MAIL V MARKET F SALE j s E lil K Goat - young wether for sale, leads well, gets along with children and other ani mals - $9O 410-775-2903 Frederick Co, MD 1976 Corvette, t-top, red - $B5OO 1940 Plymouth, black - $3OOO 1936 Ahrens fox fire truck, pumpel - $BOOO, great truck 516-283-3408 Suf folkCoN>^_ 24'x32'x14' pole garage, metal roof/sides, vinyl tilt-m windows, 9-lite entrance door, 12'x12' opening, excellent, must remove - $4BOO 717-568-0546 Union Co Ml 802, 4-wheeler, 717 combine, 813 table 717- 374-9811 Snyder Co 2 Catapillar power units, fnck cut off saw, rebuilt 150 electric motor, 83 Mack road tractor 410-257-6185 Calvert Co, MD AIR & WATER SYSTEMS We install complete systems! Air Compressors, Air Tanks, Water Pumps, Plumb Air Line Into Pit w/ Automatic Controls, Milkhouse Plumbing, LP Gas Hook Ups, LP Tanks, Regulators, etc. LP Hot Water Heaters House Plumbing Bucket-A-Pay Stoves Sewer Systems Installed & Repaired New & Rebuilt Compressors We Rebuild Most Any Brand Water Pump Repairs Stauffer Hoover Hidden View SALES & SERVICE STAUFFER PUMP WORKS 501 Coopers Drive Kirkwood, PA 17536 Samuel S. King (Owner) MAILBOX MARKET Only ads submitted on this official form will be published in our mailbox markets. No photo copies accepted! Ple.'i'M,* NO PHONE CALLS • Pie,iso PRINT LEGIBLY Check One: For Sale I I Notice □ Wanted □ 18 County No Phone Calls Please! Buying puppies, all kinds, AKC, pure and mixed, will pick up Buying minilop and dwarf bunnies Call Randy 717-822-2033 Luzerne Co 75 Int 9’sAdump, 238 Det lOspd - $5OO 410-452- 5854 Harford Co, MD 1971 Ford F6OO, 10WD, 44Klb, air brakes, locking hubs, 80K miles, 20' steel bed, runs/looks good - $6OOO 609-585-4229 Mercer Co, NJ Bolens Iskm diesel com pact tractor, 4wd, 17hp, 3pt, pto power, angle blade - $3425 JD3IB hydro,$2225 609-730- 8669 Mercer Co, NJ NH4II discbme, late model - $6BOO NH3IS baler, new parts/pamt - $2600 NH2SB rake w/dolly - $l6OO. New rubber, teeth 609-769- 4159 Salem Co, NJ 1 4 acre wooded building lot for sale by owner, in notheastern Lancaster Co, Asking $49,900 717-445- 4065 Lancaster Co AD FORM Attach Your Farming Ma Here 34' tandem flat trailers - $2OOO Oliver 10' disc - $7OO Heil 16' dump hoist - $lOOO Farmhand dump cart-$6OO 717-398-0226 i Lycoming Co 2 pair of 18-4-34 tires on 9- hole pressed steel rims, used for tractor pulls, all for $5OO 717-437-2342 Mon tour Co Farm all Cub with side bar - $l5OO tractor. 410-557- 8293 Harford Co JD Cyclone A, 40' Zimmer man elevator, JD 620, IH 460, NH 575 baler Call evenings between 6-8 pm 610-662-6621 Berks Co John Deere 2500 7-bottom plow, spring reset - $2500 Landoll soil saver, 11 -tooth chisel plow with disks - $4OOO, good 610-756- 6874 Lehigh Co K-8 hot water keystokeo, heats 11 rooms, currently in use, but converting to oil - $5O, includes all controls 717-533-9725 Dauph Co John Deere 4230, WF dual hyd - $9OOO 717-776- 7650 Cumberland Co AC antique tractor, 2AM40331, M 2787, 3-ped al, H-shift, PTO belt, rear pulleys, sickle bar, 15726" wheels - ran when parked 732-469-4526 Middlesex Co, NJ JD 4-row RM cultivator, all sweeps and guide wheels included - $BOO 609-423- 1141 GloucesterCo §1 Perkins • 7 -160 hp Open Power Units • Diesel Rebuilding • Cooling Compressor Units w/Air Motor or 12 V Clutch Diesel Air Compressor Units For The Homeowner • Batteries Belts DR^Mf • 12 V Alternators .mart • Ice Boxes iSSa* ~ " FOR SALE ~ (1) 6354 Perkins Power Unit, used LK SMUCKER REPAIR 125 LEACOCK ROAD GORDONVILLE, PA 17529 Location: Peters Rd & Leacock Rd., 3 Miles South of New Holland 717-355-2606 ONLY PLEASE READ ALL REQUIREMENTS BEFORE FILLING OUT FORM! Requirements: 1) Subscribers allowed “one" free Mailbox Market per month only. 2) Lancaster Farming Mailing Label must be attached. 3) Limit: 20 words. 4) Phone number must include area code. 5) Your County must be included. 6) Markets must be received in office by Monday or will be held until following week's issue. 7) No Business Ads accepted. *• The Lancaster Farming staff has the right to reiect any Mailbox Markets that do not meet these requirements ** Phone No, Two Chevy 350 engines, must sell. $4OO for both or best offer 717-721-3243 Lancaster Co McCormick 125 Bee auger bin on cart 7 Bnllion 12' roller, both in good condi tion 717-626-5532 Lan caster Co 2 Way White Horse plow 1992 model, ex cond 2400 00 John Hoover, 1124 Piefer Hill Rd, Stevens, Pa Lane Co Greenhouse w/oil furnace, 7 hoops, $l6OO Also extra oil furnace, oil tank, 4’ round snowblade, printers drawers Berks Co 610- 775-0100 German Shepherd dog, free to good home Lane Co 717-653-5111 Three row Pequea no-till maxi merge corn planter like new insecticide and fertilizer equipped $7,000 firm Steel wheels Dauphin Co 717-365-3563 Lancaster silo Rollmill blower, ex cond used one season, terms available Rolling silage is the way to go Lane Co 717-442- 1024 Steel roofing shears (2) $5O ea 080 Lane Co 717-733-7124 German Shepherd puppy, reg $275 1939 John Deere #BI restored cond , good tin work, Quakertown $2500 080 Bucks Co 215-536-8624 FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS Mail To: Lancaster Farming Mailbox Markets 1 E. Main St. P.O. Box 609 Ephrata, PA 17522 No Phone Calls Pleaset Rottweiler pups, mixed, very friendly and cute - $5O 717-529-6697 Lane Co 2 IBM Selectnc typewriters, 1-11, 1-111, with ribbons and correction tapes, good working condition - $l5O 080 Using computer 610-777-1653 Berks Co 5' Snowblower, 3pt or can be adapted to a front mount for Farmall A or similar - $650 Evenings 717-836- 4199 Wyoming Co JD 40 standard, good shape, meat grinder 717- 626-5678 Lancaster Co IH 1066 turbo diesel, Oliver 1800 tractor, NH 354 gnnder/mixer, hydro drive, long unloading auger After 7pm 717-445-0576 Lan caster Co Three year old Welsh pony, green broke, children pony Also, sotrm front carriage, good condition - $l3OO 717-354-0038 Lane Co Pequea 710 hay tedder, power take off driven, like new condition - $9OO Call after 6pm 609-589-2637 Gloucester Co Suspended ceiling tile, 2'x2', approx 600 tiles with metal grid - $9OO 1967 Int t-tag 12' flatbed - $BOO 814-364-9967 Centre Co 40 head Reg Holstems herd, average 19,600, 694 fat, 610 pro , average age 3yrs, tie stall 717-691- 9349 Cumberland Co Lumber, cinder blocks, win dow glass, scaffolding Also, wanted person to coat small semi-flat barn roof 717-684-8915 Lan caster Co John Deere, 10ft lime drill, PTO driven corn sheller good cond - $375 NH Als °. upright feed mixer spreader tires on rims - 973-543-4735 NJ $25 610-286-6371 Lan caster Co 1989 Ford, 35' motorhome, 7318 Lancaster Co loaded, 20K original miles, Christian family looking for like new, everything works farm workm exchange for Paid $29,500, must sell - lodging in N Lancaster Co $23,000 080 610-670- &S Berks Co area 1-800- 1260 Berks Co 577-7468 Pm #352-5400 • Entering a NEW Subscription? Check the proper box and fill in your name and address. Attach your check, $28.50 per year or $55.00 for two years in PA, MD, DE, NJ, NY, OH, VA and WV. (All other areas - $3B 50 per year, $75.00 for two years.) Payment must accompany order. Allow three weeks for delivery. • CHANGE OF ADDRESS? Please give us 3 weeks advance notice. Cut label from current paper and attach in space provided: write in your new address below. Changes will be made as dose to requested date as possible. • RENEWALS To insure proper credit on all renewals please attach your mailing label from current paper to space provided and check the proper box below. • OFFICE HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p m. ■ When writing us about your subscription please attach your 1 Lancaster Farming mailing label here and mail the whole form to: I LANCASTER FARMING I P.O. Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 Phone: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 PLEASE SEND LANCASTER FARMING: (Check Appropriate Boxes) Rates Effective May 1,1997 PA, MD. DE. NJ, NY. OH, VA, WV □ $28.50 -1 YEAR □ $55.00 - 2 YEARS □ NEW SUBSCRIPTION Name - Address RD # City Zip +4 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 21, 1998-B2S AKC Golden Retriever dogs, two males, Sms old, very good breeders Have papers Call or leave mes sage at 717-786-6080 Lancaster Co 20' Perfects II field cutliva tor with S-tynes and rolling baskets, good condition - $3BOO 717-733-4683 Lancaster Coi IH 435 square baler, no thrower, good cond - $l5OO JD 3-row potato digger, chisalm Ryder bean harvester parts 717-444- 3470 Juniata Co IHC 55t bailer for parts only Has IHC engine, 4cyl, doesn't run, stuck Will sell parts separately 717-529- 6068 Lancaster Co 6yr old Standard carnage horse, traffic safe, sound, 16 IH, anybody can drive Oliver 3pt, 3-bottom tip plow, likenew - $6OO 717- 859-2374 Lancaster Co Craftsman thickness planter, 8", very good con dition - $125 Also, stage coach trunk - $225 717- 776-3084 Cumberland Co 500 gal Mueller milk tank ssoo 717-627-1221 Lan caster Co MAILBOX MARKET WANTED Old metal signs like D&G Feeds and Dekalb seed corn, also, old farm toys and toy trucks 814-364- 9333 Centre Co Mechanical tunnel layer, any condition 717-423- 5464 Cumberland Co Allis Chalmers 5040 want ed parts tractor 717-786- ascription Service Box # State County Non-Refundable Stained glass windows, church pews, bells, sfatu rary, iron gates, pipe organs, carved woodwork, old Architectural items, will remove 610-647-3380 Chester Co Left front fender, 65 Chev pickup Long, 65 Hurley's Lane, Lmcroft, NJ, 07738 732-747-3158 Truck cap for Ford Ranger box, seven feet 717-275- 0228 Montour Co Retired wanted small farm or land, Columbia, Sullivan Co, principles only 610- 775-4093 Berks Co Experemced climber fore man for tree crew wanted, 3yrs exp, pesticide license, CDL drug free, medical, dental, exc salar, bonuses 215-968-6078 One SS butcher kettle 30 gal to 40 gal 717-627- 4496 Lancaster Co Drive gear that fits on wheel for John Blue sprayer Beater gearbox for 550 IH spreader or parts 717-872-7890 Lan caster Co Martin carriage works, York Pa watch fob wanted, name your price Also, buggy name plate, cata log's, advertisements for same 717-792-0278 Buying old brass bladed fans, dead or alive, old unusual typewriters, parts for fany parlor/cook stoves eves 717-665-6292 Lan caster Co Suburban diesel, 4x4,1992 or older, Dodge diesel, 4x4 tk, 89-92, Mig welder 100- 130 amp 215-679-5637 or 610-367-5888 Berks Co Wanted old cast iron and aluminum molds, to make concrete flower pots and lawn ornaments Also pedal cars 215-256-9925 Montg Co Registered toy Fox Terner male, breeding quality 315-265-0026 NY OTHER STATES □ $38.50 - 1 YEAR □ $75.00 - 2 YEAR □ RENEWAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers