DR. RODNEY W. HINTZ Animal Nutritionist W-L Research, Incl Mycotoxins are poisonous com pounds produced by molds that commonly grow on forages and feed crops, Although we have known of the existence of these compounds in feed grains for many years, recent evalua tions have shown that they are more widespread and may be causing far more damage in forage crops than was previously thought Mycotoxins are very diverse in their modes of action: some affect the nervous system, while others attack the liver, kidneys, or reproductive or gans. Effects of mycotoxin poisoning (mycotoxicosis) range from very sub tle changes in animal performance to very dramatic reactions, including birth defects, abortions, tumors, and even death. All mycotoxins will affect feed intake, animal performance, and long-term health if present in suffi cient quantities. The main mycotoxins associated with forages include aflatoxin, vomi toxin (also called deoxynivalenol or DON), funionism, T 2, zearalenone, and ochratoxin. Some scientists be lieve that there are a number of other very important mycotoxins that have yet to be identified and characterized. I PAUL, B. i wii ■■ •"%* • ■■ i ■ i—» Raven Tough Polyethylene Tanks 4 ALL SIZES |P* to2sooG^L> • SPRAYER TANKS • STATIONARY Foi New Oi TANKS - For Replacement Liquid Feilili/cr Storage OUD'WtT’ E]lM[ < IHCX ' \ Crop Care < FOAM V MARKER J l/ • 5 ga 1 Tank 1/ • 3 Hrs Foam Per Tank • Extra Heavy Duty Compressor • Includes All Wire & Hoses Needed For Installation Special $595.00 We Also Sprayer Nozzles And Accessories My cotoxins: What Are They, Why Should We Care? As Table 1 shows, the maximum re commended level of the major myco toxins that can be safely fed in live stock diets varies from several hundred parts per million (ppm) to only a few parts per billion (ppb). To put this in perspective, one part per billion is equivalent to one kernel of com in 11,000 bushels! Mycotoxins are potent and must be considered as a serious threat when present. Forages can become contaminated with molds and mycotoxins at any point in the process of growth, har vesting. storage, or transportation. Prolonged exposure to moisture tends to be the most common factor asso ciated witih mycotoxicosis, such as occurs when bay is baled too wet or forage sits for an extended period of time in the windrow prior to harvest Mycotoxin levels in excess of the recommended safe levels have even been detected in a standing crop of al falfa prior to harvest, indicating that the molds that produce mycotoxins can thrive on growing alfalfa. Diagnosing mycotoxin poisoning can be very difficult as the affected feedstuffs do not always appear to be moldy and moldy feeds do not always contain mycotoxins. The exact condi tions that induce toxin production are not fully understood, but include temperature, moisture, pH of the sub strate, and environmental stress during Stock A Complet Hypro Pumps And Accessories Line Of: • Sprayer Hose • Ball Valves • Nylon Fittings • Poly Tanks Foraging Around, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, February 7, 199ft—Page the plants’ growth. Diagnosis is further complicated by the wide array of symptoms that can be expressed in animals depending upon the specific mycotoxin and its concentration in the diet. Acute myco toxicosis is usually manifested as the sudden death or abortion of several animals within a short time period or a sudden decrease in the health status of a number of animals that is not cor rected through the use of antibiotics. Often the effects of mycotoxicosis are not this dramatic and are more com monly observed as decreases in ani- Table 1. Acute toxicity levels ofmycotoxins in the diets of ruminant livestock. mu oroxix ,\( i 11: Toxicm u:\ ix Aflatoxin Ochratoxin Vomitoxin (DON) T-2 Toxin Fumonisin Zearalenone SPRING SPECIALS <ybur Complete Headquarters for Sprayers & Tarts PACER PUMP Self-Priming Centrifugal Features; • Self-priming to 20 feet • Total heads to 120 feet • Capabilities to 200 U.S. GPM • Built in check valve Equipped with 1 1/2” or 2” female threaded connections, NPT Full Line Of Hose And Couplings In Stocl • 3 H.P • 5 H.P • 5 H.P. ‘S’ Series S’ Series S’ Series , „„ „ . O" With Industrial Briggs Engine IVi Or 2 Ports 2 ports 2 Ports Reg $228.00 Reg $278 00 Reg $3BO 00 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL $199.50 $243.25 $332.50 • 5'A H.P. f **.’**' • ‘S’ Series Pedestal ‘S’ Series enes Pump Only With Honda Engine. 2” Ports With Briggs Vangard Engine Regss34 °° Re^sToo SPECIAL QPFrTAi QPPriAT ort/t-mL $467.25 $423.50 $1 26.00 With Cage $521 50 Wlth Cage $477.75 - AG FOAM SPRAY TANK FOAM DYE Half Gallon Special $10.75 CLEANER For Higher Visibility Foam B*. I 2lbs CA ■| "id j 2'A Gallon Special $46.50 $7.16 SI 3.50 Hm PAUL B. ZIMMERMAN, INC. PEER • HARDWARE • FARM SUPPLIES » CUSTOM MANUFACTURING » CRANE SERVICE 50 Woodcorner Rd., Litltz, PA 17543 1 Mile West of Ephrata (717)738-7350 mal performance, conception rates, and feed intake levels and an in creased susceptibility to diseases. Laboratory analyses to identify my cotoxin contamination are available through several commercial testing la boratories but are too expensive to be used on a routine basis. If mycotoxi cosis is suspected, however, all feeds in use at the time should be analyzed. Because the presence of mold does not guarantee that mycotoxins are present, the samples should be analyzed speci fically for mycotoxins and not just the (Turn to Page 13) 20 ppb (Lactating Dairy Cows) 200 ppb (Breeding Cattle) 300 ppb (Finishing Cattle) S ppm 10 ppm 50 ppm 95 ppm 500 ppm 201 HOURS Mon I hurs In 78 10 Tues Wed 7 1 TO Sal 74 00
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