LANCASTER MARCH 7 ADVERTISERS PLAN NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE PHONE 717-626-1164 OR 717-394-3047 DEADLINE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 27 PENN SV ? i#A a ii« ,i - ation For The t'tNNSYL VANIA MASTER CORN growers assoc. SPECIAL SECTION IN FARMING McPhersons Cultivate A-Maize-Ing Entertainment JOYCE BUPP York Co. Correspondent NEW PARK (York Co.) Don't cut through the com. Don't pull off any eats. No run ning. No cigarettes! Got those rules? Then you're ready to take on the challenge of Maize Quest. After an introductory initia tion to the fine art of safely ne gotiating their way through a com Held, including a pointed warning about how cigarettes can start flies in a dry field, several thousand people did just that last fall at the McPher son family's Maple Lawn Farms. New Park. The south ern York County com maze was one of several such con sumer-entertainment out reaches that have been culti vated around the region in the f last few years. Com rustled as a brisk, fall tIM John a Non form north of Now Holland. »»M^ S ,nf °bmation feature interviews STATE & NATIONAL associates NEWS PRESIDENT’S NEWSLETTER ORN TALK PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC., INC. Corn Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 24, 1998 breeze stirred through the dry ing stand of upside-down ears and drooping, brown stalks. A cricket dashed across a packed path, seeking a haven from a pounding by passing sneakers. And a gleeful cluster of chat tering church-group members gathered to add yet another section to their map of the intri cate com maze. If they could complete the map, it would show them the way out Maize Quest was truly a family endeavor of the Paul and Gail McPherson clan, longtime advocates of educat ing the consuming public about where food originates. From their U-pick orchard to period ic newsletters sent to a wide mailing list of customers, the McPherson’s Maple Lawn fruit and grain operation has always been on the leading edge of ORN Com Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 11,1997 agriculture-education activism. Sharing in the major plan ning and implementation of Maize Quest, with its heavy emphasis on information along with entertainment were sib lings Hugh and Gretchen Mc- Pherson. Hugh, a recent Perm State graduate with an ag busi ness degree, combined his interest in undertaking a new farm venture with the ait de gree of his sister, Gretchen, who bves in California Their brainstorming birthed the Maize Quest idea months before the first com seed went into the soil. Hugh had beard about other mazes in the area and taw it as an extension and alternative use of the farm’s normal planting of a large acre age of grain com. They envi sioned a com maze that would not only entertain visitors, but (Turn la fans g New PMCGA President Wants Vote " ,Dv r > '?L* ssssssa; nSaScrAaSuwS.) cJciwd«poimorwi«Md based on a similar program in K “ nmel ,s s ‘ e * u * st Maryland, would mean a lot to about his P'*“; of the commercial growers who ■The new pres want to see better promotion of Pennsylvania Muter Com Droduct m addition to S'£S satrsis srawars a-aJS gI TiIf« referendum will erament money those dol- That referenoum wiii , 0 come from somewhere) "‘I 1 ,"" 1 hlve This is the fust umeKimmel ch “, °“' f . vhMmk knows has served as president of 5S early this year, com growers lew yf 41 * , hl . • "'.k heavily m 001,1 On Corn Checkoff
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