Fanning, Saturday, Fabniwy 7, 1991: Ford 1984 E-350, cube van, 14' box, dieael, 6.9 L, many new parts, 157,000 miles, very dependable, $6500 firm. Call 717-834-9668 ' v FEATHERLfTE L J o mmammii Model 5595 BX24’ Steel Flatbed w/4’ Flip-Up Beavertail 1 m ' \ Model 9418 - 2 Horse Side By Side with Walk-Thru Manger to 4’ Dressing Room Snowmobile TVailers In Stock MODEL 1645 20’& 18 -4 place enclosed with optional side door and graphics Model 1630 - 2 place all aluminum tilt ’/ ~ ' Whits lime spreader truck, hydraulic driven, $1,500. 79 Parker dump trailer, 34' frame w/3 Z box, triaxle w/ lift axle, 60" aides and tarp, 2-way gate, $12,000. (215)249-1826. i Root snow plow, oomplete, 11* quick hitch, also sander spreader. Both excellent. 610-367-6483 anytime. Single axle Mack dump truck, diesel, 5+2 trans, $lBOO. 717-292-3030 ECONOLITE STEEL FLATBED Model 3110 - All Aluminum Open Trailer, B’6” Width x 17’6” Platform Length My** ** r S Model 1665 -12' enclosed ATWSnowmobile trailer Rogers 24', 50 ton detach able gooseneck sailer w/ wettine, pony motor. Tri- Brook 24' aluminum dump Sailer. 1981 Ford F-350 utility body. 1979 tandem axle GMC general. (610)367-1630. ROCK SPRING HARDWARE in CECIL COUNTY 28 Miles South Of Lancaster 1320 Rock Springs Rd (Rt. 222) RISING SUN Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8 am-8 pm; Sun. 8-6 pm 410-658-5978 1-800-858-0288 ALUMINUM STOCK TRAILER l6' & 20' A Models V. I" Stoek^v «<,s*. x ; ;» WN*UE> "Rewin' to take care of ALL your trailer needs." HAS BUILT A REPUTATION United Expressline Bison (&BT Aluminum Bxl6 Cargo 616HPT 7x20 Gooseneck NEW & USED: STOCK - HORSE - CARGO - INDUSTRIAL - UTILITY - CAR HAULERS Trailer Enterprises is here to serve you. We are a full service facility providing YOU with the very best service available in the industry! TRAILER ENTERPRISES, INC. 13121 MAUGANSVILLE ROAD HAGERSTOWN, MD 21740 Just give us a call at (301) 791-5343. Hours: BAM-SPM Monday-Friday 9AM-12 Noon - Saturday 1996 Ford E 250 Cargo, 351 7200 GVW, AT, PS, PB, 17 K mi. PW PT -ru r-- • iAT/OD, Dual A/C& Heat, pW,PL; rf L '/rn C T UlSe ' P p r u G o a |t' Tilt,Cruise,Pri.Glass Cassette & CD, Towing Pkg., 35K Miles 1995 Ford E 350 XLT 12 Pass, 351, AT/OD, Dual Air/Heat, PL, PW, Tilt, Cruise, Pn Glass, 44 K mi. Jh 1995 Chevy Truck, 16' Box, 4 Cyl. Diesel, 5 Spd., 14,250 GVW, 56K Miles. .x* -i - POWER STROKE DIESEL 1995 Ford E 350 XLT 15 Pass 7A 1992 Nissan UD 1800, 16" Cube, Power Stroke Diesel. AT/OD, Dual 6 Cyl, Diesel, AC, 108 K Miles. Air/Heat, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise, Pri Glass, 87K mi. Four Way Auto Sales Specialising In Vans Toll Free 1-888-847-8029 or 717-354-3199 Y Interprises Mailer 1996 Ford El5O XLT 8 Pass, 351, AT/OD, A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise Pn Glass 37 K mi 1997 Ford E 350 XLT, 12 Pass, 5 4 Triton VB, AT/OD Dual A/C & Heat, Privacy Glass, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise 27 K Mi AC 18K Miles.
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