Morrison Cove Produce Hay Auction KOAKING SPRING, PA f*. 5, vm Report Supplied bp Auction MIXED ALFALFA HAY 150.00-175.00. TIMOTHY: 95.00-150.00. 65.00-85.00 ROUND BALES TON. STRAW: 75.00-85.00 FIREWOOD: 30.00-35.00 PICK-UP LOAD. SALE EVERY TOURS. AT 1 P.M. Oklahoma City Feeder Cattle Oklahoma City, OK Wed Feb 4, 1998 USDA-OK Dept Ag Market News Oklahoma National Stockyards - Week ly Cattle Summary Compered to last week: Feeder steers and heifers 2.00-4.00 lower. Demand mod erate for feeders. Stocker steers and steer calves steady. Stocker heifers and heifer calves steady to 2.00 lower. Quality of supply average to attractive, end plain and much improved from last week. Wdgh ups still gaunt to average but an increased number in average fill. Feeder cattle in medium to moderate flesh; calves medium to thin. Feeder market hit a snag as move ment from feedlots has been sluggish. CME cattle futures down hard Monday. Only bright spot was for cow-calf producer as cattle inventory indicated the continued decline in overall numbers and replace ment heifer numbers down again. Slaugh ter cows 2.00 lower. Slaughter bulls 1.00 lower. Packer demand moderate. Demand good for thin cows, as well as bred cows and pairs. Bulk of supply returning to the X Dairyman’s Edge' ProNutrieni for Dairy Animals comity. Total of 425 cows and bulls sold with 30 percent going to packers. Receipts this week 9,075; last week 14,171; last year 12,904. Supply consisted of 64 percent yearlings over 600 lbs; 31 percent calves; 5 percent cows and bulls with bulk of these returned to country. Prices follow with weighted average weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1 300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 105.50-113.50 (111.72); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 95.50- Fancy 102.00-111.00 (99.44); 500-550 lbs (527 lbs) 88.00-95.00 (93.25); 550-600 lbs (576 lbs) 8550- 90.75, Fancy 91.25-93.25 (89.93); 600-650 lbs (622 lbs) 79.00-86.50, Fancy 87.00- (84.69); 650-700 lbs (674 lbs) 76.50- (78.23); 700-750 lbs (726 lbs) 73.00- (76.44); 750-800 lbs (773 lbs) 72.25- 76.75 (7454); 800-850 lbs (821 lbs) 69.00- (73.09); 850-900 lbs (875 lbs) 68.00- (69.25); 900-950 lbs (921 lbs) 67.50- (69.00); 950-1000 lbs (982 lbs) 64.25-67.85 (66.27). Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 300400 lbs (350 lbs) 82.0093.00 (91.17); 400-500 lbs (450 lbs) 7850-84.00, Fancy 81.25- (84.21); 500-550 lbs (523 lbs) 75.50- (79.66); 550-600 lbs (577 lbs) 71.00- 78.00 (74.99); 600-700 lbs (650 lbs) 68.00- (72.71); 700-800 lbs (750 lbs) 68.00- (69.60); 800-850 lbs (821 lbs) 64.00- (67.17); 850-900 lbs (862 lbs) 62.75-6550 (64.58). Slaughter Cows: Average dressing: Cut ters 34.00-3650, Utilities 36.00-39.25; high dressing: Cutters 37.50-40.00, Utili ties 38.0041.00; low dressing: Cutters 3250-3350, few Utilities 35.00-36.00. Canners scarce. Estimated dressed cost at Oklahoma National Stockyards; Cutters 76.10; Bon ers 74.65; Breakers 71.40; Canners scarce. Bulls 85.35. Slaughter Bulls: Yield Grade 1 KSS^HiS Increase Increase Better Digestion kssMus PURINA CHDWS 6 S. Vintage Rd., Paradise, PA 17562 (717) 442-4183 800-635-3592 1300-2350 lbs average dressing 47.0049.50; Ugh dressing 52.50-53.00; low dressing 41.00-45.00. Replacement Cows: Pretested for Bangs, pregnancy and age Medium and Large 1 Heifers 875-1000 lbs 7-8 months bred Ugh quality 700.00-745.00; 4-6 yrs old 9501200 lbs 6-8 months bred high quality 640.00-675.00; 7-8 yrs old 10001275 lbs 6-7 months bred Ugh qual ity 495.00550.00; Heifers 8001150 lbs 7-8 months bred avg quality 600.00-625.00, 700850 lbs “ * " * 500.00525.00; 2-4 yrs old 800900 lbs 24 months bred avg quality 460.00470.00; 5- yrs old 8501250 lbs 6-7 months bred avg quality 525.00585.00, 8001050 lbs 3-4 months bred avg quality 425.00495.00; 8-10 yrs old 9001200 lbs 6- months bred avg quality 395.00450.00. Pairs; Medium and Large 1 High quality 4-7 yrs old 10001300 lb cows 200300 lb calves 680.00735.00. SLAUGHTER CATTLE: STEERS, NO HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME OFFERED; CHOICE 63.25-65.75; SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 58.0063.00; HOLS THINS SELECT 53.0055.00; HEIFERS SELECT AND LOW CHOICE 55.0063.00; HOLS TEINS 47.0055.00; COWS ACTIVE I CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 35.0041.50, CANNBR AND LOW CUT TER 31.75-34.75, BIG MIDDLE Appetite Milk Carlisle Livestock CarlMe, Pa. February 3, 1998 K 34.50 38.75, SHELLY 29.00 AND DOWN; BULLS 1240-1940 LBS. 38.5044.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STRONG DEMAND! STEERS MED. AND LARGE *1350900L85. 63.0079.50, MED. AND LARGE #2 350900 LBS. 54.0061.00. HEIFERS; MED. AND LARGE *1 350850 LBS. 600068J0, HOLS THINS/ DAIRY TYFES/HEREFQRDS 400800 LBS. 49.5067.50 BULLS: MED. AND LARGE «1 400850 LBS. 50.0073.50, HOLS THINS/ DAIRY TYPES/HEREFORDS 51.0055.00. CALVES: RETURNING TO FARM ACITVEIHOLSTEINS BULLS#! 95-130 LBS. 97.50110.00, #2 95-130 LBS. 82.5095.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 80110 LBS. 75.00102.50, BEEP X BULLS TO 80.00. SWINE: HOGS US«I-3 220290 LBS. 35.5041.50, US#2-3 220280 LBS. 32.0035.00; BOARS OVER 350 LBS. 15.0016.25; SOWS US«I-3 STRONG DEMAND! 300600 LBS. 38.5048.00, 1 AT 61.00; FEEDER PIGS BY THE HEAD, 17-25 LBS. 25.0027.00, 3050 LBS. 21.0040.00. GOATS BY THE HEAD, MED. TO LARGE NANNIES AND BILLIES 60.0099.00, FANCY KIDS 56.0083.00, FLESHY KIDS 38.0055.00, SMALL/ THIN KIDS 18.0032.00. SHEEP: ALL WEIGHTS 38.0065.00. SALE EVERY TUBS. 5 P.M. FOR RABBITS, POULTRY AND EGGS. 6:30 P.M. FOR LIVESTOCK, STARTING Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association, Inc. FORWARD INGREDIENTS Corn IjJ Soybean Meal Soybeans Distillers Grains Wheat , /fy ■] Hominy Soybean Meal 1/ ' j/ Cottonseed Cottonseed f r .. -■ '<i H °gs '.'>‘,s/ Cattle / : y J ■ RISK MANAGEMENT CASH GRAIN MAR££r/ ; . i Hedging Services Feed Grains 1 Market Consultation Wheat * Mm./Max. Contracts Oilseeds ’ \ Specialized Contracts I V privately held full service commodity merchandising firm. Call today to see how FACPtA can broaden your marketing efforts whether you’re BUYING or SELLING Agricultural Commodities Rail Facilities are available at Green Castle fir Palmyra, PA 475 East High Street. Palmyra, PA 17078 800-PACMA Inc. • 717-838-7050 1-800-722-6246 Started by Producers for producers w&mvkt'tkvntt, UncMtef Firming, Sttmtey, FMniaiy 7, 1998-A7 WITH CALVES. SPECIAL FED CATTLE SALE TUBS., FEB. 17. SPECIAL FEEDER CATTLE SALE TUBS.. MARCH 3. STATE GRADED FEEDER PIG SALES FRIDAY, FEB. 13. PEN LOTS OF CATTLE SOLD IN ORDER RECEIVED; EARLYBIRD PENS CLOSE TUBS. 2 P.M. HATFIELD’S TOP PRICE FOR CASH HOGS ON WED., FEB. 4 WAS 35.75. New Holland Horses New Holland Sale* Stable* New Holland, PA Monday, February 2,19 M Report Supplied By Auction 178 HEAD. MARKET STRONGER. DRIVING 460.00-1500.00. RIDING 410.00-925.00. BETTER RIDING HORSES 1060.00- REGISTERED RIDING 775.00- 2 AT 2100.00 AND 2700.00. KILLERS. HEAVYWEIGHTS 620.00- LIGHTWEIGHTS 350.00- PONIES 135.00-385.00. LARGE PONIES 450.00-510.00, 1 AT 775.00. COLTS 185.00-405.00.
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