AB-Uncaatar Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 % Ki fHiSVVEEirWIT- How to Tell a Good Goose Most of us associate Valentine’s Day (February 14) with hearts and romance, but some old-timers used it as a gauge of their goose’s productivity "On Valentine’s Day, will a good goose lay; if she be a good goose, her dame well to pay, she will lay two eggs before Valentine’s Day ” It was also a trigger for bean planting in some English Tf villages “On St Valentine’s Day, cast jf beans in clay, but on St Chad (March 2), sow good or bad ” Another old belief was that “On Valentine’s Day, all the birds of the air in couples do join ” So 1 guess there was little romance in with the husbandry. Love is a smoke raiseJ with the fume of sighs ns- Check your chimney (or creosote build-up by looking in a mirror held just inside the opening when the fire is out. Peppermint Chocolate Sauce 6 ounces semisweet chocolate 1/2 cup sugar 2 teaspoons peppermint extract 1 cup water Cut the chocolate into chunks, combine with other ingredients in a heavy pot, and heat over very low heat Do not allow to boil, or the chocolate will separate. Stir well and simmer gen- United Feature Syndicate 200 Madison Ave (Printed in the U S A ) V , NY 10016 (212-293-8500) Full Snow Moon, Feb. 11 - William Shakespeare tly about 10 minutes, until the sauce thickens Serve over ice cream, fruits (pears or berries are good), cake, or brownies Keeps well in the refriger ator or freezer Makes 10 servings. CATTLE 501...PDA...COMPARED TO LAST WEEK'S SALB..SL. STEERS 1.00-100 LOWER, SL. COWS STEADY TO STRONG WITH SPOTS 2.00 HIGH ER, SL. BULLS 3.00-S.OO LOW ER-SUPPLY INCLUDED 116 SL. STEERS AND HEIFERS, 282 SL. COWS, 21 BULLS AND 82 FEEDER CATTLE SLAUGHTER STEERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1200-1400 LBS. 64.0fr65.75, CHOICE 121S-146S LBS. 58.0065.50, COUPLE 1540 AND 16SS LBS. 60.00 AND 60.25, SELECT 55.0062.75, STANDARD 49.00-57.00 & OLD FARMER’S WEATHER PROVERBS HOLSTEINS: PEW CHOICE 1320-1455 LBS. 55.00-56.75, FEW SELECT 49.75-54.25, STANDARD 43.5048.75. After a rainy winter, a plentiful HEIFERS: FEW HIGH CHOICE AND PRIME 1145-1330 LBS. 63.756550, CHOICE 1145-1350 LBS. 58.0064.25, SELECT 55.25-61.00, STANDARD 42.0054.25. summer. COWS: BREAKING UTILITY AND COMMERCIAL 37.75-42.25, ONE AT 44.00, CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 33.25-4075, CANNBR AND LOW CUT TER 26.0037.00 SHELLS DOWN TO 20.00. Winter thunder hodes summer hunger. BULLS: YG#l 1470-2130 LBS. 44.25-5150, ONE AT 54.00, PEW «2 1075-1625 LBS. 40.50-42.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS FEW MED. AND LARGE FRAME *1 305-515 LBS. 78.00-94.00, 690-915 LBS. 56.00- MED. AND LARGE FRAME #2 500-990 LBS. 51.00-58.00; HEIFERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME #1 300-510 LBS. 62.00-73.00, ONE LOT AT 78.00, 645-915 LBS. 56.00-65.00, FEW MED. FRAME #2 300-340 LBS. 44.0069.50, LARGE FRAME «2 495-925 LB. HOLSTEINS 42.00-55.00, ONE LOT AT 64.00; BULLS FEW MED. AND LARGE FRAME «1 420-865 LBS. 53.0073.00, FEW LARGE FRAME «2 255-465 LBS. 510067.00. CALVES: 377...VBALERS STAN DARD AND GOOD 75-125 LBS. 34.00- UTILITY 60-85 LBS. 15.00- On Valentine’s Day, set thy hopper (seed basket) hy mine. Red clouds in the east, rain the next day. Got a Question? Every day, the editors of The Old Farmer's Almanac answer a question on the Internet All questions are archived there as well Goto www.almanac.com. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS Greencastle Livestock GnmcmOc, Pa. Fab. 2, 199* Leesport Farmer’s Market, Inc. Leesport, Berks Co., Pa. (610)926-1307 FonwyLongenecker Vice President/Financial Consultant SPFriAT ~~ Commodities Only FEEDER CATTLE SALE Sm™ Barney n!x^u * Consignments Welcome Refreshments Available 4 Member ° f 29 East King Street WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18, 1998 f u,e2 °° „ Lancaster, PA 17602-2852 2:00 p.m. BillWeist Regular livestock sale starts at 1:00 p.m. Machinery Sales H FedEx MPT^DE^HQURg 30 |ff p nflflg TMT 7 Monday-Friday 7AMto 5 PM QBsri IaHHBi 9b A Inii# ■ Saturday 7AM to Noon 'WP lasi 133 Rothsville Station Rd. • Lititz, Pa 17543 After Hours Emergencies 717-626-4705 WE SHIP PARTS DAILY sun. Closed- Lord’s Day ■AIR FREIGHT * B&H DELIVERY SERVICE CASE ill f^sri^semt. CASE ### David Brown (MONOSENI) SSa^Ua. HKpSnRRR KOBE CORN PLANTERS * GRAIN CARTS This Is Our Fax No. 717-626-0996 If You Have A Fax No., Let Us Know, We Can Communicate With You B Binkley & Hurst Bros. Announces Spring Discount Customer Appreciation Days! Check Your Parte Needs And Get Your Order Rj»ady To Save $ at Binktey A Hurst Comini 10.0012.00 HIGHER...*! HOLSTEIN BULLS 90125 LBS. 800012000 BULK OF SALES 95.00115.50, #210130 LBS. 33.008550, 7080 LBS. 25.0035.00; FEW #1 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90105 LBS. 625012750, #2 85-95 LBS. 37.5050.00; FEW BEEF CROSS BULLS AND HEIFERS 80100 LBS. 375082.50. HOGS; 28...50WS 1.003.00 HIGHER. SOWS US#l-3 355-435 LBS. 34.0039.50, 500640 LBS. 31.0035.50. BOARS: FEW 500-670 LBS. 16.001650. FEEDER PIGS: 68... SLAUGHTER, UTILITY 4075 LBS. 100022.00 PER HEAD. SHEEP; 11.. SLAUGHTER LAMBS FEW CHOICE 65-90 LBS. 94.0010000, COUPLE 115 AND 120 LBS. AT 75.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: ONE AT 46.00. GOATS: 37...8Y THE HEAD, FEW LARGE BILLIES 70.0077.50, ONE LARGE NANNY AT 66.00, ONE MED. AT 57.50, LARGE KIDS 24.0057.00, COUPLE SMALL AT 15.00 HEAD. Westminster Livestock Auction Hafentowa, Md. February 3, 1998 Report wpplled by audio* SLAUGHTER COWS: 104 HEAD, 1.00-2.00 LOWER. UTILITY 35.50-40.00; HIGH DRESSING T 041.75; CANNERS 30.00-35.00; SHELLY 30.00 DOWN. BULLS; 5 HEAD. YG#l 1200-1950 LBS. 43.00-52.00. FED STEERS; HIGH CHOICE TO PRIME 1200-1475 LBS. 65.0066.25; CHOICE #2-3 1100-1450 LBS. 62.0064.00; LOW CHOICE 57.0061.50; SELECT 52.0057.00. FED HEIFERS: CHOICE 10501200 LBS. 60.0062.25; LOW CHOICE HOLS TEINS 1200 LBS. 46.75. VEAL CALVES: 152 HEAD. 1 PRIME 256 LBS. AT 94.00; 1 CHOICE AT 56.00. CULLS 3.005.00 HIGHER. 85-110 LBS. 27.0035.00; 6085 LBS. 20.0029.00. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS 5.0015.00 HIGHER. #1 95-120 LBS. 95.00115.00, SOME 120.00125.00; 85-95 LBS. 60.0099.00; *2 35.0060.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS #1 95-120 LBS. 10000135.00; 8090 LBS. 60.0090.00 BEEP X BULLS AND HEIFERS 50.008100. * UPS * FedEx > TRUCK FREIG Wmnftmp TRAILERS GEHL _ bvAihene JuyfMMMl Disk Harrows Howcmium plows KELDERMAN AIR RIDE >n. Feb. 18th throuj BUTCHER HOGS; NO TOP WEIGHT OFFERED. 1 LOT 272 LBS. T 35.25; 290-325 LBS. 30.00-32.00. SOWS: FEW 500 LBS. AT 25.25. BOARS: 350-550 LBS. 15.00-17.50. STOCK CATOE: 102 HEAD. GOOD DEMAND. STEERS MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. FEW TO *7.00; 400-600 LBS. 75.00-85.00; 600-700 LBS. 67.00-73.00; 700-900 LBS. FEW TO 65.00. HEIFERS: MED. AND LARGE FRAME 300-500 LBS. 63.00-78.00; 500-700 LBS. 56.00-71.00. BULLS; MED. AND LARGE FRAME 200-400 LBS. 74.00-84.00; 400-650 LBS. 64.00-80.00. LAMBS: 24 HEAD CHOICE 100-120 LBS. 82.00-92.00, 60-80 LBS. 97.00-120.0 a SHEEP: 18 HEAD. LIGHTWEIGHTS 44.00- HEAVY 26.0040.00. GOATS: 20 HEAD. LARGE 69.00- 1 AT 137.00; MED. 40.00- SMALL 20.004000. PIGS AND SHOATS: 164 HEAD. BULK SOLD BY LB. IN GRADED SALES. BY THE HEAD, PEW LOTS 4060 LBS. 21.00-30.00, BY THE LB. #l-2 76 HEAD 45-60 LBS. 55.0060.00, FEW TO 70.00; 56 HEAD 60-75 LBS. 50.00- FEW 170-200 LBS. 3aoo-35.00. Dewart Hay & Livestock Demit, Pa. Moaday, February 2, 1998 Report Supplied by AucUm STEERS: TOO FEW TO QUOTH. HEIFERS: TOO PEW TO QUOTE. GOOD COWS: 32.00-43.00. CANNBRS AND CUTTERS 22.00-32.00. BULLS: 24.00-37.00. VEAL 130-190 LBS. 80.00-130.00, 90-130 LBS. 25.00-SO.OO. HOGS: 35.0 a SOWS; 26.00-28.00. FEEDER PIGS; 15.00-30.00 HEAD. HAY: 60100-185.00. STRAW; 74.00-89.0 a WOOD: 35.00-47.50 LOAD. CORN: 65.00-102.0 a OATS: 1.65-2.40 BU. No Matter Where You Are - #**ll You’re Never Iw Too Far! eYour Parts Are Just A Phone Call Away! Sat. F«b. 21,1098 T r Busy \ y~ As A w Bee? Fax.
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