Page 10—Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 1998 CAROLYN N. MOYER Bradford Co. Correspondent TUNKHANNOCK (Wyoming Co.) “If you’re green, you’re growing and if you’re ripe, you’re rot ting,” said Pennsylvania dairyman John Rodgers as he participated in a panel discussion about the fine points of managing forage. The dialog took place at the 1997 Northeast Quality Forages Conference whiqh was held in November at the Shadowbrook Convention Center. Other panel participators fielded questions ranging from protecting forages from drought to getting the most out of the forages that are fed to the. animals. Rodgers, who is a past president of the American Forage and Grassland Council, also delivered the keyn ote address at the conference, entitled “Forages Now and Their Importance To the Future.” During the ensuing breakout sessions, Dr. Harold Harpster of Penn State University led the group in a study of the impact of forage particle length on intake. “There’s a lot more emphasis on particle size of for age to maintain milk production and health,” Harpster told the crowd. In his presentation he gave advice on bow to fine tune particle size on a day-to-day basis. He also took an Executive Director’s Report HERS HEY (Dauphin Co.) The Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council was supported by its 242 members and supporting organizations as well as the Pennsylvania State University personnel during 1997. Some of the major activities and programs involving the council in 1997 were: • The Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council co-sponsored the 1996 Quality Forage Conference held Nov. 20. 1996 in Tunkhannock. • Co-sponsored the Hay Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show held Jan. 11-15, 1997. • The Council co-sponsored the 1997 Pennsylvanai Grazing Conference held March 4-5,1997 at the Em bers in Carlisle. • The Council held a strategic planning meeting at the Plum Bottom Farm in Belleville cm July 25,1997. The Council adopted a mission statement, ‘To enhance the profitable and sustainable use of forage based agri culture for all Pennsylvanians.” • The Council established the position of executive director this year. Dick Harm was appointed as the first executive director for a minimum of three years. • The executive director attended an AFGC training Bales Can Be Ensiled At Lower Moisture Research by the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center and Oklahoma State University indicates that high quality round bale silage can be made at lower mois ture levels than are considered acceptable for adequate fermentation. Large bales with moisture levels ranging from 25 to 65 percent were wrapped with at least six layers of stretch film. After six months in storage, dry matter losses and forage quality changes were not different between bales with different initial moisture contents. “The results of this study show that forage quality can be maintained through bale wrapping at moisture contents above that considered safe for dry hay storage (approximately 20 percent), but less than that accept able for well preserved silage (approximately 50 per cent),” noted the researchers. Grazing Sheep And Cattle Together Or Separately: Effects On Soil And Plants Differences in grazing behavior suggest opportuni- Conference Brings Together Researchers, Industry Farmers, PFGC Provides applied look at processing round bale silage. “The bottom line is we can get higher intakes in our cows with processed bales,” said Haipster. “It’s a phys ical thing. They can pull the forage apart more easily.” In another room. Dr. Doug Beegle of Penn State Uni versity addressed the other half of the group on main taining pasture fertility. The next sessions included talks by Richard Lutz of Pioneer Inc. and Dr. Lisa Holden of Penn State. “Silage additives ate considered a value-added pro duct,” explained Lutz. This statement, he continued, hinges on the fact that the silage must have some value to begin with. “Reputable manufacturers of silage additives will readily admit that an effective additive will make good silage better —they will not make poor silage good,” he said. Five factors that can be controlled by the producer contribute to making better silage. First the maturity and moisture at harvest; second, harvesting and ensiling methods; third, the type of storage structure; fourth, the use of silage additives; fifth, the feedout storage struc ture management; and sixth, the feedbunk management. (Turn to Pag* 18) conference in Ardmore, Okla. Aug. 7-10, 1997. • Co-sponsored the Agricultural Progress Days at Rockspring Research Center ofPenn State Aug. 12-14, 1997. • The Council conducted a Hay Show held in con junction with Ag Progress Days. • The Council held its annual summer social event at the Wayne Harpster farm cm Aug. 13 during Ag Pro gress Days. • Lancaster Fanning publication provided a special section for PFGC called “Foraging Around” three times last year. • The Pennsylvania Forage and Grassland Council Newsletter was published four times during 1997. • The Council presented Scholarships at Penn State in the amount of $750 to Mark Moscman, a senior in dairy and animal science, and to Damon Harwood, a senior in agronomy. • A $750 scholarship was provided for a student at Delaware Valley College. • Awards were presented to John Weidman for the PFGC special award, Craig Williams for the teaching, extension award, and to Jim Welch for the pasture award. ties to improve forage use when cattle and sheep graze in the same pasture, but a better understanding of their effect on soils and plants is needed. Angus cows with calves and ewes (A Dorset 'A Finn 'A Rambouillet crossbred) with lambs grazed Kentucky bluegrass-white clover pastures from spring until autumn in a study of the effects on soils and plants of grazing cattle and sheep together and separately. Grazing sheep alone increased soil bulk density and percentage bluegrass compared with grazing cattle alone. Grazing sheep and cattle together resulted in a higher B horizon soil pH than where cattle and sheep grazed alone. Percentage of bluegrass increased, white clover de creased, and there were fewer weeds in the pasture where both animal species grazed compared to pasture where cattle and sheep grazed separately. (Source: A.O. Abayc, V.G. Allen and J.P. Fontenot, IN - Agronomy Journal 89:380-386 (1997)) SEE YOUR NEAREST I\EWHOLLAI\D DEALER FOR DEPENDABLE EQUIPMENT & SERVICE PENNSYLVANIA Messick Equipment RD 1, Box 255 A 717-259-6617 Annville. Pi BHM Farm Equipment, Inc. RD 1, Rte. 934 717-867-2211 Carlisle. P, R&W Equipment Co. 35 East Willow Street 717-243-2686 Messick Farm Equipment, Inc Rt. 283 - Rheem’s Exit 717-367-1319 Halifax. PA Sweigard Bros R.D. 3, Box 13 717-896-3414 West Grove. Pi S.G.Lewis & Son, Inc. 352 N. Jennersville Rd. 610-869-2214 1-800-869-9029 MARYLAND iderick. MD Ceresville Ford New Holland, Inc Rt. 26 East 301-662-4197 Outside MD, 800-331-9122 Hagerstown. MD Antietam Ford Tractor, Inc 2027 Leitersburg Pike 800-553-6731 301-791-1200 Rising Sun. MD Ag Industrial Equipment Route 1,50 N. Greenmont Rd. 401-658-5568 NEW JERSEY Bridgeton. NJ Washington. NJ Leslie G. Fogg, Smith Tractor & Inc. Equip., Inc. Canton & Stow Creek 15 Hillcrest Ave. Landing Rd. 908-689-7900 609-451-2727 609-935-5145 ICWHOUAK) jfiS}I\EWHOLLAI\D \#Credit Company Norman D. Clark & Son, Inc. Honey Grove, PA 717-734-3682 Loysville, PA 717-789-3117 New Holland. P, A.B.C. Groff, Inc, 110 South Railroad 717-354-4191 Olev. PA C.J. Wonsidler Bros. R.D. 2 610-987-6257 Pitman. PA Schreffler Equipment Pitman, PA 717-648-1120 Tamaqua. PA Charles S. Snyder, Inc R.D. 3 717-386-5945 Woodsto' Owen Supply Co Broad Street & East Avenue 609-769-0308
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