D2O-lancastBr Fanning, Saturday, February 7. 1998 SWINE ISO Sow Herd, South Mountain Genetics, 3.3 avg. parity, farrowing weekly, good health status. (717)484-2233. Approx. 40, 35-40 lb. feeder pigs, disease free. Call 609-723-0330 leave message, we'N return call A.S.AJP. BENNECOFF HOGS; Boers, Hampshire, Poland China, & Berkshire, 610-285-6582. Bred sows, RPM genetics, coming wfeecond or third litter. Vaccinated, tested, ultrasounded. Due late March, early Arpil, early May, 4 or 5/group. New Bolton Center Swine Teaching Herd, (610)444-5800. ext 2314. D uroc and Yorkshire mars. Priced to sell! James Parlett, [7127)8962-3610. Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies j Free Herds Fred Patterson 931-364-7050 * Duroc 11 Norkshue * Spotted * Chester * Landracc * Hampshire * Pieiram * Bred Gilts 3L Boars lor sale Bied gilts .ire bred for purebred & crossbred litters Also Club Pips for sale PRV & Brnc validated herds Calvin Lazarus & Sons 610-799-3375 Grant Lazarus 610-767-3595 BERKSHIRES Industry's Meat Quality Leader . r f > PRV Herd#l4Bruc Free Herd #135 Stress Free Herd 'Boars & Gilts for Sale Scan Figures Available Innerst'c Berkshire* Greg & Beth Innerst 5140 Deer Rd., Red Lion, PA 17356 717-245-17 I« Will Deliver mXiHOGEOupum Ha supplies 120 Gestation stalls, $2O/er. 250' pre-cast hog trough, $2/per foot 080. 717-532-4748 14 farrowing crates, $5OO. {717)658-6529. Gestation and farrowing crates, pre-nursery pin ning, SS fans, wet and dry feeders. (301)432-7793 (301)432-8332 Modem ag hog feeders 5 holes/side; 1,500 gallon liquid manure spreader. (717)838-0898. ICI POULTRY t SUPPLIES Increase the efficiency of your farm w/high pressure cleaning, disinfecting and paint stripping. We clean all types of buildings and equipment. Agriculture, residential and commercial. * Breeder Houses * Turkey Houses * Hog Barns * Dairy Bams * Milking Parlors * Veal Barns Call to check our prices. Your satisfaction is our goal!! Country Power Washing and Restoration A LESSON WELL LEARNED... LANCASTER FARMING’S CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! IEI POULTRY « ■B| SUPPLIES lullets, 20+ ■horn weeks old, & 3,000 brown pullets, 17 weeks April 1. Moyer's Chicks,. (215)536-3155. Baby Chicks; fast growing broiler chicks, high produc tion layer chicks, brown and white egg. Call Moyer’s Chicks, Quaker town, PA. (215)536-3155. FREE NEW 1998 CHICK & TURKEY CATALOG “WHOLESALE PRICES” Jumbo Cornish Cross, Sexhnks, Golden Reds, Leghorns, W Rocks, Plus Buff Orpingtons, Araucans, Golden Laced Wyandottes Booking Orders Now For Large Broadbreasted White and Giant Bronze Turkey Poults, Special Wholesale Prices Write or Phone For Fiee Catalog Today v£) PHONE (717) 426-3411 REICH POULTRY FARMS MARIETTA, PA 17547 C 7171 762-8406 Boer Goats, all ages, regis tered from 50% to 100%. Priced resonably upon in spection. (410)969-9324 Eastern Wild Turkeys, 9 months old. Adams Co. 717-334-1588 FOR SALE: 20 week old Sach Sal Link pullets, brown egg laying, pullets laying. 595 Martinddale RD.. Ephrata, PA 17522-8925 Lanoo CHUKAR CHICKS 72(5 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 20,000 weekly WOLFES GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa 15825 (814)849-3430 FREE catalog, Wild Turkey. Ringnecks. Bob white, Gamble, Valley, Blue Scale Quail. Chukar, Red leg, Hungarian Par tridge. Mallards. Guineas. HORAN'S TURKEY FARM, RR4, Box 417-L, Tamaqua, PA 18252 717-467-3683. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING - • Breeder Houses • Hog Finishing Bams Layer Houses • Sow Units • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spray Types Of Beetles and Insects That CauSe Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call: BEITZEL’S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED • Waxed Poultry Ice Pack Boxes • Tray Pack Boxes • Stock Boxes Many Sizes • Poly Bags and Stretch Film • Adhesives • Any Specialty Items Service to all of Pennsylvania from our Chambersburg, PA location. Phone: (410)546-1008 Fax: (410)546-5341 Large 'Enough To Serve ‘Jon, SntaCC Enough To Care Improve You Pountry Housekeeper IV Why More poultry Growers Are Choosing The poultry HOUSEKEEPER • Remove caked or wet litter while leaving dry lifter in the house • Aerate and fluff the remaining litter to reduce ammonia and improve drying time • Stock pile or spread litter after leaving the poultry house • Completely clean out your poultry house when needed • Load new litter outside the house and spreads it back in the house • 100% Hydraulic - No cumbersome PTO shafts For Lewis Bros. House Cleaners and House Keepers Call GLENN BEIDLER Freeburg, PA • 1 -800-774-0796 Golden Rad'a pullet*. RINQNECK PHEASANTS, brown egg layer*, now chicks to mature bird, must prime laying age, $3.50/ea. be ordered by 4/15 for your Elam Fisher, 2816 Cherry w , stocWn g. Breeder R on k*. hens available July, 717-687-6817 | ssteach. 610/856-7671 af- Pheasants WANTED, cash j 4pm. paid, telephone; R) id weeks (609)758-8755. old. 717/6564)102. FIRST STATE PACKAGING, INC. ‘‘Progressive Packaging For The Pennsylvania Poultry Industry” • Octagon Bulk Boxes • Poly Cups Many Sizes and Styles • Egg Cases and Filler Flats • Brooder Paper and Chick Box Pads Bio-Security POULTRY HOUSE CLEANER • Wash side walls, wire and curtains and much more in just minutes with only two passes down each side of your poultry house • Spray disinfectant-insecticide on floors with only a single pass through your poultry house. It's fast and easy to operate' • Retractable reel with 50 feet of durable, high pressure hose and adjustable nozzle gun. • A 500-gallon tank. • Sturdy trailer hitch easily attaches to light equipment for towing WANTED: Fancy, heavy roosters for January, Fe bruary. March, April, May. Highest Prices. 717-484-4549 (4) pair Blue Neck ostrich breeders, good layers, 5 yrs. old, $l,OOO/pair. Also, Pheonix 2600 incubator, 2 yrs. old, $l6OO FIRM. (610)948-6572 (9) Emu's, 4 years old, (6) female, (3) male. Incuba tor, hatcher, all for $llOO. 717-665-5563 200-250 ton haylage out of harvestore, also 200-250 ton com silage out of silo, s3sfton. (610)589-4950 250 first cut 4x4 wrapped round bales; ISO round bales dry grass hay; straw in 3x4xB square bales. Huntingdon County, (814)669-4660. 250 ton 2nd cut haylage, 80 wrapped round bales al falfa grass. Huntingdon Co. 814/669-4573. 3x3xB’ straw bales for sale. Peerless Roller mill, lOhp motor. 717-275-1738 4x4*4 round bales, good mix grass hay, $l3-$l5/ea. 423-235-6448 after 7pm 4x4 wrapped bales of hay Round bales of dry hay. 301/264-4662. 900 bale straw, no rain, qu ality bright yellow. Ml Joy, (717)653-8837. Excellent for horses, $llO. ton or $2.00 bale Ag Bag Com Silage. 300 tons, $4O/ton. Lebanon Co. 1717/865-3602. Alfalfa Dairy Hay. 3x8,4x8, and small square bales. Delivered. Leave message '316-285-3632 Alfalfa haylage in a trench silo. $5O/ton. Chester Co. (610)869-2527. .Alfalfa, oats A alfalfa, $145 & SI2S/ton. No rain, large square bales. Logansport, IN. 219/223-2280. Balage, medium quality, ioxcellent dry cow and heifer feed. Tested and pr iced right. Delivered. (610)298-2870 days, eves (610)298-2596. Bright wheat, barley straw, $llO at bam. Can deliver 3-5 ton loads. 717/367-0430 leave message. Buying damaged corn 717/426-2905. Buying high moisture com. Lancaster County. 717-426-3135. Clean dry straw, dairy qual ity alfalfa, stored inside, tested. Can deliver. Rea sonable prices. (204)355-4980. CORN SILAGE. Delivered in your SILO. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ken Garber, Willow Street, Lancaster Co. 717-464-2894 COTTON SEED. CITRUS Pulp Pellets, com silage, com gluten feed, distillers, soy hulls, soy meal, any feed commodity in 22 lon lots. Robert McSparren, Jr., 1(886)268-6733. Corn Fodder. 4x4xB, $4O/ton. 2nd cutting Or chard Grass Hay, SI3S/lon. 610-489-7831. Com (odder, nice, dry, 5x6 round bales stored inside, $3O at bam. Delivery avail able. (410)734-4131. Corn Silage for sale. Rolled, treated w/Agrl- King. Call evenings 610/868-9380. Com Silage, forage sample available, also delivery available. (717)627-8473. Com silage, one lon mini mum. Salem Co., New Jersey. 609/768-0187, 609/768-4086. RATITES FEED I SEED
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