PIERCE TRAILER SALES SCHAEFFERSTOWN, PA (717) 949-3246 MONARCH HORSE AND STOCK TRAILERS PA INTERNATIONAL UTILITY TRAILERS AND FLAT-BEDS Angora Goad bom 1/96, black doe $3OO, black ///////yy///y////wy//////////////////// bucks $250, brown does BIG DRAFT MULES X IPr 6yr. old, 16hands, t Mountain Farm fancy, broke $4,500 \ 717/243-9517. 1 Pr. 3 yr old, 16.2 hands, coal black J w/white point nose & eye, 75% broke.. $5,500 J Hrara||MHH| Mule Sale at New HollancTSales Stables *. Fn , March 6 -10.00 AM, 300+ head draft mules 5 20 mule hitch at 9'oo AM J Auctioneer Dean Beachy AU-002838-R * PAUL SMUCKER (717) 299-3721 \ WHHililww Registered Half Blood Hafflinger/ Belgian cross, 2 year old and 3 year old, full brother and sister, 14.1 H - broke, can (717) 786-4375 Click’s Horse Dentist Teeth Floating, Wormer David S. Click 262 Cut RD Gap, PA 17527 717-768-8880 jJach Rnssell j St|id Service j Exceptional Color | and Confirmation, f Outstanding f Temperment I (717)872-8602 % % —^.i Mules From Roy Eppcraon trom Virginia S4O-25X-5779 z loads of mules coining In on February znd Jonas S. King IXX Krantz Mill Road New Providence PA 17560 717*786-7990 ||l| SHEEP & COATS 200+ commercial Ewes wel bred. Huntington Co. (814)684-5624. Reg. Pygmy buck kids, 3 months old, grey agouti, Week. 610/498-5181. WANTED: Several black Welsh Mountain sheep. 301-724-4333 SWINE The Pig Of Tomorrow at Our Place Today! _ M Landrace — Yorkshires \J L/IVi, Large Whites FI Crossbreds s BUD GILT* TO FABJUIW EACH MONTH 40 Years of Tested Genetics Open Gilt* In Large Quantities • Boar* SEW - AIAO 2 Ful Wood Boor buds. $5OO, $BOO. Hit Kkto Boor Goats. 717/746-1664. Alpino doo brad, rag., ond uttrasoundod, $275. Alto proven Alpine S turn phot ic* Buck, $325. Call 610-869-2449 Superior Quality. South African Genetics. Bucks, Does & Kids 915-836-4431 MCHS HYBRID HOG SERVICE LEAN BOARS GUARANTEE •SBF or Less/6.5 or Greater LEA./159 days or Less to 230 LEAN GILTS GUARANTEE .6BF or LESS Breeding stock gilts available at 50 lb. size and price Feeder Pigs Available/Smgle Source Contracts for producing SEW pigs available Phone: 800-446-6247 800-782-0448 Neutzel Yorkshires (717) 993-6237 York Boars, Open Gilts & Bred Gilts Scan Fig. by Mike Cherchuck Boar Wt. BF LEA 1-1 250 .46 6.0 1-2 245 .46 5.80 1-3 230 .30 6.00 1- 260 .38 6.24 2- 285 .53 6.88 2- 280 .33 6.80 3- 245 .59 6.40 3-4 235 .40 5.84 Del. Available • Val. Herd Q maple m W WILLOW n Q FARM # fIV Now Available - fay jSPS Landrace x Yorkshire Open Gilts AHA True Canadian Genetics- WKr Grown In Pennsylvania L % C) JOHN SHIREY RTEI Box 379-A Springs, PA 17812 V^r 7) 658-2805 bam/fax W 658-3777 house JHa ied brucellosis and 7** idorabies free herd Commercial al Boar Semen 6000^“ s progeny records verify customer results for efficient, high lean gain on the farm and top carcass premium at the packers. Available also is genetically consistent pure and hybrid maternal lines via semen Let us d A 7 nan COMMERCIAL Production lan to optimize your profit HCR 80, Box 86 Needmore, PA 17238 Call for free catalog « *4* : • **' i •* .ancaatar Farming, Saturday, February 7,1998-Dl9 HOUX)WAyG£NEnCS durocs/bamps Up-date & Modernize Your Breeding Program • New crop o( excellent young breeding age boars & gilts • to 2301bs • Wormed, ready to • Delivery just about anywhere l • Duroc & Hampshires • Also, Angus bulls, sexed embryos Discount on purchases of boars S bulls or any multiple purchase Call Dave 717-235-6966 AINOU) HOG FARMS BOARS I Good selection Scan figures available. BRED GILTSI Mar., Apr. Bred for pure and show litters OPEN GILTSI Delivery to western New York, late February if enough interest. Taking orders for bred gilts to be delivered to Storrs, Conn March 21, 1998 Herd Health Dr. Tim Trayer 1-800-222-4084 Yorkshire - Landrace - Crossbred - Hampshire - Duroc Leon L, Arnold Lawrence Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd 38 W. Four Point Rd. Lebanon, PA 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 MEmHOG EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES | POWER SYSTEMS ELECTRIC, INC. | c c | SPECIALIZING IN GENERATOR SALES, E I SERVICE AND RENTALS | | (717) 933-5617 (800) 875-6964 | i (1) 175 KW Volvo Diesel, Used ij I (1) 100 KW AC, Diesel | I 35 KW Crysler L-P-G | I (1) 24 KW AC LPG Used I (E ' ' lu B E B | New <t Llseif Transfer Snatches Feeling Hog Tied? Check out Polygrate Flooring First. It will be the only inquiry you'll hove to moke when shopping lor the right flooring hr your hog production I High Void Space POLYGRATE n the only plastic lloonng with high void space Sanitation POLYGRATE i high void space and its unique design promotes mauoium sell cleaning C« ait ruction Fiberglass reinforced interlocking pieces hiNd with aoa corrosive fiberglass frame Ix 2 5 Grower "We’re Here To Serve You” SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 130, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest or Dean 4 Installation i Maintenance An anti corrosion POLYBEAM fiberglass support system makes installation a snap S Superb Traction Different floor configurations for various growing stages are offered POLYGRATE s unique design gives lacked in traction Call today lor all the Hoggish details POLYGRATE Flooring Syitoms First Choice ol Tog Producers
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