ms£ agasafij? MSS} jfw 3 For Sale; John Deere 435 round baler, X-tra wide pickup, net wrap, used one season, like new, $17,500. (717)436-8242. Front end loader fits NAA-4000, complete, $500; Backhoe attachment Sherman, digs 10’, 18' bucket, fits NAA-4000, $l2OO. 610/759-1307. GeN 1250 chopper w/2RN com head and T pickup, excellent condition, stored inside, $lO,OOO. (301)371-6786 or (301)371-5496. Gehl 180 manure spreader w/hydrualic gate and top beater, mint condition, $lBOO. 609-296-3841 Gehl 4500 skid loader, new rubber, rebuilt engine, good condition, $5,500. (717)653-4123. ' Get ready for spring tractor tune-ups and overhauls. All-brainds, quality work manship. Burkholder's Re pair. (610)683-3428 Glencoe late model 24' field cultivator, narrow base, excellent condition, $4850. ZEISLOFT 800/910-3322, Good JD 70 gas tractor, $2750. Restored and painted 530, $5500 080. Overhauled and painted 50, $3500. Restored and painted, 1936 A, $4200. 1951 model A, $2150. Call 717-249-2591 after Spm except Sunday. HERCULES. CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts. M&M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026; fax 828-9651. Hessian 6200 win drawer, 14’ head, 700 hrs., excel lent condition, asking $24,000. NO Sunday calls. 717-597-4001 HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr. warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee. Call Gary D. Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Hough 65 wheel loader. Terex L2O wheel loader, articulated machines. (518)67^8223 1H1066 turbo diesel, rebuilt engine 2100 hrs, rebuilt TA 1200 hrs, radial tires 18.4x38, dual hyd, 540/1000, 3pt hitch. 609/654-8387. IH 1066 w/cab; 966 w/cab; 674; 856, new TA; 656 hy dro. F3OO FH; 986 4-poet, Just overhauled; JD 50. 717-966-3483 IH #lO combination grain drill for sale. (717)275-3088. IH 1468 w/duals, new paint, very good cond. (610)285-6525 (610)285-6915 IH 1486 w/cab, duals, recent rear-end overhaul, 5,300 original hours, good TA, $12,500. 410-833-9091 IH 300 utility, gas, F.H., good TA & Bush Hog, $2,300. 410-833-9091 IH 464, 45hp gas, good condition, $5,800. (814)467-8839. IH 464 diesel, 3pth, 1 re mote, good tires, good run ning tractor, 40+ HP, $5,000. 717-328-2336. IH 5100 DO press wheel drill, very nice, $3950. ZEI SLOFT 800/919-3322. IH 574 Diesel. $5350 717/437-2604. IH 686 gas, very nice, $6750. Zeisloft's 800/919-3322. IH 966 cab, diesel. WFE, 4435 hrs, good rubber, good condition, $8,500 080. (717)944-5389. IH AU w/cultivatora, excel lent condition, like new, orig. owner, $3200. Call af tsr 600 pm. (609)580-2637 Irrigation equipment 30 hp diesel, pump, 48 2*x3o' pipes with sprinklers, 1000’x3" hose 50* sections. 717/5398543. JO 13’ cutting platform, ex cellent condition. JD 350 3pt T sickel mower. Kuhn 240 3pt disc mower. (814)669-4660. JO 1400 6R no-till com planter w/«80 units, $l2OO. (301)8968047 750 Jols’no-til drill, dolley wheels. 1996, $22,500 080. Cumberland Co, (717)7664907. MMsjm “First in Synthetic Lubricants” The most technically advanced engine protection money can buy Full line of gas and diesel oils • gear oil • auto trans oil • hydraulic and hydraulic trans oil • compressor oil * greases Chris R. Better Jr. 5420 Limeville Road Parkesburg, PA 19365 717-442-8949 55 Gal. Drum ■ i- J 15W40 * 197 00 Delivered Free SAE 30 $194.50 50 Mi. Radius J’ 0/1 , Trac,or From York, PA jp-V' Hydraulic $199.50 (No drum deposits) ic Bulk oil available ~ "Say ' pahforprlclngl (717) 246-9741 • 800-755-OILS (6457) Call Early Morning Or Late Evenings YINGLINGS EQUIPMENT 3291 Taney town Rd., Gettysburg, PA Parts for most tractors Hay & Combine Parts NEW & USED Just in for Parts; 165 MF Diesel; (2) Cub Farmalls; (3) Farmall C; G AC; 430 JD; WD Wide Front End “AcctpUng VISA tnd MhM rCtrd" 717-359-4848 J !stJßelarus Service & Parts for 22 years. Complete Service & Parts Dept. We rebuild starters, alternators water pumps, fuel pumps, pressure plates heads complete engines & more We have HEAVY DUTY upgrades for wheels drive shafts, drawbars & many more parts Used parts also available We ship parts UPS Master Card & Visa accepted to make phone orders easy Rt 102 Meadville, PA XT'LUBINIECKI 814-336-3553 Welding And Equipment IH Difficulty getting your 706, 806,1206, 4166 trac tors Into reverse? Solution $238 exchange, guaran teed. 402-374-2202 464 Ini tractor, 45hp, runs good, PS, weights, IPTO, single remote, $3BOO. 410/6567094. International 5100 DO grain drill, 18x7, press wheels, cylinder front and rear levelers, excellent, al ways shedded, $3900. 610-944-9819 Irrigation reel, hard hose traveller, Long model #1560, 1250’, Nelson 200, hose 2 years old, $7OOO. 717867-4696 732-946-8876 COMBINE PARTS K&J Surplus 60 Dublin Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 607-533-4850 607-279-6232 Mobil Open By Appt. 7 Days/WI We Buy |u aas \ IH Case 8520 In Line Baler w/Thrower, Ex. Cond., Like New, Slightly Used $7,450 (717) 768-3197 WELDERS 150-200 Amp Reconditioned Welders Also A Few Good Used Torch Sets Delivery Available In Lancaster Co. FISHER’S FARM SHOP 56 Forrest Manor Rd., Lincoln Univ., PA 19352 610-869-4477 Call 8-8:30 AM Mon. Thru Fri. • JD 730 d. p-start, nf, new rubber $3,500 • JD 520 new paint, 3pt., p.s $4,200 • JD 530 new paint, 3pt., p.s $5,100 • JD 730 d e-start, new paint, exc. rubber, 3pt. $6,750 • JD 720 standard gas, 1 of 650 built $5,500 • JD 720 gas, wf, 3pth., flat top fenders $5,750 • JD B handcrank, tin wheels $l,lOO •ACC.,.. $l,lOO • Farmall H w/snowplow $1,850 • Farmall 450 runs good, p.s $2,300 • Farmall F-12 on steel, new paint, runs g00d..51,200 • AC WC w/stuck motor $550 • 3 pth. for 520-730 CALL • JD rear wheel weights tor 20, 30 series CALL SOME PARTS AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTOR TRACTORS DICK'S TRACTORS RT 442 CLARKSTOWN, PA “HONE: 717-546-8784 FAX: 717-546-7342 Auburn ® Lansing Ithaca • 1500 Gallon Dairy Kool Milk with (2) 4 hp units • (10) 2,000 Bou-matic vacuum meters w/2,045 computers • 20’ Jamesway silo unloader w/7'/2 hp motor, 1 year old • 20’ Gemini ring drive, 10 hp unit • Knight 3300 feed wagon, 1 year old •80 free stalls and 65’ headlocks, feed fencing (717) 243-4677 't '35 All Hydraulic Gehl Mill Scales Need $3,500 ■mop Round Baler Wrapper (Nice) $4,900 6”x3o’ Westfield Auger, Never Used $1,200 14’ Brillion Roller Harrow $2,100 Garry L. Ulmer 717/323-0987 Lycoming Co. r „„„ > ! i } 709 Uni, 868 Chopper | £ Both Heads, 737 Husker, 4RN | | Head, Machine In Excellent \ r Condition, Field Ready. \ Don’t Miss This One! i f 717-258-1636 j
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