Family Living Focus by Multi-County Extension Agent Winifred McGee Doing Business from your Home If your household is like mine, you can always use a little extra money. It seems that coats are forever wearing out and shoes are being outgrown. While the easiest solution might be to get a job (or a second job), leav ing the home and working according to someone else's schedule isn't an idea that appeals to everyone. For many people, starting their own busi ness - a home-based business - is a very attractive option. Home-based businesses ap peal to people for a variety of reasons. Many types of products and services can be provided from the home setting. Much of the equipment that was once found only in a large business setting (like the FAX and com puter) is becoming part of the home scene. Today's baby boomers find themselves sand wiched between two genera tions, both needing attention and time, making it necessary to balance income/work and family time. Probably first on many r UnCLdimED FREIGHT CQ ’ IUQUIMTIOn SdLESINC, - " ' ■ ' ' 1,1 " L*r*2T SOFA LOVESEAT CLOSEOUT We ve Extended This Closeout Special'M Reg Retail $2,499 95 Loveseat will not lastl SPECIAL CLOSEOUT *649.95 SOFA K LOVESEAT CLOSEOUT Fairvlew Arbor Green Reg Ret CASH PRICE $2lOO $74995 4 DRAWER CHEST Pine Finish and Brass Hardware Reg Ret. $149 95 i OUR i CASH PRICE WITH COUPON : $6995 $ 39.04 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ that setting up a home venture means fewer overhead dollars than rental/purchase of a store front or industrial property. If you think a home business might be for you, how should you get’ started? First, come up with an idea that might be a good business idea. The product or service should be something about which you know (or are willing to learn) something. Your business may be related to a hobby that you have, or, for farm families, it may involve a value-added product created from raw products already grown/produced on the farm. It may involve some new skill that you have always wanted to build, that you will learn before going into business. Once you have come with an idea, look hard at that idea. This hard look is often called a feasibility study. You need to see if the idea is "do-able," mar ketable, and profitable. A "do-able" idea is a legal one. Check with your local township, borough, or city gov- CEDAR CHEST * Available In Cherry or Oak Finish Cushioned Lid Reg. Retail $589.95 Cash Price AJIO.W VALENTINE'S . . __ „„ SPECIAL ’ I 79.88 CLOSEOUT PRICE *595.95 TWIN/DOUBLE ' FUTON BUNK BED! Trailer Load • Dealer Refusal with i S' Futon Mattress White i Red ■ Black Reg Ret $899 95 Reg Low Price , •*“ *279.95; ernment to find out whether zoning allows you to conduct your business in your home. Each municipality is different; and some existing businesses may have been "grandfathered in," which means that they existed before zoning was put in place, and are allowed to oper ate, contrary to an ordinance. Do not assume that land zoned for agriculture can be used for all businesses. Check it out! Find out about any special licenses or registrations needed to operate - and who issues them. For example, food prod uct businesses must be inspect ed and registered by the PA Department of Agriculture. When looking at marketabili ty, try to find out who would be most likely to buy your product or service. The group of people who would be your best cus tomers is called your target mar ket. Find out how many people who will see your product or use your service fall into this group. As you learn about your target market, try to find out how many competitors you have. In his book, "Sell What You Sow," Eric Gibson says that it is just as important that a newly-devel oped product be different from other products already on the market, as it is that the entre preneur choose something they enjoy producing. At this stage, you need to decide if the market can bear another maker of stuffed bunnies Finally, make sure that you will be able to make a profit with this idea. By definition, busi- ROLL-TOP COMPUTER DESK - CLOSEOUT i" Cherry Finish ■ Brass Fixtures L_ , . i, Reg. Retail $1649.95 Our Hog. Price $709.95 li CLOSEOUT PRICE *649.95 iA I a MATTRESS BLOWOUT hECMjrel 3 Pc. Mattress Set King Only |J ti\ M i | Mada for Urge Hotel Chain Rag. Retail SI,OOO 1 our Price *249.95 King Mattress Only Manufacturer Cloud Local Factory Rag. Ratail $599 95 Our Price $ 129.95 UNBELIEVABLE PRICES! Sold As Is BEDROOM CLOSEOUT T \ U(a 'j'WO ** Etched Mirrors J v fk-rC. v Brass Fixtures *-' < jswaSile. Beautiful Bedroom Suite I T: ~o Reg Retail $2109 95 v3SSfAT*\ OurPnce $789 95 I Cash Price $739 95 *<3f .f 5 Qweoiit Price ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ _★ RECLINEK |J Presidential Sales * ★ BIG SELECTION OP WOOD ft METAL BUNK BEDS 3019 Hempland Road. Lancaster 397-8241 S' We are a five ilort chain not affiliated with any other store* Store* In LANCASTER • YORK • CARLISLE. PA LANCASTER STORE HOURS Men -Frl S-9 • Sat 9-B • Sun Noon-6 • No Refund* No Exchange* For purcha*** with a check bring FINANCING _ rM _ ■ No Exchange* driver* lleeneo and phone number* AVAILABLE . * • Caeh A Carry . Reg. Ret. a $329.95 l|F OUR CASH PRICE . A $129.95 Ta WITH COUPON *89.88 £ nesses are money-making ven tures. Some businesses require that you purchase equipment and materials to get things going, so that it is impossible to make a profit in the first six months, year, or two years. However, you must be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, a time when you will make money, after all the expenses are paid, for an idea to be a good business idea. If you find you have a good business idea, remember that being a home-based business person doesn’t mean that you have to go it alone. There are many sources of help. Cooperative Extension, local col lege business departments, and the Small Business Administra Town Without Milk SYRACUSE, N. Y. - Black coffee, dry cereal, a sad cop hold ing a box of doughnuts, and unhappy children sitting around a birthday cake-what do all these images have in common? No Milk. This is the fate of the residents of Drysville, the town without milk and the mythical home to the new series of "got milk?" commercials making their debut this month. Cleverly produced, these commercials have to be seen sev eral times before the viewer will pick up on all the milk depriva tion innuendoes. For instance, in one spot titled "Drysville Cafe," a radio playing in the background announces that the local donut company has filed Chapter 11. In another spot titled "Ballad," a school boy slips money to another boy who opens his locker to reveal a centerfold picture of a gallon of milk. Although the current "got Milk?" campaign has a national awareness rating of 80%, the creators of the campaign felt it was time for a change. According • y CLOSED SUNDAYS, NEW YEAR, EASTER MONDAY, ASCENSION DAY, WHIT MONDAY, OCT. 11, THANKSGIVING, f«aiMf««t CHRISTMAS & DECEMBER 26TH FISHER’S FURNITURE, INC. NEW AND USED FURNITURE USED COAL & WOOD HEATERS COUNTRY FURNITURE & ANTIQUES BUS. HRS. BOX 57 MON.-THURS. 8-5 1129 GEORGETOWN RD. FRI, 8-8, SAT. 8-12 BART, PA 17503 Feel Great! Lose Weight! HI lost 52 lbs on NEW IMAGE PRODUCTS Everyone I knew wanted to try the HHB products so I became a distributor I am a single Mom and really needed an extra income My first check from the company was 07 and last months check was Lf * over $5,000 The products have helped my diabetis, depression, arthritis, migraine ySjj/*- headaches, vancose veins, high blood pressure, cholesterol, fibromyalgia, high """ 71 before triglycerides, also my twin boys with bronchitis, asthma and AD D Nil does not after make any health claims this is strictly personal testimonies of product users Joy Morris aii Herbs Dj e f. No Exercise No Skipping Meals Big Energy Plus One . Mineral! Response Lose Pounds & Inches _ The ingredients are all safe adg and natural Gum Karaya, / \ K - e f \ American Desert Herb, I IABLtID 1 ,iUfc.Gv I HK 7, I Guarana, Korean Ginseng, I AT I I F.NERCi I Bee Pollen, White Yellow Bark VSOIRCt^/ (Wiedewmds), Bladder-wrack S ™ (Fungus Vesticulosis) Gotu Koia, Licence Root, Relshi NCW Image - FIIIS Mushroom, Astragalus Ginger . Root.Rehmanma Root, and $29.95 OtlC Month S Supply chromium Piconate (300 yy or^s g real on vvei gi l t loss, cholesterol high & low blood pressure Micrograms per 3 tablets p ain Sl m ar problems, vamose veins and many, many more 1 taken once a day) No drugs, chemicals or preservatives' I I Your Independent Distributor Is: p Gerald & Margie Jones Goodyear Rd. ElSjf Toll Free SC To Order Call or Write I DISTRIBUTORS WANTED! tion's Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) all provide free information. Throughout the year, Cooperative Extension will be offering Food for Profit classes for people who want to set up food businesses. In March, the Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce will have their first annual Home-Based Business Conference for current and future home-based entre preneurs. Taking time to gather infor mation, will be the first big step so that you can, on your own time, in your own home, take a good business idea and make it into a source of extra income and personal satisfaction. It all starts with a question; "Is a home-based business for you?" to Michele Martins, advertising director for the American Dairy Association to Michele Martens, advertising director for the American Dairy Association and Dairy Council, Inc., "Consumers are so familiar with the cam paign, they can usually guess the ending. The point of adver tising is to keep the message fresh; the new ads do that, but with a twist." Created by San Francisco based Goodby Silverstein & Partners, the new ads were shot in black and white and evoke the kitschy feel of the 19505. The milk deprivation theme contin ues—only this time an entire town is without milk. In "Patrol Car," a group of teen-age boys get caught joy-riding across the county line to get milk. "All right boys, drop your straws," the sheriff blares over a megaphone The sheriff explains to viewers how he and his men found sev eral empties on the floor along with some chocolate syrup, "I guess they got tired of drinking it straight."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers