Carrie Carries On Pioneer Spirit With Uneback Cattle LINDA WILLIAMS Bedford Co. Correspondent BEDFORD (Bedford Co.) - Still living in the rambling farm house with the gingerbread trim where she grew up, Carrie (Harman) Beckley, 66, farms because she loves it. Located on the picturesque Glade Pike overlooking the lush farmland of Bedford County, Carrie is the epitome of the pio neer spirit she inherited. "This farm has been in my family for so many generations I really don't know how far back it goes," she says. It was original ly a tavern stop on the old road to Somerset from Bedford County. The original 400 acres had dwindled to 178 by the time Carrie was a little girl. When her father died, her mother took over the farming, and when Came married they continued to live on the farm. Came always helped heavily with the farm work as well as maintaining a lawn so glorious Willie the llama is a favorite on the Beckley farm Let TKrshcv EQUIPMENT CO., INC. do the work! New expanded services from Hershey Equipment include feed mill construction and expansion. Let us do the work and design your storage and handling systems. We have our own experienced crews for service and installation H€RSH€V mtm equipment co., inc. SYCAMORE IND. PARK 255 PLANE TREE DRIVE LANCASTER, PA 17603 with flowers passersby are in awe at the array of colors. When Carrie's husband died four years ago, it was her deci sion to remain on the farm and maintain her herd of 30 to 50 Lineback cattle. This breed was first introduced to the farm by her grandparents. Carrie was delighted to read a recent article in Lancaster Farming about another farm with this ancient breed. Her own come from the Holstein nd American Dairy lines. Some look like Holsteins and others have the familiar splattered paintbrush lines. After much research, she has been able to find a source for semen which allow her to breed a stronger herd. "My cattle live up to the Lineback tradition of being excellent milkers," says this spunky lady. Arising each day at 5 a.m., milk is ready for the milk truck, which carries it to Maryland and Virginia. Known for her soft heart, (717)393-5807 Carrie feeds and cares for 14 poodles to a lumbering Great to be tied as Carrie has trained dogs, all strays. She begs people Pyrenees, the dogs welcome vis- them to stay on the property, to please not drop off anymore. itors politely keeping all paws The dogs also visit the cows Ranging in size from petite on the ground. They don't have um ui3) paintbrush Lineback calf is one of Carrie Beckley's favori If It's Worth Your Investment Trust It To Hershey The froi room is •me.
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