AC B w/hyd., hand start, totally restored, $1,300. 410-833-9001 ' AC TLI2 loadar, 4WD, gas, power shuttle, straight frame, good condition. $4,500. (717)752-7131. AC-WD rebuilt motor, alter nator 12V. Best offer or trade for track machine. Leave message (610)460-3860 AC WD tractor, 1952, needs work, $5OO. 610-269-0376 Air research turbo, $600.00; Exhaust Mani fold, $BO.OO, s'3pL disk, $400; s’3pL finish mower, $750.00; 3pt one row culti vator, $35.00. (717)796-2172 Belt pulley JO. 540 RPM, JD 1275 naming gear with Kilbroe 375 bushel wain body, JO big baie/sHage grapple. (410)721-9684 Bin wagon $450. JO 4230, 4-post syncto, very good condition, $10,500. 841 Ford w/Sauder loader and 3pt blade, power steering, $3500. 717-534-1253 Brand new manifolds for tractors, 1930-1975. 507-433-0073 anytime. Brillion packer/feeder: (1) 10' pull-typa, (1) 8' 3pth, both rebuilt, $2250 each; JD KBA 20824 disc; Nl 323,1Rcompicker$12SO; Nl 17A, GR. OR. manure spreader, rebuilt, $1450; MM 335 utility tractor V good, $2550; JD 750 com pact diesel, w/loader & new 5' finish mower, $9OOO. Thom Wheary Jr., 717/687-0102. Brillion 14’ cuMpackar, like new, $3OOO. NH 489 9’ haybine, new, $7OOO. NH 256 hayrake, like new. $2500. JD 336 baler w/ ejector, $2700. Ford 80' disc, $l5OO. 610-261-2639 Bush Hog 6' finish mower, RDTH model, used less than 10 hours, $l3OO. 814-658-3848 after 6pm Lancaster Farming 1 E. Mam St. Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fn. 8 a.m. to 5 p m Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week’s publication 1- Equipment 2- Farm Eq. Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section D Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week’s publication I a-Corfstruction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats II -Swine 12- Breeding 13- Eq & Supplies 14- & Supplies I4a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- Plants 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21- Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- Found 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Recreational Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate ALL COMBINES RE DUCED FOR FEB. CLEARANCE SALE. Buy now at lowest possible off season prices. Good selec tion of local trade-ins. ZeL sloft Used Equipment 8001919-3322. ALL CORNHEADS & GRAINHEADS REDUCED FOR FEB. CLEARANCE SALE. Trades accepted. Large selection of Gleaner A John Deere heads. Zet sloft Equipment 800/919-3322. All trade-in combines re duced for winter clearance. No reasonable and some unreasonable offers re fused. ZEISLOFT’S 800/919-3322. Antique tractors: JD 630, 2 cylinder, VG condition, $4,500 firm. (914)566-9184. ARPS 90 Backhoe, 3 point w/pump, extra buckets, clean, $4500. 610/845-7664. Arts way 800-B mixer wa gon; Delaval 78 vacuum pump; JD 55 combine. 717/359-9620. Save Over 50% on used John Deere tractor parts newer than 2 cylinder. Save up to 40% on new replacement parts for JD and IH. We ship. Nelson Parts, (716)526-6705, (800)730-4020. BACKHOE MF 308, diesel, runs well, $5,800. 410833-9091 Backhoe loader, JOB, 1979, diesel. 2,900 hrs., first $6,800. (717)897-7002. BELTING: We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-263-0573. NO Sundew calls. Belarus 250, 30hp diesel, 800 hrs., $3,200. (814)467-8839. We Now Accept Visa (Word Ads Only) ' CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK K LANCASTER FARMING A f PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 J* NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets. Name Addres City Zip Please publish my, starting with the # I enclose □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Card # - Exp. Date; Signatun Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. 36 37 38 39 40 ■ ■ JPJjONEJWMBERS COUNTJUSONE - JD SO, from Minnesota, NF, power steering, rook shaft, loader, showroom condition, one owner, $3,250. 410-833-9091 JD SO w/3pth, old restora tion of good tractor, mag nets weak, $2,400. (717)897-7002. JD 620, WF w/loader 8 grapple, 3 pt, rock shaft, fresh engine A trans., OH, from N. Dakota, $3,100. 410833-9091 JO 640 hay rake, 3-wheel type, good shape, $1250. 717-432-3235 JD 643 low tin, oil bath corhhead, just finished harvest Super boy for only $7500. Zeisloft's 800/919-3322. JD 6600 dsl combine, only 2900 hrs, local machine, excelent care and lots of new parts. Feb. sale priced at $4650. Cheap for ma chine ready to go to field. ZEISLOFT'S 800/919-3322. JD (6) single disc liquid fer tilizer openers, on 7200 plsnter, fit 7* toolbar, $750. (717)328-2336 JD 7000 4R com planter, dry fertilizer, insecticide hopper, electronic monitor, 30* row, stone guards, $4900. 717-629-0471 JD 7000 6RN conservation planter, vary good cond. (610)285-6525 (610)285-6915 JD 7200 vacuum no-lill com plantar, 6RW, insecti cide boxes, insided weighted frame, cab moni tor, planted 600 acres, per fect, $15,000. Underferth 550 bushel grain cart, cor ner auger, used 1 season, perfect, $B5OO. Carroll Co. 410-795-4160 Lou JD 7240 com and soybean planter, 11R, new, less than 300 acres. After 6pm (410)796-0471 JD 755 w/loader, 4x4, power steering, $9,500. 410-833-9091 PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY Phone( ) word ad times issue. Classify under (Be sure to include all numbers) JD 856,400 hra., front-end loader, 72* mpwar deck, woods Made, brand new condition, $15,200. Call John. 301/253-4960. JD 055 compact tractor, 4WD, w/70A loader « mower deck, 210 hr*., very thing like new condition. 610-286-0340 JO (ike Gator) AMT 626 tandem, hydraulic dump, good condition, $2,950. (215)343-0156. JD M, front blade, weights, chains, running condition, fair appearance, $lB5O. FAHNESTOCK FARM SERVICE 717-866-7066 JD M w/plow, cultivator and snow plow, nice condition, $3,000, Lancaster Co, (717)336-1282 evenings. JD tractors: LA hard crank, 530 fenders. 3pL Both re stored. IH Cub manure spreader. Lancaster. 717-284-4911 John Deere H hand start restored engine, rebuilt, new tires, PTO, new paint job, $4400. 717/656-7867 7am-spm. Kenoo Bed Maker, plastic layer, plastic planter, 10 rolls plastic mulch, 5 rolls T-tape, 14' migger harrow, 2R NH pot planter, Clean Air Bell spray cab, 60FJS Hale pump no power unit, 2R self-prop, slide planter. 800/965-1396. Kubota B2ISO, 4WD, 375 hrs., PS, like new. (614)364-0333. Large Selection of Corn heads & Qrainheads, at af ter season prices. Al re duced. Let us be your 'Head Connection.' Zei sloft Used Farm Eq., Bloomsburg, PA. 800/919-3322. Financing Avail. Like new late model Brill ion 5-shank auto reset sub soiler, reduced to $4900. ZEISLOFT FARM EQUIP MENT 800/019-3322. VISA PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER State case soo & BsobntMlar-Fannlßg, Saturday, Ftbrnwy 7,199*0 Standards For Parta, $l,OOO/a piaco or parts thera of, 2 bait pullays availabta. 410-833-9091 CASE 930 Standard, Comfort King w/cab, PTO, no 3 pt., 85 hp, diesel, $3,500. 410-833-9091 Calumet 2250 vacuum tank, excellent condition, shedded, used lass than 500 loads. Adamp County, (717)528-8428. Case 1830 skid loader, $4900. (610)923-5274 Case 1845 skid loader; J 060; Dl7 AC; Mueller 1000 gal. bulk tank. 814/669-4573. Casa 2294 w/cab, 8,000 hrs, $14,000, negotible. (717)597-1129. Case 4690 4x4, factory du als, only 4300 hrs, good or iginal paint, $19,700. ZEI SLOFTS 800/919-3322. Casa DB 885 diesal, good condition, $4OOO 080. Martinsburg, WV, (304)263-7225. Case IH 165 leftover plow, sxlB bottom on-land, $5OOO 080. 814-674-8521 CasalH 5130 tractor w/510 loader, no cab, 2WD, VG condition. Cal after TPM, (610)948-1347. Case IH 5240 Maxxum 4x4 only 400 original hours. Cab, air, heater, super traction, 20.8x38 radial rear tires and 16.9x24 super tractor radial fronts, fender hitch controls, exter nal mirrors, 2 remotes, loaded! Hunterdon Co, NJ. (908)439-2203. Case IH 520 loader, like new, self-leveling bucket w/valve, $5,700. (717)656-6100. Chisolm Ryder, 2R bean picker, on Int 504, com plete w/hydraulic dump cart, 1 owner, good condi tion, (717)784-0259, evenings. & Master Card r CLASSIFIED^ADVERTISING^RATES \ 49c per word per week -1 or 2 times r 440 per word per week -3 or more times V 11 word minimum p Words 1 Time 2 Times £ up to 11 5.39 10.78 t 12 5.88 11.76 k 13 6.37 12.74 I 14 6.86 13.72 ) 15 7.35 14.70 ? 16 7.84 15.68 \ 17 8.33 16.66 ( 18 8.82 17.64 f 19 9.31 18.62 \ 20 9.80 19.60 #25 Belarus Sector. cab 6 JD 336 Mar w/kicksr, VQ, •k, lOOhp 4WD, 660 hn, $3,900. JO 12 transport $15,600. Schrock Farm disc $6OO. Altar 6pm, Equipment, Oakland, MO, (410)836-8953 301/334-0060. JO 350 crawler loader; MM AC 6040, axoelent rubber grader; freyi gat Intpower II engine, $4,250. unit; S' double row culti -410-833-9001 packer; Farmal F2O; 1065 Ford car; Mtiand, Clinton Co. Chapman Twp, PA; ground driven manure spreaders; 1003 Ford Ran ger 4x4 auto. 717/726-6641. JD 2010 utility, new paint, tires, and clutch, $3,500. AC 190 XT, $3,800. (814)749-9076 (814)749-9047. JO 2440 lata modal, excel lent, hi-10, indpt PTO. rear weights. JD 90 skid steer, new engine, 2-buckets, Al. Ml 224 spreader. JD 1250 3-16 pjow. All completely reconditioned, field ready. 717-463-2304 JD 24' field cultivator, cheap at $l5OO. Krause 24* field cultivator, cheap at $9OO. ZEISLOFT'S at 1-800-919-3322 Many more field cultivators in JD 2 cylinder part*, Wico Mag type X. JD 45 gas pis lons for lata A. (717)677-6703. JO 3010 diesel on steal or rubbar, $3,000. (814)749-9076 or (814)749-9047. JD 3010, gat, NF, 3pt hitch, F/R weights, fenders, w/6’ Bush Hog, new blades, repainted, very good condition, $4BOO. 717/944-9156. JD 3020 diesel, WF, power shift, dual hydraulics, diffe rential lock $7800.8' offset disc, $250. 717-733-8921 JD 3020 gas, WF. rebuilt engine & transmission, or iginal paint, (faded) $6900. 1953 JD 6, runs, needs re stored. $2500. FAHNES TOCK FARM SERVICE 717-866-7066 JD 3020 w/side console, new rubber, WF, sho wroom condition, $12,500. 908-439-2333 DEADLINES: SECTION D - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M, SECTION C - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION JD 4000 diesel tractor, WF w/cab, 6,600 hrs., tincro shift, 90% rubber, PTO, 3 hoee rear hydroc., VG con dition, $B,lOO. After 6pm, (610)826-8953. JO 4050, 40408, sound guard cab. heat & air, cas ter action, MFWD, quad range, excellent condition. 5900 hours. 717/859-3158. JD 40 row crop, good con dition, $2,600. (814)467-6830. JD 4240, PS. CAH tractor, w/new Woods 255 qt. loader, I moron paint 1-of a-kind. 906-996-6566 JO 4400 Gas Combine, good condition, $2850. 717/437-2604. JO 4400 gas, great looking, local trade. Sale priced at $2850. ZEISLOFT'S at 800/919-3322. JD 4430, CAH, 1976 model, quad range, dual redials 80V maintenance records, exceptionally nice, $19,500. 717/993-6152. JD 443 com head, 4R 30', completely rebuilt, new rolls, gathering chains, id lers, seals, paint decals, excellent shape, $4500. FARM EQUIPMENT RE PAIR, Carlisle. PA. 717-249-2317 JO 4R, 3pt S-tine field culti vator, $500.13' Brill ion cul limutcher, $l6OO. 3pt, 2b, JD plow, $135. 717-534-1253 3 Times 14.52 15.84 17.16 18.48 19.80 21.12 22.44 23.76 25.08 26.40 iZ i
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