon Co 50 head beef cattle for sale. 15 beef heifers, black and red, 35 steers, black, red, some Holstelns. 717-249- 3224 Cumberland Co Mohair Shetland finn lamb, washed fleeces, plus 2 doe, 2 buck Angora kids. All available now. 610-869- 3120 Chester Co Kuhl 600-egg hatcher, $3OO. Cage Barren geese, 3 Guinea fowl, $7. Pheas ants, batams. Call Duck Drakes. 610-584-6175 Monto. Co AKC German Shepherd pups, 4-males, 5-females, bom 3/22, $175 060. 968 Pondy Rd, Ronks, PA. Tues 7-Bpm. 717-768- 7579 Lancaster Co John Deere model 50, with loader and snow bucket, $3OOO. 717-993-9245 York Co Dl7. AC, 3x16 Oliver 3pt plow, Woods 3pt rotary mower, 2-row transplanter, AC 3x 2x snapcoupler plows. 717-684-5352 Lan casterCo AKC female Basset, 3yrs old, had large litter, farm dog, $75 080 to good home. 717-464-3230 Lan caster Co 1-row McCormick Dee ring cultivator, good cond., $175. Daniel Smucfcer, 512 Conowlngo, Quar rwille. PA. lancaster Co Front mounted 3 point hitch for 7085 Oeutz Allis tractor, also wanted; model 25 New Holland forage blow er. 717-445-4978 Lane. Co 13-disc Oliver Superior drill, 2-1200 bu Speedy com cribs, WIC bedding chopper, Smucker Bam-Dri spredder, tractor suitcase weights needed. 717-397- 9921 Lancaster Co Woods model 59C rotary mower for Farmall Cub, ready to mow. 717-244- 3415 York Co 27 open Holstein heifers, vaccinated, tested. Private sale or watch at New Hol land special heifer sale Sat. 5/2. 717-354-5697 Lan caster Co 1979 Dodge car, like new, 22K miles. 610-285-6481 Lehloh Co Water bed frame, $25. Ita lamazoo cook stove, $lOO. Tables, 36', $l5. Chairs, cash register, sprayer for tractor. 610-488-1365 Berks Co 94 Coleman popup camper, 'Destiny', very good condition, extras, $3,600. 410-529-8151 Baltimore Co. MD Antique bubble glass win dows, doors, bar stools, Singer restaurant grill, steel pipe, 2x4 ceiling tile and T bars. 610-678-9326 Berks Co Int. Cub 185 tractor, 5' flair mower 6' snowblade Brushhog, three point hitch, turf tires, $4500 Firm. 814-765-9040 435 IH baler w/thrower, baled 7000 bale 97, good cond, $1650. NH 354 G mixer, good ocnd, $2250. Juniata Co JD AW. 10 foot disk, $750. Brillion, 10' packer, $2OO. 814-766-3342 Bedford Co John Deere 3pt hookup, 4- bottom plow, New Idea 2- row pull type, corn picker. 717-642-5230 Adams Co Ear com, approx. 90 tons. $B2 per ton. Call 717-275- 3212 North'd Co 1979 Int. truck, with 14ft. Morgan box, $BOO. 717- 757-9039 York Co AKC reg. chocolate lab, male, 7mo old, asking $75. 717-922-3365 Union Co 50 bags Spruce shavings, $2 a bag. 717-738-0378 Lancaster Co
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers