826-LancasM; Farming, Saturday, February 21,1998 1000 gal propane tank with pump to fill 20lb cylinders, in good condition 717- 656-6486 Lancaster Co Male poodle breeder, JD73OD 717-445-6067 Lancaster Co Colby wagon hub, Bton, 6bolt, Se# 11-539-1 or complete hub 717-789- 4513 Perry Co Good used John Deere 318, 332 or Similar size with mower deck 717- 665-3865 Lane Co Corn grinder to be run by hit and miss engine 717- 966-2655 Union Co Dougles for 2x6, 22' long 717-336-4626 Lancaster Co üblic Luction Location: 251 South Race Street, Myerstown, PA (Lebanon County) From Lancaster Take Route 501 North to Myerstown, turn left onto Park Street, go three blocks to Sale Site From Lebanon Take Route 422 East to Route 501 South, go approximately 3/4 mile and turn right onto Park Street, go three Nocks to Sale Site TRACTORS and TRUCKS. SKID LOADERS JD 4450 MFWD, Powershitt, Cab 1H 385 Diesel w/Loader Ford 4610 Diesel Deutz 130-06 w/Cab OMC 770 Articulating Loader' MF 1080 w/Rollbar Case ‘Vac’ 1982 CMC Jimmy 4WD 1983 Dodge 100 Cargo Van Old Ford Tractor ‘92 Bobcat 7753 w/Aux , Hydraulics Power King 14 HP w/Mower COMBINES JD 4420 Diesel, Cab, Air, 2175 Hours JD 4400 Diesel, Cab, Air JD 13’ Grain Platform JD 444 4RW Com Head JD 215 15’Flex Gram Table PLANTING and HARVESTING JD 7200 4 Row w/Dry Fert IH 800 4 Row w/Dry Fert Ford NH 411 Discbme (Nice) JD 1219 9’ Mower Conditioner (Nice) JD 327 Baler w/Thrower (Nice) JD 336 Baler w/Thrower Deutz-Alhs 385 4R No-Til Com Planter Ford 309 2R 3 pt Planter IH 56 4R Corn Planter JD 2R 3 pt Com Planter (Nice) NH 852 Round Baler Kuhn 3 pt Hay Tedder IH 2R Com Head JD 1440 4R No-Til Planter Brady 12’ Stalk Chopper NH4B9 Haybine JD 1460 Discbme JD 640 Hay Rake w/Dolly New Idea 402 Hay Rake TILLAGE Glencoe 9 Shank Soil Saver JD 4200 4X Rollover Plow AC 1200 16’ Wing Fold Field Cultivator w/Rake Brady 12’ Field Cultivator w/Rake Bnlhon 12’ Packer CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! NOTE: We are accepting consignments on location February 26, 27, and 28 from 800AMto4 00 PM Some items subject to poor sale Ail items are sold “AS IS” and “WHERE IS” without any guarantees expressed or implied TERMS: CASH, complete payment auction day Checks accepted with Bank Letter of Credit AUCTIONEERS: HARRY H. BACHMANAU-000033L GLENN T. WENGER AU-002510L BLAINE RENTZEL AU-00761L LEBANON VALLEY AUCTION COMPANY, INC. RY-000014L Early 1980's F 350 Ford Cube Van dual wheel rough shape fixer up special OK 610-269-3494 Chester Co Blower 453 Detroit, call 301-478-5194 After 7pm Side-dresser for 2cyl, John Deere front-mounted culti vator Also, end transport kit for Bnllion culti-packer 717-872-0668 Lane Co Hired boy, 2-3 days a week $25-40 a day for good worker Jacob Zook, 450 Resevoir Rd, Chester Co 1946 to present dealer original AMC Willy Jeeps sales and/or service techni cal bulletins, manuals or any other mo 609-654- 5070 Gram bin for barley, 5000 bushels or less small cattle trailer wanted also 717- 866-4446 Leb Co "watch for expanded list- CONSIGNMENT AUCTION FREE COFFEE & DONUTS 7:45 to 8:30 AM Loader or front blade to fit Oliver HG or Cletrac OC3 908-658-4905 Somerset Co, DE Dair heifer calves wanted. Call after 7pm to 10pm 610-754-7073 Montg Co Looking for a good used disk, 8 to 10ft wide, new to farming 717-533-3736 Dauphin Co Toro bagger for 1989 riding mower, bagger number 07068 X 610-539-0428 Montg Co Seeking reg Nubian buck young kid ok, traveling to area in March Also, goat milking equipt wanted 914-733-1920 Orange Co John Deere Model "R" trac tor, for sale 8N Ford w/woods sft belly mower, turf - tires, exc cond - $2BOO 410-655-7094 Bal to Co, MD Bullion 14' Packer IH 125 4X Rollover Plow White 549 6,7, or 8X Auto Reset on Land Hitch Plow White 508 4x Auto Reset Plow (Nice) JD 18’ Center Fold Disc (Nice) Ford 18’ Wing Fold Rock Flex Disc Bnlhon 12’Cultipacker IH 720 4x 18 Auto Reset Plow IH 450 3x 3 pt Auto Reset Krause 9 Shank Disc Chisel Krause 7 Shank Disc Chisel JD 1635 Heavy Plowing Disc IH 45 17’ Hyd Fold Vibra-Shank IH 45 13’ Vibra-Shank AC 14’Field Cultivator Oliver 241 10-1/2’ Disc MF 55 3X Rollover Plow Pittsburg 14’Cultipacker Bnlhon 12’ Packer w/Transport Oliver 3X Trailer Plow IH 45 16’ 3 pt Vibra Shank AC 4R 3 pt Cultivator JD 12’ Field Cultivator on Transport (Nice) Oliver 548 6X Auto Reset Plow DMI 10 Shank 3 pt Chisel Plow Kewanee 12’ Transport Disc Knight 250 Manure Spreader (Nice) Rhino 10-1/2’ Rotary Mower Pequea 2 Axle 14’ Deck Over Trailer New Idea Ground Dnve Manure Spreader JD 175 Loader, JD 146 Loader, IH 2001 Loader Portable Gas Eng Pressure Washer Hotsy Steam Jenny (Nice) Stowe Gas Powered Mortar Mixer (Poor) Harley Davidson Golf Cart 2) JD Riding Mowers Power King 14 HP w/Mower Famam 5’ 3 pt Pasture Renovator Fast Hitch Counterweight Pair of 18 4x26 Tires High Moister Corn Kit for Gehl 800 Harvester Slurry Buggy 1500 Gal Liquid Spreader 717-867-1809 717-866-2130 1950'5-1960's childs siton pedal operated bulldozer or other large construciton pedal powered toys need ing repair 610-670-9544 Berks Co Wanted metal signs, oil, tobacco, farm implements, hunting, railroad, etc Top cash payment Also, Zinc lids, Winchester guns 717-872-5263 Lancaster Co Plows, 3pt, 2-3 bottom, Ford, Dearborn, MF, 35 diesel or gas, tractor run ning or not 607-844-4631 Tomp Co, NY Generator, 150 KW, 12 wire or 460 v, 3phase, diesel engine drive 610-754- 7366 Montg Co Oliver 60 with wide front or wide front end for Oliver 60 717-374-1777 Snyder Co Patz 14ft 988 silo unloader, in good condition 717- 445-4305 Lancaster Co Polish rooster will take hens also Propane or gas regngerator, will travel 610-693-8218 Berks Co Wheel weights for ACDI4 or Dl5 Also, plwshares for 345 AC Call 6-9 pm 610- 562-8766 Berks Co Buda engine in running condition for Cockshutt 30 model 48153, drawbar, seat, steering wheel for John Deere H 610-488- 1172 Berks Co Needed stud min schnau zer does not need to be reg app 12 to 15 lbs, call Karen anytime. 410-378- 0662 Cecil Co, MD a ■n 3) m m z m > H Fire dpet tiems watned Helmets, badges, lanterns, trumpets, bellz, nozzles, anything fire Call anytime 610-797-4587 Lehigh Co MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1998 8:30 AM Small rollermill, head gate, 3ton gram bin, 12ft Rissler coneyor, 16ft gates 610- 682-2692 Berks Co Wanted fenders for JD4320 tractor. Also, brackets to mount them Call after 6pm 908-735- 0788 Hunterdon Co MAILBOX MARKET NOTICE Now taking bids on asbestos removal in my Valley Forge, PA farm houses Ready this week for work 610-853-8731 Chester Co Will cut firewood for hunt ing privileges in Chester Co Leave message 610- 593-1172 ext 2 Wide front end for sale, fits JD4OIO, 4020, 3010, 3020 etc at Seller's Auction See Auction register 48 inch sawmill blade to be sold at Ralph Brenneman's Consignment Sale Feb 28 717-235-4026 York Co Sale Reports CLICK SALE A Public Sale of cows and farm ma chinery was held Febru ary 12 by Joseph Z. and Malinda B. Click, 4452 Forge Rd., Oxford, Pa. 3 miles from Notting ham. The average of the 36 cows sold was $lO4l and the average of the 14 heifers was $5ll. The top prices for cows were $l6OO, $l5OO, $1425, $1350 and 2 at $l3OO. Other prices were;' 1-row McCormick Deering corn binder $4300, flail chopper w/ motor $3200, N.H. 273 baler $2lOO, Pequea manure spreader $2lOO, EL.S. manure spreader $1650, Black Rock field sprayer $1550, Nil. 455 mower $1425, N.H. 402 crimper $l4OO, McCormick Deering #9 mower $985, 16” Papcc cutter $9OO, N.H. 55 rake $B5O, milkers $B5O each. Sputnik $lB5O, breeding chart $335, twin tubs $2OO, 5-year old work horses $1750 each, work horse $1250 and Morgan horse $1350. Mel Hoover was the auctioneer. SHETTER SALE A Public Sale of real estate was held Febru ary 14 at 952 S Otteibein School Road, Newburg, Pa. The approximately 5-acre farmettc witih a 3-year-old Amish house brought $131,000. Terry L. Shelter and Kelly A. Shelter were the auctioneers. BUBB'S FAIR VIEW FARMS SALE A Public Auction of tractors and farm ma chinery was held Febru ary 13 and 14, 1 mile west of Muncy, Lycom ing Co., Pa. along old Rt 147. There were 480 and 550 registered bid ders atd the two-day sale with 1100 items sold one day and 620 lots the other day. Some prices were: J.D. 4250 tractor w/cab, air & heat $34,000, J.D. For Rent 3,200 sq.ft, of dn ve-in barn storage, near Fredencksburg & 178 ramp $250/month. 717-859- 5415 Lebanon Co Horse boarding, near trails, full care or self care. 717- 733-1285 Lancaster Co Will trade 87200 Kubota turf tires and wheels for Ag tires and wheels 717-865- 0698 Lebanon Co Help wanted Boscov's landscaping dept, needs a driver close to Lebanon that wants to work all year round 717-949-3555 Lebanon Co To be sold at Kutztown Pro duce Auction, 2/28/98 40' trusses, 2x4, 2xB, roofing, round poled, old barn sid ing Bando brass locomotive bell in cradle of steam loco motive JD Gw/WF JD thrash machine, Fl 4 Far mall 717-656-9733 Lan caster Co Full Line of farm equipment from one farm, Stras Fire Co Sale Feb 28 Check Sale Ad 6620 side hill combine with all heads $30,100, Int 886 tractor $12,200, Int 684 tractor $BOOO, Int 574 tractor $6900, M.F. 240 tractor $7200, M.H. 333 tractor $4lOO, Case Int. 5300 drill $7lOO, N.H. 316 baler $6300, hay wagons up to $lB5O, gravity bin wagons up to $2500, fertilizer augers up to $9OO, N.H. 256 rake $2500, Brillion culti mulcher $4700 and Komatsu FG2S fork lift $6700. Fraley Auction Co, managed the sale. ESH SALE A Public Auction of mules, horses and farm machinery was held February 11 by Samuel L. and Mary Esh, 'A mile east of Intercourse, Pa. off RL 772 on New port Rd. Some prices received were: 2 pair mules $5200 each, single mules $3OOO & $2600, draft hohrse $l9OO, Sputnick $l7OO, N.H. 456 mower $lBOO, InL 35 rake $B2O. NJ. side delivery rake $5OO, N.H. 311 baler $3400, gravity bin $450, J.D. 999 com planter $4OO and tobacco lath $4l per hd. Petersheim Auction Service conducted the sale. BEILER SALE A Public Sale of horses and farm equip ment was held February 10 by Daniel G. and Emma E. Beiler, 296 A Mount Pleasant Rd., Quarryville, Lane. Co., Pa. Some prices in cluded: 2 teams of horses $4400 & $3BOO, single horses $1950, $1375 & $lOOO, N.H. 311 baler $5500, N.H. 456 mower $2900, White Horse 2-way plow $2050, Sputnik $1550, milkers $7OO each, Pequea 2-row corn planter $l5OO, Pequea manure spread er $1475, Lister diesel $1450, Pequea 710 ted der $1175, Pequea man ure spreader $l2OO, flat wagon $llOO, N.H. 402 crimper $lO5O, N.H. rake $lOOO, vacuum pump $lOOO, forecart $775, breaking cart $6OO. alfalfa hay $l7O to $220 per ton, ear com $lO4 per ton silage $2B per ton. Mel Hoover was the auctioneer. STOLTZFUS ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of woodworking and car penter tools was held February 14 by Suvilla B. Stoltzfus of 1536 Kirkwood Pike, Kirk wood, Pa. for the estate of Israel S. Stoltzfus Sr. There were 450 regis tered bidders at the sale. Some prices were: pressure washer $1250, Lister diesel $9OO, met al shears $9OO. spring wagon $3OO, table saw $3OO, planers $325 & $275, notcher $2OO, circular saw $225, radial arm saw $525, stilts $375, band saw $4OO, cement mixer $450, metal press $450, trim brake $6OO, air compressor $6OO, 8 ft by 12 ft portable green house $675, circle cut ter $725, National 4 ft box brake $7OO, Bar bara Ebersol show tow el $725, Maytag butter chum $5OO, beehives $7O each, ice cream freezer $l3O, plank-bot tom chairs $45 each, chicken coops $4O each, extension ladder $3lO and scaffolding $3OO. Mel Hoover con ducted the sale. HOOVER SALE A sale of farm equip ment was held Saturday for Henry M. Hoover, 399 Quarry Road, New Holland. Conducted by Kline, Kreider and Good Auctioneers, the sale drew 469 registered bidders. Items sold included a John Deere 4230 diesel tractor $14,100, John Deere 2240 diesel trac tor $6600, John Deere 420 two-cylinder trac tor $2700, Case 18358 skid loader $6500, John Deere 3 SOB crawler w/ loader $BOOO, Case IH No. 145 three-bottom, 18-inch rollover plow $7200, John Deere 3940 forage harvester $5BOO, John Deere 7000 four-row corn planter $4500, John Deere 336 baler $3500, and Rhino No. 76 disk $3OOO. Also sold were: Case IH 4500 Odd cultivator $2900, John Deere 450 hydrapush manure spreader $2500, John Deere 300 two-row com picker $lOOO, Gehl silage wagon $2550, Brillion four-row culti vator $l3OO, John Deere 400 rotary hoc $lOOO, Zimmerman ele vator $lOOO, McCurdy gravity wagon $925, N.H. No. 30 blower $BOO, Zimmerman headgate w/chute $825, tobacco lathes $32 to $35 per hundred; Ash ley chicken picker $2200, and Ashley chicken scalder $l5OO.
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