Ida’s Notebook Ida Risser Our peas are beginning to grow. TTiis year I planted four kinds as we usually do in the spring. I've also put in twice as many onions as usual because I could not buy a smaller amount. My husband made almost 100 small newspaper containers to start seeds. The equipment and instructions were a Christmas gift. He shared a lot with our daughter as she and her young son have a garden in New Jersey. He has started so many cabbage and broccoli plants under lights in the base ment. And, he won't even eat cooked cabbage. Recently, I gave away some of our cats and kittens. It was hard to part with them as I helped to raise them. But, we % * MATTRESS BLOWOUT 3 Pc. Mattress Set King Only Mad* for Larg* Hotal Chain Rag. Ratal! $l,OOO Our Price *249.95 King Mattress Only IManutacturar Cloud Local Factory Rag. Ratal! SSMSS Our Price * 1 29*95 UNBELIEVABLE PRICES! Sold As ls#2 f T, til $1299 95 Our Reg Price $469 95 Special Qonont *tf f.f 5# 2 f SWIVEL ROCKER & OTTOMAN i Comes in a variety of colors Reg. Retail $329 95 X Closeout Price $ 129.95 #; T ROLL-TOP COMPUTER DESK CLOSEOUT [l. Q Cherry Finish - Bras* Fixtures u „ , Reg. Retail *1649.95 r- ~~'V L ~%H Our Reg. Price $709.95 \J \|HHj CLOSEOUT PRICE * T ELECTRIC LIFT CHAIR } 1 Available in blue, brown, mauve Sg'i Reg. Retail $949.95 7* 1 Our Reg. Price $649.95 I tj With Coupon $599.95 i. had accumulated too many as they lived in our heated garage. Let's hope they will be happy on their new dairy farm home. They were black, black and white, grey and white and sever al calico ones. Allen built another blue bird house for a post in our yard. We believe that all three will be occupied as there are many bluebirds in our yard each morn ing. The other day the pussy wil low tree that I ordered arrived. There are two burning bushes to be planted somewhere too. The question is where to put them so that they will have the best chance to grow. So many of the azalea bushes that I've planted have not survived. Maybe they TWIN/DOUBLE FUTON BUNK BED Trailer Load • Dealer Refusal with 8' Futon Mattress Red - Black ■ White Reg Ret $B9B 95 #2 am aostour Black Oak & Veneer Doors ige • VCR Storage ir Doors #2 4 WITH COUPON Jr •»»-»« _b[ IBEDROOM CLOSEoF^J^JTI Blue, Black, White Ir.. ' Arm., Dresser, Mirror, Nightstand, ■ & Headboard. Get 2nd wiahtstand 'IhMEaBMi I FREE WHILE THEY LAST j *369.04 f 1* [ftATURt] I rr*H J BED CLOSEOUT Full Size * Brats or White | Headboard & Footboard I Reg. Retail $619.00 aMt I UNDER WHOLESALE W our price' $ 249.95 F~f Ralls Extrs Believe It Or Not. Get Night Stand * Reg. Retail jjh $259.95 yU 'MI FREE while they last, if you Slam Dunk At State Basketball Championships PITTSBURGH (Allegheny Co.) - The Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program (PDPP) was asking young fans if they’ve "got milk?" last month as thousands of high school basketball fans poured into Hershey Park Arena to cheer on their favorite boys and girls basketball teams. Eight hundred children under age 12 were given free "got milk?” T-shirts, sports nutrition brochures and milk sport drink recipe cards as part of PDPP's sponsorship of the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association's (PIAA) state basketball championships. Basketball programs also con tained fun puzzles, dairy trivia, are not the kind to live outside over the winter. When I weeded my flower beds this year, I noticed that even some mums have died. Maybe I'll try cona flowers as they usually live through the winter. Each summer is a sur prise in the plant world. KECLIINER Reg. Ret. $329.95 OUR CASH PRICE $129.95 and nutrition information aimed to entice boys and girls to drink more milk. "We wanted the kids to asso ciate milk with the good nutri tion it takes to become a high school state basketball finalist," said Holly Gerke, coordinator of the PDPP and PIAA sponsor ship. "The hard work and dedi cation of high school state cham pions and dairy farmers is a nat ural connection for dairy promo tion. Good nutrition that includes dairy products is an important part of any athletes regular training program." PDPP was the underwriting sponsor of the basketball broad casts shown in media markets throughout Pennsylvania. "Got milk?” commercials appeared at regular time-outs for those view ers who watched the games at home. Area dairy princesses assist ed with the PDPP sponsorship of PIAA by passing out thick milk shakes to children attending the games. These children then had * Feel Great! Lose before y Firmer* Trimmer * Leaner All Natural Dietary Supplement The ingredients are all safe Stiver f and natural. Gum Karaya, #■».!.*“ 1 TVaiwwr f NEW \ American Desert Herb, I TABLETS 1 f high \ Guarana, Korean Ginseng, I AT I Tff.nop _ I ENERGY I Bee Pollen, White Yellow Bark I RDPimcrl I cnlm ~ I (Wiedewmds), Bladder-wrack \BRtAKFASTC @ V SOURCE/ (Fungus Vesticulosis), Gotu fIUS Koia, Uconce Root, Relshi $29.95 One Month’s Supply anH Has been known to work great on weight loss cholesterol, high Chromium Piconate (300 * low Wood pressure, arthritis pain, sugar problems, varicose veins Micrograms per 3 tablets and many, many more 1 taken once a day) No drugs, chemicals or preservatives 1 ff 1 Your Independent Distributor Is: TMI Herbs Plus One •Mineral' IS Uncmir Fanning, Saturday, Apia if, 19M-B7 I lost 52 lbs on NEW IMAGE PRODUCTS Everyone I k try the products so I became a distributor I am a single Mi needed an extra income My first check from the company last months check was over $5,000 The products have hr diabetis, depression, arthritis, migraine headaches, vancr blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, high triglyceride boys with bronchitis, asthma and A D D Nil does not ma) jjlaims this is stnctly personal testimonies of product user Gerald & Margie Jones 75 Goodyear Rd. Carlisle, PA 17013 SgL f\A Toll Free-888-788-5572 HIl To Order Call or Write DISTRIBUTORS WANTED Ask about our other products available See our full ao on 3-28-98. the opportunity to pose for a free milk mustache picture and receive a plastic cup to remind them to get the calcium they need. Sports enthusiasts can read about the results of the champi onships on PIAA's website at When moving the cursor over the "got milk?" banner, fans can activate the connection to the MiIkPEP web site, for addi tional milk and sports nutrition information. PDPP concluded its sponsor ship of the 1997-1998 school year with the basketball cham pionships. They also under wrote the state football champi onships held in Altoona in December. PDPP contracts with the American Dairy Association & Daily Council Mid East to con duct advertising, marketing and nutrition education on behalf of dairy farmers in 33 counties in western and north central Pennsylvania.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers